《Demigods Meet Mortals》Katelyn Johansson (Rachel Dare)


Hey guys, I'm Katelyn Johansson, and my life was boring as hell, that is, until the new kid came. My friend, Venus, she seemed a little giddy yesterday, and of course, I was worried. But she seemed okay today. Anyway, there was this new kid, Rachel at school, and I was excited to tell Venus that, since I heared that one student, Hazel? She left her school yesterday, so I can tell her the funny thing how one came and another left.

"Hey, I'm Rachel, and you're..?" I was a little surprised, "Oh, I'm Katelyn, Katelyn Johansson. Nice to meet you." She smiled and said the same thing. We chatted for a bit and went to the afternoon assembly together. But Rachel's face pale slightly when she heard the name of our special guest who will be speaking with us today.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mr Dare, owner of Dare Enterprises, and I'm here to discuss something very important, as you all know, the world of demigods, gods, and monsters, have been shown to us. And despite what they tell us, I think that they are lying, and the demigods are trying to get the monsters radar directed to us. And I want to gain everyone's parent's vote for vanquishing demigods."

"But Mr Dare, how will we do that exactly?" I heard Richard's sister, Joanna ask, Mr Dare cleared his throat, "We will do it the same way we have always done it. We can make our weapons celestial bronze and imperial gold, and we will pierce through the demigods' hearts. And bring justice back to us." A small hand held Mr Dare's wrist tightly, "What. Did. You. Say?" Rachel gasped, "Piper! Don't!"

Piper growled, "I almost lost Jason to stupid Michael Varus, I don't need you to remind me, sir." Rachel scrambled out of her seat and rushed to the stage next to Piper, "Piper, calm down." Mr Dare looked horrified, "Rachel! She's a demigod, get away from her! Security guards!" Tons of guards surrounded Piper, she unsheathed a dagger uncertainly and gritted her teeth, "I don't want to hurt you," But the guards advanced, which pissed her off.


She slashed her dagger around, taking five guards down. Rachel was murmuring nos and shaking her head, she jumped in and levitated, "I am the spirit of Delphi, step away from Piper McLean, saviour of olympus." Everyone gasped, and Mr Dare scowled, "Rachel, get that thing out of you, you are not one of them." Rachel turned to him, "Dad, I will not allow you to insult my friends, or the spirit of Delphi." She descended, took Piper's hand, and the two ran out of the school.

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