《Bottom Various! x Top female reader! ON-HOLD!》Sneak Peek to What I'm Working On Next! Can You Guess the Bottom Character?


"I saw you staring at him! What you think I'm stupid?"

The girl rapidly shook her head as you tossed the knife back and forth in your hand.

"We moved here from the last place we were at. You wanna know why? Well it's because the same situation occurred that is happening right know," your gloved hand traced the hilt of the knife. "You know I looked at him the same way when I first saw him...well of course with different intentions," you chuckled as you looked up from the sharp object. You walked closer to the girl as she backed up eventually hitting a dead end as she felt a large bolder stop her movements.

"Oh, you can't escape know little girl," you let out a sinister chuckle, "I ain't gonna let no body and I means NOBODY touch my baby boy. And I'll be damn if I let a pesky fly like you take him from me!" You yelled, eyes turning a darker color as you iris shrank. You traced the sharpness of the knife against her face as a single tear slipped out of her eye and on to your blade.

" This be the end of the road for you....."

Blood splattered everywhere as she strangled to breath. The girl sliding slowly down the bolder as she gasped for breath only chocking on her blood. She looked up at you one last time. Only to see an emotionless face that held nothing but a sadistic satisfaction.

And all you did was wave.


So I've decided on making this into a book, or a one shot book. The character, if you haven't guessed, is Yoonbum from killing stalking. I've had this weird obsession with him and have only found one book to fill my hunger, Killing stalking oneshots by quoteoftheday, but I am slowly getting more hungry as time ticks by. So on my behalf I've decided, why not make a book myself?

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