《BTS Purge Night》Chapter 3


(A/N: The clothing is up there and so is the truck Ariella is wearing a kiss me shirt and pink tutu Alice is wearing a white dress )

All of a sudden the t.v turned on SeokJin was about to say something about how they are suppose to go to sleep but was cut off by the t.v

All of a sudden everything went silent but soon then the silence was cut off by the sounds of screams and gunshots.

"Jinnie hyung" Taehyung said terrified at what he just wittinessed

"What" SeokJin said confused as he made his way towards Taehyung

"I-I-I'm s-scared" Taehyung stuttered

"Why" SeokJin said getting even more confused then before

"Someone just killed a person and he started laughing" Taehyung said even more terrified then before

" O-okay j-just stay away from the window" SeokJin said while stuttering. Taehyung responded with a nod and walked over to the boys. SeokJin looked out the window he saw a black truck pull up in front of the hotel two girls and 1 boy came out of the car with guns slung over there shoulders and one had a sword the second one had a cross bow the last one had a gun only.

The boy with the black mask point his cross brow to the roof of the hotel he shot up there and a man came flying down from the roof and hit the floor. Someone else shot and hit the girl in the white mask but only hit her arm.

SeokJin got worried even though he didn't know her he ran outside and said "Hey are you okay" but the man saw SeokJin and shot him on the side close to his hip. SeokJin cried out in pain.

"SeokJin get in here!!" NamJoon yelled angerly as he pulled SeokJin inside.

"SeokJin what the hell were you thinking " NamJoon said angerly

"I-I-I'm s-sorry" SeokJin was able to say even though he was in pain.

NamJoon felt guilty when he saw tears run down SeokJin said cheeks.

"Its fine come on let's go to the living room" NamJoon said

SeokJin got up but winced when

he tried to walk the more tried to walk the more tears streamed down his face.

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