《Country Living - Finn Harries (JacksGap)》Chapter 8: The Summer Hoedown


Morgan's POV

I pulled up into the parking lot across from Piper's Café, many cars and trucks lining the street and packing the parking lot. We could hear the bass and see the neon lights from inside. "Ok, let's get this over with." I whispered to myself. "Hey, have fun tonight. It's not just to sing, it's for you to have fun." Finn said from next to me. "Yeah, you do too much on your farm to not have fun sometimes." Jack said, sticking his head in between us. "Kennedy would want you to have fun." Finn said. "Ok, ok. I'll try." I said, making him smile. "Come on. Let's party!" he shouted, making me laugh. "Now I can see why we took advantage of our city life. We party too much." Jack said, making me laugh again. "Let's go." I said, getting out of the truck.

With my guitar in hand, we entered the already crowded café, filled with hormonal teenagers. We tried to push through the crowd to get to the stage ahead. "Hey Morgan." "Ooh, Morgan." "Looking good, Morgan." I heard continuously. "Morgan Stone, get your cute tail over here." I heard Drew Glass say from the stage. "Hey Drew. I was told I was needed." I said. "Yes you are. Defiantly. Now, who are these fine gentlemen and did they force you to come?" he asked. "This is Jack and Finn Harries, the British twins we're housing over the summer." I introduced them. "Well, if these are magical boys that got little farm girl over here to come to a party, I applaud you. Drew Glass, Junior-to-Senior class president." Drew said, sticking his hand out. "Nice to meet you, mate." Finn said, shaking his hand before Jack shook his hand. "Ugh, so British. Back to business. Let me get you some earbuds and a plug." Drew said. "Thank you." I said as he left. "It's really loud in here." Jack said from behind me. "Yep, we usually are." I said, making both twins laugh. I actually think I might have fun tonight. At least, that's what I thought until I heard the voice that might ruin it.

"Morgan Stone, what the hell are you doing here? You don't come to parties." I heard Penny Dial ask from behind me. I slowly turned around to face her. "Well, I don't know. Maybe to support my friends and help with the Hoedown?" I said. "I know you don't think you're gonna sing tonight." She said with an attitude. "That's what I was asked to do." I said, holding in my anger. "The hell you were. I want you to try. I'm singing tonight and that's final." She said, getting in my face. "You can first get out of her face, and second, stop being rude." Finn said, stepping between us. "Ooh, who are you British man?" Penny asked, beginning to stick her boobs out spin a piece of her hair around her finger. "Someone that doesn't appreciate your bitchy attitude." Finn said, his face getting red. "Oh, come on. Tell your name." she said, reaching her hand out to take Finn's. I quickly slipped my hand into his before she could, catching Finn off guard. "His name is Unavailable." I said, as Penny made a face. "Oh, well. I see you have bad taste. You could have picked someone better." She said. "I don't know, could I?" Finn asked, going with it. "Well...You're not singing." Penny said, getting flustered. "Here we are, Morgan...What's happening here?" Drew said as he came back. "Ugh! Drew!" Penny said as she saw a pair of earbuds in his hand. "What? I'm getting Morgan her stuff." He said. "But, I thought I was singing!" Penny said, huffing. "Um, I didn't recall asking you. I asked Morgan. I'd rather have an actually talented singer instead of a whale." Drew said so casually, making Finn and me laugh. "That's not fair!" she said. "You win some, you lose some. And you just lost some." Drew said. "You! You always get in my way!" Penny said, getting in my face again. She then shoved me to the ground. Penny was about to start kicking me when Finn and Drew stood between us. Finn carefully helped me up and pulled me into his chest. "Hey! Really? If you're going to be baby and have a fit about it, do it somewhere else." Drew said to Penny. "But Drew, she started it." Penny whined. "No buts. I'm not going to foster fights. Leave, you are officially uninvited from the hoedown." Drew said. "But!" she said, getting even angrier. "No, go now." Drew said pointing towards the door. "Humph!" Penny huffed, stomping towards the door and leaving. "Well, finally. Are you good?" Drew asked me as Finn continued to cradle me. "Yeah." I said. "Here, take these. Let me go get the band together." Drew said, handing me the earbuds. "Thanks." I said before he left.


"Are you sure you're ok?" Finn asked gently running his hands up and down my arms. "I'm good." I assured him. "She shouldn't have done that to you." Finn said, still concerned. "It'll bite her in the butt later." I said, making a small smirk come upon the Brit's face. "Mate, this crowd is huge!" I heard Jack say from behind me. "Mate, you missed it." Finn said to his twin. "What? What did I miss?" Jack asked, confused, making me giggle and Finn laugh. "Attention everyone! Come on, everyone look up here, please." We heard from the stage.

"Hey guys, I'm Drew Glass, SGA and Junior to Senior class president. I want to thank all of you for coming. I also want to thank everyone that came and helped decorate yesterday and our entertainment for tonight." Drew began on stage, winking at me when he mentioned entertainment. "And, of course, I want to thank Mrs. Piper Worrel for allowing us to use this awesome space and eat this awesome food. So, are yall ready to have fun tonight?" Drew shouted. The crowd shouted and yelled and cheered, filling the café with noise. "That's what we like to hear. So, without further ado, Miss Morgan Stone." Drew said before leaving the stage and handing me the mic. "Good luck." Finn whispered in my ear before I went on stage. I sent him a smile as I grabbed a mic stand. The crowd began to cheer as I went on stage. "How are we doing everyone?" I asked into the mic. The crowd cheered once again. "How about we start off with Alessia Cara's 'Here'." I said as the band began to play.

"I'm sorry if I seem uninterested. No, I don't mess with this. Yeah, I am in for it. Truly, I aint got no business here. But since my friends were here, I just came to kick it. But really, I would rather be at home all by myself, not in this room with people who don't even care about my wellbeing. I don't dance, so don't ask. I don't need a boyfriend. So, you can go back. Please, enjoy your party. I'll be here. Sittin' in the corner under clouds of marijuana with this guy who's choking. I can hardly hear against this music I don't listen to. And I don't want to get with you. So, tell my friends that I'll be over here." I sang the song with the crowd singing along. "Here" I ended the song, the crowd cheering and clapping. "Go Morgan!" I heard Finn shout over the crowd. As I made eye contact with him, Finn gave me a wink, making my face go red with a blush.


The rest of the night went smoothly; it was so much fun. I sung a lot more songs, sometimes getting off the stage and going into the crowd. I fed off the amazing amount of energy the crowd was giving off. Maybe I should do more of this. It was getting close to the end of the hoedown and I had one more song to sing: 'Sparks Fly' by Taylor Swift.

"Ok, everyone. It is getting close to closing time, so this will be my last song of the night. Thank you so much for coming tonight. It means a lot to the class of 2018." I said before the band began to play.

"The way you move is like a full on rain storm, and I'm a house of cards. You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kind of know that I won't get far. But you should there in front of me just close enough to touch. Close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of." I sung on stage. I then jumped off the stage and into the crowd as the beat dropped. "Drop everything now. Meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile. Hit me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down. Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile." I sung. I sung some more, the crowd singing loudly along with me. I knew what I had to do for the bridge. I began to walk in Finn's direction and began to sing. "I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wide." I sung, going on my tip toes to run my hand through his soft hair, making him and Jack laugh. "Just keep on keeping your eyes on me. It's just strong enough to make me feel right. Then lead me up the stair case, won't you whisper soft and slow." I sung as I went back on stage. "I'm captivated by you baby like a fireworks show ooh." I sung, adding a run, making the crowd cheer. I then heard a loud clap of thunder. Perfect. "Drop everything now. Meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk. Take away the pain. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile." I sang as the rain began to pour. Confetti fell from the ceiling as I continued the song. "Hit me with those green eyes baby as the light go down. Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around. 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile. Sparks fly." I sung, finishing the song as another load of confetti fell from the ceiling. The crowd cheered and clapped loudly, but for some reason, Finn's cheers topped everyone else's. I looked in his direction, his hazel eyes holding me in a trance. His bright smile forced mine to go even brighter. Am I falling in love with Finn?

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