《Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AU》Personal Doctor?
TW: minorly detailed death threats, very brief mention of needles.
"I could always just kill you."
Dream POV
Once I was positive the brunet had fallen asleep, I moved the van out of its parking spot and onto the road.
I started driving towards my destination and allowed my mind to wander wherever it pleases, and that place just so happened to be the sleeping boy in the back of the van.
I had seen him before of course, but that was always from a distance. I wouldn't want to risk getting caught of course.
I had been stalking him for months, waiting for the perfect time to execute my plan and take him for my own.
I knew that his looks were more than average but god, now that I've seen him up close, the view is even better. He is incredibly admirable up close, and when I had him pinned underneath me in the alley, I couldn't help find him nothing but adorable. It took a lot of self control not to run my fingers through his soft brown locks. The only thing that I didn't like so much about that interaction is the fact that he tried to kick me in the nuts. Instead he managed to harshly hit my hip, but a few inches to the left and he would have succeeded. I would have to make him pay for that later...
I sighed in annoyance, looking at the time. It was about 8:20 meaning that I had a long 4 hour drive ahead of me before I could reach my destination, and by that time it would be midnight.
I sighed once more but went back to focusing on the road. This would be a long night...
Time skip, unknown amount of time later
George POV
That's the first thing I noticed.
My head is in pain, my back is in pain, my wrists are oddly in pain as well and I don't even know why.
The second thing I noticed was that this is not the first time I've woken up. I had been slipping in and out of sleep for at least 20 minutes by now. The reason being for that, was that I was tired out of my mind.
Had I got drunk last night? And my punishment for this being a nasty hangover? It would certainly explain the dull pain in my head, but not the aching in my back nor the feeling of low circulation in my hands.
Then I noticed another thing. I was sitting up.
Perhaps I decided to crash at Wilburs.
That's when the memories started flooding back into my tired, hazy mind.
Wilburs party.
The walk home.
The... Kidnapping.
I slowly opened my eyes. It felt like there were chains keeping them pulled down. Perhaps the reason for that is the sleeping pills.
How long was I out?
Once I managed to squint open my eyes somewhat, I took note of my surroundings.
I was leaning against the metal headboard of a bed. My legs were laid out in front of me but my hands were tied behind my back. The bed I was sat on had a thin looking navy blue blanket and had a white pillow next to me which honestly looked as though it would be more comfortable to rest on if it were just a pillow case. It had multiple lumps in it and looked as flat as my ex- and looked as flat as a small chapter book.
The next thing I observed was the room I was in. The walls were not painted, only bare cement. The floor looked the same as the walls, rough, bare cement. In the center of the room hung the only light in the room. It was surprising how well it lit the room for being the only light source, though it was still dim for the most part. In the right corner, on the wall to the right, there was a metal door, without a doubt locked from the outside. The bed I'm in is in the corner opposite the corner with the door. On the wall behind me and to the right, there was another door. It seemed like the type of door you would find in any standard home, quite plainly the opposite of the other door in the room. It was a plain dark wood door with a silver handle that seemed to need a key to be opened from this side, if it was locked that is.
It was exceptionally chilly. Which was unusual for the middle of June in Florida. I concluded that I either must be somewhere underground or this guy has a very expensive electricity bill, solely because of the strain he puts on the AC. But when I found no air vents, I assumed the first of the two possibilities.
The weirdest thing about this situation is that I could faintly hear my own heartbeat.
Barely, but-
Wait... It's getting louder...
That's not my heart beat! Those are-
The click of a lock was heard and the next thing I knew, the metal door swung open.
"Oh!" The masked man who I had learnt, went by the name of Dream, sounded as his head turned to mine.
"You're awake! I wasn't expecting you to be up yet, you were out for a while." He said as if it were an everyday conversation and he hadn't just kidnapped me.
Well maybe this was an everyday conversation for him. I mean he has 14 confirmed kidnappings, all of which are now dead. There are more that have yet to be proven of course, however most evidence leads to him.
I saw he was holding a small, white, plastic box and my eyes went wide out of fear of what it might contain.
My breathing picked up as he walked towards me. He made it no less than a few steps away from me before my instincts and adrenaline kicked in and I quickly scrambled out of the bed and run along the wall with the wood door to another corner of the room. Once I made it to the corner I turned around and pressed my back against the wall as best I could, wishing I could just be engulfed into it while simultaneously putting as much distance between me and the killer as possible.
However when my eyes met his- well- mask, I was surprised to find that he stood still. Much unlike what I expected, he didn't go after me or make his way back over to me again. He just stood still looking at me.
Due to not being able to read his facial expression with his mask, this only terrified me more.
He's probably furious right now. He's gonna fucking murder me and I just made him mad. God why did I think that was a good idea-
I was interrupted in my thoughts when I heard the man release a disappointed sounding sigh.
My eyes filled with tears that threatened to escape when I heard that sigh.
Maybe he wasn't even planning on hurting me and now he will? NO, he's a literal killer, it would be stupid to assume that he was planning on leaving me unharmed.
I slowly sank down with my back still against the cement wall until I couldn't go down any further and my knees were bent in front of me against my chest. It was only now that my fear really started to sink in... Not run away or scream kind of fear... Just-.. fear...
My gaze slowly lowered down to the floor before they shot back up when the kidnapper spoke to me again.
"Look." He said as he turned to me. "I wasn't going to hurt you- well it might sting a little but I can't really control that." His voice softened as if he were talking to a child.
God, that's how I feel right now. Just a scared, lost, helpless child.
He started stepping towards me again, but much slower and cautious than before.
Once he had gotten closer I tensed up at the sight of his terrifying structure towering over me. Despite him acting careful and calm, that didn't ease my fearful state much.
The moment he made it to my spot on the floor, he knelt down on one knee and set down the box on the floor. I glanced at the white box for a quick moment and saw a red design on it briefly before Dream opened it.
When he opened it, it revealed a number of small things, all of which shocked me. There were band aids, a small roll of medical tape, rubbing alcohol, gauze pads and some more things that you would typically find in a simple first-aid kit.
He took one of the gauze pads and poured some rubbing alcohol on it then brang it up to my face before pausing. "I suggest you hold still for this, unless you want that cut of yours to get infected." He spoke calmly.
This confused me. I understood his words just fine. It was why he was doing this that confused me. Surely I would be dead within a week at most, so why on earth would an infected cut matter?
I flinched as he brought the gauze pad up to my chin and applied a small amount of pressure to a cut I had only now realized existed. Perhaps with the aching in my head in general
When did that happen?
"When I was bringing you down here you somehow hit your chin." He answered as though he read my thoughts.
My terrified expression gained a hint of confusion to it as well.
Why is he bothering on cleaning a cut? It's not like it will really matter in the end...
Before I knew it, he had finished cleaning my cut and was packing away the medical supplies.
He turned around and started walking towards the metal door.
"W-" I started, but immediately stopped myself realizing what could happen if I made this man mad. I know I'm going to die eventually, but it's my goal to post pone that event as much as possible, and if that means keeping my mouth shut, I'm happy to do that.
However, the moment the sound left my lips, Dream slowly turned around to face me.
"Go ahead, I'm not going to murder you for having questions if that's what you're thinking." He stated simply before his voiced dropped. "If I kill you it will be for a much better reason," His voice lightened again. "so go ahead." He finished.
I stayed silent and stared down at my knees which were still pressed against my chest.
What was I even going to ask?
It's clear why he wants me here, to kill me.
It's not like I'm going to ask for food or water or anything, I likely won't live long enough to need it much.
I'm most definitely not going to be pleading for my life, if I'm going to die I might as well do it with some sort of dignity, despite practically throwing that out the window the minute I ran over to the corner I am in now.
"No? Alright, might as well answer them anyways if you're not going to ask them." Dream said as he began pacing.
"I assume you want to know why your here, why you of all people I decided to choose for my next victim... Am I correct?" He questioned and turned to me for a response.
Something about him saying the question out loud made me think that the answer isn't what I originally guessed it to be.
I slowly nod my head yes, almost scared to hear the answer. "Well you see George- you work at the hospital, correct?" He asked.
What does my job have to do with this?
I nodded hesitantly.
"Well you see-" He stopped for a moment. "On second thought, why don't I just show you?" He said as he walked towards the door and my eyes trailed them.
"Get up." He said.
I hesitantly brought myself to my feet as I stared at him confused.
"Come over here." He gestured a motion for me to come towards him.
I thought for a moment. I mean, it would probably be dangerous to disobey him so..
I slowly walked towards him, hands still tied uncomfortably behind my back, but I ignored that.
"Now listen to me..." His tone of voice immediately changed to a deeper and more serious one. "Once I open this door, you are going to follow me and do everything I say. If you fail to do that or try to run off, I kill you. Understand?"
I nodded immediately.
"Words." He commanded.
"Y-yes." I stuttered out. Speaking more than just a simple letter for the first time since I arrived.
"Good, and don't try anything funny either." He added, not bothering to ask for a response.
He took out a knife and my eyes widened in fear as I flinched back but stayed still as he began to walk behind me not saying a word.
He grabbed onto my forearm and a moment later I felt my wrists being released from the rough and uncomfortable ropes formerly binded together behind me.
I rubbed my sore, raw wrists while he went back to the door without saying a word. I considered thanking him for a moment, before I remembered that he literally tied them together in the first place.
He pushed open the metal door to reveal a short hallway. It was lit slightly worse than the previous room and only had three doors in total (including the one I just came out of) . One on the right wall leading God knows where, and one at the end of the hallway, all metal doors.
Dream started walking along the short hallway and as we passed the second door, the one on the right, I couldn't help but notice that it had a keypad to unlock it.
I wonder what that could lead to? I rhetorically asked myself.
During my quick observation of the door, I didn't notice that Dream stopped and turned around, causing me to nearly walk into him.
Luckily I stopped myself just in time but stumbled back a bit before looking up at him.
"You don't wanna know what's behind that door, and as long as we stay on good terms, you won't have to." He spoke, voice lacking emotion. Despite said lack of emotion, it still sent a rush of shivers down my spine and I quickly resumed shakily walking down the hallway as soon as Dream did.
We made it to the third door which was at the end of the hallway and it also had a keypad. "Turn around." He instructed so he could type in the code for the key pad.
I did as I was told almost immediately out of fear of what he could do if I took too long and while I was waiting I listened closely to the sound of him punching in the code.
Beep... Beep Beep Beep I heard.
So a four digit code... So that means there are 10,000 possible combinations... Great. Well that didn't help me out much.
I heard the click of a lock and the voice of Dream telling me to come and follow him followed by the sound of steps on something hallow.
I turned around to see him already stepping up some stairs and I'm quick to follow him.
Wait... If he's taking me upstairs then that could give me an opportunity to escape! And if I'm lucky then I could get to the cops and tell them where this sick psycho lives!
But then again... He did say he'd kill me if I tried to escape, and I don't doubt that he won't carry out on that.
Dream was nearing the end of the staircase and I observed how big and buff he was compared to me.
Chances are he'll catch up to me easily if I try to run... Unless I have some sort of advantage... I'll see if there's an easy escape route once I get up there, and if there is, I'll take it.
After about 15 seconds we made it to the top and Dream unlocked the second door to the top.
The lights shined in and once I made it to the top of the stair case I took a brief look at my surroundings.
The stairs came up to be in a space between the living room and dining room. To the left there was a small dining room with a couple of windows and to the right there was a living room with a kitchen behind it. It overall looked like a pretty standard home. Not what you would expect from a serial killer. The door was almost directly across from the front door but before I could take a step, Dream apparently noticed me not following him right away or staring at the door because he grabbed firmly onto my bicep which soon lead me to the right slightly then abruptly backwards.
"I thought I told you to follow me." He spoke in an annoyed tone, probably knowing exactly what I was about to attempt.
I turned around to properly follow him instead I just ended up stumbling backwards behind him and noticed that he was dragging me down a hallway.
It had 2 doors on the left and 1 on the right. At the end of the hallway there was a stair case which turned so I couldn't see how tall it was or where it led.
My mind raced with terrified thoughts.
He's probably mad now that I almost tried to escape.
How could I be so stupid as to agree to follow him in the first place, what if he's taking me to a place that he'll kill me? No, that doesn't make any sense, he would have done it already. He'll probably do it later in a different place rather than within the walls of his actual home.
As I continued to panic again Dream stopped us both in front of the second door on the left.
I expected him to yell at me or even kill me for what I was about to do. Since I didn't know much about this man's temper, it could be either one of those outcomes.
However, against all doubts I had in my mind he did no such thing, instead he simply took out a key and unlocked the door we had stopped at.
Once he had unlocked and opened the door he gestured me inside silently.
I slowly stepped into the room and looked around.
My lips slightly parted in both surprise and awe.
It looked like a standard room you would find in a hospital, but more. It was quite large overall and the walls were lined with shelves of different kinds of medical supplies, so much to the point where I couldn't even name every item if I tried. In the center of the room there stood a steel operating/surgical table. The floor was made out of tile while the walls were painted bright white. If I didn't know better I'd say I was in a hospital room. There was even a heart monitor in the corner along with an IV.
Sometime during my quick observation I heard the door shut meaning Dream was now in the room with me.
"W-what is this?" I asked, continuing to look around, not daring to make eye contact (not that I could because of the mask).
"This is why you're here." He stated simply, although I could tell there was more to it.
I gave him a quick questioning look before returning to my exploration of the room.
"Well, George, I'm considered a serial killer by now," He stated as if it were something to be proud of. "which you already knew, and as you would guess, no matter how experienced one is in this field of work, you can never quite prevent those couple of injuries every so often." He carried on as he began pacing the room.
"You can never quite predict how a victim is going to react. Take yourself for example." He gestured to me for a second before continuing to pace the room as I stood uncomfortable fiddling with my fingers. "I expected someone like you to become immediately obedient the moment I threatened your life when I took you. However you pretty much did the exact opposite at first. You tried to escape and might have succeeded if you hadn't missed that kick."
I cursed to myself internally at that. If only I had kicked in a slightly different direction, or just a little bit harder, I could be at a police station explaining all that happened, or enjoying the remainder of my weekend with Wilbur. But instead I'm here, kidnapped by a fucking psychopath.
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