《Daughters of an Unwanting Diamond - tsundere885》◈ 9 ◈


"Oh, Eden, please relax," Blue said, holding said gemling in her arms while rocking back and forth in a chair. She sat in the gemlings' bedroom which had two bassinets with mobiles hanging from them and a rocking chair in the corner.

Eden would not stop crying. Even worse, when she cried, anyone around her cried, and a bluey-green aura filled the area. Obviously, she was only a gemling, so her powers weren't all that strong, but still.

Small tears ran down Blue's face, as she attempted to get Eden to sleep. She hummed "After All," feeling extravagantly satisfied when she saw Eden's eyelids becoming heavy. Finally, after three full hours, almost all of which wasn't even written in this book, Blue placed a sleeping Eden in her bassinet.

She walked out, shutting the door behind her, quietly, and sighing once it shut. "Oh, stars, I expected challenges, but not ones like that." Yellow walked up to her, Verna in her arms.

"She spent her entire nap time in my arms," Yellow said. "Mainly, because she wouldn't let me move."

Verna squealed happily at the sight of Blue. Blue took her and bounced her lightly.

Verna wore a light, light green dress that was open in front, with cut shoulders and long sleeves. The bottom of the dress, the very bottom, fanned out. She wore bright teal stockings underneath.

Meanwhile, Eden wore a more flowy, dark green dress, which had short sleeves that resembled the shape of Yellow's shoulder pads. She wore slightly lighter green stockings underneath. Both gemlings had their gems underneath their garments, so the outline of their faceted gems would always show.

"How did you sleep, dear?" Blue cooed. "I certainly hope Yellow's arms were comfortable enough for you."

"I'm sure they were," Yellow said, rolling her eyes. "She drooled on my glove."


"Yellow, she's only a little one, you can't keep her from doing these things. Can she, sweetheart?" Blue kissed Verna on the forehead.

She placed the gemling on her shoulder so that her head could rest on it. Verna gripped the fabric of Blue's dress, not wanting to let go. Yellow stepped up to her, resting her hand on Blue's stomach, which was rounded from carrying The Late One. She gave a small rub, asking, "How have you been feeling?"

Blue gave a small smile, rubbing circles into Verna's back. She knew she liked that. "I've been...tired, really. Somehow, she—" referring to The Late One, "—is taking a bigger toll on my body than they were."

Yellow asked, "Has she moved?"

"No, Yellow, she has not moved. She has done acrobatics."

Her significant other chuckled. "Is that so?"

"I don't know what's gotten into her, she's healthy! I suppose she's just an energetic baby?"

She heard a tiny coo, "Beebee.."

Both of the elder Diamonds' eyes widened.

"Verna," Blue said, cradling her again. "Was that your first word?"


Yellow stroked Verna's hair. "Aren't you a sharp little one?"

"She certainly is!"

"Beebee! Beebee!"

"You want to see your new sister, don't you, darling?" Blue cooed, pressing her nose to Verna's.

"Beebee! Beebee!"

"She'll be a wonderful older sister, I'm sure," Yellow assured. "Makes me wonder about how Eden will take it."

"I'm sure she'll feel the same. Or she won't feel anything at all. She's only a gemling, after all." Blue's eyes widened; the baby was moving — a lot.

"It's something the matter?" Yellow sounding monotone.

"She's moving! Yellow, could you hold her up to my stomach? I want to see if she'd like to feel her sister." Yellow nodded, following Blue's instructions and holding up the gemling to Blue's abdomen. The child's eyes became wide when she could see the lumps from The Late One moving. She reached out placing a tiny hand on her mother's distended stomach. It melted Blue's heart.


"That's your sister, darling," Blue smiled.


"Yes; baby!"

Verna leaned forward, pressing her mouth to the blue fabric of the dress, like a kiss. Yellow smiled, "Well, aren't you sweet?" Her lover's expression caught her eyes. "Blue?"

The other diamond wore a big smile and had tears running down her face. She took the gemling from Yellow. She sniffled, "We don't deserve you gems." She kissed Verna's forehead, earning laughs from the gemling.

Yellow used her thumb to wipe away the tears that blurred her vision. "If I'm being completely honest, I should've expected that."

"Sorry," Blue chuckled, sniffling. She looked down at Verna. "Hey, sweetheart, how would you like our Pearls to watch you while you play, hm?" The gemling clapped her hands at the statement.

Blue Diamond creaked open the nursery door. "Pearls? Fuse and watch over Verna, would you?"

"Yes, my Diamond."

"Of course, Blue Diamond."

The two pearls fused, making green pearl, and took Verna to their play area. That left Yellow and Blue by themselves. Blue stared down at the floor. "Yellow..."


The blue of the two looked up at Yellow, stepping forward and taking her hand. "We need to catch up. Really."


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