《Inazuma Eleven x Reader (closed)》Ibuki Munemasa x reader:Lucky


Ibuki Munemasa a.k.a Terry Archibald

(this story is dedicated to ....thank you for requesting him!say thank you Ibuki!

Ibuki:thank you

good now let's go to troll the story!


Manabe:get use to it -_-"


(F/N)-first name

(L/N)-last name

(H/C)-hair color

(E/C)-eye color


"ok ok girl who's the lucky guy you've been looking at?" Usia(OC) said as she sat down besides you "w-what do you mean l-lucky g-guy?" you said and look away

"come on I've been noticing that you're focusing on one person in the field...now split it!" she said aloud that the others heard it

"shhhh you're too noisy" you said and sh'ed her "ok ok let's just proceed on practice" she said and you again look at the goalkeeper of Earth Eleven...one and only Ibuki Munemasa...you caught eyes on him but no one knows except Minaho and Manabe...now Usia is noticing your actions and saying 'lucky guy'...well who wouldn't be lucky to have you...

-Time Skip-

"you better make your move now (l/n)-kun or else someone will get him" Minaho said as he sat besides you making you look down

"I don't know but...I just can't do it" you said "do what?" Manabe asked and sat on the other side of you...now you're between Manabe and Minaho but you never really care since they've been really friendly to you

"she can't confess her feelings to him" Minaho said and Manabe push his glasses up and they started to think of a plan... then Manabe's glasses light and stood up

"why not let us help?" he said and Minaho stood up "yup!he's right!after all we're friends now let us help" he said and they look at me with a smile

"ok....but are you sure?" you said and they nodded... "ok let's think of a plan to do it" Manabe said but Minaho cover his mouth

"oi oi remember others can hear our conversation!" he said "what conversation?" Ibuki asked as he approach you...you immediately stood up and pulled Minaho and Manabe out

"ha-ha-ha-ha it's nothing Ibuki-kun!hehehehe" you said and went out somewhere private "you two!you are getting me into trouble!" you said and they smiled nervously


"hahaha sorry" Minaho said and Manabe sat on the ground thinking of a plan and Minaho followed him before you sat on the ground waiting for them...

"ok!I have one!" Minaho said making Manabe annoyed and keep thinking "can you give me a pen and paper for a while" Minaho said you gave him what he wants...Manabe took a peek on his writings and look at him in horror...Minaho wink and thumbs up

"no" Manabe said and he shook his head "yup...simple as that" Minaho said "no in the name of Math!" Manabe shouted making you cover your ears

"what are you two talking about?" you asked and Minaho stood up and Manabe followed before you "wells do this" he said and showed you the paper

"you want me to make a letter of confession?" you asked and he nodded "we will be doing the letter and you will re-write it"he said and Manabe falls to the ground

"and what if it fails?" you asked "don't worry,he'll definitely know it's you when it's your writing"he said and they started to think of a letter with the help of Manabe's intelligent and Minaho's checking of words...then you re-write it without hesitation "stay here and we'll put it in Ibuki's bag" Minaho said and they left you alone

-Minaho's P.O.V-

"ok why are we the one who's going to put it in Ibuki's bag?" Manabe said "because she won't be able to survive in the boys room specially when Ibuki's there" I said and he simply nodded...when we arrived we saw Ibuki's bag on the chair...we immediately put it in his bag and got out of the room

"hah!told ya it will succeed!" I said and he sweatdrop...

"hey you know where's Ibuki's bag?" Matatagi asked and we pointed on the bag and he raised his eyebrow "that's Tetsukado's bag Minaho" he said.....what.....the....HELL!!!!!!!!....I look at Manabe and his face was the same as me...we look back and saw the bag was already on Tetsukado's shoulder

"oh god" Manabe said making Matatagi confuse "never heard you cursed before Manabe...what are you two doing here?" he asked


"hahahahahahaha nothing let's go before it gets dark bye bye!" I immediately dragged Manabe out of the room and breath

"you called that succeed!?think again coz it's the wrong bag!!!" Manabe shouted and I smiled nervously...I'll get kill by (l/n)-kun...definitely yes....this is disaster...

-Tetsukado's P.O.V-

what the hell?a letter of confession?never know this writings before...hm never mind and forget this I don't like anyone...

-Manabe's P.O.V-

"what are we gonna do now!?" I asked and (f/n) starts thinking while freaking out "good thing Tetsukado-kun never saw (l/n)-kun's writings before" Minaho said...you're lucky because of that...

"but what if he notice!?" (f/n)-kun said..."then let's go to my plan" I said and walk away being followed by them...I hide in a bush eavesdropping on Ibuki-kun...

"what are we doing?" Minaho said "eavesdropping what else?" I said and move to another place...I'll make him notice that someone is eavesdropping on him and made him come this way and caught us then I'll leave...easy as that...I have 97.99% of success in this and I'll keep on going and going...heh (eyes sparkle like an expert)...

-Ibuki's P.O.V-

shivers...what the hell?...I felt like being followed...stalker or killer?oh god better hurry up before being use as a hostage...

"this is freaking me out" I murmured and look back and saw three heads on the bushes...oh god someone is really looking at me! is this fangirls? oh no please not them!they can easily torture me!...I walk a little bit faster,I reach the street where no one is making me hear some noises

"h-hey be careful will you!" the voice...so familiar-wait...the hell?is that Minaho talking? "c-can't he slow down a bit!?" that's Manabe!

"shut up you two or we'll get caught" oh god...it's her...(f/n)-san...is she...eavesdropping on me!?with those two "I told you be careful!that really hurts you know!" Minaho said and finally I stopped on my tracks making them silent...I turn around and saw the bush moves

"oh no Manabe-kun what are we gonna do!?" (f/n) said "hey don't blame me!" Manabe said and I walked to the bushes...I shove the bushes away and saw the three...

"what are you doing there?" I asked and they all stood up "uh eh ah uh ummmm" Minaho said out of words and Manabe smirk and pushed his glasses up...

-Third Person P.O.V-

"(f/n)-kun has something to say to you" Manabe said to Ibuki and Minaho finally got what his plan and walk back...

"e-eh!?" you said and look away while the two secretly walk away with a cat face (never thought Manabe has a cat face)

"what are you gonna say?" he asked and you look away blushing "um....Ibuki-kun....do you have....someone you like?" you asked and he blush...

"I don't think she likes me" he said and look away "nee,they said whoever I like is a lucky guy" you said and he look at you

"then who's the lucky guy?" he asked making you smile at him "you" you simply said like it was nothing making him silent for a minute

"what?" he asked and you laugh "I said 'the lucky guy is you',you baka" you said and his eyes widen... he hugged you and you hugged back

"I.....love you too" he said and pulled away,he kissed you and you kissed back feeling him lick your lower lip and you let him enter...you broke the kiss and he smiled at you

"so I'm the lucky guy" he said

~Extended Ending~

"mission accomplished" Manabe said and pushed his glasses letting a light flashed in his eyes "we still have a problem you know" Minaho said weakly making Manabe confuse

"we still have to deal with Tetsukado" he said making Manabe's face turn into horror


(-.- I'm speechless

Manabe:I don't have a cat face!!

Minaho:cat lovers are.........

Ibuki:are what?

Minaho:dunno -.-


Yoichi:freaking lame bro

att-chan:forget the cat face will you I damn love cats so shut up!

Fubuki:yeah cats are hers

Shindou:where cat?

All(except Shindou):-_-"

Manabe:but I seem to succeed in my plan....I'm hella genius *shines*

All(except Manabe):-_-"


Ibuki:why the.......

Manabe:I'll keep quiet now


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