《South of Guadarrama》Chapter 9 Almanzor
Subh was resting in his quarters when Jalila in a breathless and excited manner knocked on his door asking for permission to enter because it was in need to inform her about the latest reports that came to Cordoba describing the progress of military disputes between Ghalib and Abi Amir.
- It finally happened Subh, you were right in not having doubts about this devil ending up winning.
- Which is the news?
- Looks like he is touched by luck; he escaped from Ghalib clinging on a wall like a rat, did not die, and counted on a fall from the horse of his opponent. It followed many fighting, in which many nobles were killed. In the final showdown, the two generals were to the point of engaging, when Ghalib during an attack leading the cavalry had the misfortune of hitting his head against the bow of his own saddle. Badly injured, he fell from his horse which made his soldiers and Christian allies retreat. The Prime Minister won a decisive victory. The Ghalib's body was found among the dead.
- My God, poor Cordoba!
- It seems that Abi Amir was not satisfied only with the victory over Ghalib, because he was uncomfortable with the alliance of Leon. Determined to punish Leonense, and at the same time I think to make it clear that he had created to Cordoba a formidable army, he headed for the kingdom of Leon and inflicted as punishment, a severe defeat by invading Zamora. Although it has not conquered the citadel, he chastised the city by fire and killing sword about four thousand Christians, according to the latest reports that arrived. In view of this, Leon, Castile, and Navarre joined forces against him, but reports indicate that they were defeated at the Battle of Rueda southwest of Simanca when the important fortress of the same name fell into the hands of Abi Amir and his army. He does not give up attacking Leon and then left in the direction of the city that was not captured for the sole reason that a strong winter storm forced him to stay where they were.
Jalila continued the story under a surprising Subh's look.
- With the arrival of winter, he decided to return to Cordoba and is expected in the coming days and proud of his victories chosen to take a new last name - and you know well, that this practice until then was only reserved for the Caliphs - Almanzor, "The Victorious". Interestingly, these events occurred some time ago, it seems that in July. Abi Amir did not want these accounts these narratives reach the Asthma's ears, daughter of General and his wife, long before his arrival. Now, he is heading for Cordoba and finally released the information to the public. Until then, only high-ranking officials in town knew it.
The fear that tormented Subh, had become reality.
The power of Almanzor seemed irresistible, it appeared that has no rival.
Subh recomposing herself commented:
- The outcome could have been better for us. The General was our last hope in Hisham's defense, with his fall we walk to the inevitable, which is to give progress to our conspiracy plans. What is the progress on the preparations for our first date?
The words of Subh reflected her disappointment by recent events whose reports came to Cordoba.
Jalila was reading with Subh the recent reports of the situation and after a while from Subh's question, she said.
- All ready. Agendas are already made compatible and we can already mark our first meeting. In fact, everything is already set, we will meet in six days, which was the time what the compatibility required, could not score before, and I am in the process of organizing everything in the Library.
- Great Jalila, I just think we cannot take so long to schedule future meetings when things catch on, but I understand that the first was more complicated, however, these days before our first meeting that I'm sure will free Cordoba of this tyrant, and before his arrival, now nicknamed Almanzor, I need to make another visit to my son. We will soon start negotiations and put to work the hourglass of our conspiracy, so I need to know if he is ready to take responsibility and will not falter if we succeed. I wanted to do more during this so prolonged absence of Almanzor, let us call him like that if that's what the devil wants, but Hisham is shielded, full of moorings and set watchmen. In fact, I cannot postpone this meeting even a single day, I will talk to him right now.
After deciding on the matter, Subh dealt with Jalila over some of the preparations for the meetings, some details and said goodbye to her, chose an appropriate Hijab asked to be prepared her palanquin, delegated four eunuch's bearers for carrying her, and went to the new home of his son in the palace of Al-Zahira.
The new Palace was not far away, about ten kilometers. Al-Zahira was on the right bank of the Guadalquivir, almost straight through the Roman Bridge. Arriving at the gates of the Palace Subh had no difficulty getting in. As a mother of the Caliph was very respected and considered and no entry restriction was issued by Almanzor, however rigid it was would not reach her for now. He would not dare. Then, upon arriving, she was escorted from the gates to the main wing where were the rooms of the Caliph. While walking the catwalks which the access was carefully covered with beautiful gardens lined stones, she watched the magnificent fountains gushing crystal clear water. It was clear that Almanzor did not intend to build anything that was less than Al-Zahara. It was accompanied by two elegantly uniformed eunuchs to the private apartment of Hisham.
The Caliph obviously was not expecting her, because although it was his mother, his visits were usually announced in advance and this one had been decided at once and The Caliph showed a surprised face when saw her.
- Oh, dear mother, an unexpected visit, but you are always welcome. What urgent reason did make you come to me without making the previous appointment? It would not, of course, by the favor of the state in the absence of Hajib because he is coming in the next few hours and you know well that I am not involved in the affairs of government, I am prepared to lead my people, but otherwise.
- Somehow this is the reason for urgency and for lack of combination. I cannot understand or even accept this passivity when everybody wants you. You are no longer a child and should be preparing to serve and guide your people. Alamanzor seems to have brainwashed you. He built a wall around you and virtually put you under arrest. You're becoming a stranger to me
- Do not say that my mother, never says that! I see that you called him by his new title. His glories show that I am right in my decision.
- Oh, I see fear, terror in your eyes. You fear him.
- All this you are saying is because you do not understand. He's helping me to stay pure to lead my people. My goals are much higher and so I agreed to let the affairs of state for him to solve. And he is doing it very well. He is returning with more glories to Cordoba and I will be in the arrival of the troop's parade.
- You speak of glories. Don't you see that he is making war against the North as a routine? His attacks on Christians have become an addiction. For that, he reorganized the army at his will and opened the fight against Ghalib who is now dead. Don't you see that he is usurping the position of Caliph? Don't you see that? He does not care about your pure goals which conveniently does not exempt the licentiousness of the harem. What I want is to get Cordoba rid of this demon and with the help of nobles who care about our destiny here on earth and not in heaven, we intend to restore your rightful place, know that I came here to inform you officially that we will begin to act to oust him from power and I want to know if you are ready to take over when we did it?.
- My mother, I am the Caliph and as such I will always be ready to serve my people, but I do not want and, in principle, I will not endorse this conspiracy which tells me without showing any shame or fear, but you can be sure that I will not fail to my people if called upon. What you bring to me would do anyone who was not my mother get out of here arrested and driven straight to the dungeons of this palace.
Subh was sure would not count with his son directly in the conspiracy, but he left open a door that she might have to use. Hisham showed a sharp dread about what he had heard, but she also had the impression that if she and her friends were victorious, he would not disappoint her. Thought better get an end to the conversation and then fondle fondly his son, which often had already slept in his arms, so she asked permission to return to Al-Zahara.
Almanzor as did all the caliphs to return both major campaigns as Razzia [9] camped outside the city, before the bridge, to prepare the triumphal entry into the city. In doing so, they gave time for the soldiers to rest and prepare and the city arranges itself to receive their heroes.
And Cordoba knew how to receive their soldiers. The city was embellished, its streets were crowded with people waiting on balconies and bay windows the passage of the army, while inside the houses the families danced and promoted binges all night waiting for the dawn when usual the troops entered the city and were greeted with flowers, welcome screams and the sound of flutes and drums.
Subh and Jalila from the Palace balconies they could see the intermittent lights of the fires lit by soldiers camped across the river. It was like a profusion of fireflies flashing in the distance and reflected into the river.
At dawn, Almanzor would accomplish another act of his script to the absolute power and certainly would make the Caliph attend the reception as a major guarantor of their achievements. The celebrations, according to the customs and depending on the achievement, could last several days and this campaign that had withdrawn one of the last bastions that could scratch the power of Almanzor, would receive from him a high value, and the city could wait many days of celebrations. After all, who could threaten his power? Streets, parks, squares received several people and with them the opportunity to market took advantage. The festivities were leveraged by households which helped to increase the animation because they were very happy about the return to its core of fighters away for a long time.
The Caliph attended the ceremonies of bravery's decorations with an affirmation of examples of troop courage in the presence of Hajib but Subh had a feeling that these validations gradually would no longer be needed, and he would put Hisham ostracized. It was time to act.
The festivities lasted five days as expected and exactly on the fifth and final day of Subh festivities received a messenger from Almanzor requesting an urgent interview, if possible, the same day before the sundown prayer.
At first, she shivered! He had been several times with Hisham these last days, what would he want to talk to her? For long they stayed without contact, it was obvious that he knew about her discomfort with her son in a prison situation. He killed Ghalib to keep the situation. She could not imagine that his son had opened his mouth to speak of his intentions. This was not possible.
He tried to calm herself seeking any other reason to take him to want to have a conversation with her. She didn't find it. Although afraid of this meeting she concluded that if it were really the worst of her thought, he did not even would mark a conference. He would have reasons to act more drastically and with the Caliph's support. He calmed down and realized that the fear was turning into a morbid curiosity to know the object of the conversation. He returned the message that since the matter seemed urgent she would be waiting in his courtroom and suggested an hour before the evening that day.
Almanzor performed on time wearing a purple tunic fair with brocades and with a wide cummerbund set at his waist. Unlike occasions that he attended official ceremonies was not using his ceremonial dagger which normally he uses to adorn on the left side of his body, falling till below his knees supported always by gold chains and inserted in a carved ivory sheath with a gold tip. It seemed very informal.
Almanzor entered the courtroom and stopped halfway to where Subh was sitting, making her get up from the couch where she was waiting to read poetry. At first, the two looked at each other, and Almanzor, perhaps for having the initiative of the meeting, took the lead while Subh contained their anxiety.
- As-Salamu 'Alaykum (السلام عليكم) Sayyda Al-Kubra, thank you for taking my request promptly, I know you're busy with preparations for this great contest that I heard about even before arrival and my objective with this meeting exactly gives my humble suggestions about the Contest's Theme which occurred me transmit to the organization.
It was impossible for Sub to contain a sigh of relief whose motivation, fortunately, his counterparty would not find out.
- Wa Alaykum As-Salam Wa RahmatulLahi wa BarakatuHu (و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته) I'm glad to know that the Prime Minister is interested in the organization of my literary competition, in fact, it really is not very surprising to me, because long-standing I knew his taste for poems and also, we shared preferences by the same authors, but in other competitions, I do not recall your specific interest.
You always organized in an irreproachable way, but as you know, I always took poets in the campaigns so that people can then get to know in verse the deeds of his soldiers. And that last one had the contest a magnificent poet, and that's why I come to you with two ideas. The first is that I imagined that your competition could work as a culminating extension of the celebrations of our latest victories over the Christians of the northern kingdoms, and so turning this campaign into the event theme. I would also dare to suggest that the poet who accompanied us might have his production running like an "hors-Concours category." The second suggestion is personal. There is much that my wife Asthma wants to join the judging panel and never expressed her will. This time, she showed me her desire as soon as I arrived. I can assure you that she has a refined taste for poems and poetry. What do you say?
- Subh did not miss the opportunity, almost as an irrepressible reaction, to give a pinprick in Almanzor, qualifying and characterizing him as a leader in office and as consequence implicitly temporary.
- My dear Abi Amir, I see no way to deny suggestions of the government agent in exercise in Cordoba, even though the first of them would restrict the scope of the competition, but I think we can reconcile allowing a secondary free theme which would make clear the emphasis to the theme chosen by the current guardian of the faith in Cordoba. Concerning choosing Asthma at the trial committee, you may consider it as done.
- AlhamdulilLa (الحمد لله) I am sure that the mother of our Prince of Believers understood the spirit of my suggestions, I will not remove you anymore from his business using your time, demonstrating have felt the slight lunge and implying that the interview was considered finished by him.
Subh watched Almanzor leave his courtroom while wondering if she would have not been unwise. She had not been able to handle the situation and had had an almost automatic reaction. The initial fear had turned into stupid courage. She regretted that he had not exercised greater coldness, could have aroused suspicion since apparently, Almanzor had come with an open chest. It was done. Now it was the hope that her fears are no more than unfounded fears.
At that moment, Jalila that had stood in a continuation of the room, separated only by a curtain and heard everything, approached as soon as Almanzor left the room:
- What was that Subh?
- I do not know dear, it was uncontrollable, was it very evident?
- If I knew, I believe that the Hajib also realized. I got the impression that he was willing to continue the conversation, perhaps comment on the interests of Asthma in the contest. Don't you think so?
- It seems I did cut his enthusiasm. Whatever! do not want him putting his nose in our competition. he has given his suggestion, we incorporate what he asked and that's it. But one thing is certain: The disclosure of the contest was well done and arrived as we wanted throughout Cordova, especially in the new Palace of Almanzor.
While Subh reflected on the failure of its foray into the Caliph's apartment and the tension of the meeting with Almanzor and Jalila finalize preparations for the meetings in the Library, Amal, in his studio, received a visit of his father's employee who overseen making the contacts for bringing messages on investigations in the family. As arranged the message arrived encrypted using a code or encryption by columnar transposition with a numeric key. If intercepted it could be explained as a part of text study as those typically developed by library staff. Amal could take care of it. In a small sheet of paper was spelled the following text:
They had agreed that the keyword would Hisham with the spelling in the Latin alphabet in order to make the code even more restricted. This keyword generated the code number 246315, produced numbering its letters in alphabetical order, and the repeated letters were numbered in sequence from left to right.
Applying the numerical code together with the implementation of columns in the matrix of 6x6 letters corresponding to the key one could read the following message:
The message did not bring expected information because his father and his mother were ensuring that also have not happened leaks through Jalila's parents, neither the mother, much less the father. This created a great puzzle. There could not be an account of that story to others without anyone knowing of the plan. Who then would have leaked? No one had been given to know the plan other than those six people involved; Jalila, Amal, and the parents of both.
He was pleased by Nasr to be doing their own investigations without even knowing that they were real facts instead of drunken conversation in a tavern
Not being able to share all aspects of the problem made him feel a huge discomfort. Nasr was smart and certainly find a way for this investigation. But what he did not expect is that as a result of his monitoring work in Bahadur's group, his aide eventually would give him a clue that only Amal himself would be able to analyze, a clue that would suit much to solve the mystery of this leak.
9. Razzia (the razzier French, rezzou turn the غز Arabic; ghazw or ghazah, "battle"), in Western European literature, is a term for the enemy territory or foreign invasion, a quick raid targeting the withdrawal (of livestock, food, people)
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