《ivories ᝰ k.bakugo ✓》recital


when you see the "~" play the song above!



You overheard Present Mic announce as you sat in your dressing room. You tapped your foot anxiously. "Takagi, they're ready for you." One of the teachers knocked on the door.

"R-Right! I'm coming." You called out. You stood out of your chair and smoothed out your dress. You opened the door and walked into the hallway that was backstage.


You turned around to see Bakugo at the other end of the hallway. He stared at you in shock. "...Wow."

You wore a black dress with black heels and your curls were down.

"Do I look all right?" You asked, smoothing out your dress. Bakugo examined you as he came closer. "Your eyes."


"They're one color."

"Oh! Right. I put in contacts. I wouldn't want to freak out my parents with my crazy eyes, you know?" You beamed, walking towards the stage entrance. "Did you see them?"

Bakugo stopped following you. You turned around. "Bakugo?"

"...Yeah. They're out there."

A smile spread across your face. "They showed up...I'm going to play even better! Maybe they'll wanna stay with me if they hear how good I've gotten!"

Bakugo watched as you turned around and walked behind the curtain, waiting for your name to be announced. "...Y/n."


"...If you get nervous, look for me at the front."

You felt your heart skip a beat. You gave a small grin. "Don't I always?"

Bakugo scoffed and turned around. "Break a leg, Da Vinci."

. . .

"And to end this opening ceremony, I would like to introduce our pianist, Takagi Y/n!" Present Mic announced. The audience cheered and clapped as you stepped out on stage. You stopped at the piano and gave a bow to the crowd, then adjusted yourself on the stool.


"She looks stunning!" Ochako whispered in awe.

"Yeah." Midoryia smiled in agreement, happy that his childhood best friend was performing in front of a large crowd again.

"Pretty dress." Eri whispered to Mirio. He chuckled. "Yeah! It is pretty, huh?"

You took a deep breath in before looking out into the crowd. You noticed Bakugo looking at you. ~ He gave you a nod. You smiled and looked down at the keys, playing the first notes.

The audience watched in awe.

"Oh wow." Mirio baffled.

"I didn't know she could possibly get any better." Iida gasped.

"Is she...actually...playing that fast? Did you know she could do that?" Kirishima whispered, elbowing Bakugo.

Bakugo also watched with wide eyes. "Why are you in shock too!?" Kirishima asked.

"Because Shittyhair! I've...never seen her play so fast before." He admitted.

"I wonder what's driving her to play so well today." Kaminari marveled.

Mom. Dad.

How am I doing? I hope you're amazed! I've grown a lot since you last heard me play! I wondered what the look on their faces is right now. I know you left me for good reasons, and I forgive you.

I'm ready for us to be a happy family again! Please! I'll be the best daughter! I miss you mom and dad.

I want to have a father who can take me to daddy-daughter dances. A father who is willing to teach me how to catch a football.

A mom who will do my hair and makeup for my recitals. A mother who will go shopping with me and gossip with me!

A family that takes family photos on their summer trips, gather around the tree for Christmas, and have family dinners every evening!

You smiled to yourself as you reached your favorite part of the song. Bakugo felt the beat in his stomach. He could feel the passion from you in his heart. His smile quickly faded away.

You're trying so hard y/n. So hard to impress them....And it'll all be for nothing.

You glided your fingers across the ivories. The heat of the spotlight caused your body temperature to rise. Butterflies filled your stomach. You hadn't felt the rush of playing in front of so many people in so long.

Especially for your parents.

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