《ivories ᝰ k.bakugo ✓》transfer


disclaimer: I know that's Rock Lock had a wife and a kid, but for the sake of this story, let's pretend they don't exist KDKSKKS


Aizawa greeted your Uncle, also known as pro hero, Rock Lock. They shook hands as you silently stood next to him.

"Good morning, man, how are you?" He asked as Aizawa allowed the two of you into his office. "I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. This is your niece?"

"That's right! Takagi Y/n." He lightly elbowed you. You gave a light bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." You muttered.

"Same for you." He sat at his chair, pulling out a clipboard from his desk. "She's all set in class 2-A's dorm, so all you have to do is fill in some paperwork, Ken."

"Thanks again, Shota. I know this is so last minute, but hero work calls for me." Your uncle took a pen and started to sign papers.

"I understand. You'll be in America doing an investigation for a month, right?" Aizawa confirmed.

"Yep. I hope y/n won't be a handful for you. She can have a bit of an attitude, but I think she'll be good practice for your class in training."

"That's right...Takagi Y/n. Quirk; Glitch. You can make anything and anyone, including yourself, glitch like a laggy video game. You can glitch anywhere in your line of sight, correct?" Aizawa read off of his clipboard. You nodded. "Yes sir."

Aizawa noticed your eyes glitch from orange to yellow. "Interesting...your eyes glitch well?"

"Kind of. I got into a bit of an accident a few years ago, and now my eyes are permanently bugged."

"I see..." He mumbled. Ken handed Aizawa the paperwork. "All done. I should head to the airport now." He stood out of his chair and shook Aizawa's hand.


"Have a safe trip. And good luck on the investigation. We'll take care of Y/n."

"I'm sure you will. Be good, Y/n." Your uncle turned to you and gave you a light kiss on your forehead. "Be safe." You muttered.

As you and Aizawa watched your uncle leave down the hall, you turned to your new caretaker. "Do you have a music room?"

Aizawa turned to you, a little shocked that you spoke to him so easily. "Actually, we do."

"Can you tell me where it is?"

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