《My Blessed Mistake(Completed✔)》Chapter 20
Standing in front of the Fun Fair, the thing that immediately catches my attention was The Ferris Wheel, because it was obviously the biggest and the lights attached to it, was amazing. The sky was dark even though there was time for the sun to set. It was like in the center of the fair.
As much as I loved going on there, I know it is dangerous for a pregnant woman to go on that. Maybe I shouldn't have come at all to this trip. There will be many things that I want to do, but cannot do. To say I was disappointed, was an understatement.
"We can definitely come again with our baby on hand, if you want?" Siddharth's voice brought me out of my trance.
"What?" I breathed out.
"I know you are disappointed that you cannot go on that," he pointed to the Ferris Wheel.
"How did you..." he cut me off.
"Come on, darling. It is not that difficult to read you expression. You look like a kid that cannot eat her favorite candy," he chuckled and I smiled sheepishly. First, because I was that obvious of my thoughts. Second, because he called me 'darling'. He always called me using my name. But, I think confessing his feelings to me was like getting it out of his chest and now he seems carefree and relaxed.
"Yeah, I cannot go in the Ferris Wheel and I cannot even go hiking tomorrow with you guys. Being pregnant is not always good. I probably couldn't even ride the roller coaster," I pouted.
"That is why I said, we can come here again, with our baby. You can go in that wheel as many times as you want," he said. I loved how easy it was for him to imagine our future together. And, obviously I didn't doubt it. I had this feeling that we will be together for the rest of the life. Call it my wish or intuition, I just feel like destiny has planned us and brought us together.
After my little rambling about how I cannot go in that, our friends joined us. Apparently, they arrived before us, but Abhi and Harish had to use the restroom, so they went there before joining us. We went to the ticket counter and bought many tokens so that we can enjoy many things. Siddharth excused himself when we were buying the tokens. After a while he came back with two water bottle, so that I won't faint from walking around.
Yeah, I know. That was really sweet. At least, that was what Sandhya and Kavya teased me with.
With the tokens, we entered inside. I saw many kind of rides and small booths with many kind of activities. It is going to be fun.
Harish, Abhi and Kavya wanted to ride the roller coaster. At first, Siddharth wanted to stay with me to accompany me. But, after a lot of convincing that I will be fine with Sandhya, he agreed to go. Sandhya was apparently terrified of roller coaster as she is afraid the roller coaster will malfunction right at the moment it is going upside down.
I would love to go, but couldn't. Sandhya and I stood near the track where, we could see them riding.
"I can see improvement in you guys' relationship," she said and I smiled.
"Yeah, actually he confessed to me that he is in love with me. I told him I really like him, but I don't know whether it is love. We also planned staying together and try to work on our relationship," I replied, shyly. No matter how confident I may sound, love is a shy topic for me. As far as I know, for all girls.
"I am really happy for you. Don't worry, you will definitely fall in love with my best friend," she said.
"Confident much?" I asked her back.
"No, really. Siddharth is someone who cares a lot for his loved ones. If you ask Abhi he would say the same. Whenever we had a problem or we wanted someone to talk to, he will be the first one to be there for us. When I said I had a break-up and I wanted to come back to India, he offered me to stay at his place. Believe me or not, he said he had a selfish reason for making me stay there. He didn't wanted you to feel awkward around him, so he thought having a girl with you, will help. It is hard for a girl not to fall in love with him. I can proudly tell, you are lucky to have him," she finished.
"I may not be with him as long as you was, but I can definitely tell how caring he can be when he want to. I couldn't deny the fact that I have already fallen for him. I don't know if it is love or something, but I just want to fall harder for him. For once, I feel like I couldn't care more about the consequences," I said and she side-hugged me.
"Alright, I think the ride is going to start," she said and our focus was back to our friends. The ride was fast and I could hear all the people screaming because of how scary it was. Even though I am not the type to be scared of adventures, I can't be sure that I won't be scared in that ride. It's even scary to see from outside.
"Abhi, are you okay?" Sandhya asked, as soon as we saw a very tired Abhi. Harish was holding his hands as to give him support and Siddharth was laughing at him.
"You shouldn't laugh Siddharth. You deliberately made me sit with him because you knew he would screaming right?" Kavya asked and Siddharth laughed more.
"What happen Kavya?" I couldn't help smiling seeing his laugh. It was really contagious.
"I think my ear is bleeding. Siddharth made me sit beside Abhi and he was screaming the whole ride. I think the teenage girl behind me was screaming less than him," she glared at both Abhi and Siddharth.
"Hey, you can't blame me. It was really fast and I had this sudden worry about my life ending there. I still had to get a girlfriend and marry her and have children with her. I had to bring her to the whole tour. I still have so many places to go with my loving wife and..." Sandhya cut him off.
"We don't need a insight of your 'non-existent love life' Abhi," she said and we all laughed.
"You guys are bad. We could've died in the ride," he stomped his foot to the ground and that didn't do anything to stop us from laughing. In fat it made us laugh harder.
"You shouldn't have gotten in there in the first place. If you are that scared why you didn't stay down with Sandhya and Ananya?" Siddharth asked and playfully shoved him.
"You don't tell. You dared me to do that. You called me a scaredy cat and that really hurted my ego," Abhi retorted.
"Alright, stop arguing. Let's go to the next ride," Harish urged and we all agreed.
"You feeling okay?" Siddharth asked me.
"Yeah why?" I asked him.
"Cause you are standing for so long. Are you feeling nauseous or something? Your leg hurt?" he asked me.
"Why are you making me look like a China Doll that is going to break soon?" I asked him, laughing.
"After the little stunt you pulled at the balcony, I couldn't stop worrying," he said and he was serious.
"Relax, I will tell you if I am not feeling well," I assured him and he smiled.
"Let's go in the Ferris Wheel, shall we?" Abhi asked.
"You guys go. Let me and Ananya stroll around the place until you guys are done. Call us after you are done," Siddharth said and they all nodded before disappearing into the crowd.
"Let's go. I think there are lot of small games for us to play," he said.
"Won't you be bored if you stayed with me?" I asked.
"Noppppppe," he said popping the 'p'.
We stopped at the first game we found. It was like small pool(The kind the kids likes to play) and many toy-ducks were swimming in the pool. All the ducks had a big silver ring attached on its top. The water was running, so the ducks were kept on moving.
"Hello sir and madam. Are you interested in playing?" the man inside the booth asked. Siddharth smiled at me and nodded his head.
"Alright, I will give you a pole that has magnet on its edge. You have to use it and take three ducks out. The gift that you will be getting is written under the ducks. It will three tokens sir," he explained. Siddharth gave three tokens to him and he gave us a pole.
"Nahh, you play. I will watch you play. Let's see whether you can get me the teddy bear there," I said. It was not a big teddy bear. It was a normal sized brown teddy bear, but of course, I love it. I challenged him to get it for me.
"Then, pray I will get the duck that have its name under," he chuckled and concentrated on the pool in front of him. He randomly aimed his pole at the pool and a duck got stuck. The man took it from the pole and showed us its back.
It was freaking empty.
"Come on, try again," I nudged him, laughing. He looked pretty disappointed, but still continued. He got the second duck after a few tries. When we turned the duck over, it wrote 'Try again'. This made Siddharth irritated.
"Are you sure the ducks have something written under it?" Siddharth grumbled.
"Of course sir. Try again," he smiled politely, even though Siddharth was being kind of rude. I couldn't blame either of them. He couldn't probably write something in all the dolls because then it will be lose for him. But, as the person who paid three tokens, Siddharth's anger was correct.
I laughed at his reaction and asked him to quickly finish the third one so we can go to other games. He aimed his pole to the furthest end of the pool and got a duck. I prayed the duck will have something so that Siddharth won't tear the tent down.
Our luck was really bad, because the duck had 'Congratulations, you get a Baby Frog'. The man got a small frog from under the table and gave us. I got it from him with a quick thanks and quickly pulled Siddharth away from the stall, before he starts being more rude to the man.
"I paid three freaking tokens to get a small frog?" he fumed.
"Hey, relax. It's just a game. Why are you so angry?" I asked him, laughing.
"Then what? I am sure, the other ducks either have nothing or something lame like this. The first thing you even asked me, the freaking teddy bear and I couldn't get it for you," he said.
"Hahaha, I was just kidding. I don't need the teddy bear. Let's go play other games. It's just a game, not a business deal that you lost. So, chill. Take it easy," I said and intertwined my hand with his and started walking.
After that we played some other games. For example, there was thing game that had many glasses upside down. We were given three rings and we had to put the ring in three glasses. If we managed to put all three, we will be allowed to choose our gift. If we put two, the man will choose a gift for us. If we put one, we will only get candies.
Siddharth played and pocketed only one ring and we got some candies, which I happily accepted. Who doesn't likes candies?
The time we were tired, we called Abhi to ask where were they. We all agreed to meet near the Ferris Wheel because it is the only thing we could see from anywhere in the fair.
"So you guys had fun?" Abhi asked us and I enthusiastically nodded.
"You guys wait here. Let me go to the restroom. Ananya, do you want something to eat or drink?" Siddharth asked me and I shook my head no.
"You know, you could ask us as well?" Sandhya piped in.
"Help yourself," Siddharth stuck his tongue out and he looked really cute like that.
"Hypocrite," Sandhya mumbled and I laughed.
"What did you guys did?" I asked them. They told me about all the rides they went on and how fun it was. In all those ride, no one agreed to sit beside Abhi because everyone was scared they will bleed from his screaming. They also convinced Sandhya on going to some of the scary rides. The most funniest was how Abhi was so scared of dying in the ghost house.
"That's fine, if you died in the ghost house, you could get a place to stay after you died," I said to Abhi.
"Why would I need a place to stay if I am going to die?" he asked me back.
"Because, I heard if people die too young or before their destined date, you won't be accepted in the 'ghost' world. So, you have to wait until your destined date to join that world. Until then, you have to be roaming here as a ghost. So, you can stay here as well," I laughed.
"Nope, I would rather stay at you guys' house. You know I can be with my friends even after I die," he said and I rolled my eyes.
"So, even after you die, you won't let us be in peace? Is that right?" Sandhya asked and this time Abhi rolled his eyes.
"Areyy, leave the poor guy out. You tell me how did your day went?" Kavya asked me.
"Not as fun as yours, but I enjoyed being with Siddharth. He was like... so funny when he didn't win in the games," I said and giggled at how bad that sounded. "But, he did got me some candies to eat and a small frog. I think it is with him," I laughed.
"There he comes," Abhi said looking behind me. I turned to see Siddharth coming in our direction with his hand behind him. Looks like he is holding something.
"What is that you are holding behind?" I asked him when he came near me. He took his hand that was behind him out and I was shocked to see the teddy bear that I wanted just now. It was the same because I remember the bow it had just now. I looked up his face and saw him grinning like an idiot.
"What? How did you... Did you go back to that stall?" I asked him and he smiled sheepishly.
"You played again? No that is not possible. Even if you played again, you can't possibly get the teddy I wanted right? Then how?" I breathed out.
"I kind of offered him money to exchange this. No one can say no to money," he smiled.
"Siddharth, why would you do that? I just played with you that I wanted it. It's not that I really needed it right?" I took a deep breath. "How much did you offer him?" I asked him.
"I am not gonna tell you. And, I know you really liked the teddy the moment you saw it. I will get you everything you want Ananya and this is just an example," he said and smiled again. God, that smile. Yeah, true I liked that teddy very much, but I am not that type of girl who wanted everything I saw. I am the type of girl who accepts it if I don't get something.
"That is a very cute teddy. Where did you buy it?" Sandhya piped in and stroked the teddy's fur as if it was a puppy. We explained it to them quickly and the girls practically squealed how cute he was acting as a boyfriend.
I don't know what I should call him? He didn't ask me to be his girlfriend. I am not his wife because we are not married. But, I am carrying his child. Should I say he is my fiancé? I don't know. Our life is too complicated.
After the fair, we went to a nearby restaurant and had our dinner. The restaurant obviously suggested my Harish. I wonder how strong his memory can be when it came to things like this. As much as I remember, he don't have this kind of memory when it come to studies. I still remember him being awake the night before exam, crying because he can't remember the facts no matter how hard he tried.
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