《Demigods React To PJO & HOO Series & Parts》After Clarisse Reads The Lightening Theif


Clarisse walks into Rick's office while holding Leo by his scruff. Rick jumps and hides behind his chair.

Leo! What about the demigod security system?

Uh....Clarisse made me hack it....

Why the hell did you make me drown in toilet water!!! And how dare you break Maimer!

You mean Lamer?

Clarrise glares at Leo and gives him a broken nose.

Uh.....I (sweats)

That was to protect Percy!(wails)

Flash!Poseidon appears.


Fine, Lord Poseidon!

Clarisse walks away with Leo and Rick comes out from behind his chair

Thank you, Lord Poseidon!

Oh but I have a score to settle. For Percy

*smiles evily*

Poseidon leaves and Rick's son enters to find a clownfish in a huge tank surrounded by some ferocious sharks

Dad! I told you to lay off Percy a bit!


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