《A Lovely Nightmare | SAMPLE》Chapter 7 ~ Searching



Chapter 7

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I looked up, way up at the man-god looming above me, perfectly straight white teeth on prominent display, eyes glittering with humor.

"What? That didn't work? I thought it was pretty good."

"Go away," I said, then noticed that Father Bayshore had stopped speaking.

When I turned to him, he was staring at me, the look returned. "Amelia," he started, his voice cautious. "I'm wondering if other services may be better able to–"

"You think I'm crazy," I cut him off, my voice even despite the sinking feeling in my chest. Of course. No one could help me. They never could. I wanted to curl in on myself. I wanted to just go to bed, lay there, never get up.

Brady's large hand engulfed my shoulder in a way that made me look at him. He leaned down, putting his now serious face level with mine. "You're not crazy, sweetheart."

"I'm just exploring all possible options," Father Bayshore continued. "I know someone–"

Before he could finish, he choked, jumping back, his eyes now fixed to the spot beside me. The spot Brady occupied.

Brady looked bored as he casually turned to acknowledge the man. The two stared at each other for a moment, Father Bayshore's mouth slightly ajar.

My eyes shot between them as my mind fought to process what had just happened. He could see him. He was looking right at him.

Brady muttered a solitary, "Boo."

The Father jumped back, his bible falling from his hands.

"See?" Brady turned back to me, no longer interested in the man. "Not crazy." He smiled, a small smile that almost made him look sweet.

Almost. Like maybe how a lion looks sweet, until it eats your face.

Regardless, my heart jerked and my chest eased. It wasn't better. Crazy would be better, but I didn't want to be crazy.

I turned back to the Father, who still stood frozen in shock. "Father Bayshore?"

He jerked as if reality were a rubber band that I'd just released.

Shaking, he reached down and grabbed the Bible off the floor, his motions sporadic as he fought to get it back open.

When he started to chant, Brady sighed. "Well, you can't say he isn't persistent. I bet the demons don't stand a chance against him." Brady turned to look lazily from the man to me. "One day, you're going to really laugh about this, and I'm going to somehow make it even funnier."


"There's nothing funny. None of this is funny!" I shoved him, hard, or at least, I thought it was hard.

Brady didn't move. He shrugged, then turned back to the still chanting Priest. Father Bayshore began to shake the silver thing in his hand again, and water flew out to land onto Brady's face.

Brady wiped it off, his expression unamused. "I'm bored with this now," he said, then in an entirely different voice, as if many people were speaking at once, he turned to the priest, "You're done now. The demon left. You're a real hero."

Father Bayshore stopped, his eyes finding mine, and his lips lifting up into a satisfied smile. "I'm–"

"You think it's best if you just left," Brady continued, to which the Father, smile in place, suddenly turned. He headed for the door, and I felt as if my last chance was getting away.

"Wait!" I shouted. He kept going until the door closed behind him. Dammit! I needed him!

"You're still betting on that horse?" Brady asked.

I turned to glare at him. "What are you?"

His smile returned. "I am Brady."

"Not this shit again!" I rushed him, shoving hard against his chest, once again sending him nowhere.

Brady let me, his expression returned to its usual infuriating grin.

I stopped, taking two steps back and one deep breath in. "What are you?"

Brady studied me. "I don't want to tell you."

"Why not?" I asked between my teeth, fighting to remain calm. If I could find out what he was, then I could google how to get rid of that.

"It's funnier if I don't." Brady shrugged.

"Why is everything a joke to you?" I watched his face, studied him, looking for anything at all. A clue. I got nothing.

He smiled. "It's part of what I am, sweetheart." Then, he disappeared.

My eyes darted around the room, waiting for him to pop up in a new place, but he was gone. I could feel it, and for once, it pissed me off.


Three days.

For three days, no occurrences.

No Brady. No oddities. No ghosts that go bump in the night. Nothing.

In three days, I'd successfully become an expert in all things paranormal.

For instance, I knew that reports had been made in numerous countries of sighting of shadow people. Most describing a dark outline similar to a man. I'd researched that first, seeing as that was the first time I'd actually seen him, but something told me that wasn't right. Mainly because, none of those people reported seeing anything other than shadows, and I'd definitely seen much more than that.


Poltergeist have the ability to move objects, and are more often than not reported to have violent tendencies. It was an asshole, but it never did get violent, and once again, barely any reports of an actual form taken.

Vampires, werewolves, ghost, angels. The last one was out of desperation. I didn't believe for a moment that Brady was an angel, and if he was, the world was in serious trouble.

Every possible explanation as to what he was had been thoroughly and completely studied, memorized, researched, and still I had no idea.

If he'd show up, I could test out some of my theories. Like the garlic now in my kitchen.

It would have to wait, however, because it was time for me to focus on the real world. I had an hour to get to the college, an hour and ten minutes until my first class started. Mythology. I felt prepared to say the least.

I'd be lying if I said getting a leg up on my future was the only reason I was anxious to start the day.

If I ever wanted Brady to truly go away, I needed to figure out what he was, then how to get rid of whatever the hell that was.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was at a standstill. I needed to see him. To communicate with the beast himself, and something told me my first day of school was too important for him not to show up.

So I drove with purpose, no longer paranoid or dreadful. My eyes didn't dart around in fear, but rather in anticipation. The garlic I'd purchased rested inside my jacket pocket, a silver spoon sat in the other.

I was determined to have an answer by the end of the day, and ready to do whatever it would take to get one.

No sign in the lot, no glimpse throughout the hallways, nothing in the sea of people drifting in and out of classrooms.

I made it to my first class and searched the multitude of students already seated in the auditorium styled seats. Nothing.

I climbed the steps, feeling far too disappointed for what should have been a dream come true. Almost to the top, I found an empty row and moved all the way to the furthest seat along it.

I kept my eyes glued to the entrance, watching every new face that entered, but still, no luck.

Then a guy took the seat beside me. "Hi. I'm Justin." He shot me a smile, a really nice smile actually. White straight teeth, rich brown eyes, tan skin, and bleach blonde hair. The combination was something I'd never seen before, and it caused me to stumble a bit with my own greeting.

"Amelia," I finally managed, my voice low.

"Nice to meet you. Are you new? I haven't seen you around before."

"I am." God. Why did I suck at this so much? Oh yeah, because I was a pariah, a hermit, me and people didn't mesh.

"So... where are you from?"

"Redbird Falls." I cleared my throat. It felt as if the ceiling were about to collapse on top of me. At any moment, someone would say something. Something would happen. I knew this wasn't high school. I knew he didn't know me, that none of them knew me, but still, the fear lingered.

"That's close by. Are you making the commute, or are you staying here?"

"I've got a house." I turned to him, taking a deep breath in through my nose and trying to dispel my unease. "It's nice here so far. Are you from here?" That's good. I managed to converse. Go me!

"All my life. It's a small town. That's how I knew you weren't from around here. I'd have remembered you."

"It's that small?"

He smiled, a lopsided smile that made his cheek dimple. "Not too small, but you, I'd remember."

Heat flooded my cheeks. Was he flirting? He winked. Oh shit. He is flirting! Every circuit inside my brain went haywire. How was I supposed to act? Should I giggle? The girls always giggled. I tried, but it came out sounding more like I was dying.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his smile dulling a fraction.

"Yep. Sorry. I just had a tickle in my throat." I'm an idiot. I should get a cat. A few cats. Maybe a dozen. I'd need them, considering I'm never going to get married.

"Attention everyone!"

My eyes shot to the front at the sound of his voice. Of-fucking-course. Brady stood at the front of the class, behind the podium.

His eyes met mine. "I'm professor Black. I'll be teaching you this semester."

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