《South of Guadarrama》Chapter 15 Assassination as Strategy
Yew (Taxus baccata)
This tree is native to Europe, North Africa, and South-East Asia. It takes a dose of about 50 grams to be fatal to a human. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, muscle tremors, seizures, collapse, and ultimately cardiac arrest. In cases of severe intoxication, death can be so rapid that the other symptoms are not felt.
Jalila had already agreed to Subh all the arrangements for the second meeting of the group. Hamid had managed with Farouk the search for a new location. The meeting would take place in a large commercial warehouse of one of the great vendors of Cordoba. There was a room used for negotiations of every kind that was discreet and adequate for the purposes of the Group. All the participants were already informed by Hamid of the change of place although the reasons were not yet well explained. The issue would be discussed as the first item of the meeting, and Subh, with the help of Hamid, hoped to remove any fears with the occurrence, for he imagined that the fact might raise some concerns within her select group of conspirators and now so even more, considering that the idea for more radical actions were springing up in his head.
Everyone was arriving and taking their places in the small audience. They demonstrated by the common silence a tension that dominated all. When Subh arrived accompanied by Jalila, she impacted the presents as a vision. She was dressed in a pink tunic with gold embroidery inlaid with precious stones. A veil covered her face and stretched around his golden-reddish hair that shone like the morning sunbeams as they struck the waters of the Guadalquivir. An already customary tinkling of jewels and the cloud of fragrance that sweetened the air took over the environment as she intoxicated those present and walked to take refuge behind the lattice structure that awaited her.
Subh was about to start addressing his audience when Hamid, who arrived late, came to the door causing a sudden impact on Jalila, who, after accommodating Subh, went to his place beside the trellis. Excusing himself and timidly hesitating for his delay, he was dressed in an emerald-green vest-style tunic and wearing white pleated trousers. The emerald green tone made her brunette color more vibrant and gave a light glow to her nearly black eyes. He wore a light green hat with a cabochon-studded emerald-studded medallion. He did not use a sword, but a dagger stuck in a silver sheath supported by a black band along with his waist.
He resumed self-control and surprised those present asking to speak as coordinator of the latest movements that led to the establishment of a new meeting place. He discussed the events that made it prudent to abandon the Library as a meeting place and reassured those present of any fears they might have of the common enterprise, for he not only trusted the solution to the doubts concerning Amal but also relied on his total discretion. It was only a small setback, which the Sultana's extreme care for the group had made her choose to turn away from this dubious situation.
Except for the Abbot, they all remained silent, although the apprehension of Farouk and especially of Benzecry was noticeable.
Juan Herrera was emphatic in agreeing that the fact would have no consequence, but he was interested to know if the content of such a manuscript was known.
- Did you, Hamid, Subh or any of our people have access to this manuscript?
- No, Monsieur Abbot, no one has seen the manuscript. It is supposed that the accuser went to Almanzor with a kind of story based on suspicions and narratives from third parties. What would have been seen by the accuser is not known exactly. Most likely he saw something that he did not understand.
Jalila still struck by the sudden entrance and participation of Hamid tried to make use of her most hidden mechanisms of censorship and cannot help but escape from the thought that things were becoming very difficult, their barriers were collapsing one behind the other. Her heart was racing, and she felt sweat beading between her breasts, which tinged strangely. He wondered what was happening. Why could not she control her body?
At this moment her thoughts were overtaken by Subh's sudden voice that considering that she should intercede addressed the audience with a firm voice and left no doubt as to her leadership in the group:
- This matter seems exhausted, and I do not intend to debate it, I just want to make clear that Amal is no longer part of this group and will not return if all the accusations that generated the audit that Hamid referred and are imputed to him were clarified and withdrawals. Our understanding is that each one of us would follow his own path behind his goals and if his objectives involved an attack on the Islamic faith he will have to take responsibility for his actions and I do not have to execute this design. Now I wanted to return to our own subjects.
There was the usual rustling of silks that moved in the cushions that intensified when the same kind of noise was accompanied by tremor on the trellis as Subh stepped out from behind the structure and positioned himself in front of them separated from a few yards, greeting each one with a nod. She still wore the veil, but her beauty, grace, and elegance radiated like a golden one through a gleaming physiognomy.
- My friends, although I am a believer, everyone knows that I was not always a Muslim. I do not want to establish a distance between us. Behind the trellis, I feel far from you. This expedient was used by Al-Hakam when I was very opinionated on state issues and he wanted me around. Between us, I can neither establish nor tolerate this separation. We are a family that lives in the risks that we take in favor of the future of Cordoba that we love and, therefore, I will dispense with the screen.
There was a murmur of approval, but Subh resumed the word.
- We're on the edge of the cliff, and we must take drastic action to keep from falling. Hamid, I would like you to share with the others what you talked to me recently about the feelings that Almanzor himself is drawing from the voice of the people, regardless of their latest achievements and new titles.
Hamid got up from the cushion he was in and put himself in front of everyone.
- Almanzor is visibly worried by some rumors that have heard about the dissatisfaction of the population represented by the increasing numbers of parodies giving an account of the Caliph's seclusion and of how he is being kept under constant vigilance. People want to see their Caliph. His continued absence is creating mistrust. Many do not understand the reasons why he remains incarcerated and begin to blame Hajib directly. This, on the other hand, according to the last meetings of the Viziers, is committed to a social campaign to improve his empathy with the population.
- That's why, interrupted Subh, that I have been saying that we must radicalize and attack violently in what is most dear to Almanzor. We need to leave him bewildered, groundless, preoccupied in such a way with personal problems to such an extent that we facilitate the implementation of our plan of support for Ziri's armies, perhaps the only man in the Caliphate whom Almanzor still fears.
- And what would this plan be, and how does an isolated attack on Almanzor fit into it? Farouk asked.
- Of course, there are uncertainties, but we study the alternatives well, and I understand that there are two options, Hamid replied. Or we attack his mentally ill brother or his wife Asma. The only two people he seems to care about. Any of the losses would be devastating to him and in the wake of his despair followed by destabilization, we would be freer to implement the military plans.
- My God! Exclaimed the Abbot, we would be selling our souls. And what brother is this that I have never heard of?
- This is almost a state secret, Subh interjected, implying that this matter had been shared with Hamid. Almanzor protects his mentally handicapped brother and hides it from the public. You well know how people imply with these flat-faced, wide-bodied individuals, devoid of prominence with their cheeks rounded and widened to the side and their eyes positioned obliquely and the inner corners farther apart than usual. These characteristics associated with the fact that they are mentally incapable have them associated with witchcraft, and the people are afraid of them and consider the presence or proximity of one of these individuals bad. Few people even know this aspect of Almanzor's life. When his parents died and he held high positions in the Caliphate, he became the protector of his brother and now led him to the protection of the palace walls. When I was close to him, he never touched the subject. I've never talked about it myself until now. What I know was revealed to me in secret by Al-Hakam, who still assured me that he was very devoted to his brother. This is a paradoxical aspect of his ambitious personality. But we cannot have susceptibility now. We must do what must to be done and that is the great reason for this meeting today.
- Let me understand, the Abbot insisted. Are you suggesting the murder of innocent people?
There was a moment of silence in the room until Hamid took the initiative to advocate for Subh.
- No, the Sultana is not suggesting murders, she's telling us that we must use all the weapons we have to save Cordoba and doing so, many lives will be saved. And if these weapons or solutions bring the side effect of the innocent sacrifice, I can live with it, although I would not classify Asma as an innocent. As for the demented brother, I can say nothing, yes it would be the sacrifice of an innocent man and perhaps his life is at last valued with this immolation.
Dr. Benzecry thought it was time to give his testimony.
- I have seen him, and I confirm this devotion to Hajib. I swore confidentiality when I saw you on occasion. I also do not like the solution, but we do not have armies and if we want to get one to support us we need to have room to maneuver. Disturbing the peace of Almanzor seems to me, an appropriate strategy. On the other hand, despite being confined, away from the target audience, it would be much less protected than Asma.
- I cannot believe we're already discussing the possibility of us becoming murderers, Juan Herrera almost yelled.
Subh thought it was time to take control before the discussions between his allies ran out of control. Juan Herrera did not seem sincere to him and he thought that he wanted to score a point, just did not know which. Since the revelation of Jalila's first contact with him, she had a slight suspicion about possible parallel agendas of the Abbot.
- I understand your apprehension, Monsieur Abbot, but I imagine your reverend priest, that you would do everything in your power to avoid the unnecessary sacrifice of possibly thousands of lives in the sanctuary of Compostela, not to mention the loss of enormous relics that are sacred for Christianity. Would not you?
- All that the Lord permitted, replied the Abbot.
- Then prepare your prayers, for Santiago de Compostela will be the new vice of Almanzor. He's just taking a break. The campaign against Compostela is not only a possibility but a certainty because of his great desire to demonstrate his uncontrollable power.
- And I can say in that connection that on the wheels of government Almanzor never fails to point out that the spoils of Compostela, the largest Christian shrine in the North, would crown its wide range of conquests in Andalusia adding additional blessings due to its world prestige, added Hamid.
Without knowing why Subh and Hamid had thrown the right arrow. A shudder ran through the Abbot's body as he remembered the matters still not fully resolved involving Amal and the Manuscripts. If Compostela was a military objective of Almanzor the security of the documents would not even be guaranteed under the conditions of this Moorish attack on Christianity. It was then that he surprised everyone present with his next question.
- And who among us would carry out such a terrible warrant?
- Well, said Subh, we will not buy the saddle without having the animal. We have not yet decided on the target and how to fit the effects of eliminating it on our purposes to finance Ziri, the viceroy of Mauritania. But I am happy, or rather, calmer as we understand that however much it may compromise our principles adjusted for peacetime we need to regulate our actions for wartime compatible goals. And a war goal transcends everyday actions.
And she went on.
- Our big problem is that the gold we need is in the treasure of the Caliphate, but I think we can still have access via Hisham. The confusion that would settle in the mind of Almanzor with the loss that we decide will open our ways until we get Hisham to give us the gold. He will not know the fate of gold. I have always had a certain facility for obtaining resources for my projects. A very rudimentary control is exercised over the expenses of the Harem and it will be from this rubric that we will get the gold. Your dedication to the religious exercises encouraged by Almanzor will be beneficial to our goals. I am very sorry in deceiving my son in this way, but in the end, it will be for his redemption.
- But the gold will have to be delivered to the troops outside of Andalusia and none of these mercenaries will accept payment that is not done in advance. How can we arrange this? Farouk asked.
- This scheme has been thought out, and I can now reveal how much Hamid has been working on it. When our emissaries arrive at General Ziri, at the same time, we will foment revolts in Cordova taking as a motto the fact that the Caliph wishes to assume his responsibilities and is being prevented by Almanzor. Hisham is a stranger to his people who do not know the Caliph, but despite this, almost as a tradition, the people love him. You must remember that he is the son of the beloved, just and virtuous Hakam II and grandson of the illustrious Al-Rahman III. We will encourage the streets the will that he should better be known and presented by his subjects. However, while these popular uprisings burst, I must convince him to assume his role because his time has come and this, my friends, will be the most difficult of our plan's tasks, to raise in his meek spirit the spark of the power desire.
Subh paused as if whatever she was just now to reveal put more doubts in her partners.
- Eighty thousand pieces of gold, the price of Ziri, a shipment that will have to be camouflaged in honey barrels along with other types of food and taken across the border to a meeting point. These are aspects that I have had occasion to discuss with Hamid, who with the help of reliable eunuchs, those still faithful to me, will make it to the point marked and I think we will need resources that the Abbot may be able to provide when the time comes. I think we are now ready to discuss the issue raised by the abbot about targeting.
The Abbot made himself available to any available resources and the participants, in assessing the information they were given, all of them, including Jalila, were astonished at the degree of articulation Subh was showing. She would gather them for communications or harmonize the knowledge of everyone in the group, for it was clear that she met separately with each of the members.
The discussions did not go very far, because they all surrendered to the argument that vigilance over Almanzor's sick brother would be milder and easier to break than that dedicated to Asma. Moreover, from what they heard and could deduce there was also the conviction that the impact would be greater. Another aspect pointed out by the doctor Benzecri and that helped to direct the decision was the fact that these people die early, in the most cases by complications in the heart what would help to camouflage the murder. It was essential to cause pain without turning the focus of this pain into a hunt for suspects that would leave Almanzor active and alert. Death would be caused by the ingestion of herbal poisons, and Farouk was able to obtain species that left no trace and he took over this part of the tasks. The group began side-by-side conversations, all omitting their opinions and showing respect for the plan that seemed to be drawn, and none of the participants seemed more bothered by the fact that they were planning to kill an innocent. Subh still stood among them, silent, but listening and attending to all and satisfied with the repercussion of the final outcome of the meeting.
During the last speeches of Subh and of others, Hamid had taken advantage of to install itself in a strategic position next to Jalila, and at the appropriate moment, he addressed to her that was attentive listening Subh and did not perceive its approach.
- It seems that our Sultana has everything under control and I will be able to spare time for some more conversations and maybe I can clear up pending matters?
Jalila was surprised by the sudden question, but she did not seem to mind.
- I think so, but not now. Now, I'm absorbing how much you were involved in it and I did not know. It seems that our Sultana, as you said, arranged everything. I'm guessing that even other things that are not linked to the conspiracy, she smiled.
- I see progress and hope in your response. When can I find her far from these political dramas and while our heads still glued to the neck?
- Take away this bad omen Hamid! Is there any free space tomorrow afternoon? I scheduled a break in my organization tasks. I need it. I hope you and the others do not forget that we are also organizing a literary competition, as it seems that only I am remembering that.
Hamid understood that his prominent participation in Subh's plans had generated a touch of jealousy in Jalila, but he thought it was good and smiled:
- For you always.
- It was not always like this, do not be cunning. I'll look for you then.
- All right, I deserve it. You are in charge. Tomorrow afternoon will be fine for me.
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Echoes of the Tribulation: An Historical Apocalypse LitRPG Series.
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