《Jeff the Killer x reader》Misguided


(Creepy stuff goes down so warning)

(Your Prov)

The night before was a mess but your glad Jeff opened up like that, even thought you had to make it up to him by watching a horrible movie. Going out to kill was thrilling but you wanted to see what it was like by yourself. Getting out of bed, you looked at Jeff face down in a pillow, this made you laugh, is that how he sleeps with eyelids? Looking down, you weren't really dressed for going out. Jeff managed to undress you a little while making out before the movie, you knew you and Jeff were going to do something like that eventually. (Hint). Throwing one of Jeff jumpers one and putting on some snickers, you walk out the bedroom door. Walking down the corridor to the stairs, you grabbed a knife from the kitchen not bothering to go to your room and grab yours. You ran into Masky and Toby fighting about Hoodies favourite food, like why?

"Where are you going!" Masky said spinning around looking at you.

"Out" You said smile and moving towards the door.

"Where? And why not with Jeff?" Toby asked.

"I feel like chopping a bitch up and Jeff's asleep so I'm going by myself" You responded.

"Wait Jeff sleeps? HAVE FUN Y/N!" Toby mumbled but yelled the last part.

"By guys!" You replied running out the door. The air was crisp but sprinting through the forest was fun as long as you don't run into a tree. Walking onto a footpath you strolled down streets of houses lined up. What was a normal family like? My family is a bunch of killers that are truely miss judged. You felt a sudden wave of heat, it felt like someone was staring at you with pure hatred. Looking around no one was there, Jees you better not be getting your period any time soon. Making your way around the streets you still felt like you were being watched but every time you checked there was nothing.


Was one of the guys following you? Was Ben or Jeff playing a trick on you? No that can't be none of them knew where I was going or could walk this far into town without being spotted. While you were thinking you weren't looking where you were going and bumped into something. It didn't seem to move but you were knocked to trip but catch yourself. Looking up you saw someone familiar but he looked different in the same. Then it hit you! He was the boy you saved from those bullies that you killed. He look different, hollow and craving for something. Suddenly his mood changed and he smile at you.

"Hey, I remember you, your my hero!" he smile and laughed.

"Hello, how have you been?" You asked a little confused.

"Simply fantastic! And since my princess has returned I'm even better!" You said taking your hand and smiling even wider.

"Princess? Your Princess?" You said looking at him weirdly.

"Im so glad you agree, It may seem weird but the fairy tail has been reversed!" He said giggling. He was starting to freak you out a little refuring you to 'his' princess. "Where have you been? I was waiting for some time now! I couldn't live without you" He said pulling you along the path and giggling to himself. "Do you kill often? Is it for fun or is it your job! That sounds fun? Yeah Fun!" He said repeating to same questions and answering himself.

"I don't know what your talking about, i've never done that" You said trying to get him to stop and forget about you.

"Oh don't be a bitch! So you kill for fun huh, I already know cause i've been watching you!" He said laughing again. He's been watching me? What, How, I would have known or the guys would have seen him. Slenderman keeps watch of the forest doesn't he? "The first time I saw you, you were amazing and I wanted you so I followed every time I got" He said turning around and grabbing you by the face.


"Get off me you freak!" You said shoving him to a wall.

"Oh no, that won't do! I love you, yes I do! But you only look at him! watching you watching him" He said running at you pinning you to a wall. He dragged you to an ally way where no one could see the horror show.

"Your a stalker and you need help" You said trying to get out of his grip.

"NO! I made a deal with him for this! Your mine and mine alone, your with me, you don't need him" He said giggling again smacking your head on the wall behind you.

"What happened to you? You were so innocent" You said as he rapped his hands around your neck.

"I was weak, I loved your body and the blood, I made a deal with a monster so I could get you! It worked! yes, yes it did!" He said tightening his grip. He removed one hand and trailed it up your thigh up to your chest. "Your warm, I need it, I need you and my princess loves me" He said giggling and touched you more and more. He had truly lost it, but why and who made what deal?

In a slipt second he was punched off you, you alone saw green before being pulled into an embrace of a familiar body warmth. You turn to see BEN laughing and beating the boy up while Jeff just held you and watched.

"wait" You said. BEN's fist stoped in mid air and looked over to you. You walked over to the boy on the ground, he just laid there with the expression he had when you ran into him.

"What's your name?" You asked. His head turned to you, a little light alive in his eye once seeing your face.

"Connor" He whispered. He reached up to touch your face but backing away he put his arm down. He started laughing again. "Bullshit! Your pawns came to save you princess!" He said giggling once more. You backed up and stood where BEN and Jeff were.

"Shut up you weirdo" Said BEN.

"What the hell were you thinking going out by yourself Y/N?!" Jeff said sternly looking you in the eyes.

"I didn't know this would happen" You said pouting. Soon cracking and snapping was heard as Connor cracked his bones bending his body in the most unnormal way. He stood on two foot but as he broke his back his was limp. He ran towards you, his arm out and at full speed. You took out your knife and sliced his hand off, letting it fall to the floor. Jeff did the same but sliced his neck open. Blood splattered everywhere leaving a unique sweet aroma.

"Well that was fun" BEN said breaking the silence.

"Tell me about it" Jeff chuckled.

"This is what I get when I leave you" You said giggle while shaking your head. Jeff pulled you closer putting his knife to your cheek.

"Then don't leave me" He said licking his lips.

"Please if your gonna get freaky here at lest let me watch" BEN said poking his tongue out. All of you laughed as you made your way back to the forest.

Later that night, someone found Connors body in the alleyway, it was all over the news saying that it was gang related or some killer on the lose. Sitting in your room watching rain fall from your window. "You okay y/n?" Jeff asked. You look towards the door way seeing him standing there.

"Yeah I'm okay" you said smiling.

Love and Hate are very similar but which one you feel is hard to know -

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