《South of Guadarrama》Chapter 3 The Library
The Al-Hakam Palace library was a center of culture and its importance was so great that a lucrative book trade settled in Cordoba, where books from all over the world were available. In addition, the establishment of about seventy smaller libraries across Cordoba with public or private collections, encouraged by Al-Hakam and his favorite, spread the culture, with many of them housing public schools in its facilities, especially for the poor suburbs.
Cordoba stored more books than any other city in Andalusia, and its inhabitants were the most enthusiastic in taking care of their libraries; such collections were regarded as symbols of status and social leadership. Men who were in no way scholars, make efforts to have a library in their homes; they were selective in their purchases so that they could possibly be proud to own a single copy or copies of a manuscript of a calligrapher to give them prominence. Hakam had raised the culture in Cordoba to a so high magnitude that a city virtually of illiterates has become a beacon for all of Europe.
A real army of employees was assigned to work in the library, distributed in different functions such as copyists, illuminators, librarians, bookbinders, proofreaders, translators from all over the world and verifiers of facts, a kind of rudimentary historian whose function was checking the facts. These professionals were aided by assistants or apprentices who made up to the experts, approximately 500 people, to cope with more than 400,000 volumes. These people were not stationed in one place, since even after the construction of Medina Al-Zahara, Al-Hakam still kept books spread across several other public buildings, schools and mosques.
The library was located at the south end, on the third level of the Al-Zahara complex, the same the main terrace of the Caliph and his Court accommodation. The complex of a kilometer and a half long by seven hundred meters wide was designed in three levels of terraces, taking advantage of the slope of the land. The terraces were connected by long corridors. The highest level was for the Caliph and his top aides and was also where was located the harem. From the top of the hill, it dominates the entire landscape until the Guadalquivir. At the intermediate level were located the administrative palaces and villas of senior government officials and on the lower level were located the houses of the most popular servants of the complex. Between the intermediate level and the lower level, there was a mosque that united the two levels.
Many rooms totaling about four thousand square meters were allocated to the various library services. Among the senior leaders of the library, there were several eunuchs being the chief librarian was a eunuch named Talib.
The eunuchs commanded the group of Slavs and exerted a huge palatial influence, which had been obtained from the government Al-Rahman III practically constituted in an army within the Court. Most eunuchs were Slavs. Originally the Slavic name was used to designate prisoners captured by the Germans in their wars against the Slavonic tribes and then sold to Saracens of Hispania, but in the course of events a multitude of men belonging to other races began to be called as Slavs and the name has to be applied to all foreigners who served in the harem or the army, regardless of their ethnic origin.
When Amal came to Al-Zahara, about nine years ago to serve as librarian did not even have access to the eunuch Talib that only dispatched directly with Al-Hakam and used several subordinates to deal with librarians as Amal.
His preparation to integrate the library team had been intense and he had high aspirations, especially since this was a need for his initial purpose of revenge. He knew with who would deal. In the years of waiting he had obtained all possible information about the eunuchs, Slavs and their powerful networks.
The fact that Amal did love his work in the library made it much easier for him to get to their hidden goals. His application to work was complete and elapsed nearly a decade of his entry he learned all the ins and outs, runners and shelves that labyrinth, which led to the storage of the manuscripts and books collected by the caliph. He was able to drive by memory to the pigeonholes of manuscripts and books collected by Al-Hakam. He was also able to drive by memory to the storage place of many rare works, without resorting to global records that were distributed in 44 books of 20 pages each.
His initial strategy was to approach one of the eunuchs who worked under Talib and after analyzing the behavior of some of them chose to address Nasr, a eunuch in which he identified a lot of uncertainty in the development of their duties. The opportunity arose when Amal learned that Nasr was in charge, by a delegation of Talib, to study a manuscript that was supposed to be an authentic copy of the book of Suleiman ibn Quays a collection of hadiths from the seventh century.
This was a document on which one tells stories of mysteries. According to the tradition, the book was entrusted to a single person, Aban ibn Abi Ayyash who was subjected to a solemn oath not to mention the book during the life of Suleiman and that after his death he would give the book only to trusted Shiites. Although there were doubts about the authenticity, the book was one of the first sources of Islam and was certain that Al-Hakam was committed to verifying its authenticity.
Amal knew that Nasr would not know where to start, he did not have enough expertise for this study and did not let the opportunity pass.
Addressing the eunuch immediately before it was too late, and another librarian could approach him. Amal was incisive:
- I hear you're in a difficult task and would like to help, I have had the opportunity to study this document and I think I could make a good contribution.
- How you knew about that and how you can help me if you barely arrived in the library. I cannot fail, Talib gave top priority, I need to work fast.
- Being relatively new here don't talk about my past as an expert in these studies. You will need help and I can offer or will prefer another older librarian to take it over and you be discredited. I'm not interested to get the praise for the work, which I will leave entirely for you.
The Amal words seemed to impress Nasr, it was obvious that he feared the task, the Talib leadership was quite autocratic and failures were not tolerated. Nasr liked being with the books and did not intend to take risks that could make him give up them. The rookie had success in attaining the partnership.
It was with such cunning that Amal was reaping success after success and although starting with actions intentionally in the shadows, their participation cannot be hidden permanently behind the supposed partners. Within a year working in the library was already a respected librarian for all began to lead tasks and was soon approaching the fearful Talib, which although despotic knew to recognize the talents and further take advantage of them.
Upon the death of Al-Hakam in October 976, Amal due to the recognition of his work was already very close to the Caliph, also referred to have had their care in obesity's episode and was already considered as part of the group of leading librarians, those who had access to discuss bibliographic issues with the Caliph himself and enjoyed the confidence of Talib.
However, the death of the Caliph seemed to put shadows on the future. After all, the library was an official and personal project of the ruler. It was known to exist in the library catalog, books of philosophy and other subjects that are not related to Islam, which did not receive approval of important clerics in Cordoba. The Caliph skirted these concerns with skill. So, all we're worried about what might happen. It was a moment of apprehension even more critical because of the succession process, involving a boy of 11 years, which led to surprising events and could affect the situation of eunuchs and Slavs.
Hakam breathed his last in the arms of two of its main eunuchs, Fayik and Jaudhar. Those aware of the power of articulation that still they resolved not to announce immediately the death of Caliph while not determined the course of action that best fulfills the objectives of keeping them in evidence in Court. Although slaves, eunuchs were these types of a character whose power could not be overlooked. They had their pay and the support of many armed attendants, who were neither Slavs nor eunuchs. Moreover, they had under his command a body of about a thousand eunuchs Slavs. Although they were slaves, the eunuchs had resources in terms of mansions and large land portions. It was a body that enjoyed wide privileges in Court but was hated by the inhabitants due to the ill-treatment that they infringed upon the Cordovans. Despite the sense of justice, the Caliph used to turn a blind eye to his crimes, saying that "they were the guardians of the harem and if my subjects treat them with courtesy and respect which is their right no one would have reason to complaints."
For this group, the idea of Hisham rise during his minority and the consequent immediate establishment of the regency by the Vizier Mus-hafy was something that did not fit into their plans. They would not risk their prestige to suffer immediate decline with this option. They counted on the fact that public opinion had aversion to regency and so they thought to regain popularity helping to drive a prince of mature age to the throne. Besides, this prince would be under deep obligation to whom he owed his accession and they could continue to exercise influence in the government. So, they decided to dismiss Hisham and offer the throne to his uncle Mughira.
Unfortunately for them, the plot failed. The Vizier Mus-hafy and his Commander of the Capital Guard Corps, Ibn Abi Amir, realized the ruse, were more skilled and in 48 hours Mughira was assassinated by Ibn Abi Amir at the behest of the Prime Minister. Hisham was presented as Caliph and Mus-hafy promoted to Hajib (Prime Minister) and Ibn Abi Amir, with the support and will of Subh, was elevated to the honor of Vizier, ruling the state in partnership with Mus-hafy.
Unmasked the eunuch's plan, they even tried a reaction but were totally dominated. Fayik and Jaudhar were banished from Cordoba, as well as all those who had any involvement in the coup. Only those who were proven exempt of the conspiracy remained at their posts, but the privilege's era of the eunuchs and Slavs was over, and suspicion hovered over them all, fueled by people who never approved their status at the Court.
With the death of Hakam northern Christian kingdoms, which were already rehearsing audacious raids during the phase of Caliph Disease, they started to become a real concern for the government and for the population. Ibn Abi Amir saw another opportunity and supported by the Sultana Subh took over as head of the army and headed north in February 977, returning victorious to Cordoba, around April, much to the delight of the capital, even with the restrictions of Mus-hafy that offered no alternative to his nomination. Awarded, his batteries turned against the Prime Minister without even knowing what was going on. He worked to frustrate the planned General Gahlib daughter's marriage with the son of Mus-hafy and presented himself to marry her. In less than a year, Mus-hafiz would be expelled from his functions and arrested and on the same day, Ibn Abi Amir became Hajib. His ascension plan to the power was almost done, the only obstacle to the full autonomy, was exactly General Ghalib, his father in law.
The effect of the conspiracy of the Slavs to get rid of a Regency situation directly affected the service in the library. If nothing else had influenced, the simple fact of Hakam's death, by itself, already created doubts about the future of the library, ten of the fifteen eunuchs were banned when Talib, considered very close to Jaudhar, was fired and banned.
Unlike other librarians, Amal considered this situation an opportunity. The most influential administrative eunuchs had been removed; those who stayed were inexpressive, including his well-known Nasr. He enjoyed a good reputation among his companions and her cousin was next to the powerful Subh. A slight reference from her side and he could climb the top of the administration. The time rushed he could not falter and needed to talk it over with Jalila.
It was running the year 981 and Amal already had nine years working in the library and there are now nearly five years in charge since he had the well-taken advantage of the influence of Subh after the death of Hakam and disgrace of the eunuchs. This was not done without the suspicion of some ancient librarians including some eunuchs who survived the sticking. So, he was aware that his path was not to be taken over a pacified ground.
Initial fears about the fate of the old Caliph's library development, at the first moments after the struggle, did not materialize. It was true that much diminished the search for new manuscripts and the library did not have the same number of employees. This number of employees in the library had decreased a lot and it not numbered more than 300. The new acquisitions virtually ceased. They didn't have the Caliph directly in the work to decide without delay on new acquisitions. So, Amal made use of Jalila's influence on Subh when he decided to go after a new acquisition, as the mother of Caliph she still enjoyed enormous prestige. But the study work, cataloging, copying, binding and coordination of city libraries still required a lot of work.
Amal since his experience with Nasr had adopted a different relationship with him regarding the beginning of their relationship; Today he was a faithful squire, a person who knew he could count on because he turned devoted to Amal and very thankful for having him carried in his climb to the top. He had not many people to talk to, he suspected of everyone and although he could not be fully confident in relation to his new direct auxiliary, usually he talked to him some intimacies. Nasr was who brought one morning the news that Jalila wanted to talk to him, three hours before the evening prayer in Subh's Hearing Room.
The palace was huge, the library was located at the opposite end of the Court's facilities and to Amal and Jalila sometimes spend weeks without them gather together A meeting request, at the Hearing Room, possibly with the presence of Subh, was not common.
After his last sleepless night, Jalila decided to face the facts more objectively and talking to Subh reached the conclusion that it would need to start a comprehensive survey of possible supporters. Luckily, the Library, uncrowded by Ibn Abi Amir and his collaborators could serve as a cover for meetings under a fictitious cultural reason. There were countless rooms in unknown and protected spots from palatial curiosity and Amal, with his overall responsibility as library head could be trusted and make things easier. She convinced Subh that they must make an initial meeting to establish and conduct a plan. Subh agreed but put Jalila completely in charge of making the initial contacts by herself.
At the appointed time, Amal arrived at the courtroom door and a soldier of the guard gave him entry and after closed the heavy door. The room was not very big and was fresh, but the sun's light entered through the windows of the clerestory. The ceiling was painted with motifs of flowers and birds and the walls were of marble slabs decorated with prayers in gold relief. Several medium-sized rugs covered the floor. In the background, Jalila was waiting sitting on a small couch. Several other medium-sized sofas were distributed ahead, and she offered Amal to sit in one of them.
Jalila was the first to speak.
- You're here for my idea and from now on all, you hear and discuss it needs to be between ourselves only. The Sultana is aware of this meeting and authorized what I am ready to report. So, I am acting as her interlocutor. For many years we have come to this palace to execute a plan of our families. Fate wanted the abandon, but now comes the opportunity that from a new cause that fits on our old purposes we can finally give an answer to our ancestors. My lady decided to fight to free the Caliph, his son, the forced exile in the harem that the regency's rulers oblige him to pass. We think you and the library drives can be valuable resources to help us implement meetings with the resistance group. She did not want to raise suspicions meeting with members of the Court and other noble in this part of the palace. It was the first local option that we meet and you the first person I thought of. The Sultana intends to maintain contacts with several prominent nobles and the library fits like a glove. What do you say, I'm feeling your face more concerned than I expected?
- No wonder cousin. What you tell me is truly frightening. I did not fight all these years to die on the beach in a suicidal adventure.
- Now, are you that scared me! It was not even at the sacrifice of our own lives we have come to the palace more than a decade ago? Was or not over you that was deposited the confidence of the whole family?
- Yes, but the conditions have changed. See what I got. Nine years have passed Jalila. Much water has flowed under the bridge. And a woman against Ibn Abi Amir? What are the chances of success in this endeavor? What weapons she has against him and all his army? This man destroyed all who stood in his way.
-- Would you not like to give breath to your father before his death? Remember how he had hoped in you and me. This is not about having or not having armies. It will be a political conspiracy, although we know, and we are prepared in case it is needed to bring bloodshed. We are certainly not alone. Subh has contacts, internal and external. Do not forget that she still exerts a huge influence on the Caliph and is adored by the people.
- All right, I'm not saying I'm not inside. You caught me by surprise. I need time to digest, evaluate.
Subh thinks that we do not have much time and you need to consider that their future in the library is much safer with a Caliph's government than under the assumption that Ibn Abi Amir would reach his consolidation as regent. Did you hear the rumors about the new burning of impure books? Abi Amir can use the library again for the avoidance of doubt about his faith. The Sultana see evidence that soon Amir will get free of General Ghalib and consolidate his power as an absolute ruler, with no relevant opposition.
-- Some people talk privately about this possibility. Yes, you are right I don't take off your reasons. On my nights, I think about it. But I need to think more about this issue. You know I will never compromise your plan if it fails to join. There is much at stake. I also love the books with which I work. I think I inherited from Al-Hakam. Okay, I talk to you tomorrow at the same hour. Is it possible to wait?
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