《The Darkened Dove (SCP-049 x reader)》Chapter 27: Those in the Shadows


Authors Note: Hello everyone I hope that your day is going well!! I was so excited to share with you some beautiful artwork crated by Megurine Luka (扱ペそ)! I am so excited that this story has its first piece of fan art! And just so you know my door is always open if you guys end up creating something else, I love seeing your creativity and I cannot tell you how exciting it is for me to see what people are inspired to do especially for something that I feel inspired to do as well!! I appreciate it so much and I appreciate you guys more than you know! You inspired and encouraged me to keep writing. Thank you so much. And I hope that you all enjoy the chapter!


Holding your breath, you looked up at your father. Your legs crossed tightly as you absentmindedly picked at the outer seam of your jeans. Your heart raced when his face fell. His jaw clenched as you waited for his reply. His eyes were growing dark.

Now you understood why Vincent was so scared to tell him about SCP-035.

"What?" He spoke sharply. His tone reminiscent of a whip.

"It wasn't there. The helicopter was empty..."

"Empty?? (Y/N)... You said."

"I know what I said." His eyebrow raised. Warning you. You were quick to continue. "And I didn't lie! It's just. It must have escaped and we just need to find it again, erm." You began to lose your nerve. Your father was never easy to talk to.

He scowled. Pouring himself another drink. You furrowed your brow. Your father didn't drink much and seeing him down his fifth like this was unusual for him. It made your stomach uncomfortable and your nerves shot. You shifted slightly, your lips pressed together. You corralled your courage once more before speaking.

"Are you ok?"

He paused in the middle of his drink. Slamming the shot back down.

"What do you think?" He snapped.

You blinked, jumping slightly at the noise.

He paused, shaking his head. "I'm fine. Just fine. I really thought you would have been able to do this."

"I tried-"

"Well try harder!!" He stood up towing over you. You quickly backed up into your chair. Your heart racing at his outburst.

You held your arms closer together. Doing what you could to calm your racing heart.

"I'm sorry! We will find it again! I'm sure it could not have gone far." You tried. You hoped SCP-035 didn't get too far. Not only for your father's sake and your own but for the sake of any human it comes across. As of now, you still had not had the opportunity to read about SCP-035, but from what you had seen so far you wouldn't want to mess with it.

He sighed before finally looking down at you. His eyes were conflicted as he thought. You felt a crawling fear begin in your chest when his wide eyes studied you. His hands rubbing his withered face. He sat back down. "Ok. It's fine. Fine. We still have more time."

You were quiet as you studied his actions. You had never seen him like this. Never. He always had this uncanny way of portraying confidence as if he was consistently one step ahead of everyone. And in the end he came up on top. But this time. You felt your anxiety grow in seeing your father so nervous.

"Are you sure everything is alright?" The words came out more stressed than you intended. Your nerves boiling over from his apparent distress.


"I never said I was sure, did I?"

You bit your cheek. "No but you just-"

"Everything is fine." He interrupted. "As long as this, losing an SCP doesn't happen again. Particularly SCP-035."

Your brow furrowed at his specificity. Your mind immediately flooded with more questions.

He took a deep breath, switching topics. "I am disappointed (Y/N). You could have done better. But this is your first time I guess." his words came out harsh. Reopening wounds that you thought were long gone. He looked towards you, scratching his chin. His hands still trembled as he did so. "I have back up plans." You bit your cheek. Listening to him muse over your apparent failure. He had just glazed over what you have found so miraculous. That you even found the helicopter and it was in the same spot you had dreamed.

"But don't worry (Y/N). You will be a part of that as well." He tried to reassure you. Though all it did was grow that ever present pit inside your stomach.

Without another word he seemed to become distracted by the empty glass sitting on the table. turning it with his fingers. Your brow furrowed, it bothered you. In a way it created presence. Something that loomed over you. You knew what that was. Your impending sense of doom. Unfortunately familiar to you. It was something rooted deep inside you. Even though you knew it was there it did not always help. Sometimes just acknowledging something is not enough.

Especially when it is set off. Set off by someone you unconsciously leaned on. He always had a hold on your life, a consistent barrier of control. He was generally consistent over the years. Even now after so long he had felt the same. Something that you have come accustomed to. And now, witnessing a break in the consistency. It sent shivers down your spine. Your anxiety peaking from his actions, you debated speaking up again. Only to take one look at his distressed gaze and change your mind. He didn't seem like he was in the mood for talking anymore.

But, nevertheless you kept yourself resilient. The best you could. Noting your fathers behavior, you distracted yourself as well. To instead look out the window, watching the white clouds pass from beneath you.


The halls seemed darker than they were when you left. As the doors to the outside world locked shut behind you, that freedom you felt disappeared. You could feel your shoulders fall as you were greeted with nothing but the intersection. Tainted by the ominous red light from the large machine.

The machine's metal tubes rising up from its main core seemed to rumble and shake more frequently as the entrance locked. The machine produced a smokey metallic scent. It burned your nose especially after just coming from having fresh air.

Your attention fell on a figure passing by. Her hair flowing behind her as she left the group. Retreating back into the facility without a word. You squeezed the sleeve of your coat. Hadley didn't say a word nor spare you a glance.

Begrudgingly you turned away from where she disappeared. She needed time to grieve. And after the encounter with SCP-049, you didn't think that she would want to see you now.

Your father had already seemed to move on. As he spoke with his men. He was still tense as he stood over them.

A loud bang of a cane hitting the floor caught your attention. Sending you riling around and fully facing your father.

"Next time! Next time I should never ever see you doing anything other than what I asked of you!" He yelled pointing towards Vincent. "You're lucky! If I didn't need you again. Well... Let's just say that this would have been your last mission."


"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again."

"No. It won't." Your father sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Why on earth would you think it was a good idea to leave her alone."

You pressed your lips together understanding what he was angry about now.

"I misjudged the situation, sir. I'm sorry." He continued. You watched him as his arms rigid and straight on his sides, his face seemingly blank. Although you didn't think that your father even knew that that had happened. He seemed to be unaware while you spoke to him earlier.

You stood silently as the men took your fathers wrath. Although this was nothing compared to what you had seen from him before. As a stern talking to was nothing compared to being murdered by SCP-106.

Your mind began to drift back to earlier, digesting all that you saw and what to make of it. The day was long. Mostly only hours stuck in a jet, but you felt as if you had a weight pressed against your shoulders again. Your fingers gripped onto the sleeve of your jacket as you recalled the state of the city, SCP-035 escaping, and your fathers demeanor.

It was more stress than you knew how to handle. And not that you necessarily had to handle all of them as your own problems at all. But standing by as an SCP runs free and ignoring notable behavior changes from your father sounded like a poor choice in your eyes.

You swallowed as your stomach and chest seemed to shutter as you thought of attempting to handle even one of those tasks alone. But at the same time, you felt just as alone as you had in the foundation. For a split second, you hoped you had Hadley on your side. But after earlier you weren't as convinced. And as much as her situation hurt you to think about, you were still... afraid. At the end of the day, that's what you felt.

And even so, you weren't certain it was a good idea anyways to handle it all yourself. You weren't strong enough at the end of the day. You didn't think there was a person out there who is.

You gently pushed that familiar thought aside. Not feeling as if it was necessarily helpful. Instead, you shifted your attention on what you could do for now.

Moments dragged on when a familiar clinking sound entered the room. Being led by two guards before hesitantly being unlocked, at least as far as the two long poles that secured SCP-049's neck. He was quick to reach up to his neck rubbing his collar, wincing as he did so. You looked down as he quickly brought his hand away from the shock collar.

You felt a surge of guilt rise inside you. Yes, there was a huge part of you that wanted to keep him in containment. But, not like this. It was inhumane on so many levels. You gently rubbed your arm as you waited for your father to finish lecturing his men.

"You know. Actually, I think I know just the punishment for you."

The men flinched. Before your father glanced back at you. He seemed to rethink something. Scratching the sides of his face before suddenly changing his mind.

"On second thought. I will discuss that with you later. I have other things to attend to first."

Your father's tone was not threatening as you assumed it would. In fact, he was calm. The transition from being furious to calm wasn't foreign to him. But even still, out of the three men, Vincent had the most notable reaction to his change. His eyes widened as he stared over at you, his face began to pale. You shivered at the expression. Your nerves grew to a point that limited your breathing. Generally, it meant that your father had collected himself, and worse even, he had already decided his next action.

"I'll see you three in my office when I return. I expect you to be prepared. Understand?" He explained receiving the agreement of the three men. "Good. Now I need to take (Y/N) home. She's had a long day."

You stared at him, gently biting your cheek. All at once feeling as if you were even more out of your fathers plans than you thought. Was it because you stood up for the last men he tried to punish? As well as the horse? Or were you never meant to be a part of this? This experiment was far from anything you wanted to be a part of, but at least before you understood most of what was going on. But now you rethought what you thought you knew.

And the look in your father's eyes gave you all you needed to know. He wasn't upset with you. So that left very few options as to what this was about.

You swallowed deciding not to speak. You weren't prepared to fight with your father. Especially today after he had been acting so strange.

"I'll return shortly." He turned, leading you away from the intersection. His legs and cane were loud against the meshed floor. "Come along (Y/N)."

You took one look back at the men before following your father.


The halls were silent aside from the quiet shaking from SCP-049's shackles. Your father walked quickly to take SCP-049 back to the lab and you to your room you assumed.

Your father seemed to fade in the distance despite his limp. He occasionally looked back at you as if silently encouraging you to move faster. Pressuring you to hurry and get to where he could ensure you stayed put. That feeling of waiting to be put away again felt familiar to you.

SCP-049 was also surprisingly cooperative. Following your father's orders and keeping to himself. In fact, you didn't think he had even said a word to him. A common occurrence for SCP-049 if you recalled his documents for the first few pages, they believed he was mute. Though this was quickly proven to not be the case.

The hallways got busier as you continued, passing through labs and narrowing in on the elevator to take you back to your room. You were inside the first giant lab now. The stairs leading up to SCP-049's containment chamber weren't too far away. Hesitantly you glanced back at him. Your stomach was guilty knowing what torment he was going to be put back in.

He had his head down. His arms held in front of him to keep the chains from rubbing against his wrists anymore than they already were. It was similar to the ones from the foundation. But paired with pain. Your eyebrows furrowed and you bit your cheek absentmindedly. Your father had hurt so many people, so many creatures. An entire city was destroyed because of him.

You turned back around knowing that with your father so close, you felt as if you were in chains as well. Just yours felt bitter to you. As if it was your own fault they still existed. Even if that was only because they were unseen.

Moments passed before something caught your eye. You were immediately stopped in your tracks. As if you were a deer caught in headlights. Your breath caught in your throat as a deep searing scream welled up inside you. Begging to escape. Your throat was too tight. You thought you were going to pass out as your face began to pale.

Those eyes, ugly and perverse. They stared at you, twitching slightly as they scanned your body. Stopping at all the places that made you want to cover yourself more than you already were. Mentally wrapping yourself in layers of clothes as he blatantly undressed you with his mind. Loud phantom pains ignited throughout your body as you stared into those all too familiar grey eyes. You felt increasingly more conscious of your breasts, lower body and neck... Anywhere where he had put those rough chapped lips he wore over his revolting intentions. An unclean feeling washed over you by even looking at the monster before you.

You could still feel his hands on you. The pain he inflicted on your body after only being in the same room with him once before. You held it together the best you could until... You felt a hand on your shoulder.

You let out a scream as you jolted away from the touch. Your throat tightened as your mind raced. You were far from healed from the trauma you had endured.

"Dr. (L/N)?"

Turning around you were met with a wide-eyed SCP-049. He held his hands out to you, steading your shaking form. You lightly grabbed his sleeve. Still not processing the physical world nor his actions.

"Are you alright? Why did you scream?"

You panted as you tried to compose yourself, your body betraying you as it trembled.

You couldn't help but look back. You only saw the last of the torture's back before he disappeared. He was only there for a minute before he stepped away. Continuing on to commit whatever foul deeds he had in mind. He was out of your sight, yet you felt your heart rate increase and your breathing still barely coming through.

SCP-049 was staring at the place the man disappeared from as well. Trying to piece together what you were so distressed by.

He turned his eyes back to you. His head tilted slightly as you took deep breaths to calm your panic.

"Did I frighten you?" You shook your head. "Did you see something?" He seemed to ponder something for a moment. His eyes were curious but unwavering as you fought yourself to calm your racing thoughts in hopes to think clearly once more. "Perhaps, was it the man who-"

"Stop!" You interrupted him firmer than you had meant to. At this point you noticed glances from a couple scientists passing by. As well as a guard reaching down to his gun. You took in a breath and calmed yourself hoping you weren't making too much of a scene. At the same time though you felt as if you couldn't calm yourself.

"Is everything alright?" The guard spoke up much to your dismay, his eyes directed to SCP-049. You nodded quickly.

"Yes. i'm sorry I'm ok." You responded just as quickly. The guard hesitated but stepped back back to his post.

"Dr. (L/N)?" SCP-049 picked back up again after personnel around you began to calm down.

You looked at him, your eyes tormented. Telling on your panic. "I'm sorry. I just don't think I can talk about it..."

He put his hand at his side. "What happened?"

You crossed your arms tightly together as if that was going to hold you together.

"Nothing... It's not important." You lied, feeling you could break if you opened up.

"Did he hurt you? And now that we are speaking of this, what happened to your injuries?" His voice began to pick up again without your reassurance.

Again, you shook your head. Beginning to clam up from his persistence. "My father healed me. So, I'm fine now."

"Are you?"

You bit your cheek looking anywhere but at the two golden eyes dissecting you for your reply.

"You never answered my question." You swallowed as SCP-049 continued to press for an answer. "He hurt you didn't he?"

"He- Yes." You choked out a whisper. Your voice came out weak, trembling as you forced out the small word. finally gave him an answer.

He stood back up to his full height. An unreadable expression in his eyes. He turned and studied the direction the man disappeared. "How?" His finger began to twitch.

Your lips pressed together as you gripped your arms tighter. Afraid to speak up. To answer with the truth. You wished you could disappear as the truth made you ashamed. Ashamed as if someone taking advantage of you was your fault.

"(Y/N)? What's going on?" Your father returned after realizing you fell behind.

Your eyes widened when you noticed the remote ready in his hand. "I heard you scream." He said those last words as if they were a threat. A threat aimed at SCP-049.

"No! No, it's fine. I just thought I saw something."

His eyebrows furrowed at your explanation. His thumb eagerly hovering over the red button. "You thought you saw something?"

"Yes! I must just be getting tired." He seemed to calm slightly.

"I see. Good thing you are going home then." He accepted your answer and put the device away.

You sighed in relief as he did so. Your hand raising up to rub your aching head.

"Doctor?" A deep, concerned voice returned studying you.

You looked at SCP-049 with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to talk about it."

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