《The Light You Give》12.
"What the fuck." A distant voice says cutting through my comfortable sleep. "Are you kidding me??" The same voice says pulling the sleep off me. I sit up rubbing my eyes and assess the room.
Seth is rubbing his eyes warily and I see Bea, the owner of the voice, standing angrily in front of me.
My gut drops.
"Lacey are you serious?? We just had an argument about you being with my brother. And you sneak downstairs to cozy up with him on the fucking sofa!" Bea yells.
"It wasn't like that Bea," I say quietly.
"It never is like that with you, is it. Were you lying last night when you said there was nothing going on between you and Seth?? I swear to god you two can't keep your hands off each other." Bea practically spits.
"Bea. She's right, Lacey forgot to refill her sleeping pills and bring some here so we were just watching a movie and must have fallen asleep." Seth explains sitting up beside me.
"That is the worst lie I've ever heard," Bea says angrily.
"No that's the truth," I say with a small sigh.
"How did you fall asleep if you can't fall asleep without sleeping pills??" Bea asks me arrogantly, thinking she picked through the hole in our story.
"I- uh." I start looking between Seth and Bea. Seth was looking at me curiously, also wondering the same thing.
"I don't know I just, uh when I'm around Seth, I uh tend to fall asleep easily. I can't really describe it uh." I say timidly, looking at Seth quickly, a small smile plays on his face.
A blush creeps into my neck slowly.
"What are you saying?" Bea asks me accusingly.
"I don't know, I guess just because Seth is a male he makes me feel safer? I don't know what it is?" I say, knowing that is not the reason because I don't fall asleep when I'm with other guys.
Bea stares at me silently, and I beg her to believe me. I'm not even sure what I believe in myself.
"You promise?" She asks me.
"I promise," I say with a curt nod.
"Ok. I'm sorry." She says wrapping me up in a small hug.
"It's alright. I'm sorry too." I say before pulling apart.
"Now you. Stay away from my best friend." Bea says pointing a finger towards Seth.
"As you did with Luke huh," Seth says as he pushes past Bea and leaves the room. Bea stays silent for a moment before pulling me to the kitchen.
"Is the Navarro scout going to be at the cheer practice?" Bea asks me.
"I think so. Jeez, I'm so anxious." I say shakily.
I really needed this to go well. I wanted to go to Navarro college so badly.
We walked quickly to the locker rooms. Changed as fast as possible and headed to the field to start warming up as quickly as possible.
"Hey, Lacey. You've met the Navarro College scout right? Danelle Atkins." Coach asks me as the scout offers her hand. I shake it firmly.
"Yes, we have met, soccer right?" She asks me.
"Yes," I say with a small nod.
"Lacey is our cheer captain and has captained since Junior year, which is very rare here as usual, we have seniors as captain. But Lacey's skills were already in front of the seniors." Coach boasts giving me a small smile.
"I wouldn't say in front of," I say to coach with a small smile and shake of my head.
"Absolutely they were. Lead the girls through a warm-up?" Coach asks me. I give her a curt nod before turning to the team.
"Ok Ladies listen up!" I said clapping my hands together. Everyone turns to me.
"Everyone follow me for stretching," I say as I begin to stretch. After a while, I take the girls for a jog around the field.
"Ok everyone lines up for tumbling and practise your double full to full's while I go talk to the coach." I say with a clap of my hands as I make my way over to the coach.
"Ok good. I'll take it from here." Coach says with a grateful smile.
I make my way to the edge of the mat and line up.
When it's my turn I do an easy double to full.
"Lacey, Bea, Callie. I want you girls doing a double to half to full to a full rotation." Coach says. I raise my eyebrows and look at Bea and Callie. They return it with a look of their own.
The line shortens and I'm at the front. I prepare myself, before legging into roundoff, double into half to a full and a full rotation.
I nearly stumble on the last one but manage to pull myself together shakily, only adding a few extra steps. This is annoying, especially with the Navarro scout here.
"Core Lacey, Core," Coach yells towards me. I nod my head towards her before joining the back of the line.
I glance over towards the football team and see Seth's number, as he hurls the football an extra long distance down the field.
The scouts are whispering to one another.
Seth knows what he's doing.
I return my attention to the mat.
"Ok that's enough tumbling ladies, let's practice the baskets." Coach yells clapping her hands together.
I make my way over to the centre of the mat and talk it through with my basket group.
We run a few baskets which are pretty smooth. Minus one shaky start.
We run through the routine and do a full out. Which there was a few fumbles on. But the routine is extremely difficult.
Finally, Coach claps her hands together.
"Ok girls. Group chat, grab your water bottles." She says authoritatively.
I grab my water and take a large swig as I make my way over towards the group.
"Ok, that was good ladies. Please remember toes. Point your toes. A few fumbles that we can sort through but otherwise it was a pretty clean practice." Coach says with a small smile.
"So some of you have met Danelle already. She's the Navarro scout." Coach says pointing to Danelle who moves beside her.
"Hello, Ladies. I saw great things on the mat today. Could I please have Beatrice, Lacey and Callie stay behind please." She says looking at each of us. I nod.
"Ok that's us for the day." Coach says with a smile. The other girls disembark.
"Hey girls. So I loved what I saw on the mat today and just thought I'd let you know, I've sent videos to be reviewed for the team. Acceptance letters come out in ivy week. So next week." Danelle says to us with a small smile.
"Thank you so much Danelle." We say unable to keep the grins off our faces.
"No worries." Danelle says with a small wave as we begin to take our leave.
"Oh my god. Imagine if we get to go to Navarro!" I exclaim the second we're out of earshot.
"I know!" Bea says jumping excitedly.
"That would be insane." Callie says with a grin.
"Would you guys take it do you think. What about soccer?" Bea asks us.
"If I got offered a soccer scholarship at Louisiana I would take Louisiana over Navarro." Callie admits truthfully.
"I would take Louisiana if there's a soccer option maybe, but I am pretty set on hoping for a Navarro offer?"
"Yeah that's what I'm looking to do as well. Except not Louisiana. Maybe U of A?" Bea says.
"Makes sense they have a really good program." I say with a small smile.
"What are you guys looking at studying?" Callie asks.
"Chemical engineering." Bea says with a small smile.
"Psychology." I admit.
I had thought a lot about it but I wasn't entirely sure.
"I'm thinking law." Callie says.
"I can't believe next week is Ivy week. And prom. I don't even have a date. Let alone a dress." I say with a sigh.
"You could ask any guy." Bea says with a nudge.
"But I don't want any guy. It's my last prom. My only Senior prom." I say with a sigh.
"Callie didn't Oscar ask you?" Bea asks.
"No. There's rumours going around that he will. I hope he does." Callie says with a small sigh.
"I ship it." I say with a grin.
"Same!" Bea exclaims.
"So Bea what's going on between you and Luke." Callie says nudging Bea.
"Nothing." Bea says.
"They slept together." I say nudging Bea teasingly. She just throws me a look.
"Oh my god! Finally." Callie says clapping her hands excitedly.
"I know right!" I say to Callie.
Bea looks at us with a roll of her eyes at our middle school behaviour.
"We can't date." Bea says with a sad smile.
"Why not?" Callie asks confused.
"Seth." I say with a knowing solemn smile and Bea replies with a nod.
"What about you and Seth?" Callie asks me. My eyebrows immediately furrow together in confusion.
"What about me and Seth?" I ask confused.
"Are you serious?" Callie asks me in shock. "You two look at each other like your practically in love with each other!" Callie exclaims.
My eyes widen in shock.
"No we don't." I say shaking me head vigorously. There was absolutely no way.
"Callie." Bea says giving Callie a look as if to say "shut up"
"Oh. It's that brother sister best friend thing again huh." Callie says looking between us as we enter the changing rooms.
"Yeah." Bea says with a nod looking straight ahead.
"Why?" Callie asks.
"It's girl code. AND Seth doesn't like me like that and I don't like Seth like that." I answer immediately getting in to the shower, sports bra and all, to wash off the sweat from practice.
"He does. Anyone can see it." Callie says. Bea coughs loudly. "Sorry just stating facts Bea," Callie says jumping in to the shower on my right. Bea in the one on my left.
"Whatever. I need a date to the prom though." Bea says with a sigh.
"Luke." I say. Bea rolls her eyes.
"I can't think of anyone except for him." Callie says after a while.
"Maybe I can rope Dallas in to going with me." I say thinking to myself.
"But who am I going to take?" Bea says exasperated.
"You could take your brother." I say with a laugh. Bea just rolls her eyes at me.
"Can we go dress shopping tomorrow?" Callie asks.
"Ooh yes. What colours are we thinking?" I ask.
"Red or maybe a gold one." Callie says thoughtfully
"Ooo yes." I say.
"Navy blue. For sure." Bea says with a grin.
"You guys will look amazing ." I say with a grin.
"What about you?" They ask me.
"Emerald green maybe. Or I like the thought of a white one but that might be a bit like wedding vibes." I say with a small sigh.
"Honestly you could pull off any colour. Emerald green would look stunning though." Bea says with a grin.
"Aww thanks." I say turning off my shower and drying myself off.
"I'm excited. Also I'm so nervous for fucking Ivy week." Callie says from next to me.
"Right. I hope I get in to some good schools." I say with a shudder.
"What schools have you guys applied for?" Bea asks.
"Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Princeton, UVA, UVC, Navarro and Louisiana State." Callie lists off.
"Damn I can't even remember mine. But about the same minus Princeton, Yale, Brown and Harvard." I say with a chuckle.
"Yeah I'm about the same. Though I also applied for U of A and Boston and Stanford." Bea says.
"Wow. I can't believe we're nearly finished high school." I say with a sigh.
"Time has flown." Callie says sadly as we sling our bags over our shoulders and make our way out of the changing room.
"We should do a graduation trip before we all split up for Colleges. Like a senior grad trip. Wouldn't that be wicked." I say thinking to myself.
"Yes. We can start a group chat and discuss it." Callie says excitedly.
"You start it. I'll talk to you when I get home. Put it in the groupchat" I say waving to Callie as Bea and I get in to Bea's car.
Our group-chat consists of Luke, Seth, Dallas, Callie, Bea and I.
The football team are all standing around having a chuckle as Bea starts up the car. We honk at them and give them a quick wave before we head off.
"Can I come to yours tonight?" Bea asks me.
"Yeah of course." I say with a smile.
"Good. Are Jacob and Leroy still there?" She asks.
"Yeah they were staying for a few days I think." I say pulling out my phone and asking them.
You guys still home?
J: Miss us already. Yep we are until next Saturday. Got extended.
Guess you'll be here for Ivy week and Prom.
L: We get to see your Little sis off to Prom :'))
Shut up.
J: Dad wants to know if your coming here tonight or the Nixons?
To you guys. Bea's coming as well.
J: Invite Seth as well. The adults could go hang with the Nixons.
L: Like old times.
I'll ask Bea. You ask Dad. Where and how's mom?
L: We're not really talking to mom a lot. But she's at the Nixons. Probably will be for a while.
"The boys want to know if Seth would come around and we can all hang out. Just like old times?" I ask Bea as she turns down my road.
"Yeah I guess." Bea says with a shrug.
"Ok cool. I'll ask if he wants to join." I say flicking a message to Seth.
J, L, B and I maybe M too are hanging tonight. Come join? Just like old times?
Sure. Can I bring Luke?
Don't see why not.
"Ok he's coming and bringing Luke." I say giving Bea a pointed look as she parks the car. She throws me a look.
"What?" I say innocently a small smile playing on my lips. I carry my gear bag inside and pull open the front door.
"Hey Losers!" I call out.
"Hey kiddo." Jacob says bounding in Leroy not long after. Each wrapping me up in a massive bear hug.
"Hey Banks." Leroy says wrapping Bea in a massive hug quickly followed by one from Jacob.
"Really. Banks? Still?" Bea says with a chuckle.
"Absolutely." The boys reply with a grin as we make our way in to the kitchen.
"I'm going to get changed in to something comfy. You want some clothes Bea or you good?" I ask her. She shrugs.
"I'm good." She says with a small smile.
"Alright. I'll be back in a second." I say to them as I make my way upstairs.
I strip off my clothes and pull on a clean pair of underwear and chuck a cheer hoodie on over some grey pyjama shorts. I pull my hair in to a messy bun and grab my water bottle. I knock on Molly's door.
"Oi c'mon. We're going to hang. Seth, Luke, Roy, Jake, Bea and I. Come join?" I ask her.
"I'm going to Max's to study." Molly says fixing herself in the mirror.
"Oh right. Study." I say with a roll of my eyes.
"Shut your mouth." She says with a roll of her eyes.
"Use protection." I joke as I shut the door behind me.
As I make my way downstairs I hear Seth and Luke walk in the front door.
"Hey kiddos." I say with a grin.
"Are you calling me a Kid?" Seth asks turning towards me as I start towards the kitchen, them in close tow.
"I absolutely am." I say sticking my tongue out at him over my shoulder.
"Hey man." Leroy says as Seth, Luke Jacob and Leroy do their little man shake thing.
"Where's dad?" I ask thinking he would be home before going to the Nixons.
"He was at work but I called him and he decided to go straight to the Nixon's." Jacob says with a shrug.
"Ahh." I say opening the cupboard.
"What do we want for dinner?" I ask.
"Mac and cheese." Seth says immediately. And I nod.
"Any objections?" I ask pulling out the macaroni from the cupboard.
"Nope." Luke says with a grin. Leroy and Jacob nod.
With a nod I pull out a pan and add some water.
Everyone scatters themselves around on the other side of the bench. Bea, Luke and Seth are on the island seats and Leroy and Jacob have grabbed seats at the table facing them.
They're all engaged in a conversation that I'm barely paying attention to.
I pull out the cheese and grater and put it on the board for me to grate for the sauce and top. I add the macaroni to the boiling water.
"I can do the cheese if you want." Seth's voice says from behind me.
"Sure that'd be great." I say before setting a timer for the pasta.
I pull open a drawer and grab out a dish for the macaroni.
I start on the sauce while Seth grates the large clock of cheese. I watch him as he vigorously grates the cheese in record time.
"Geez you got through that quickly." I say impressed.
"Yeah it's these guns." Seth says flexing jokingly.
"Could you pass me the binos I can't see anything." I say jokingly. Grabbing the board from him and pushing half the cheese in to the sauce. I stir it slowly.
"You damn well can see them." Seth says knowingly.
"See what? Your pipi's?" I ask him.
"You wound me princess." He says shaking his head and pulling himself on to the bench.
"I'm sure you'll live." I say chuckling.
"I'm heading out." Molly calls from the door way where she bends to put on her shoes.
"Don't do anything I would do." I call out.
"I will." She replies.
"Where are you going?" Jacob asks authority.
"She's going to Katie's house." I but in, knowing Jakey and Roy have a tendency to be a bit overprotective.
"Bye." Molly calls out one last time closing the door behind me.
"How was practice?" Seth asks me.
"Good. The scout noticed Bea, Callie and I. Which is a step towards getting in to Navarro." I say with a small sigh.
"You will for sure get in. There's no doubt about it." Seth says surely.
"Eh. How about you?" I ask him as I stir the sauce carefully making sure it doesn't burn.
"Yeah a few mistakes but as well the scouts both kept me behind after with Luke and Oscar which is good." Seth says with a nod.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask him curiously.
"Lousiana. If I get in." Seth says skeptically.
"You'll get in. They'd be stupid not to accept you." I say pulling the sauce off the heat and stirring the pasta.
"Was that a compliment." Seth asks in a fake shocked voice.
"Shut up." I say with a roll of my eyes.
"Your wish is my command." Seth says with a bow.
"Pass me the colander?" I ask him as the pasta timer goes off.
"I'm not your slave." Seth says with a mischievous grin.
"I wish to have to colander so I can drain the pasta for the dinner YOU requested." I say putting a hand on my hip and raising my eyebrows at him.
"Yes ma'am." Seth says pulling himself off the bench and making his way to the drawer to grab the Colander.
He holds it over the sink and I pour the pasta in to it. I put the pot to the side and grab the macaroni dish and hold it out for Seth to pour the macaroni into. Which he does. I place the dish on the bench and grab the sauce, covering the macaroni in the thick cheesy steaming sauce. I sprinkle cheese and breadcrumbs on top as well as little bacon pieces.
I slip it into the oven.
"That is going to be damn good." I say with a grin.
"I can smell the cockiness from here." Seth says with a laugh.
"Shut up." I say giving him a small shove and moving to the other-side of the bench and hauling myself on to the counter in between Bea and Luke.
"We were just talking about how we should go play Dance Central like old times." Bea says to me with a grin.
"Oh my god yes! I forgot we had that game." I say a grin lighting up my face.
"Dibs first go." Bea says getting up as I race the others.
"Dibs the other first go!" I say excitedly.
"Who's going to keep an eye on the mac and cheese?" Leroy asks.
"There's a timer going." Seth says.
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