《The Lunacy of Tyler Lockhart ✔️》Chapter Thirteen - Present
When women often play hard to get, it's usually when they want the man to chase after them.
I thought that was true when it came to Victoria, but turns out I was wrong. I'd apologized for my wrongdoings, I'd given her roses, told her that I still fucking loved her, (in the way that I was capable of) and yet she was hell-bent on putting us both through misery.
How fucking selfish!
I'd never backed down from a challenge and this is exactly what it was; a challenge to win back my former best friend. She loved me, we both knew that, but the constant denial was going to be my ultimate death. For ten years, I'd given Vicky what she wanted thinking that's exactly what she'd asked for.
Freedom from me.
And living through those ten years had been excruciating. I'd stalked her Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the starting few years, my blood boiling over when I saw her next to some guy in a picture. I used to go as far to stalk the guy's account and make open death threats. Openly, and frankly.
I used to say 'Hey, wanna see what happens if you try and date Victoria?'
The guy obviously took the bait and replied with a 'what?'
He was sent a picture of a skull followed by a man burying a body. Later, I never saw Vicky post any pictures of him, in fact, they would unfollow each other and I went on with my day, satisfied with my little victory.
It was juvenile, obviously and you'd expect nothing less from a heartbroken eighteen-year-old. Well, if heartbroken was even the word for me because they usually claimed the Lockhart's didn't possess a heart. Victoria had always been mine, and I'd always assumed she'd realize that. So I waited. And I waited. For two years she refused to get in touch with me, we didn't exchange a single hello which was hilarious considering how long of a history we shared together; it could have dated back to the A.D and the B.C eras.
When she didn't respond to my messages and didn't call me back, I knew I'd fucked up big time like there was no way she was ever going to forgive me unless I died and came back reborn as someone else. It's during that time I drank excessively, the maids used to find me passed out on the marble flooring of my room in the family's luxurious fifteen bedroom estate in Warwickshire. I'd promised my mother that I would join the Flight Academy as soon as I came to the United Kingdom, but I'd resorted to making myself miserable thinking, wanting to go back to Cold-Bay, to Vicky.
The green scenery outside the estate was beautiful, the fresh air of the countryside was a lovely change but it did nothing to lift me from my gloomy mood. I'd drink myself to sleep, wake up and demand lunch or dinner (depending upon the time I woke up). I was sick and depressed most of the time. I was under the assumption that my life was over; now that Vicky told me she despised me. My friendship with Archer had turned into a cold-war, mostly because he believed I'd fucked up his sister's life. So in a short moment, I'd lost both my best friend and the love of my life.
Was all this money, houses, status any use of if I didn't have the people I liked with me? I was completely and utterly alone. I'd thought no matter what mistakes I made, Vicky would never leave me, and I'd clearly underestimated her. She loved me, as much a normal human being was capable of, but I'd pushed her too far and paid the price.
Women wanted me for either the money or the Lockhart's name that allowed them a prestigious life. Vicky wanted none of that, and I knew if it wasn't' going to be her, there wouldn't be anyone else.
One of the servants had turned out to be traitor and called my mom who had flown across the country just to get my ass in line. She'd told me that I needed to do what was right because what had been done in the past couldn't be undone, but it was up to me to make a better future. If I was a changed man, no, if I was a man that Victoria thought she deserved, she would come back to me.
Several weeks later I was sober and putting the broken pieces of my life back, Mom taught me you couldn't force someone to love you back, and I called that Level A bullshit. I distanced myself from the family, did my own thing, graduated Pilot academy and got promoted to Captain. That shit took me ten years. I hadn't kept track of Vicky's love life, but when I did come home for vacations, I would try and find excuses to see her. During that time, she was dating someone, an average Joe, not even Noah-fucking-McCloy. And I'd wondered, what happened to your standards, Vicky? How have you downgraded yourself from falling in love with a billionaire to dating a nine to five working office clerk?
I mean what the fuck?
Anyway, it turned out she didn't last too long with average Joe, and how would she? Because then she would have to compare every single man to me. I was end game, Victoria knew that too. She'd tried too hard to wipe me from her memories, guess it wasn't much of a use.
Now that I was back, there wasn't going to be an Average Joe or a Noah-fucking-McCloy. McCloy had a chance before, poor dude tried so hard to give her a shoulder to cry on, and then had to be politely friend-zoned. I had given Vicky ample about of time to move on if she wanted to, and I'd promised her that if I came back and found her unmarried or undating, she was mine for the taking.
So she had waited.
There was no other explanation. Behind those icy-cold tough exterior, she was still soft. Soft inside and out. I'd even gotten new thick curtains fixed for her home, and changed the locks so no one could sneak in, well, except me of course. I knew the way around all the locks. When I'd been in her bedroom the other night, I'd kissed her cheek and then had to take care of myself under the sheets while I slept in my room that night.
When I texted her asking if she liked the roses the next day, she hadn't responded. Not even a fucking thank you. And then when I called Hazel, she told me that Vicky was going for a movie with McCloy and that pissed me off BIG TIME.
She had the audacity to keep the Lego pieces from childhood hidden in her drawers and act like I was an ugly bug the moment she met me. If anything, I suspected Vicky was doing it on purpose. Playing games, she was and had always been a glutton for punishment.
I couldn't concentrate on my work after that, so I drove to the movie theatre, and I successfully spotted them both near the popcorn counter.
Vicky had her hair down in natural waves, wearing a fitted blouse over boyfriend jeans. Noah had gone all out and dressed to impress, but the fucker didn't know that Vicky was throwing him a bone because she was pretending to get away from me.
I bought a movie ticket, had to take a wild guess about which movie they were possibly going for. They didn't even notice me until I bought a large bucket of cheese and caramel popcorn. Just when they were entering the movie theater, Vicky's gaze met mine.
She stood there, looking at me with an aghast expression. "What are you doing here, Ty?!" It wasn't even a question, more like an exclamation.
I smiled. "Same thing you are. Watching a movie."
McCloy turned in time to see me standing beside them, "What's up, Noah?"
Noah passed me a friendly smile, "Hey man, I'm great. How are you doing?"
He was a good actor, our Good-Boy-Noah. He should win an Academy Award.
"Just came here to chill. You know, take my mind off things what with my father's disappearance and all."
"Yeah, I get it. I heard it on the news as well. I hope they find your dad soon." He said with sympathy.
"This is not a coincidence, is it?" Vicky asked.
"So I can't even watch a movie without being a suspect," I asked her, holding her gaze. I popped some popcorn into my mouth. "I mean, it's a free country."
I bit into the popcorn and continued to chew slowly and deliberately, making the loud crunch sound just to annoy the shit outta Noah.
Vicky sighed like she had had enough. "I'm going inside." She ignored us both and walked inside the movie theatre, practically stomping her way in.
She was just angry; I knew she would come around.
As soon as Vicky left, Noah's soft expressions turned into a scowl, "Dude, what are you up to?"
Funny how people saw me somewhere and assumed I was up to something, (ninety-nine percent of the time they were totally right.)
"Just told you I was here to watch the movie," I replied.
But Noah wasn't done with me. Oh no. Good-boy-Noah had shown Vicky just how nice he was and as soon as she'd left, he was back to treating me like he thought I deserved. He pushed an accusing finger on my chest. "You're a liar and a stalker. And you're not even here to watch the movie, right? You're here to keep an eye on Vicky. Let me say this right now, Lockhart, she is not your toy so whatever you're planning, ain't happening."
I popped some more popcorn into my mouth and feigned indifference when all I wanted to do was stuff a handful of popcorn down his throat and let him choke on it.
Yeah, that would have been so much fun; watching Noah on the floor, writhing, trying to breathe as the popcorn sucked the life out of him slowly. His face would go red and then turn an ugly purple, his brown eyes bulging and finally...
"What are you looking at? Freak."
That was sooooo High School-ish. And was I supposed to be offended?
"Do you have some shame, Tyler? She told you to get lost a decade ago and she's pissed right now because you're here." Correction. She's pissed because my dick isn't inside pussy. "Like don't you get it? Grow up man, for fuck's sake."
People around had started to take notice of what was going on. Noah was surely looking for attention. I may be a celebrity all over the country, being the third richest family and all, but I was just like anyone else in town so they had learned to look at a Lockhart and turn a blind eye.
"Can I go in and watch the movie now?" I asked sarcastically, "I mean if you're done with the lectures and the threats."
"Oh, I haven't even threatened you, yet."
I gave him a hard stare and said softly. "I'm a changed man."
"Are you? As far as what I know, people like you don't change; they just learn to behave, kind of similar to a blood-thirsty Rottweiler. They learn to behave, but inside..." he poked my chest again. "They are the same, savage and violent and so are you."
I tried to ignore the fact that he'd just called me a dog. Dogs were cool and all, and I'd love to be called a dog than a psychopath any day, but Noah here didn't agree with that notion.
I'd tolerated the insults until it was directed towards me, but Noah had to take it a step further. "You know why you're not locked up yet? It's only because your family's rich, which is the only good quality I see in the Lockharts. If you take money and power out of the equation..." he whispered the next words in with intended venom. "You're all a bunch of lunatics."
I calmly ate my popcorn, just mentally picturing myself stabbing him and then skinning him alive.
"I'm sure your father got tired of all that dark history and killed himself...oh wait, or maybe you had something to do with it. Did you know that people in the town are saying that your family conspired your father's disappearance? That your mother had something to do with it. That wouldn't surprise me. In fact, I can't wait for the day I see you locked up."
I laughed despite the fury uncoiling inside me. Mom always told me to laugh it out instead of showing anger and contradicting someone who was obviously trying to verbally attack me.
He scowled, "Madman."
Something told me he was jealous of everything that I had.
I took my seat right behind them, and the entire movie I knew Vicky had her attention glued to the back of her seat, and she wasn't even paying attention to what Noah was saying or the movie.
Did she even know how much hatred McCloy had against me? Seemed to me like he would run me over and dump me like a road-kill if he had a chance.
Only you never threaten a Lockhart, neither do you insult them.
Good-Boy-Noah had done both.
"This is the best-baked spaghetti I've ever had and I'm not even exaggerating," I told the middle-aged woman sitting across from me.
She beamed under my compliment. "So nice of you to say, I'm sure your cook at home makes much more delicious food."
"I mean of course he does, but nothing compares to the love a mother puts in her food which I can taste in every bite of this spaghetti, and I don't even know what to say about the lamb chops. Just...amazing."
"Why, thank you, dear." She smiled at me, blushing slightly with the compliments. Those brown eyes were so familiar.
"I'm sorry that I have intruded during dinner time."
"Tom is going to stay at his office until later tonight." She mentioned her husband and then put her hand on mine, and brushed my fingers slowly, "It's nice to have some company."
As if on cue, we heard the sound of the main door opening. He walked into the dining room. "Sorry, I'm late, Ma. I won't eat..." his gaze zeroed on me.
"Oh thank goodness, you're here sweetie. Look who has joined us for dinner tonight." She said to her son in utmost delight.
Noah was staring straight at me; his entire body had gone slack like he'd seen a ghost or Count Dracula himself. I grinned at him. "How are things, buddy?" I took a quick bite of the lamb chops. "Your mom's gorgeous and a fantastic cook. What a win-win situation."
"Call me Debbie."
I smiled. "How about Deb?"
Good-Boy Noah was boiling over, his face as red as the floating balloon in IT. He wouldn't cause unnecessary drama in his own house, not with his mom clearly fawning over me. She gave me the Stifler's Mom vibes, you know, from the American Pie, even looked kinda similar. My research may not nearly be perfect, but everyone in town knew that Deborah aka "Debbie" McCloy had a taste for young men. The richer the better and she wasn't leaving any chance from making a pass at me, openly. Right in front of her own son.
Good-Boy-Noah could pretend that he had a lovely family, with a caring mother, but the truth remained. His father wasn't even sure if Noah was his. His family was as dysfunctional as it gets, and ironic that he'd tried to throw shit at my family.
"Your dad looked just like you, so handsome." She said dreamily.
Was that a compliment? I always thought it was an insult.
"I guess I have to thank my parents for my good looks," I winked at her. My charm-O meter was high.
"Would you like some dessert, Ty? I made Tiramisu."
"You know what, I'll go get the dessert," I told her politely.
"What a nice boy." She said and then looked at Noah. "Honey, you should learn something from Ty, you never help your mom."
I heard Noah arguing with his mother, something about why she'd let me in without his permission. I stormed into the kitchen and pulled out the dessert from the refrigerator. Making sure that no one was looking, I produced a small bottle and a feeding syringe. I poured the dark liquid into it and injected it into the glass cup filled with the Tiramisu.
Well, Noah shouldn't have insulted me like that.
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