《CALLA》13: Responsibility


I managed to avoid my sister Rose and Eli Frye for 4 years. Since I returned back to my former 14 year-old self, I had purposely steered clear of them. I made sure not to go to any of their usual hang out spots or befriend with any of their associates. When they left to New York for college, I had felt relieved. Rose went to Julliard to study music and Eli went to Harvard for business. My parents, of course, kept close to their golden child. 

On the other hand, I no longer cared or work desperately to be loved. I am able to smile and enjoy life now that I finally let go of my former childhood complex. After 4 years living on my own and creating Allac, I realized that there was a lot more to the world.

"Why are you avoiding my calls?"

I was on my way to the university campus when the Bluetooth activated in the car. Glancing at the screen, I saw that it was Alex. As soon as I answered, the drama queen started to complain.

"Seriously Alex" I laughed despite hearing his irritation. "You've been calling me a lot lately with nothing but complaints"

"If a certain person would come in and help out once in a while, I would not need to complain" He said icily. "And when I say a certain person, I meant Calla Lind"

"Hey, it's your company."

"No, it's yours" He shot back angrily.

"The last I check, your name is listed as CEO"

"You keep using that reason as an excuse to be lazy." He sounded both tired and agitated.

I am lazy. I told him that when we first met so why is he complaining now?

"We both know Allac is yours"


"The hell it is" 

He was yelling at me but I couldn't help but smile.

"You keep making all those outlandish investments and making me handle all the contracts and paperwork" He sighed heavily. "The least you could do is handle your own contracts. I have enough work to do already, I don't need yours too"

"Mr. President, you have to sign all those papers anyways, might as well check them for me while you're at it. Don't be so stingy."

"You better come in and go through your own files or else they're all rejected" He threatened.

"But Alex" I whined.

"No buts"

"I have class"

"You have 1 class today. Come in afterward"

"But I want to go shopping"

"Why do you need to go shopping? All your damn clothes are shipped to you"

That's true. I have a personal designer who sends me clothes often. It had been one of those little investments I've made in the beginning.

"I need to get my hair done"

I was pushing all his buttons.

"Come in after class" He warned. "Because if you make me come get you, you're dead"

When he ended the call abruptly, I laughed. I knew Alex was pissed. Allac was growing fast the last 2 years. The company that had once started with less than 100 people has more than 100,000 employees today. With the rapid growth, Alex wanted to build a head quarter which is currently in construction. Presently, the man is tackling the new building construction as well as several dozen contracts and projects around the world. He was swamped with work and needed help. I told him he needed to delegate better or he'll be bald one day. He shot back telling me that the person who needed to do the delegating was me. Even all these time, the man still sees me as the Owner – when I had only wanted to be the investor.


"Hello?" I answered the incoming call while still laughing to myself.

"Boss, can you please come in soon or Locke will lose his mind"

I laughed even harder hearing Anna Lee – the current VP of Allac whom I've found and recruited 2 years ago to help Alex. The woman was 10 years older than Alex and was streets smart and well rounded. It also helps that her husband was the current head director of the CIA. Just saying - if Allac ever run into any government issue, we know somebody.

"I know you hear him screaming in the background"

I did. Alexander Locke was letting the contractor have it. Seriously, the man needed to relax. 

"You guys are seriously too much" I can't stop laughing.

"Calla" Anna voice let me know she was seriously concern.

"I get it. I get it" I sighed - my laughter stop short.

"So you'll come?"

"I'll head over when class is done"

"Thank you"

Maybe I do need start looking for more help or Alex will loss all that pretty hair of his due to stress. And with him being the figurehead of Allac, I needed him to stay pretty.

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