《Scarlet Taste (Vampire! Yandere x Emotionless! Reader)》1. Sadness


Your parents were good people. Both your mother and father were model students, they were popular in school, and they were both considered very attractive. Your father ended up being a CEO for a big electronics company, a family owned company, and with that, your mother and father were off to live the rich life. They had a big house, lots of cash, and excellent social skills.

They were perfect.

So when the town heard that the couple was having a child, people were ecstatic. Everyone showed up to the couple's home as soon as the newborn was set to go home from the hospital. They immediately loved your older brother. Your parents named him Cayden.

A little over two years after he was born, your mother was pregnant again. Unfortunately, it was not by the same man. She got pregnant while your father was on a business trip... the day before he came back home.

She pretended that you were his child, but he knew better.

For the sake of keeping up a good image, he started to pretend that you were his too. That was only in public though.... behind closed doors, you father treated you like you weren't there. Cayden was his one and only child.... you didn't exist.

However, his act proved to be for nothing. You looked nothing like your father.... you look more like the young and handsome owner of the town's local bar. He was a charming man and he was a bit of a player. Everyone knew.

Your mother was alone in a house with only your brother and a few house maids, yet she still felt lonely. She needed some love while your father was gone... and Mr. player sensed that. He comforted her, bought her gifts.... and a week before your father was about to come home, your mother had given in to his advances and did something she thought she would regret.

The whole community already knew, when they saw your face, you belonged to someone else. They all showed up when you got home, just like they did Cayden, and left in a flash when they saw your (e/c) eyes.

You weren't a star child in their eyes, you were just a disgrace to one of the richest family in the neighborhood. You were just a little kid, but that didn't stop anybody. Children and adults just loved to tell you how much of a burden you really were to your father's image. They loved to tell you about all the mean things you father said about you at banquets and at parties... events that you were never allowed to go to. The people in your neighborhood weren't the only people that bashed on you though.

Cayden hated you for stealing your mother's attention, your father disregarded your very existence, your grandparents on your father's side acted like you were just a child servant for Cayden because they refused to call you their kin, and your grandmother on your mother's side hated you for taking away her chance of getting some of your father's fortune. All you had was your loving and caring mother.


Unfortunately, people didn't treat your mother nicely either.

But even with all of the negativity that was directed towards her, she never did regret what she did. She though she would.... but she ended up getting one of the best gifts someone as lonely as her could ever ask for.

She got someone who cared about her as much as she cared about them. She got you.

At the age of five, your mother realized that you had a problem. Your emotions... or your supposed lack of them. You had them... but they were almost nonexistent. You also lacked social skills. You didn't hang around with other children, or laugh when something funny happened, or whine when you didn't get what you wanted.... you were just there, not saying a word.

You were silent most of the time and because of your quiet nature, you were able to go places without being noticed. You had nothing better to do except listen to people talk about their lives and so that's what you did. You listened. You learned about cheating wives and lying husbands, you learned about how cruel some of the most innocent kids were and how your neighbor's son killed small animals for fun...you learned more about your community's terrible secrets everyday.

Even your own family's terrible secrets couldn't be kept from you.... You were just waiting for the perfect time...

To let it all out.

You were sitting at the park all by yourself at the moment. It was dangerous for someone your age to be outside at this time, but you lacked fear. You were six years old and yet you were fearless. You liked sitting at the park at night because no one was out. You could think out loud, you could listen to your own voice... this was one of the rare things you actually enjoyed.

"People are strange." You say aloud. "Today big brother told me he hated me. I told him I don't care and he got so mad he cried. Why? Why was he so sad?" You murmur.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!? Where are you?!" Your mother came running down the street in only a night gown and slippers. "There you are! I was so worried... please don't leave without asking (y/n)." Your mother crouches down and hugs you tightly.

"I didn't ask because you'd say no..." You whisper softly, hugging her back.

"Of course I would! You know how people feel about us... wonder if one day.... they decide to hurt you?" She says, letting go of you. "If you were to disappear, I don't know what I would do." She offers her hand to you.

Your smaller hand grips hers as you both walk back down the street.

"Momma... I'd never ever leave you."

Despite being so empty you did feel love, but it was limited to only one person. You loved you mother. She was the only person that's actually seen you smile. Of course, it wasn't a real smile... you didn't see the purpose in smiling, but she told you once that you would look even more beautiful if you smiled more. She was very dear to you. She's someone you would kill for....


She was the one person that you could never let go of.

(Skip two boring years)

You used to go to the park to discuss your curiosity about feelings, but now... the only reason you go to the park is so you can talk to yourself about your worries. Not many people knew you had any, but you did and they all have to do with your mother.

"Momma has been sleeping a lot lately. No matter how long she sleeps for, she is always tired...." You look down at your shoes. "Sometimes I go to sleep next to her... she says she has good dreams when I'm in the room... but even when I'm in the room with her... I can still hear her crying in her sleep. She's been crying a lot lately... why is she sad?" You say, your facial expressions remaining the same.

"I don't know." Says a deep voice. It was silky smooth and it was dripping with curiosity. You feel a presence next to you, but you don't bother looking to see who or what's there.

"Who are you?" You say softly.

"No one too bad. I assure you." He chuckles. " I was once called Cain."

You hum, acknowledging Cain.

"Once?" You question. There was a long silence.

"That was my nickname as one might call it... I've chosen to forget my real name." Cain says

"Oh...Momma... she told me to make friends." You say to yourself. "Say... Mr. Cain... would you like to be my friend?"

"Your friend?" Cain asks.

You turn to look at the tall hooded figure, hidden in the shadows.

"Yes." You say, your dull eyes staring into glowing red ones.

"Alright little one."

When you returned home that night, your father was reading. He looked up for a second before going back to his book. You walked past the dinning room, looking at the little set up that you had planned. There, at the table, were two empty plates and a single candle. You frowned at the sight.

You walked up the stairs, and headed to your mother's room. She didn't sleep in the same room as father anymore. In your eyes, your father didn't deserve her. He was trash compared to her and she was an angel compared to him, but even so... your mother desired his attention. She wanted to be his and she wanted his affections.

You opened the door carefully, tiptoeing closer and closer to her bed.

"You're late." Your mother says tiredly, her eyes still closed.

"You were asleep when I came up here earlier." You say, stroking her hair. "I didn't want to wake you up."

"I wish you did...." Tears fell from your mother's eyes.

"I'll make it up to you momma. I'm sorry I missed our date.... Let's try again tomorrow." You say softly, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Remember to put on something pretty."

In the morning you got up and started cooking. Your mother never got help from the servants. The servants were great people, but they were ordered not to help you or your mother. Your mother was your only means of food for a while... until she started to get sick.

You learned how to cook and prepare food in her place so she could sleep. You put together a nice tray of fruits, small, sliced pieces of cheese and ham for some mini cracker sandwiches, and you baked mini apple tarts that you learned how to make from a cook book and put in all in a big picnic basket. You left the basket by the front door. You got some clothing from your bedroom and changed into a (f/c) spring dress with matching shoes. You brushed your hair, brushed your teeth, and you put on some cheap body glitter that your mother had bought for you last year. You treasured it because she gave it to you and it was the first gift you have ever received.

You knock on your mother's bedroom door.

"Mother are you ready?" You say.

The door opens to show your mother in a dress very much similar to yours.

"Oh dear we match. I suppose I should go—"

"No. I think you look lovely just like that." You say, grabbing her hand and leading her down into the main hall. You didn't really find things beautiful. You didn't know how to identify if something was pretty, but you liked looking at your mother so you assumed that anything she liked was the definition of attractive.

You walk her to the front door, letting go of her hand to grab the picnic basket and open the door.

That picnic was the last time you've ever seen your mother smile...

And It's going to be like that for a long time.

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