《Raindrops》ForNever Home


Wanderlust urged uncertain bare feet

Mindless stumbling others may perceive

The trembling gait ultimately halts

Mouth agape, hazy optics focus some.

Like baby's first steps, toddling up the path

Hands outstretched at the ramshackled abode

Quaking palms hopelessly reach for spirits

Choked breaths trapped behind clenched teeth.

Wizened banister croak under a loving caress,

Withered hands twist the doorknob.

As though sensing a familiar presence

The door gives out, forcing an entrance.

Nostalgia hit like a bag of bricks

A sharp inhale along with screwed eyelids

Ferried thoughts back to green pastures

Incense and chamomile overpowered mildew and dust.

Forlorn tugging of lips ceased to dissolve

As scarred soles twirled on broken glass

Never missing a beat to the imaginary jingle

While the tattered skirt airily flowed in unison.

Silver tears escaped watery pools,

And at long last knees gave out.

Shadows of memories ghosted her peripherals,

For better or worse she embraces, no matter how visceral.

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