《Inazuma Eleven x Reader (closed)》Matsukaze Tenma x reader:Tutor


Matsukaze Tenma a.k.a Arion Sherwind

(dedicated and requested by .....thanks for the request!and sorry if it took so long!

Manabe:illegally signing of contract......

Minaho:at least we made it in time

Orison:my brain is exploding in the plan of making this more fluffy!

Manabe:but we decided to make it more.....entertaining?

Orison:I want to make the reader a teacher or you can say tutor and she will fall for Tenma

Manabe:I told you already that it is illegal for a teacher and a student to go in a relationship...that's why I told you to make the reader just a tutor of Tenma....I want to sign a contract for that

Orison:yeah yeah boss!!aye sir!!

Minaho:on the story!


(F/N)-first name

(L/N)-last name

(H/C)-hair color

(E/C)-eye color


-Tenma's P.O.V-

"eh!?a tutor!?" I shouted that Endou-san needs to cover his ears "your teacher told me that your grades are low and that you need a tutor...so...." he said and I did an epic fall...

"poor Tenma" Aoi said while Shinsuke patted me on the back "don't worry Tenma...I promise that this tutor will be the nicest tutor in the world" coach said...nicest?...this lift up my spirit a bit

"r-really!?" I asked and he nodded...oh for goodness sake thank you God! "as long as you study hard" he said and I nodded

"I will!" I said

-Your P.O.V-

"sweetie someone wants to talk to you over the phone!" my mom said and I run downstairs...my mom gave me the phone

"hello?" I said "hey (f/n)-kun" "ah Natsumi-chan!why did you call?" "Endou-kun wants you to tutor someone" she said "again?....how many times does he wants me to suffer?" "don't worry...you're going to tutor a first year and he is very attractive" "ok...what time?" "hm tomorrow night...and you can stay here for a while when you're tutoring him" she said...a he?...ok....boys are hard to control..I just hope that this one is more easy (nope...this won't be easy)

"ok...I might get there in afternoon" you said "ok...be careful" she said and hung up

"another one...gah Endou-san...you're making me suffer" you said and went upstairs to study

-Next day-

I woke up the same as ever and still a bad bed head...gah...it took me 9 minutes to fix my hair and went downstairs so I can have my breakfast

"good morning (f/n)" mom said "good morning mom" I said and took my food and went to the bathroom to get ready...

-Time Skip-(not good at daily needs)

"oh great you're too early (f/n)-kun" Natsumi said and let me enter and I saw a Endou-kun on the kitchen talking to someone


-Tenma's P.O.V-

"eh?" I said "a girl!Tenma your tutor is a girl!" Shinsuke said "but Endou-san!with a girl is too embarrassing!" I said then suddenly the door bell ringed and Natsumi hurriedly came to get it

"don't worry...she's a nice one" Endou said "you can survive this Tenma!like you always said!things will work out somehow-" Shinsuke was cut off

"Endou-kun (f/n)-kun is here" Natsumi said and I gulped...whoever it is....please don't let it be a harsh one

-Third Person P.O.V-

Tenma gulped

"where is she?" Endou asked "she's in the living room...she saw you talking with Tenma so she decided not to interrupt it" she said

"ok...Tenma you need to meet her" Endou said and Shinsuke dragged him to the living room

-Your P.O.V-

I saw them talking to each other so I decided not to interrupt when suddenly a small guy with a brunette came and stop when they saw me.... 'who of them?' I thought

"(f/n)-kun...this is Tenma...your student from now on" Endou said and winked and I stood up and approach the brunette which name was Tenma

"(L/n) (F/n)...just call me (f/n)" I said and he gulped....nervous?... "M-Matsukaze Tenma...h-hajimemashite(nice to meet you)" he said and I smiled kindly at him which cause him to blush

-Tenma's P.O.V-

k-kawaii....she's so....adorable and cute....

"she's your tutor for now on" Endou said and she nodded with a smile...so cute!! "I'm Nishizono Shinsuke!" Shinsuke said saving me from the awkward moment...

"hello...nice to meet you" she said and kneeled down to be the same level as him and smiling kindly

"see Tenma?she is not like what you think she is" Natsumi said and I sighed "eh?what do you mean Natsumi-chan?" she asked with an innocent face...even cuter!!

"he thought you were a harsh one" Endou said and I look away and she just laughed "don't worry...I'm not like does kind of persons!" she said with a cheerful voice...aw so cute!

"ok...you will stay at Tenma's house for a while ok?" Endou said "huh?" I asked "you see she doesn't have anyone she knows around this place...so I'm gonna let her stay with you for a while until your grades becomes high" he said and I nodded

"if it doesn't bother you" she said and I smiled "don't worry!it's alright!" I said and she smiled

-Third Person P.O.V-(I got tired of changing pov's)

"here we are!" Tenma said as he took you to his home "Kogarashi Manor?" you said in an awkward tone and he nodded

"Tenma-huh?....who's that Tenma?" Aki said "ah Aki-san this is (L/n) (F/n)-kun...my tutor actually" he said


"konnichiwa(hello)" you said and she smiled "Kino Aki...just call me Aki" she said and let them enter

"by the way Tenma...Shindou and Tsurugi are in the kitchen" Aki said which shock him "eh!?" he said and went to the kitchen

"you can follow him in the kitchen if you want" Aki said "no I'll go to my roo-" you were cut off when you saw a guy with wavy grey hair and a guy with navy blue

"Aki-san who is she?" guy with grey hair said "Shindou-senpai!this is (f/n)-san!" Tenma said "is she by any chances your tutor?" navy said

"y-yeah..um (f/n)-san this is Shindou and Tsurugi" he said and you waved a hand with a smile "hi" you said and they nodded

"so Endou-san picked a girl?" Tsurugi said and you nodded "oh I see...well,then nice to meet you (f/n)-san...we need to go now" Shindou said and they left

"I'll show you to your room now" Tenma said

-Time Skip-

the next day you found out that Tenma studies at Raimon Jr.High and he was one of the soccer members...you decided to take a walk before doing your tutoring...

-Time Skip-(.......)

"ah (f/n)-san!" Tenma said as he spotted you watching their practice...you smiled and waved a hand and keep watching their practice...you saw some of the players approach him and started to asked questions and whenever they get the answer they took glances at you and went to practice...

"(f/n)-san!" Tenma called and run towards you while you lean on the tree waiting for him "ah yo Tenma" you said and he stopped in front of you

"so you're (f/n) right?" a guy with light green hair that covers his other eye said and you nodded "Kurama Norihito" he said and you smiled at him

"heh you're Tenma's tutor huh...Kurumada Goichi" said the other man with two guys at the back

"Ichino is the name" said the guy with two red locks in his hair "I'm Aoyama" the guy besides him said and you smiled at them....

"let's go Tenma!(F/n)-san!" Shinsuke said and you two walked to him "jaa,see you guys tomorrow!" Tenma said to his friends

"bye Tenma!(f/n)-chan!" they said and you left them

-Time Skip-(why do I keep on doing this?)

"I don't....get it...." Tenma said as he held his head while trying to understand the lesson and you giggle "let me explain carefully so you would get it ok?" you said and went closer to him and started to explain and practically he understands it now

-BIG Time Skip-

it's been a week since you were tutoring Tenma and he have improve more and his grades were getting higher

"good job Tenma!" you said as you look at his test paper that he showed to you and he smiled with a blush making you blush too...actually you already notice that you have a bit crush on him with those past days wen you teach him

"a-arigatou" he said "heh Tenma's tutor is really working huh" Sangoku said...you've quite known them already since you always visit his school at the soccer grounds...

"see you guys!" Tenma said and you left them while saying bye

when you were walking to home you've notice Tenma is a little nervous and acting weird lately

"Tenma-kun...are you alright?" you asked and he smiled nervously at you while nodding...then an idea pop in... 'why not try it a bit?it won't hurt right?' you thought and kissed his cheeks which made him red

"(f-f/n)-san?" he said and you smiled "feel any better now?" you said and he nodded "maa!you just want me to do it!" you teased

"t-that's not it!" he said and look away "then what is it?" you asked and he looked at you with a nervous face

"u-umm...(f/n)-san....can I tell you something?" he asked "hm sure!" you said and unexpectedly he kissed you in the LIPS....you were shock and your eyes was wide and blushed but nevertheless you wrapped your arms around his neck and his around your waist....he broke the kiss and blush furiously

"I....I love you...(f-f/n)-san...." he said scared of rejection even if you kissed him back which made you giggle a bit "I love you too Tenma" you said and kissed him again

~Extended Ending~

"now!understand?" you said and he shook his head to the sides as no...you sighed and sat besides him but more closer which made him blushed and you put your hands on his that was holding a pencil making him blush more and started writing

"listen to me carefully ok?" you said and he nodded and you started to explain things (I won't put the lesson so you can say time skip or whatever it is)

"there?get me?" you said and let go of his hand and he nodded "maa!you just wanted me to hold your hand!" you said and he smiled nervously at you and kissed you in the lips

(the cuteness kills me

Manabe:you're a genius

Minaho:one award for being a genius Orison-chan!

Orison:haha!and I want to say something to all the people who are reading this



















































































































oh yeah right I have something to say!




Minaho:you're insane

Manabe:terribly insane

Orison:I JUST NEED ONE PLEASE!!!!*puppy eyes*

Manabe:*tries not to look*....ugh stop it!it hurts the eye!

Minaho:aawwww~so cute!!

Orison:well that's all so ba-bye!

All: ALLEZ!!

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