《Ellie x male reader *SEQUEL*》𝕬𝖑𝖒𝖔𝖘𝖙


--------Ellie's P.O.V--------

I sat on my bed as I looked out the window in the dark. The sun was going down and I still hadn't really done anything important throughout the whole day or even the past few days. But my silence was ruined when a loud knock was made on my door. I sighed not wanting to see anyone but the knock came again and I had no choice but to get up and answer the door. "Hey." Tommy said and I greeted back. "Could I sit down please?" He motioned to the couch that I had. "Yeah." I let him in and closed the door behind him. 

As we sat down he place a container of the table I had. "Maria wants the make sure you're eating." 

"She can't stop us.."

"To have the guys we would need... to do this smart... we'd be leaving Jackson vulnerable."

"So they just get to get away with this?"

"Nobody wants that."

"Yeah, but that's what's happening."

"What if we get hit by hunters again?"

"Is this you talking or is this her?"

The more we talked about the situation the more our voices raised and honestly I just wanted to go. To get revenge for Joel. For what they did to (Y/n). She deserved to die. It's like they say 'an eye for an eye.' 

"I don't care." I said making my decision. "You can't talk me out of this." Tommy let out a sigh and stood up. "Give me a day to talk to Maria. Okay? Gotta be some folks she can spare." 

"And if she won't budge?" 

"Well, I'll figure something out." He said and walked over to me. "One day. Please." I thought about it for a bit and agreed. Tommy gave me a hug and walked to the door. "Oh... If you could, run by (Y/n)'s, share the food with him." I nodded and he left. I let out a sigh and went to put on my shoes, grabbed the container of food, and went to (Y/n)'s house. 


I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open. Of course it was Mr. (L/n) Who answered. He automatically knew why I was there and let me in. I walked up the stairs to (Y/n)'s room and knocked on that door. 

---------(Y/n)'s P.O.V---------

I got up from sitting on the bathroom floor and walked over to my bedroom door after hearing a knock. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I found Ellie on the other side of the door. "Um... Maria said that I had to share this with you." She motioned to the container she was carrying. I nodded and decided to let her in. I knew she was hurting just as much as I was, if not more. I closed the door and turned around to find her making her way to my bed like she usually did when we spent time together before everything fell apart.

I didn't say a word as I made my way to join her and sit on the other side of the bed. Ellie opened the container and there was (F/F and/or side dish) with some utensils. I sighed and looked down at my hands that were still a little shaky. "Hey," Ellie's hand made it's way into my vision and grabbed one of my hands. "are you okay?" I bit my lip and shook my head. "I can't stop thinking about that day, your screaming, Joel's-"

"Hey, we're gonna get through this, and we ARE going to get our revenge." Her grip tightened on my hand. I took a deep breath in and nodded. "You're right." I said and she let go of my hand and handed me a (Fork/Spoon). We dug into the food and made small talk about what her and Tommy talked about. "So, what's going on between you and Dina?" I asked changing the subject. 


I really wanted to know because I wanted to know if there was a chance we could get back together. "Well, I don't really know, we haven't talked about that." 

"Do you like her?" I asked then shoved more food in my mouth. "... I'm not sure about that either." She put her head down. It was silent for a while as I chewed and swallowed my food. "Do you... Do you ever think we could-" 

"(Y/n)... you know what happened, you know why we broke up..." It was my turn to hang my head and feel like an idiot. "Yeah, sorry, it was a dumb question." Ellie let out a sigh. "I think we could end up the way we were but it'll take time." This immediately peaked my interest as I looked at her. "Really?" 

"Yeah but you better find me a real dinosaur." My brows furrowed. "Was the dinosaur museum not good enough for you?" I joked making Ellie laugh as she gave me a little nudge. "How's that eye of yours?" I moved my hand to the bandage over my right eye. "I haven't looked at it today." Ellie scooted the empty container away and patted her leg. "Let me look at it." I laid my head on her leg and she carefully took the bandage off.

I let out a small grunt as the wound came to the open air. After that girl slammed the golf club on my eye I could never see out of that eye again. It was still healing but it was a direct blow so I basically went blind in that eye. I had a small surgery to help with the bones in the area that got injured but they couldn't really do anything else for it. 

"It looks like it's healing fine." Ellie put the bandage back on. "How are your bruises?" I asked as my hand went to the bruise on her face. "Bruises heal." I chuckled. "Yeah, this will heal too." I pointed the my eye. She let out a chuckle and placed her hand in my hair. It was quiet for a bit as we stared at each other. Her fingers running through my hair. Despite my hair not being very clean she never stopped and I didn't want her to. It was almost as if things really didn't change. Almost...

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