《Ned (The weakest species)》Chapter 11: Present


The chants didn't stop after 5 mins and Dubu feel so satisfied for what he did earlier that he can't stop smiling from ear to ear. After a while Dubu facial expression turned serious and shouted again.


Dubu: There are adults and children here, so isn't it fair to make the examination the same right?. Just to make it fair. On my right side all children's must go to that building over there where the testing takes place meanwhile the adults on the opposite side.

I look at Khald and Nyka. Then we all smile together because we are standing in the left side right now, since earlier we planned to roam first on the left side of the plaza to find the examiner, after that if we can't find the him then go to the other side.

Then we look far off. To see the building that the instructor told us.

Nyka: Maybe! That big building over there.

Nyka pointed to the edifice and we three realize something. The building is very big, but not too large to accommodate 30 thousand people.

Ned: We should go there fast or it will be too late. I believe it will take 5 or more days to finish these examinations since the enrollees are overpopulated.

After a while we arrive outside the building and there are hundreds of people who fall in line, then we also stay on the line.

Then 10 minutes have gone by. Outside the building there are full of people, but not much like earlier, where all adults and children stay in a one place, however, some adults tag along with us since they want to accompany their children but most students have their own bodyguard.

I notice that not only the commoners are here, but also nobles. Since there is still no instructor, most of the students want to cut in line, especially the nobles since they want to go home early.


Not too far away, a group of nobles were chatting amongst themselves.

Hmph!. Those commoners and country bumpkins have also come. Aren’t they just dreaming?” A far-away noble laughed.

There were thousand commoners amongst the hundreds of nobles. Most of the nobles an arrogant lot who generally looked down on people. Some nobles, even pay 20$ just to take replacement to those who are in line. 20$ It's just a small money to them, but for the commoners, it is a big amount for them, they can buy a brand new clothes or pants for it.

A group of three nobles was talking.

Hey Heber! How come you almost came late earlier? Where did you go?

Heber: Ahhhh! I ran back to my father's car to get my cell phone and I found an attractive girl on the way.

The three nobles continue talking until they want to cut in line and they notice something unexpected.

Heber: That's the girl I'm babbling about.

Heber is pointing a girl not far away from them. Then the three nobles seems to be planning on something while walking towards the 2 kids and 1 girl.

While we we're talking. We notice someone approaching us and the three of us look for who it is.

A young child with a height of 5 feet and 1 inches in the middle. Beside him are two kids with almost have the same height. The three of them wearing a noble attire.

Then we three realize the one in the middle is the child who bully Nyka and Khald at the parking lot. We didn't expect that he is a noble because of his attitude earlier, but now we can recognize most of the nobles since earlier an arrogant noble who can't contained his mouth and proud of himself have same attire as them. Even we know he is a noble back then they will still not back down.


Heber: Ohhhhh! What a coincidence, we met each other again.

The two nobles glance at Nyka. Then they really felt surprise for what they saw and glance back at Heber.

Heber: See! What did I tell you guys before? You didn't believe me at all.

Nobles: Ok! We sincerely believe it now.

Ned and Khald: What do you want?

We ask at the same time and Heber glance on Khald then look the boy beside him because he is curious about me why we seems so close.

Damn! I utter to him an unconscious way.

Heber: Who are you? Ahhh! You are the one who shouted and helped them earlier in the parking lot.

Heber seems very angry.

Ned: What parking lot? I just ran across them in this building.

I utter to him an innocent way, but he notices something familiar.

Heber: You think you can fool me? Your voice is exactly the same when you shouted at the parking lot.

Ned: So, you are not an idiot after all!

I smile at him broadly.

Heber: YOU!

Heber raises his fist to punch me, but stops midway cause his friends noble stop him an instant.

Noble: Heber, Stop making a ruckus here or we will not be taken at this school and this school entrance exams its very important to us. If we can become a mercenary our reputation in our households will plummet.

Heber: Fine ill stop.

Ned: Right! Sometimes the dog should stop barking.

Heber: YOU FU!

The two nobles stop Heber from moving forward and hold him down because he raise his fist to punch me that it only takes 1 step to hit me.

And so they drag Heber far away from me cause he can't contain his anger towards me. The two nobles also seems so mad, but they are so helpless and deep inside, they think they will get to take a revenge.

Until they are 30 feet away from us.

Heber: You! I will never forget this humiliation if I'm going to see you again. I will make you experience this humiliation 100 times.

They walk far away with an anger fuming inside their heads.

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