《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 11


Sujon enters Jungkook's house once he opened the door for her after her impatient banging.

"What's wrong baby?What happened?" Jungkook asks her after seeing her panicked expression and worried to death look.

She get's out of her bag the paper that she found on her car this morning and a white envelope and hands them to Jungkook and starts pacing nervously up and down the room.

Jungkook's eyes widen once he sees the same paper that he was receiving and goes pale as he now understands that the unknown someone has started harassing Sujon as well now.

He quickly opens the envelope and is more shocked to see pictures of him and Sujon in their trip in Japan . The one that she had said was a business trip.

The realization that someone was following them since then makes chills run down Jungkook's spine.

"What will we do Jungkook? We can't let this happen. I can't let Jimin find out!" Sujon burst out in panic as she still goes up and down.

"Don't worry babe.I will fix it.I will find him and he probably wants some money anyways ." Jungkook makes a step closer trying to calm her down but as he pulls her in his embrace Sujon pushed him away .

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! I can't lose Jimin. I just can't!!" Sujon shouts at Jungkook and he just freezes in his place as he feels his heart shattering .

She was like this cause she doesn't want him to know. If Jimin was so important then what is his place in all this?

If she is so scared to lose him what is she doing with him then?

Questions like this made Jungkook go speechless and as he observed her still stressed out , even tho he was hurt by her words he leans closer and hugs her tightly while patting her back to comfort her.

"I will fix it. I won't let him know if that's what you want. Don't worry.You have me so you have nothing to worry." Jungkook keeps her warmly in his arms and as he feels her calming down a bit and hugging him back instead of being happy he was just hurt more and his heart was clenching like a piece off paper.

---Time skip---

You were ready to leave from work as it was almost 22:00 and Jimin was waiting for you at the parking lot.

A sudden ringing of your phone stopped you on your tracks and you took the phone out off your pocket and answer it.


"Jungkook?Why are you calling at this hour? " You ask but you become stiff once a unfamiliar voice is heard instead on the other line.

"Yes, i understand i will be right there." You hang up and send a text to Jimin quickly and you rushed to take a Taxi.

"Jimin, don't wait for me i will be late, i have some more work to do. I will come by myself don't worry.

-Love you."

You lied to him but you knew you couldn't take him with you.

After a while you finally reach the address of the club that the man told you on the phone and after paying the Taxi driver you quickly rushed inside.

You look around on this noisy and dark place and finally spotted Jungkook on the counter Drinking and approach him quickly.

"Jungkook what are you doing?" You tell him as you try to take the glass full of alcohol away from his hand as he seemed already to wasted.

"Sorry to have bothered you but he said i couldn't call Jimin so i just called the contact that was saved as 'Good friend' instead." The barman said to you yelling to be heard over the loud music.

You look at Jungkook now worried cause if he didn't want to call Jimin this means that Sujon must be the reason he is this way .

Feeling sympathy for him you just thank the bartender and pay for his drinks then grab him by his shoulder to help him stand up.

Finally reaching his car you let Jungkook lean on the door as you start searching his pockets for his car keys.

"Were did you put them Jungkook?" You say as you roam from his coat's pockets to his pant's pockets.

"She doesn't love me at all doesn't she? Just what am i in her life? Why doesn't my feeling matter at all?" Jungkook says in a drunk person's language as he hiccups after almost every word.

You glance at him worried as you understand for who he is talking.

"It's not that your feelings don't matter Jungkook, please don't say that." You tell him as you finally get out from his back pocket of his Jeans the car keys and open the door.

"Matter or not i can't change reality , i love her so much but what ever i may do i can't seem to get into her heart." Jungkook says and tears filled his eyes .


You felt really bad for him so you just gave him a hug and let his head hide on your neck as his tears started flowing down.

You stayed like that for a while and you didn't say a thing but just rub his back softly to calm him down.

"Come on Jungkook, let me get you home." You tell him and you help him seat on the back of the car and you drive him home.

You didn't have your own car but fortunately you knew how to drive and that saved you from many troubles tonight for sure.

After reaching his house you let the car at the parking lot and after some hurtful hours for your back you finally let him Jungkook's body plop on his bed .

He was half unconscious now thing that made it really hard to carry him.

You take of his shoes and put a blanket covering him and as you are about to leave Jungkook suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you in his embrace.

You were laying now on top of his chest and as you look up you see that his eyes were still closed.

"Why don't you love me? Am i not good enough?" Jungkook whispers and he suddenly leans on your neck and bits you softly .

You quickly push him away and get up with your hand keeping the place his lips touched.

Jungkook was just laying on his bead and he just moves a little without having understand what he just did and drifts to sleep.

You quickly get out of his room and go to the bathroom and take a look at the mirror.

"Damn! He left a red mark. I hope Jimin don't notice this or i am done for." You tell to yourself as you put some make up to cover it a little bit.

---Time skip---

You open the door off the house slowly , trying to be quiet since the time was now past midnight and your sister and Jimin must be sleeping.

You look around and you feel relieved to see that no one was up waiting for you at the living room and you make your way upstairs steadily .

You open the door to your room and you step back surprised to see Jimin waiting for you sitting on the corner of your bed.

You immediately become a little nervous as you fix the hem of your shirt upwards.

"You finally came. I got worried .You didn't even answered my phone calls." Jimin says as he approached you with a worried expression and hugged you.

"Haha, sorry i didn't notice that it got that late and i had my phone on vibration." You lie to him and immediately feel bad for doing it but it's not that you could say that you were helping Jungkook cause he got drunk over his love for his Fiance.

"Ah, you idiot .You made me worried .Don't do this again okay." He says and puffs his lips cutely and you just smile at his incredibly sweet facial expression.

"Good night then my Y/N-ah. See you tomorrow and dream of me okay." Jimin says and winks at you the pecks your lips and leaves with a sweet smile.

After the door behind him close you let out a sighing of relieve and start to undress yourself to go to sleep.

Suddenly the door opens again and Jimin enters with a serious look on his face.

"You said you stayed overwork ,right?" He asks and you become nervous .

"Y-Yes.Why are you asking again?" You answer forcing yourself to smile.

"Oh, is just that these photos that someone send to me just now say otherwise." He plainly states and shows you his phone screen that were displaying pictures of you and Jungkook hugging at the parking lot .

You gulp down nervously as you are now caught in a lie and you are feeling awful.

I lied once in my life. Why did i had to get caught immediately?? Damn!!

You curse in your head as you think of what to say now.

"It's not what you think .I can explain."You say as you make a step closer to him.

Jimin suddenly titles his head while looking at your neck and you quickly put your hand up covering it.

He steps closer to you and grabs your hand taking it away then after looking at the red mark on your neck with angry eyes and a pissed but at the same time disappointed tone says.

"Of course you can. All say that." He then lets go of your hand and Turns to leave.

----To be continued...

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