《Ethics of Immortality》Seven


Molly was enjoying a shopping trip in the centre of Barbeth when a man came running out and knocked her sideways onto the pavement. Immediately this man stopped and turned.

“I am so sorry, I am in a rush. Are you alright?”

“I'm fine thank you,” Molly said taking the strangers’ hand and getting to her feet. “It's been a long time since someone knocked me sideways.”

“If that was meant to be a pickup line, I'll give you another shot,” Molly laughed, and so did the stranger.

“I’m Molly,” Molly said holding her hand out to the stranger.

“Henry Farshaw. It's a pleasure to meet you,” Henry replied and shook Molly's hand.

“I don't wish to be rude or nosey but where are you rushing off to?” Molly asked Henry.

“I need to go to the court of health. There was a malfunction with a husk and I am needed for legal documentation signing, or at least something along those lines.”

“I see. What happened?”

“Muscle damage is what they said.”

“Good thing it malfunctioned then,” Molly said.

“Yes. Yes I suppose it is.” Henry replied with a smile.

“Are you taking the train?”

“I was running for one but I've missed that now. It looks like I am going to be half an hour late now.”

“I wouldn't worry. The council knows about everything that goes on in this place. I'd bet that they are watching us right now. Come on, we can take an alternative route. That way you'll only be twenty minutes late,” Molly lead Henry away and he followed her keenly. This was helped by Molly's hand being firmly clasped around Henry’s which pulled him in the direction that she wanted to go.

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