《BTS Purge Night》Chapter 13


Hoseok opened his eyes and tried to move but he couldn't his hands were tied up behind him he looked around and he saw his friends and they were all place in a circle.

The only light was place in the middle of them.

He tried to look for Evan his head turning in every direction.

He couldn't see his boyfriend he instantly felt scared because he couldn't find him.

The door opened and seven men entered the were all dressed in green army suits, a helmet, a mask that have skull teeth, a pair of sunglasses on,and the suit had an 'X' on the right shoulder.

The men walked over to them and untied them they held on to the boys wrists so that they couldn't run away.

They were brought to the back of a stage.

A guy walked over to them he dressed in a white priest outfit.

"Alright guys you can leave the money is outside" The priest said the men nodded and walked away.

"So your the famous BTS I heard so much about huh" The priest said as he walked towards Hoseok.

"So let's see who goes second" The priest said.

"How about you" He said as he stood in front of SeokJin.

SeokJin shook his head saying no.

"Guys bring James foward and then bring this one after" The priest said as he pointed at SeokJin afterwards.

"Yes sir" The man said.

The priest stepped on to the stage.

"The Koreans they come to our world they ruin our world with there disease they carry from there country. That disease can kill us and your precious little children" The priest said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"So today I have seven special guests but before we introduce them we must introduced ourselves" The priest said.


"Please come foward Mr. Mendes" The priest said.

The guy named Mr. Mendes stepped foward.

"Hello I am Mark Mendes the president of Ottawa" Mark said the priest nodded and signalled the next one.

"I am Marcus Stone The president of Canberra" Marcus said.

"I am Sean Parker the president of Oslo" Sean said.

"Alright please bring James foward" The priest said.

The man rolled James foward since James was sitting on a wheel chair.

Once James was in the front the presidents all tied his arms up so he would not move.

Hoseok whimpered since he could see through the curtain since it was clear.

They were all trying to think of a plan or trying to find out where they took Hoseok and the others.

Just then Jason phone rang.

He answered it.

"Hello" Jason said.

"Yea right now but I'm helping my brother" Jason said.

"Alright bye" Jason said and hung up.

"I know where the are" Jason said.

"Where?" Evan said as he instantly looked up.

"There in a church" Jason said.

"But what church" Evan said.

"That I don't know but I know someone who does" Jason said as he stood up.

Evan instantly stood up also along with Ariella.

"Let me call someone so that they come pick us up." Jason said as he pulled out his phone.

"Hey...yea.... I need a ride...alright hold on" Jason said

"Evan what is the house adress." He asked.

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