《I will make you only mine》Chapter 18: The Plan


Ayaan took me to a normal looking bedroom. He carefully laid me down on bed and closed the door. As he turned to look at me, I curled up holding my knees close to my body. I was not only scared, but frustrated and angry as well. All this happened because of me, I let so many people suffer. Manav is gone now, my single friend is gone now, and I know my parents cam also not do anything to protect me. I am stuck here, and my ill- fate has lead to such a massive destruction. I didn't want to live more, I wanted to die, at least that would end up the miseries of my life and the miseries which I am causing in other people's life. 

"Finally everything's done. And in just a matter of two days, you'll become only mine. Your heart, your soul, your body everything will belong to me and I'll never let you go. We will live happily and peacefully ever after. I will give you all the happiness in this world. I know you hate me now, but you'll love me soon, and then you'll realize, that I was right. We are meant to be together, and in two days we will be together, forever." While saying this, Ayaan came towards me, sat right in front of me, and tried holding my hand which I took back immediately.

"Love is never forced. You threatened me, you abducted me, now you are forcing me, but have you ever thought that by doing so, you are losing me. I'll give up one day. Then you won't be able to get anything, not my body, not my soul, not me. Tell me Ayaan, I never even thought ill words about anyone. I always tried to help everyone. I even helped you at our college time without knowing you. I never crossed your paths, I never stand against you, and so you can't have any reason to either love or hate me. I am just another girl who was living a normal life before you came. My family is whole world for me, I can't do anything to harm them, but today, unintentionally, I'm giving them the worst pain of their lives. Tell me, what sins I have done to deserve such brutality? I think now, only god can answer these questions so I must go to him. Everyone will be happy then and it will put an eternal ban on these types of miseries on everyone." My voice was emotionless, I was fed up, fed up of everything which was happening, I just wanted to put a full stop on this drama now. But sensing my completely broken voice, Ayaan spoke again


"Ohh my princess, do you think it that simple to escape Ayaan Malhotra? Do you need more events to judge who I actually am? Why are you making it so difficult for both of us? Just submit and live happily. I will assure you, everyone will be safe, just surrender yourself to me, and let me take care of the rest of the matters. And remember, any funny business, any at all, and your loved ones would suffer. You want to go away from me by sacrificing your life, but trust me, try it, and soon you'll meet rest of your family members up in the heaven. It is impossible to escape me, so just accept the fact that you are mine now, and live happily. And I have one more surprise for you, see I have got your old friend back to you, and want to meet her?" Ayaan moved towards the door and signaled someone after opening the door, soon after Anamika entered the room. I was shocked again. She stood there smiling, looking at me with an evil smirk.

"I know she ditched you 3 years back, but see she is here again to seek your forgiveness. She is so guilty that she has decided to be with you every second till we get married. She will not leave you; she will be an obedient and a good friend and keep a watch on you. She will not let you escape. Since I don't want any of the male guards around you, she will do my work to be with you when you are inside the house. My guards won't let you escape from your home and she will take care that you stay safe inside your home. Do you like my surprise baby doll?" Ayaan was sounding so cheerful and dangerous at the same time. At any cost, I just wanted to leave that place. So I took whatever he spoke and calm myself

"P..Please now you have done whatever you want, and I have accepted everything. Please let me go now. I want to go home. I am tired, please let me go home." With this Ayaan signaled Anamika and she moved out of the room and he came close to me making me stand and holding me by my waist.

"I'll let you go now, go home and sleep. You'll need a lot of energy later, so take rest, because I won't permit you to rest once we are married, at least not for 2-3 days. I love you baby, and remember, you are going to be mine in just 2 days. Be a good girl. Don't force me to take any action which you regret later. Take care, bye." He was stroking my face with one hand and one hand was holding me by my waist. At last he kissed me on forehead lingering their a little longer and released me saying that Anamika will be waiting for me.


I went home with her. The ride was silent, I wanted someone to cry my heart out but I knew Anamika was a snake in deer's skin. She was as dangerous as Ayaan and I have to stay away from her. We reached home; some men in black clothes were standing at the door of our home. They must be Ayaan's guards. I get inside quietly, my mom, dad and brother were in one room and they had locked the door, I tried calling them to open the door, but they didn't. Sighing, I went straight in the other room and lie down on the bed. They must be angry with me, after all not daughter brings such a bad name to her family. I started weeping silently in my bed when my phone suddenly beeped indicating a message from Ayaan

"Dream of me, goodnight love <3"

I threw my phone on the other side of the bed and continued weeping till I don't know when the sleep took over me. I drifted into sleep only to have nightmares about what is going to happen after 2 days.

In the morning, I tried talking to my parents but no one talked to me. Anamika came into the room in which I was weeping and sat close to me.

"I know what you are going through. I have been through the phase where I was threatened in the name of my family. I know how it feels. I know how you are feeling right now. Can you please trust me once more? I seriously want to help you in escaping, and I have a complete plan. You just have to agree and you will be away. Tell me can you trust me once more?"

I was shocked, how can she say such words after what all happened. "But why do you want to help? You know Ayaan will ruin your father's business if he came to know about it. Why will you help me now when you started all this 3 years back? It was my worst mistake to consider you as my good friend."

"Hey listen, I know I did wrong, and I am sorry for that. But i seriously want to help you now. And about my father's business, I have a plan which will help me to save it. This is your last chance. Either trust me, or burn yourself in his game. Choice is yours."

I didn't want to trust her, but I had no other option. So she told me a plan according to which, we will first send my family to a safe place in my father's village. No one will know about their whereabouts and they will stay safe there. Then just on the marriage day, Anamika will take my place and help me escape while the marriage rituals will be going on. According to her, once she got married to Ayaan, he won't be able to ruin his father- in- law's business and thus every one of us will be saved. I don't understand why she is sacrificing herself, but maybe she really wants to repent her mistakes. So I agreed to her plan hoping it to succeed. Next day, when Ayaan's men arrive to deliver all the clothes and jewelry, Anamika cunningly involved all the guards and help my family to get into her car and escape from there. That night only she received a call where my parents were informing her about their safety and thanking her for her help. They still think that I betrayed them as well as Anamika but Anamika is being a sincere and faithful friend by saving them. They have disowned me but at least I am happy that day are safe. Tomorrow is the wedding day, and I will escape from here forever. I know my family, Manav's family and even Manav hate me now, but I'm sure once I get out of here, I'll convince them. I'll plead for their forgiveness and they will forgive me, because after all they love me. Ayaan didn't message me even for a single time today; I think our plan has been successful till now, now it's my turn to escape.... 

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