《Just empty eye sockets: Eyeless Jack x Reader *completed*》Chapter 19: death wish


'This must be Jeff...' you think to yourself, as the sadistic killer closes in on you.

"What d-do you want?" You ask, trying not to sound scared.

Jeff chuckles. "I want you, (y/n)." He says. "I want to hear you scream..." (I'm so sorry. :3 )

You back away further from him. "Why are you doing this?! Where's Jack?" You demand.

Jeff reaches into his pocket and brings out something shiny. "Jack can't protect you anymore, dear."

A knife. He has a knife....

The first instinct that comes to you is to flee. To try and escape...but where?.... the windows.....

Your eyes dart from Jeff to the huge windows, then to Jeff again. His unblinking eyes stare at you. Pure insanity pollutes his gaze, and he raises his knife.

"Now, my job is to make people beautiful." He says. "They need to be beautiful before I put them to sleep..." He swings the blade in an arc through the air, causing a soft swish noise.

He starts to giggle like a maniac, when he suddenly lunges for you,managing to cut a gash on your arm. You Dodge him and dash to the windows. You don't know how high you are, but it's worth a shot.

Jeff's giggles are drowned out by the shatter of glass.

"There is no escape!" Jeff screams after you, and you fall.


I pound on the closet door, trying to escape. My mind is filled with questions, worry, and anger.

Where did that freak take (y/n)?

What is he doing to her right now?

I pound on the door for a few more moments. My knuckles throb and I can tell they are bleeding. A coppery, tangy scent fills the tiny place that I am trapped in. I give up with the pounding and start kicking the door.


Suddenly, I hear a loud shattering noise and screaming. The scent of someone else's blood fills my nose.

(Y/n). She must be hurt. I swear to Zalgo, if he hurt her, I am going to kill him and harvest every single organ in his body. I give the door a final kick and it shoots open. Now I need to figure out where they went.....

I'm pretty sure he went to the attic.... at least that's where the blood smell is coming from.

I need to hurry before it's too late........

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