《cupid ᝰ k.bakugo ✓》broken


You heard muffled voices shout at you. You slowly opened your eyes to the bright sun shining in your face. You felt your surrondings. Sand was under you, and you felt someone's arm holding your head to their chest.

I'm...on a beach?

You turned your head slowly to see Bakugo holding you, passed out.

"Are you okay!?" Uraraka bent down to help you sit up. You immediatley turned to Bakugo. "Hey, wake up, idiot." You shook his shoulders. He suddenly coughed up water, pushing off his hands to sit up. You, Deku, and Uraraka sighed a breath of relief. "Everyone's okay." Deku muttered.

You looked at your surroundings. The waterfall was to your right, and on each side of it were islands. You and your team was on one, and Momo and her team was on the other.

"Look! Momo and them are okay! They're on the other island!" You pointed. Kirishima waved. You noticed your raft had drifted onto shore. "Our raft survived too!" Uraraka walked over to it to bring it on the land. Bakugo stood up and wrinkled out his shirt. "What the hell was that!?"

"We should've never believed Aizawa when he said it would be a simple task." Deku groaned, helping Uraraka bring the raft on the shore.

"We're coming to you guys!" You heard Momo shout as her and Tsu prepared their raft. You attemtped to stand up, but felt a sharp pain shoot through your leg. You lost your balance and fell into Bakugo. "What the hell, stand up!" He said angrily. You fell back onto your butt. "Ow..." You whispered, rubbing your right leg.

Bakugo stared at you in confusion. "What the hell is wrong?" He bent down to your side. You examined your leg, which was bleeding at the shin. "How did I not notice this before?" You mumbled as you touched it lighty, wincing in pain.


"Y/n? What happened?" Uraraka and Deku bent down to your side.

"I think...it might be...broken?" You whispered.

. . .

Momo, Tsu, Kirishima, and Iida arrived to your island. Momo created a chair with her quirk, and examined your leg. "It's definetly broken." She said, creating a splint and a leg cast. "We'll have to treat it immediately."

"At least no one else got hurt." You smiled. "I'm lucky it wasn't my head that hit the rock."

Kirishima activated his quirk, hardened his arm for you to hold onto. "It might hurt, so you can squeeze onto my arm." He held it out. "Thank you, Kirishima!" You grabbed his wrist as Momo wrapped some bandages around your leg, along with a splint. The rest of the class watched as you squirmed in pain.

"You're doing great, Y/n!" Tsu encouraged. Momo slipped the cast on your leg. "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah, but it feels a lot better bandaged up." You assured. Momo sighed. "Good. That's my first time treating a broken bone."

"FIRST?" Your classmates shouted. Momo created some crutches and a bottle of painkillers. "Take one pill, it should numb the pain a bit." She explained, handing you the pills. You stared at the bottle, then turned to Bakugo.

"W-What?" He stuttered, his face slightly turning pink. You handed him the bottle. He sighed and looked at Momo. "Can you...create a bottle...of water?" He mumbled. Momo tilted her head. "Water? Sure..." She emerged a water bottle from her chest. "How come?"

"She can't take pills without a drink." He took the water and dumped a single pill into his hand. "Open." He said. You placed out your tounge and titled your head back. Bakugo slowly poured down the water. "Swallow."


The class watched as the two of you worked together to take the pill. Uraraka's eyes lit up. "That was so cute!!" She awed. Bakugo hissed at her. "Shut your trap!" He yelled.

Suddenly, the watches that Aizawa gave each of you started to beep. A small screen appeared, Aizawa giving a mischevious smile. "Hello, class."

"What the heck? It's Aizawa!" Kirishima said, looking at the watch.

"I lied. This...is a Survival Training Excersise."

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