《Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AU》Plans


George POV

I woke up to the feeling of a blanket over me with my head resting on a nice pillow.

Still too tired to open my eyes or comprehend much I simply snuggled more into my blanket.

Wait- blanket? But I never sleep with a blanket? It's sort of my little act of rebellion against reality.

I ripped my eyes open to frantically take in my surroundings.

I soft baby blue blanket was draped over me and my head was resting on the arm of the couch while I lay on my side.

Confusion washes over me immediately. I didn't fall asleep in this position, nor did I fall asleep with a blanket over me.

"W-wha...?" I said looking around for Dream who is no where to be found.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.

I turned to face the hallway slightly right at the moment where Dream emerged from the hallway and into my line of sight.

"Oh! You're awake." He smiled.


He didn't have his mask on, in fact, come to think of it, he hasn't had it on since he accidentally revealed his face to me.

"You slept for ages, I was beginning to worry about you." He flopped down on the couch on the opposite end as me, just like last time.

"O-oh..." I trailed off.

He was worrying about me?

"Here." Dream tossed me the remote which I failed to catch as it landed on my lap.

"Watch anything you want. I'll probably just be looking on my phone." He said as he opened his phone.

Since when did he start acting so casual? Well I guess he always acted oddly casual, but before he never let me have these sort of privileges.


I slowly nodded and turned on the TV and watched as it sprang to life.

I just turned on a random cartoon and started watching it as I wrapped myself up in the blanket. Not because I was particularly cold, just because I found a sort of comfort in having it tightly around me. Like it was protecting me from the harms of the world.

I couldn't find it in myself to pay attention to the movie so I instead started looking around for some sort of escape route. Without turning my head of course.

I could smash a window maybe... That could work. This guy does seem to have pretty big windows... But I have no idea what I'd do from there. It seems like I'm in the middle of no where so I would have no way of getting back.

I zoned out as I started thinking of how I could get away from Dream and I ended up coming up with a few ideas.

1: I could find a way to hurt Dream. Using something like a knife or gun wasn't an option since I had noticed he kept those hidden, but I could maybe pull a Rapunzel and hit him with a frying pan. After that I would just break a window and run, unless he's unconscious.

2: I could wait for a time when he's asleep or away from me and find out where he keeps his car keys. Then I could break a window, or if I could get lucky, pop the window out of place to make less noise. Then I could steel his car and drive down that long dirt road I found and just hope it leads to civilization.

3: Find a way to steel Dream's phone and then call 911, tell them my situation, then they could track my location and save me.


I have no idea which one of those plans I could actually end up pulling off, but I decided that I would just have to wait for an opportunity to present itself and then pick one of those plans.

But I do know, that to be able to do any of these successfully I would need an insane amount of luck.

After I came up with these three plans I gave in to the temptation of watching the cartoons on the TV which actually turned out to be pretty funny.

Time Skip 1 Hour

"You hungry?" Dream suddenly asks out of the blue startling me a bit.

"I- uh- sure." I stutter out before returning my attention to the TV.

"Alright, I'll make us some dinner." Dream stands up.

My head snaps in Dream's direction immediately.



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