《Temporary Alliance》Chapter 17 : Mistake


The sound of my phone going off pulled me out of my peaceful slumber. I ignored my phone and snuggled into my pillow, hoping to fall asleep again, but it pissed me off when it rang once more. With a sigh, I pretended to not hear it and planted my face deeper into the soft pillow.

Just then, I heart a deep chuckle from beside me... or was it from on top of me?

That's when I registered the heavy torso that was half on top of me, an arm and a leg across my body encasing me in warmth. I ripped my eyes open and stiffened.

"Going to get that?" Alexander's voice was husky with sleep and this time, his face was right next to mine, lips moving against my ear, breath fanning against my cheek.

"Get the fu*k off of me," I growled as I realized that I couldn't move a muscle because of him.

He gave a slow chuckle and I felt his chest rumble against my back as he moved to cover my entire body with his own, legs tangling together. His warmth seeped into my slightly chilled body.

"Still the grumpy one in the morning?" He spoke softly as he pressed a kiss near my temple.

My eyebrows furrowed together at how odd he was acting. "You're the early bird, not me."

"Sleep well?"

My answer was the scowl on my face and he simply smiled back at me in return. Surprisingly, I did sleep through the whole night without waking up, which was a feat, and I felt completely rested. However, he didn't need to know.

My phone went off again and I grumbled and tried to shrug him off. I was only able to succeed in yanking out one arm.

"Careful," he warned with a dark edge in his voice laced with desire and I immediately froze, remembering what had transpired between us last night.

Trying to completely disregard what he said, I reached over to the nightstand to pick up my phone, but came to realize my arms was a few inches too short. I tried to shift to reach the retched ringing device and was only able to move an inch closer, which wasn't enough.

I felt his chest shake slightly against my back and realized that he was laughing at me, finding my lack of arm length to reach my phone utterly amusing.

"Damn it, Alexander. Get. Off." I spat out through gritted teeth as I tried to use brute strength to lift him off of me.

Alexander didn't seem bothered by my sour attitude as he reached over my outstretched arm to reach my phone. Grabbing my phone, he placed it in my hand and proceeded to lift himself off of me. He placed a kiss at the back of my shoulder as he got off, and I felt a rush of cold air lick my back.

I shut off the annoying alarms that were set to wake me up by ringing every five minutes, and sat up as well, tugging the blanket up to my chin because I knew I didn't have a stitch of clothing on.


Neither him nor I mentioned what happened last night as we both got ready for the day. It was at breakfast, as I placed my plates in the sink to walk out and he was scanning over his messages, when I decided to bring up the subject.

"About last night..." I began cautiously when I stood at the exit as Alexander eyed me carefully from dining table where he was sitting, and I dreaded the conversation that was about to start. "it didn't happen."

His dark greys narrowed at me as he put his phone down and stood up, looking at me like he was predator and I was the prey he was about to hunt.

"We were both vulnerable and it was a moment of weakness."

Alexander walked around the table and closer towards me until my nose almost brushed against his chest. He loomed over me and stared down at me. "You're saying it was a mistake?" His voice was low with barely contained anger.

I steeled my nerves and meet his gaze steadily. "Mistake would be too strong of a word, but it won't be happening again. It was a moment of-"

He cut me off sharply. "Weakness?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could get out one word, he had me pinned against the wall by my hands. Stepping closer, pushing me harder against the wall and holding my hands above my head, Alexander leaned down towards me until we were face to face.

There was a small smirk on his face with a mischievous, yet dangerous glint in his eyes as his lips were less than an inch away from mine.

My heart started to pound faster against my ribcages as his addictive scent flooded my personal space, making it the only thing I could breathe in.

"Vulnerable? Moment of weakness?"

I flinched, but there was nowhere to move, nowhere to escape from his captivating eyes.

"What are you doing?" I tried to erase any expression on my face, but I knew he would see right through me.

"We'll see." He said mysteriously as his lips brushed against mine with each word.

If I tilted my head up just slightly, our lips would meet in a solid kiss, but I didn't dare do it because it would contradict everything I said. Alexander didn't make the final movement either, instead, he let go and stepped back.

My face must have said it all anyways, because the smirk returned on his face before he walked away.


The moment we arrived to headquarters, we went to see Mrs. Blades and saw that she was already up and about. Mr. Blades had woken up a few minutes ago, but went back to sleep due to exhaustion.

Alexander and I walked with Mrs. Blades to her office to get the file.

"Alexander will take the file back to the team and I'll take you home, Mrs. Blades." I told her as she got out of her office and handed the file to her son.


"No, darling, I'll stay with my husband here." She gave me a soft, reassuring smile. "You two go off and get them home."

"We'll pick you up later to go home." Alexander gave his mom a kiss on her cheek and guided me around the hallways back to our team room after I said my goodbye.

As we were approaching our destination, I took his hands off and walked in first. Greeting Emmaline and Victor first, I sat at my desk and waited.

"I have the full file." Alexander spoke up when he came in a minute after I did.

"Of Agent Luke Simmons' latest case?"

Alexander gave a nod to Victor as he passed over to him the cream-colored folder. Emmaline and I crowded near Victor to also read the file. It basically said the same thing that Mrs. Blades told us in the hospital room except for one detail that she missed.

"He had an informant?" I eyed the words carefully, reading the identity over and over again.

Victor groaned in absolute detest and annoyance. "Why in the world did it have to be her?"

I whipped my head to look at him. "You know the informant?"

"We all do. Katrina Rostov," Emmaline bitterly spat out. "She had information for us once."

Whoever the informant was, she must have been horrible to work with since it made even the always smiling Emmaline have an uncharacteristic sour look on her face.

"Victor, set up a meet," Alexander started, but Victor immediately protested.

"Definitely not. I am never talking to that woman ever again." Victor looked pissed off.

I looked around at everyone in the room with a puzzled expression on my face. "What?"

Victor rubbed his face in aggravation. "She gave us bad intel. Almost destroyed our team."

"Contact her."

"Why don't you do it? She's willing to do anything for you since she's so enamored by you." Victor rolled his eyes towards the ceiling and shook his head.

Alexander gave Victor an icy look and Victor grumbled as he picked up his phone from his desk.

"Hello Ms. Rostov." Victor greeted unhappily through the phone as he put it on speaker for the rest of us to follow their conversation.

"Who is this?" A husky female voice drifted out of the speakers and I could hear a slight accent.

"Agent LeBlanc," he introduced himself through gritted teeth.

"Ah, Victor." She slightly rolled the last letter of his name. "How can I help you?"


There was a chuckle through the phone. "Yes, yes. Though, I must say as much as I loved to hear your voice, I would rather talk with someone that sounds happier to speak with me."

I could tell that this comment blew Victor's short anger fuse. "Happy to talk to you? Who the-"

Alexander held up his hand with a stern look, motioning Victor to shut up.

"Ms. Rostov." Alexander greeted and I looked over at him, seeing an emotionless face, but I could tell that he would rather be doing anything but talk to this woman.

"Oh, I recognize that voice from anywhere. Alexander, how have you been?" The woman purred through the phone and a feeling of unease slithered down my spine.

"An agent by the name of Jacob Lucian came to visit you."

Becoming puzzled by the new name, I blinked in confusion at Alexander, then I understood that that was the name of my father's alias.

"Yes, yes. True."

"I need the all the information that you gave him."

"Hmm. That is tough, my sweet."

I feeling of disgust rolled into me at her endearment, but what was even more odd was that Alexander never corrected her.

"I need it."

"I can make an exception for you. However, due to some... what you call disturbances around here, I must lay low. People will become suspicious if I disappear to meet someone."

"What are you suggesting?"

"Right down to business, hmm?" Katrina gave off another husky chuckle. "Well, I have a ball at my estate in three days. If you enter and we meet swiftly inside, no one will suspect anything. They'll all think that you're simply here for the party."

"What information do you specifically have?"

"Why don't you come to the party and find out." She tried to persuade seductively, but Emmaline cut into the conversation.

"If you don't have the information we want, we're not going to waste our time seeing you." Emmaline's voice was sharp and brisk, so unlike her. It seems like this Katrina woman brings out the worst in even the nicest of people.

Katrina gave an exaggerated sigh. "Fine. I had the pictures of nine faces and their names. That's what I gave Agent Lucian. He took one look, took the file and left."

"If you gave it to him, how are you going to give us?" Alexander continued to talk to her and I listened carefully.

She let out an amused laugh. "I have the pictures and a wonderful memory. I can give you all the names, don't worry, my sweet. So, what do you say?"

Alexander didn't answer, but I could tell that he was thinking about a plan. He took a quick glance at me and I have him a solid nod.

We needed information, and through Katrina may be our only way to get one step closer to finding who was behind all this.

If her information is legitimate, that means that we can narrow down our list of people to nine.


Yay another update! Hopefully I'll get to update again this week :D

Please don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it!

Until next time,


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