《Demigods Meet Mortals》Lucifer Morningstar (Lou Ellen Blackstone)


Hey guys, this chapter can be considered as a sequel or a part two to the Linda Martin chapter, so same warning: don't read if you haven't watched Lucifer! This chapter was also suggested by a reader, So you guys know what to do, give it a click and check them out!


'Good morning, Detective, what's on the agenda today?' Lucifer asked with a troublemaker grin, Ella Lopez, who stood in front of Chloe Decker, glanced up at Lucifer momentarily before resuming to her earlier actions of snapping pictures of the dead body in front of her. Lucifer examined the body as well,

Ella then replied seeing Chloe remained silent, 'Our victim is a 24 year old girl from Manhattan New York, apparently she had been living with her parents so far the whole duration of her life.' Ella muttered, before standing up. A wide smile on her face.

'Oh yeah, did you guys know that Greek and Roman mythologies are actually real? I mean, the gods apparently have affairs with humans, and they get children, demigods.' Lucifer froze, since when did the gods reveal themselves? He racked his brain at the Ancient Laws, trying to remember why would they reveal themselves, and cursed silently under his breath, because if the Greek and Roman gods were real, that meant that the Mist was down. Lucifer didn't rely on the Mist, but a small hint of it was always there when the Devil needed it.

Chloe Decker noticed the weird trance her inappropriate partner went into, and poked a pen into Lucifer's forearm, 'Lucifer, hey.' She said, snapping her fingers in front of his face. Lucifer snapped out of it. 'Oh, right.' He let out a nervous chuckle. 'Miss Lopez, please, continue.' The man requested with a smile. Ella nodded with slight confusion in her eyes.

'Well, the bad thing about our victim, Cameron, is that a lot of students and staff at the school she works at don't like her. And that means that we have a lot of suspects.' Ella concluded. The detective groaned in frustration, rubbing her temples. Lucifer then remembered why he agreed to go in the first place, 'Detective, why did you ask me to come? Other than the fact there's a case, of course.' He asked in curiosity, Chloe stared at her partner in confusion before understanding.


'Oh, yeah.' She said, 'The girl you wanted me to check out earlier? Apparently, she's the victim's sister.' The Devil raised an eyebrow, 'Are you sure, Detective? I mean, I don't think one sibling would be blond and the other would have black hair.' Lucifer commented skeptically, 'They're half sisters, apparently same father, different mothers.' Lucifer nodded. His's eyes widened, 'Did you just say that Miss Blackstone is the victim's sister?' Chloe nodded before attending to other matters. Lucifer steely headed towards where he expected Miss Blackstone to be, and he grinned when his sight landed on a green eyed teen.

Lou Ellen leaned her body against the wall, blocking out the brunette detective's voice, not bothered to answer his questions. 'Miss Blackstone,' Lou glanced up, realizing that the voice belonged to someone else. The daughter of Hecate raised an eyebrow, 'And you are..?' Her voiced trailed off, the way the man was dressed, dress shirt with a navy blue suit, perfectly combed hair, and a mischievous smirk, kind of reminding her of a more well dressed version of Percy, minus the fact that this man's eyes were brown, not sea green like the idiotic demigod friend of hers.

'Yes?' She replied, the male smiled, 'I'm Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar. A consultant of the LAPD.' The apparently consultant introduced himself, Lou Ellen nodded, 'I'm Lou Ellen Blackstone, the victim's...half sister.' Lou Ellen introduced. Lucifer raised an eyebrow, 'You don't seem at all in misery for your sister...' he commented, Lou Ellen sighed, 'Well, Not to be rude, but she was really a big bully.' The demigod explained. Lucifer chuckled, focusing his gaze on her. Lou Ellen gave him a weird look, after all, a man was staring into her eyes.

'Tell me dear, what's your deepest, darkest, secret? What do you desire?' He asked, and Lou Ellen laughed nervously, 'Um, excuse me?' She gasped out in between laughs. Lucifer was slightly taken aback, but he snapped out of it almost immediately. 'Well, Miss Blackstone, after the LAPD did some research, we've found that there was barely any information on you.' Lucifer said, though he didn't seem all that bothered by the fact he claimed to be so worried by.


'All we know so far is that you have been kicked out of multiple schools in your years of learning.' Lou Ellen chuckled lightly, 'You're barely scratching the surface of it.' She muttered bitterly in a soft voice, so only she could hear the comment.

'Lucifer, what are you doing? We don't want you traumatizing a innocent girl with. . .you know.' Detective Decker said, caution in her voice, Lou Ellen raised an eyebrow, a interested smile growing on her face. 'I knew it. You're different, show me, show me what the detective said to not.' She insisted, her eyes shining with glee, Lucifer grinned, but Chloe stopped him.

'Lucifer, don't' She hissed, 'The girl don't know what she is talking about!' Lou Ellen grinned and shook her head, saying she has seen enough to not get freaked out by whatever Lucifer might show her. Chloe didn't believe her, but somehow Lucifer did, the Devil felt as if the girl knew what she was talking about. He obliged and with the blink of an eye, a fiery red face replaced the man's usual humanly smirk. Extinguished fire singed the edges of his shirt collar.

Lou Ellen's face didn't change the slightest, but the grin did fade. She only said one thing. 'I suggest we stay away from each other, Samael.' Lucifer winced, his normal face returning. 'What did you call me?' He hissed, and Lou Ellen sucked in her breath. 'Like I said, we should stay away from each other. Bad things can happen.' Lucifer opened his mouth to reply, but was beaten to it by Linda Martin. 'Lucifer.' Lou Ellen and Lucifer both turned to face the therapist.

Lucifer smiled, 'Doctor! What a pleasant surprise,' He exclaimed with a wide grin on his face, clapping his hands together. Linda nodded, and turned to Lou Ellen, 'Hi, I'm Linda-' The doctor paused, closing her eyes.

Lou Ellen raised an eyebrow, confused. Linda opened his eyes again and apologized, 'Sorry, I can't believe that I didn't recognize you, Miss Blackstone!' She chuckled, and Lou Ellen bit her lip, 'Hey, um...I'm sorry about dragging you into this whole mess that's my life.' She apologized, a soft smile on her face.

Linda smiled, 'It's fine, I've seen quite a lot in my life already...' She explained, and Lou Ellen nodded with a grin. A second later, Linda's expression changed to one of horror, Lou Ellen tensed.

Lou Ellen sensed it before seeing it. She turned around and reached her hand forward, palm open towards the arrow flying towards her forehead. Lucifer's eyes widened, the girl was crazy if she thought she could stop the arrow by allowing it to penetrate her hand.

Lou Ellen concentrated, and clenched her hand into a fist, the arrow bunching up as well, she swung her arm to the side, the familiar gold arrow hitting the ground immediately. Lou Ellen turned back to face the two figures and snapping her fingers in front of their faces, 'You saw no-' She groaned. The Mist was gone. Curse my mother.

Lou Ellen chose to ignore the two mortals and one immortal to greet her attacker. 'Will, what a nice surprise.' She mused, and the son of Apollo scowled, clearly not amused.

'Connor informed me of your change of plans for Capture the Flag, how could you join the double A cabins? Traitor.' Will Solace ranted, earning an eye-roll from Lou.

'So that's why I deserve a arrow to my head? You're a idiot.' She hissed teasingly. Will raised an eyebrow at the people behind Lou, and the daughter of Hecate sighed, turning around to the doctor and Devil.

'Sorry about that. I suppose you need to know the truth. I'm Lou Ellen Blackstone, daughter of Hecate, Greek goddess of Magic. My friend here is Will Solace, son of Apollo, Greek god of the Sun amongst other useless things.' Lou Ellen grinned, sending a mock salute towards the three grown-ups before running behind Will back to Camp Half-Blood.

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