《The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality》The Down Low: What You Should Know


Corrine Aberdeen

This piece is just the tip of a massive iceberg. These are the basic facts about the "Down Low," because what you don't know could hurt you


• slang phrase implying secret information, but also used to describe black subculture of "straight" men having sex with men

The Facts:

Men on the "down low" engage in sex acts with other men while continuing sexual and romantic relationships with women.

Men on the "down low" don't consider themselves gay or bisexual; the same-sex sexual behavior is usually only for physical pleasure.

Men on the "down low" don't identify as gay, due to the stigma attached to being gay in the black community; in general, the image portrayed of a gay man is a stereotypically flamboyant and effeminate white man.

Effect on Women:

Because of the secretive nature of this male-to-male sex, it is unlikely that the contraction of STIs (especially HIV/AIDS) would be disclosed by a man on the "down low" to a female partner.

Health officials believe that men on the "down low" may be a health risk to their wives and girlfriends.

So the moral is, ladies, knowledge is power! The more you know the safer you are.

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