《A Lovely Nightmare | SAMPLE》Chapter 27 ~ Anything You Want



Chapter 27

Brady was quiet for hours after our conversation, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't grateful. It was just what I needed. A break. Time to gather my thoughts and think over the huge change that had occurred in the past twelve hours.

Brady wasn't the monster. My mind still couldn't wrap around it. I'd never in a million years would have saw it coming, but the discovery wasn't necessarily a good thing.

In a way, a huge way, I was glad it wasn't him. At least, now I could feel slightly less crazy for being attracted to him... slightly. But the bad part of it was that I had to worry about a new threat. When Brady appeared, I felt an overwhelming frustration that my nightmares had returned. But as the time went on, I'd stopped being as scared. Things had been different. The relief from that was now scattered like ashes at my feet.

My monster hadn't changed. It was the same as it had ever been, and it was waiting for me.

Brady stepped into the room, holding a damp towel in one hand. He'd chosen to shower, and I hadn't commented on the fact that he was most likely capable of using magic to do the job. Being a virgin didn't make me completely clueless. I owned a television. I'd seen movies, and I knew the lack of steam coming out of the bathroom meant no heat was involved in his washing.

Brady wore a button down white shirt and a pair of nicely fitted jeans. He looked good, and I allowed myself the pleasure of admitting it.

"I left you some clothes in the bathroom," he said. Then he took a seat at the table and conjured a drink in front of him. No wine this time. A rock glass filled with amber liquid graced the surface, and Brady tipped it back in one before filling it again.

I watched him as I slowly stood and walked to clean up. "Thank you." My words were so soft, I was surprised he heard them.


"You're welcome, Sweetheart."

I shut myself inside the room and found the clothes hanging on the inside of the door. It was a dress. Nothing fancy. Nothing revealing like the bathing suit. It was white cotton, simple, with only a small amount of lace at the hem. Everything else was in a bag beside it.

When I turned on the shower, the water needed time to heat up, confirming my suspicions and causing my cheeks to warm. I'm not going to think about that, I told myself. No good will come from thinking of that. I took my time, enjoying the privacy, and once again losing myself to my thoughts.

You need to treat me like any other man. I knew that would be the hardest part of all of this. How could I treat him like any other man, when he could do things no normal man could do? Normal men couldn't control sharks, create bubbles and travel to the bottom of the sea. Normal men couldn't go poof, then suddenly be knee deep in lobster tail.

More importantly, something told me a normal man wouldn't make me feel the way he did.

The dress was a perfect fit, hugging me in all the right places but loose enough to be comfortable. I brushed my hair out and left it wet, then slowly walked out to find Brady in the same place I'd left him.

He glanced at me out the corner of his eye, then refilled the glass in his hand. "You look very pretty," he said quietly.

"Thank you." I walked around and took the seat beside him.

Brady downed the contents, then placed the glass on the table. "I've been thinking–"

"I would assume so. I didn't know it was possible for you to shut up for so long."

His eyebrows lifted, and I watched as his smirk returned to lighten up his gloomy demeanor. "Anything's possible when you're me, Sweetheart."

I snorted, and his smile widened.

"Like I was saying." He gave me a pointed look, then produced a drink for me.


I took a sip, and was happy to find plain sweet tea. I guess even Brady didn't think me and alcohol were made for each other.

"I've been thinking about how I'm going to get inside your sundress."

I sucked in a breath that was more tea than oxygen, then broke into a fit of coughs.

Brady let out a chuckle as he reached over to pat my back. The minute he touched me, the feeling dispersed. I shot him a glare. "Very funny."

"Who says I'm joking?" He gave me a look that very much resembled a fox, and made me feel very much like a big, fat, plump hen.

I swallowed hard.

"I think I just need to show you what you're life will be like when you decide to stop fighting it."

"And?" I waited patiently as we stared each other down.

His eyes glimmered. "And? We should do that." He reached down and gripped the leg of my chair, pulling me over until our knees were touching. "What do you want to do? Where would you like to go?" He took my hand and held it, his eyes running over each finger. "Anything is possible." His eyes met mine again.

Anything I wanted? If I could do anything, what would I do? I had no idea. The truth was, I'd never wanted anything other than to be accepted, and I wasn't sure how Brady could just snap his fingers and make that happen.

"Say it out loud, Sweetheart." He leaned forward and tilted his head up at me. "I want to know what the first thing was. I saw it there." He tapped my forehead. "I want that one."

I made a face at him. "I didn't think of anything."

"Yes you did."

He looked adorable, almost precocious. I couldn't help but smile down at him when he was looking at me that way. "I don't know." I shrugged. "I've never wanted to do anything really."

"Bullshit." He sat back. "What's the thing you've always wanted to do?" His voice had changed, that compelling tone I couldn't deny.

Without a seconds pause, I blurted out, "I want to be normal."

Brady's face dropped. His expression once again flipped back to guarded, and I wanted to bite my tongue off.

"I didn't mean because of you," I hurriedly said. "I've just never fit in. I was thinking about high school, and how much everyone hated me."

Brady's expression darkened. "What do you care about those people? They mean nothing."

"I don't. I just," I couldn't finish. I didn't care. I shouldn't care. "Sometimes it's hard not to. I've spent my whole life feeling like a freak." This time, it was me who grabbed his hand. "Sorry. I'm not good at these things. You pick something."

"No." He stood abruptly and pulled me up from my chair. "I said anything, didn't I?" His expression was hard. "Whatever you want, I can provide."

"But how are you–" I didn't get a chance to finish before a burst of blue cut me off, and the world faded away.

Brady held me tight to his chest, and when we landed, shock hit me at the familiar setting. My hometown. Redbird Falls. The local college campus loomed a mere twenty feet away, and I swallowed hard. "What are we doing?"

His eyes danced. "We're gonna take a tour."

"Who's in there?" I looked over at the many buildings as if I could see inside them.

"Whoever you want," Brady whispered in my ear. "How would it feel, you think, to have some fun with all the people who teased you? Give them a taste of what it feels like?"

A million memories flashed through my mind. People laughing, jumping out of bathroom stalls, lockers, popping around corners. Everyday, scaring me constantly, making it so even when I should have been safe, the fear never stopped. "Fun, how?"

Brady's eyes sparkled. "Follow me, beautiful. I'll show you."





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