《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 20: The Fall-of Paul, Son-of-Solomon
PAUL’S INTERNAL BIOLOGICAL-CLOCK ‘did’ it-again – this-time, he woke-up an-hour early before the-alarm buzzed for-school. In the dark, windowless-room he sat-up as he recalled last-nights OBE-trip of-going to the Garden-of-Eden…
… and he felt ‘guilty’ of-going there with negative-THOUGHTS OF VENGEANCE – where he ‘nearly’ bludgeoned Kerubiel with an-axe – BUT IN A WAY, he needed to go there-too ‘where’ he finally HAD-MET the ‘betrayer’ Mercury…
Paul glowed-purple in anger when thinking-of his-ALLIES WHO-now had ‘turned’ as traitors-with their secretive-scheming agendas…
He mumbled his-rant to-himself…
‘… when in Rome, ‘DO’ WHAT the-Romans do, yea – and it-seems, you-bloody Romans do-have a long-TO-DO LIST… that-even betrayed the ‘TRUST-AND-FRIENDSHIP’ of the Defenders-of-Perth! I’m ‘with’ Jane, on-this-one…
'... WE DON’T ‘NEED’ our-superpowers – you ‘take’ them-back and ‘LEAVE’ US-ALONE… cos’ we’re ‘not’ ashamed to-be handicaps-mortals…’
For a long-time, he had figured-out that the-Gods HAD ‘GIFTED’ him-and-Jane with superpowers ‘during’ the Treeton dairy-farm thunderstorm-tragedy – it was logical-too that that the-Evil WOULDN’T HAVE granted those ‘gift’ – as the-duo were-to fight’ evil-itself…
… but evil had ‘chosen’ his-twin instead – and, GRANTING-HIM superpowers so-that he could be-powerful in the NIGHTMARE-WORLD…
He was ‘still’ angry at the Roman-Gods – Mercury-and-Venus – for ‘using’ Jane-and-him… and decided to ‘BOYCOTT’ THEM…
‘… my-Christian conscious is ‘clear’ – and your-Romans’ bloody-conspiracy plots of ‘creating’ a 2nd-and-3rd-saviours are an abomination-and-blasphemy… and I want no-part of it… and ‘stain’ my-soul…’
He-then realised that the Old-Gods and their-counterpart Demons were into the Rebirths-and-Rejuvenation schemes to have THEIR ‘PRESENCE’ to-be-known, and TO WALK-again in the domain – ‘where’ men had ‘forgotten’ Them…
… and, They-all had ‘CHOSEN’ PERTH-earth for ‘their’ 2ND-COMING…
‘… it’s a bloody ROMAN-INVASION once-again…’
From his Catholic Sunday-school teaching, he learned-THAT THE ROMANS had ‘crucified’ Jesus…
… where He-later ‘became’ the ‘Saviour’ of-mankind…
… last-night, in the Garden-of-Eden – Mercury had mentioned that his-father, Jupiter… would-be the 3RD-SAVIOUR of-mankind of the-future…
‘… who is ‘Jupiter’…? Is he ‘related’ to the NASA-rocket God…?’
Paul didn’t want to ‘mention’ Apollo by-his-name – because he was ‘ANGRY’ AT HIM the-most… as the alien-God’s seed-of the Saviour-Daughter ‘would-be’ THE BURDEN his-girlfriend carrying in-her-womb…
‘… who are these ‘meddling’ f*****s…!? I want TO ‘KNOW’ WHO I’m facing ‘against’ FROM-NOW ON…?’
His iPad was on his study-desk – Paul did ‘not’ want to levitate from the bed to it… instead he forced himself the hard-way – to get-himself on his-wheelchair as a ‘normal’ cripple ‘would’ do…
He was Googling Mercury’s FATHER, JUPITER – perusing the post in Wikipedia… and was perplexed as he ‘found-out’…
‘Whoa… Mercury’s mother, Maia… Venus’ mother, Dione… ‘both’ fathered by Jupiter…? What is this Game-of-Thrones bogan incest-shit is going-on here… with-Merc ‘marrying’ his step-sister…?’
Then he focused-on Jupiter’s ‘resume’ – the so-called 3RD-SAVIOUR of the future-mankind…
‘… the Roman God-of-Gods… God of the Sky-and-Thunder… He ‘who’ protects the races and ‘gave’ moral-concepts…’
Paul read-on paragraphs of the high-and-mighty God-of-Gods… skipping the mythological-tall tales as – he wanted to zero-in-to ‘find’ HIS-WEAKNESS…
… and he found ‘none’…
‘… cannot be killed by lightning as He has the power-of electrokinesis… can ‘control’ both static-and-celestial electricity…’
Paul was stumped…
‘… Gemini-Blue ‘COULD’ SHOOT ELECTRIC-BOLT ‘from’ the finger-tips – does this-mean I’ve been ‘cursed’ AND INHERITED PART-OF Jupiter’s powers @the Treeton DAIRY-FARM…?’
He looked-at his alarm-clock and-gasped – it was ‘already’ 7:09 AM… he had over-researched and time ‘parted’ some-how – and, he was-now ‘late’ for school…
Paul ‘hit’ his-palm on his-forehead… and sighed…
… as-he had EVEN ‘NEGLECTED’ his priorities to his-soulmate, Jane – to ‘help’ her to obtain the ‘medical-abortion-pills’ for her Roman-Immaculate-Conception pregnancy…
… he had been-avoiding the ‘action’… till-the ‘last-moment’ – as he ‘felt-guilty’ of the Catholic’s mortal-sin ‘when’ it came to-abortion…
Tapping the iPad’s keypad and clicked on the first-site’s store on the first-Google-page – and, Paul placed an online ORDER FOR the medical-drugs…
… he gave the Walker-address – and can’t think of a fictitious-name for a recipient… and, he was running-out of time ‘before’ Gary picked-him-up for school…
So, he typed-into the-column – ‘Paula-Abdul’ – and wheelchaired to the bathroom…
UPSTAIRS, AT THAT ‘SAME’ MOMENT – Peter woke-up looking at the alarm – 7:22 AM, to-realise he had ‘overslept’ and was ‘late’ for-school… but before he jumped-off the bed… he was pondering-on the ‘dream’ he had…
… last-night, where his-ally had ‘threatened’ him – and was ‘brutal’ too – that made Peter ‘fear’ of him…
… Iskur had ‘taken-and-abducted’ him by-force to the Nabatabean-temple in Petra, Jordan – where the-incubus menaced-and-terrorised him to ‘kill’ the Red-demon to prove his ‘loyalty’ to be-in the faction of ‘another’ Princes-of-Hell, Beelzebub...
… he ‘almost’ beheaded’ the Red-demon prisoner… who was shackled on-a-short chain to the floor – but…
… ‘before’ the blood-of-the Red-demon was on-his single-right-hand…
… he was ‘rescued’ by his-favourite Catholic-angel, St Michael – who had-prevented the murder… but…
… the Archangel was ‘not’ alone…
… Peter remembered the ‘green-force’ that ‘accompanied’ St Michael – that reminded him of the ‘OTHER-PERTH,’ of the Made-in-China hologram-projection-trick that the student-counsellor, Ms King ‘had’ pulled…
‘… huh…? Was that SeeIn…? Nah… it cannot-be… it’s a parlour-trick the Old-woman ‘used’ to intimidated-and-imposed fear – when she counseled ‘mischief’ kids to submit to her…’
Peter could ‘not’ remember the ‘rest’ of his-dream in Petra… and, got-off his-bed – and put-on his school-uniform…
When he hurried down the-stairs, Peter-then remembered ‘other’ parts-of-his fragmented-dream – where the-incubus had ‘THREATENED’ HIM-TOO – to ‘not’ sell his-blood to the Crowleys-in-the UK…
… at that-same time, Kitty ‘barked’ at-the-backyard ‘after’ sensing his-presence…
He cursed-out aloud…
“Shut-up, you-bloody nuisance…!!!”
“… ‘why’ can’t I ‘sell’ my-blood…? NOW – I DON’T ‘have’ a-Plan-B to ‘buy’ Dad’s house for-myself – and, to GET ‘RID’ of the bloody-dingo, the-quad and inspector-mom ‘legally’… and have the ‘WHOLE-SPACE’ for myself – so-that I can have ‘whomever’ I want to-visit-me…’
Peter was fascinated BY HIS VISIT to the ‘wealthy’ Ken-Chan’s manor – where the 16-year-old lived by-himself ‘independently’… where HE ‘PAID’ maids-and-servants as ‘minions’ to cook-and-clean after-him…
‘…damnit! I could ‘HAVE’ THAT-LIFESTYLE – if I could ‘sell’ my-blood…!’
He left the-house, slamming the front-door…
His mountain-bike was parked outside the closed-garage – for ‘easy’ access. He rode it unsteadily in the narrow-patio with his-mother’s parked Audi in the-centre. His blazer’s sleeve touched the grimy car’s side-window… slightly staining-it which made him ‘curse’ at his-mother’s dirty-car…
… it used to to-be, Caroline took the 4-year-old car to the carwash on Sundays after church – but these-day while working night-shifts during the nocturnal zombie-epidemic crime-cases… the car was ‘hardly’ cleaned, and had aged-too…
Peter rode on his-driveway to the main-gate… and he saw the grey Nissan Almera arriving – with the friendly-faced Uber-driver, Gary greeting him…
“Good-morning, Peter… you’re off-early – is Paul coming…?”
“… I don’t bloody-know – nor do-I-care…”
Gary chuckled and-seeing him-riding off – as he ‘knew’ that Paul’s twin had an attitude-problem…
… he ‘knew’ Peter well-enough – where the-twin rode with him 3-years-ago, after the-boys’ ‘rehabilitation’ from their car-crash injuries… but he always fought with Paul in the ‘entire’ way to-school… bullying-him…
… then after a month, Peter decided to ride separately in a different-Uber car – as he ‘complained’ that the Nissan’s cabin ‘smelled’ like a public-toilet… with Paul having urinal ‘leaks’ during the initial-stage of ‘recovery’ from his spinal-cord injuries…
… now, with his prosthetic-arm, Peter rode his-bike to school after 3-years.
He was running late to-school – and decided to use the ‘Jim-Wong-trail’…
… the shortcut stretching in the old-and-closed down-road since they built a new-highway – and Peter ‘nicknamed’ the deserted-road ‘partially-after’ Alicia-Wong…
… whom in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ – ‘where’ he had attacked-her… leaving-her in a comatose-state – and ditched-her to die…
… and Jimbo-the-homeless – took ‘THE-BLAME’ for his brutal-crime…
He was half-way riding the Jim-Wong-trail – speeding and at-the-same time, avoiding pot-holes… Peter looked-up and saw a ‘stalled’ superbike rider in a-distance… he chuckled…
‘… a flat-tyre, I guess… riding on moon-crater-sized potholes…’
As he approached, he noticed the leather-jacketed rider was a red-Mohawk-cut hair-styled woman… who stood beside her-big Dodge-Tomahawk bike…
… she put-up her-arm and hailed-him to-stop…
‘…F***! She ‘must’ wanna use MY-PHONE to call-for-help…I bloody-GOT NO-TIME for someone-ELSE’S SHIT…’
He rode-past her, shouting…
“My-mom ‘told’ ME ‘NOT’ TO talk to strangers…!”
“Peter-Walker… HEY, wait…!”
‘… huh-what… she ‘KNOWS’ my-name… who’s-she…!?’
It gave him all-the-reasons to ride-faster rather-than to-stop – Peter looked-over his-shoulders… the woman was running after-him on-foot…
… Peter peddled even-faster to lose-her – looking-over to-his rear-again… the athletic-woman ‘was’ catching-up…
‘… who IS SHE – the bionic-woman…!?’
He felt a heavy-tug slapped-on his-shoulder… made him off-balance and… he-fell on his butts-hard on the road – with a strong-arm still-pinned on his-shoulder…
… while watching his-bike cartwheeling several-times… and landing over-10-meters away…
Like a-ninja, Peter hopped-back to his-feet… and went-on his self-defence mode – as he reached-for his-backpack… to retrieve his WEAPON-OF-CHOICE – the-Babolat…
… then he realising that – he had ‘forgotten’ to pack-his-racquet… with the rushed-overslept morning just-now…
… so, he decided to ‘settle’ the ‘old-fashion’ way OF-A FIST-FIGHT – now, with…
… a robotic-leftie – he was Southpaw-Pete…
‘… somebody’s gonna get her-teeth punched-in…’ His adrenaline-rushed…
He feinted like a boxer with his-hands-up…
“Hey-chill! I WANNA ‘TALK’ to you…!”
By her accent – she was ‘not’ from AROUND-HERE… probably an-American tourist-cum-serial-killer… STALKING HER-VICTIMS on the lonely-road…
He went-on the attack and struck-out his robotic-fist at her…
… but she caught it with ease with her metal-palm – the punch’s impact made a metallic twonk-sound…
The woman held Peter’s fist-firm… as the-teen wrestled to FREE-IT – she-then pushed his-fist-away… and, Peter dropped on his-butt DOWN-AGAIN on the-asphalt…
“Hey-boy, stop ‘fighting’ ME – I JUST wanna talk to-you…!”
“Who are you!!?”
She chuckled… as she introduced herself as…
“I’m Renee-Osbourne… and I work-for Kimura-Star – and-boy… you ‘sure’ pack-a-punch – did you ‘modify’ it…?”
… Renee Osbourne – that was a ‘familiar’ name…
… Peter then ‘remembered’ of-the OTHER-PERTH… where HE ‘DATED’ Jane over-there – who ‘had’ told-him of a certain DEA injured-agent… WHOM HER-Uncle Jack ‘had’ experimented-on – and giving her…
… A ‘FULL-SET’ of robotic-limbs…
‘… no-wonder, she CAUGHT-UP with my-bike…’
… Peter thought as HE LISTENED to her-speak…
“… FYI… there is a microchip in your-arm – THAT ‘ALERT’ Dr Turner if you had ‘modified’ it…”
“… so-now what…? Did he ‘SEND’ YOU here-from-Washington… to take-back my-leftie…!!?”
Renne laughed…
“… hahaha, I don’t give a damn, OF ‘WHAT’ you-do with your-product…”
“Then-WHAT DO you-want…? HOW ‘DID’ you find-me…!?”
Renne took-out her iPhone and showed the teenager…
“… finding you IS ‘EASY’ – I have ‘tapped-on’ your GPS-locater…”
Peter immediately stood-up…
“WHAT! You been-bloody ‘STALKING’ ME…!!? DO YOU-KNOW ‘who’ my-mom is…? She’s the Inspector-of-Perth – SHE’LL ‘ARREST’ you for-this…!!!”
Renne simply laughed-at his-threats…
“Hahaha… let ME MEET Insp Caroline-Walker… I’m TELL-HER ‘what’ her elder-twin son had been BUSY-DOING in the-weekend in the internet-cafe…?”
Peter stammered in-denial…
“… what…? What you ‘mean’…? What internet-café…?”
“I got photos of you going to-your neighbourhood internet-café…”
“That don’t mean ‘shit’ – everyone goes there…”
Renne chuckled…
“Preciously, but ‘not’ everyone did ‘WHAT’ YOU DID… and I DO-KNOW WHAT you ‘did’ over there…”
“Hah! What DID I ‘DO’…?”
“… as I recall, you created a false email-account for your Facebook-Page and YouTube account to post a particular-kissing video of your-twin… and even ‘copied’ similar hashtags to his-famous Tarzan-fame…”
“No! I DID ‘NOT’ – you’re LYING!”
“Hahaha… remember I have your phone ‘tapped’ – and-observing your-habit of constantly-on your-phone, gave it-away… such an-amateur mistake of checking your secret-YouTube channel to get ‘subscription-and-likes’ was where I ‘CAUGHT’ YOU – ‘only’ if you had ‘known’ the Science-of-Data Forensics, which you don’t-know 2-f***s-about…
“… I bet your-mom ‘KNOWS’ WHAT I’m talking-about once we ‘meet’ her… hahaha…boy, wouldn’t she be thrilled to find-about your catfishing deceptive-activities…”
Peter was speechless with mouth-opened…
“What do YOU WANT…? I got 5,000 Aussie-dollar, I’ll give it to you to ‘shut-you-up’ – I wish I could GIVE YOU ‘MORE’… but the money is in-my-blood, and your-boss ‘failed’ to see-it – that-Dr Turner WOULD ‘NOT’ contact the billionaire Crowley-buyers and bloody make an-INTRODUCTION-DEAL…!” The ‘victim-of-unfairness,’ PETER GRIPED…
The Mohawk-haired woman struck a match to her-cigarette, saying…
“Oh-yes, I read your-reports in D.C. that your-blood type ‘changed’ in the aftermath of the Treeton dairy-farm tragedy… how-about your-brother Peter… and Jane…? Do they have’ superpowers…? Based-on, the bizarre occurrence and talks on-the-net… it is possible…what do you-say, Peter… ARE THEY ‘SUPES’…?” The know-it-all Renne baited…
“I don’t know what you’re talking-about… them as bloody ‘supes’…!? Hah! My twin is a tortoise-quad and his girlfriend is blind-as a-bat…?”
“Denial-denial-denial, hahaha… why’ ARE YOU PROTECTING-them – you’ve already ‘got’ them with the ‘kissing-video’ that would ruin their reputation… innit…?”
Peter remained tight-lipped was ‘quiet’ in-thoughts…
“… listen-here, boy… I just want to BE YOUR’ FRIEND here… tell-me ABOUT ‘THEM’…”
The cornered-Peter ‘evaded’ the query with his-question…
“… err-dude… you gonna ‘tell’ my-mom about the YouTube channel… aren’t-you…?”
“… friends don’t tell-on each-other… UNLESS THEY ‘mistrust’ each-other… I’m your friend for-now and your-mom WON’T KNOW our-secret… so, what is it GONNA-BE…?”
Peter shook his-head…
“… no, they’re a bunch-of-mediocre ‘cripples’ – THEY’RE ‘NOT’ superheroes…”
“… okay, have it your ‘way’ and DON’T TELL – but you’ll eventually-WILL ‘WHEN’ the kissing-video blows-up…”
Renne removed her-jacket – Peter noticed her-flat-chest, wearing a gothic t-shirt that ‘read’ – ‘Daughters-of-the-Underworld’
… she pulled out her call-card… and, handed-over to the-teenager…
“… anyway, here’s my card as a formality… I ‘know’ you’re bound to-lose-it – but anyways, I have your-number – and, I call-you ‘soon’ and WE’LL ‘TALK’… hey-boy, aren’t you late for school, or-something…
“…you better get-going – see-ya, alligator…”
Peter watched her slinging her-black leather-jacket over her shoulder… coolly walking-back 200-metres to her parked superbike…
He clasped the black-card in his robotic-palm – it-was printed of a-red ouroboros-snake ‘eating’ its own-tail…
… it had the visitor’s phone-number…
… along with her-codename…
… Klothod
JANE WOKE-UP TO HER BUZZING-ALARM – she had ‘not’ had-any night-terrors since sleeping on her bed last night… but she was mentally-exhausted… and, was even worried of her-bad luck that she had ‘been’ cursed-with…
… it was ‘when’ her-return-to the GARDEN-OF-EDEN, last night – where she became ‘aware’ of the Red-demon, who-HAD ‘CONFIRMED’ of her ‘virgin-birth’ with the seed-of-Apollo... but she was ‘GLAD-AND-RELIEVED’ that her-boyfriend was ‘supportive’ of buying-her the abortion-pills online – SO, THAT her-parents of-post-Treeton would ‘not’ find-OUT ‘ABOUT’ it…
She ‘remembered’ the pact she made with Paul – TO GIVE-UP their ‘superpowers’ and ‘not’ to be part-of the Defenders-of-Perth – which-only GAVE THEM worse-luck and bad-blood … after their mentoring-allies had-betrayed them WITH THEIR premeditated-deceits…
The blind-tween dressed-up for school that-Monday morning– her-father ‘had’ the left-for his-work early… something to-do with meeting with an-investor. But Alicia…
… would-be there to pick-her up in her-Uber-ride to-school…
… her-BFF had promised to ‘buy’ some meat-buns for breakfast… as the ‘remaining’ of-the Wilsons who now-led the ‘new-normal’ of ‘not’ HAVING LOLA ‘under-the-roof’ – to cook-and-prepare their daily meals…
… her-hunger pangs from her drinking-wine last-night took-a-toll… Jane-then drank lots of water before her-gastric-pains hits…
Jane went to the backyard to check-on her injured-dog. The blind-master heard shallow-breathing of the canine as it was still incapacitated-by the-meds. She placed her hand in the open-cage and touched his-paw… and felt-around his-coarse Alsatian fur before touching his-head…
Talking to-her-pet in a low-voice as she ‘encouraged’ him to ‘GET’ BETTER. Blind-Jane placed her index-finger ‘in’ the water-dish… and found it half-empty indicating Piper had-drank ‘during’ the-night – she refilled-it and put a bowl-of DOG-CHOW in the cage, in-case he got-hungry later…
‘… don’t worry, my-sweet boy – as-long I’m ‘still’ around… you won’t GO HUNGRY …’ She ‘promised’ her faithful hero-dog…
Her Samsung had a ‘miscall’ – indicating Alicia ‘was’ nearing to pick-her-up… Jane started walking to the backdoor – saying to her-sleeping-dog…
“… bye-Piper-boy… sleep-well and heal-well…”
While she was locking the-front door… the blind-tween ‘heard’ a-toot. She then walked to the Toyota and heard the backdoor-open… and ‘felt’ Alicia’s hand guiding her-from-the inside to the backseat…
… and, ‘most’ importantly was the ‘smell’ of the meat-buns… that ‘made’ her-stomach-growl…
The car drove and blind-Jane took a big-bite on the bun…
… she ‘noticed’ something-was-wrong – when her chatty-BFF was ‘quiet’…
“… Ali-what…?”
The Chinese-girl RELEASED a deep-breath… then-saying…
“… Janey… we have a ‘problem’…”
A SONG FROM GARY’S CAR-STEREO was ‘stuck’ in his-head, as he wheelchaired to-the main-door of his-school…
… it was the soulful-sounds of the Motown’s supergroup, Kool-and-the-Gang’s…
… Kiss-and- Say-Goodbye’s choruses – that-was ‘playing’ on-and-on mentally…
In the corridor, Paul ‘heard’ some students making fun of him but he didn’t know ‘what’ it-was about when they said, ‘he’s-a-big-boy-now’… and had ‘assumed’ it was something to do with his-birthday that-weekend.
Then he noticed the junior-students – who were his ‘fans’ were ‘not’ acknowledging him like they-used-to… looking at him in a ‘funny-manner’… and Paul heard’ their-whispering…
“… my-mom told-me to TAKE-DOWN my Tarzan-Page in Facebook…”
He made his-way to his-disabled elevator, and while wait Paul noticed Dougie Zimmerman walking in-the-foyer with his-cobbers…
… and remembered ‘them’ from the JANITOR’S ROOM’S fire incident, a month-before – where they put-out the combustion-flames where JANE-AND-HIM ‘had’ caused… and, they did ‘NOT’ TELL-on-them…
While walking-up the stairs to the 2nd-floor, one of them pointed at Paul and laughing…
“… look it’s Tarzan! The Jungle-boy IS MORE ‘ADVANCED’ than-us lowly seniors – hahaha…having his ‘own’ sex-tape…!”
Feeling offended, Paul scoffed … while ‘NOT’ KNOWING-what they were talking-the-hell ‘about’…
… the elevator-door opened…
… while-in the slow-moving lift-car, the crippled-teen was ‘wondering’ WHY-WAS everyone this-morning – ‘was’ treating him…
… ‘like’ an indifferent oddball.
The elevator-door opened… and-at the same-time the school-bell rang to-commence the first-period on a-Monday – where ‘normally’ students were tardy after the-weekend. Paul passed the-open the-door of his-classroom to get-inside… Terry of the Irish-backbencher saw him and cried…
“Romeo-Tarzan of the jungle is in-da-house!”
When he was reaching his desk – he heard…
“Horny-Tarzan… looking for Jane – where is she…? Probably in the caves with her-bats… Go-for it, Caveman Tarzan – Go find-Jane, and ‘shoot’ a-sequel, hahaha!!!”
Everyone laughed but Paul ‘ignored’ them to go to his-desk…
… he had used to their ragging as bullies – but he was glad the Irish-boys were well-behaved during his birthday-party in the house of the Inspector-of-Perth – the ‘one’ day they have ‘spared’ him from taunting in front of Jane-and-Alicia…
The teen noticing that Jane was ‘not’ in-class, and so-was Alicia – and-even…
… Peter was ‘late’…
Their class-teacher, Mrs Sibeth Staghorn entered the class and backbenchers were quiet-and-settled… the English Language teacher was ‘taking’ the class-attendance…
… the school’s peon, Muthoo Ganesan then-came and spoke to-her…
“… Mrs Staghorn, g’day to-you… Principal-Harris ‘WANT’ TO SEE student Paul-Walker… your-student Jane-Wilson IS ‘ALREADY’ IN his office…”
The teacher excused Paul… who followed the-peon outside…
“Mr Ganesan, what is ‘about’…? Why is Principal Harris want to see-me and Jane…?”
The East Indian-man shrugged his-shoulder…
“… I don’t ‘know’ – Principal Harris told-me to ‘get’ you… and I came…”
The peon walked ahead and the wheelchaired-teen followed to the direction of the elevator… halfway there they intercepted the janitor, Mr Quigley coming-up the stairs – the 2-adults greeted each-other and shared a common-topic – of the Monday’s lotto draw-predictions…
The 2-men noticed that Paul was ‘still’ lingering behind-them – the peon-said…
“… Master Paul-Walker, Principal Harris ‘WANT’ TO SEE-YOU… you ‘go-on first, I ‘got’ something to ‘talk-here’ – I’ll catch-up with you-later…”
“… okay… I’m going…” Paul made his-way to the elevator…
While in the lift, Paul was wondering ‘WHY’ PRINCIPAL-HARRIS wanted to see-him…
‘… Jane is ‘there’ too – ‘don’t’ tell-me… IT’S ONE of the ‘heroic-handicaps’ school-promo campaign…? The Mayor’s Award is totally ‘enough’… we-both would ‘not’ want any-part in this ‘image-campaign’ mess any-more… leave ‘us’ be…’
Then, Paul felt ‘guilty’…
… Principal Harris ‘did’ so-much for them ‘since’ he was DATING THEIR MOTHER – the weekend ‘expensive’ home-catered dinners, the-recent birthday… and his-birthday prezzie…
He thought-of his wooden-board chess-set that Tom-Harris bought for-him…
‘… I can’t play shit… but Alicia is gonna teach-me ‘how’…’
The door dinged and-opened – Paul wheelchaired-out to coincidently see Alicia in the foyer, rushing towards-the stairs to the 2nd-floor… he called-on her…
“…HEY-ALI! Is Jane at the-principal’s office…?”
The Chinese-girl did ‘not’ reply – and ran-up the stairs… saying…
“… I’m late for-class…”
“… okay, see you later…”
… in the foyer, he heard echoes of the ‘peon-and-janitor’ voices ‘upstairs’ talking about-lotto…
… Paul went-on alone in the-corridor – as he passed closed-door classrooms’ first-lesson in-commence…
… making his way to Tom Harris’ office…
At the east-wing, Paul reached the SHS’s Admin-office and saw the receptionist was ‘not’ there… so he wheelchaired to the glass-door to the open-office area where a dozen-staff were…
… they saw him coming – some-froze and others gawped…
Paul ‘felt’ funny-and-mistrusting… as everyone he ‘had’ encountered since the first-hour when he-came to school – were ‘treating’ him-in-suspicion…
… he didn’t ‘bother’ to acknowledge-them… by-saying – Principal-Harris ‘wanted-to’ see him…
So, he headed straight to his-office…
Paul reached the closed-door and HEARD ‘SOUNDS’ of an argument-inside – a domineering pitched-woman’s voice was-in the midst of the-spat…
… it unravelled the crippled-teen… but he proceeded-forward to rap-on the door-genteelly…
… the student-counsellor, Ms King opened the door for-him… Paul noticed the medium-sized closed-office was ‘crowded’ that-morning. Ms King sat back on a short-bench beside-the door – whom she shared with plump-woman whom Paul doesn’t ‘know-who’ she-was…
… but by-the-way, the mole-on-her-cheek-woman ‘glared’ at him with her ‘angry-eyes’ –set-fixated on-him and-following his-every movement – like a-predator…
… ‘made’ Paul instantly ‘DISLIKING’ HER at first-glance…
Jane ‘was’ THERE-TOO – sitting quiet on her chair, close-to the filing-cabinet…
Principal Harris was behind his mahogany-desk – facing 2-visitor chairs… with one-seat ‘empty’ – and the-other was-seated the overassertive-and-loud Mrs Shelley Wilson…
… Paul’s girlfriend’s doctor-mother…
… whom he ‘met’ her in ‘EVERY’ PERTH-REALMS ‘that’ he-had ‘been’– but seeing-her ‘now’ in the ANGRY-SIDE of her for-the-first-time…
… she was in dispute with the-principal on a first-name basis – because they-were ‘friends’ outside-school…
“… ARE YOU BLIND-like my-daughter, Thomas!!? Tell-me, you didn’t see ‘that’ coming while everyone is ‘talking’ about you and your bloody-run school in the social-media…!? And, you have the cheek to tell me TO-CALM-DOWN for your mismanagement and ‘wrongdoings’…?”
“YES!!! “Calm-down,’ Shelley – you ARE ‘MAKING’ a bigger problem out of ‘this’…!!!”
“HEY! I SAW THE PROBLEM ‘when’ you made your-bloody ‘hero-campaign’ on the first-day of the term without my-consent, being the-mother of the daughter of-the-recipient – you-then ‘invited’ the mayor to your-circus…”
“You got it ‘wrong,’ Shelley! It was the mayor-Blake’s IDEA – TO GIVE the Bravery-Awards to Jane-and-Paul… it was a last-minute ‘EVENT’ TOO – the mayor’s office called… saying that the mayor ‘WISHED’ TO PRESENT the bravery-accolade to them – based on THE ‘POSITIVE’ publics’ response-of the viral-zoo-videos in Perth…”
“… so, is your-mayor going to ‘PAY’ CHILD-SUPPORT to unwanted students’ pregnancy-too…? If-so, where does the bloody-money ‘COME’ FROM…? Is-it from ‘out’ tax-payers’ dollars…!!?”
Paul who was beside the closed-door near to the-bench – was confused of ‘not’ knowing ‘what’ WAS GOING-ON… he rubbernecked and ‘whispered’ to Ms King…
“… what’s going-on…?”
“… you don’t ‘know’…?”
… Paul shrugged…
… and the student-counsellor GAVE HER-NOKIA phone to him – with a link-to a YouTube video…
The teenager’s jaw-dropped as he watched ‘ONLY’ 15-SECONDS of the 2-minute video… of the SHS’ Family-Day @the-beach – 3 MONTHS-AGO… ‘TAKEN’ with him-and-Jane who wanted their ‘privacy’… ‘AWAY’ FROM the main-group @the South-beach…
‘… WHO’ videoed-us…!? Bloody-voyeur…!’
Mrs Shelley Wilson then turned her-head around – and was ‘aware’ of Paul’s presence in his-wheelchair… and picked-on him-next…
“YOU!!! The bloody-culprit! Where is YOUR-MOTHER!? I have been waiting ‘more’ than a-half hour for-her – and, I got work to-go-to in-the-clinic!”
Being shout-at, Paul was terrified and… was left flabbergasted with no-words to-reply – but Principal-Harris responded-instead…
“… calm-down, Shelley – I’m trying to call-her-too…but she’s ‘NOT’ RESPONDING… probably sleeping ‘after’ HER-NIGHTSHIFT, investigating her police zombie-cases…”
“Thomas, looks-like you ‘know’ of the ins-and-outs of her SLEEPING-SCHEDULES – I thought you ‘woke-up’ from her-bed and… CAME TO-WORK this-morning…”
Tom Harris was appalled…
“… listen-here, Shelley – LET’S BE civil and… ‘not’ drag my-private life-into-this…”
Shelley cut-him-off…
“Hah! What private-life…? You ‘SLEEPING’ WITH the Inspector-of-Perth is THE ‘TALK’ of ‘our’ Twitter-community!”
Paul’s jaw dropped…
… learning all-the dirty-laundries and closet-skeletons were out-exposed… in-both in the-principal’s office and-social-media…
“… it’s no-business of ‘WHOEVER’ TO-TALK of ‘what-I-do’ in my personal-life…”
The doctor-mother shouted-back…
“It’s my-bloody ‘business’ as a parent to have ‘WHATEVER’ SAY IN your private life before shit-hits-the-fan when the 2nd-sex video DROPS-IN AND RUINS my reputation as a-respectable doctor in Perth… you-Thomas, what ARE YOU GOING to do about-it…?
“Are you ‘are’ going to practice ‘DOUBLE-STANDARDS’ WHEN it comes to ‘disciplining’ your-girlfriend’s twin sons in this-matter, hah…!?
“I’m going-to ‘write’ a petition to the PTA TO REMOVE YOU as to-be ‘unfit’ as a-principal – only-if you don’t EXPEL BOTH THE-WALKER-BOYS from your bloody school…!!!”
“… what…? Peter-too…!? What ‘did’ he do-wrong…?”
“… while his-cripple-brother was fondling my-daughter – WHO’ RECORDED-IT… hah…!? It ‘must-have-been’ the one-armed ‘son’ of your-girlfriend, who it ‘was’…!”
“You got-it-all ‘wrong,’ Shelley – there WERE 2-GROUPS in that Family-Day that-day – Peter was in THE ‘OTHER’ GROUP – WHERE they visited Rotto…!”
… despite pointing ‘her’ mistake, Shelley lashed-out…
“He was ‘THERE,’ I ‘KNOW’ – even… he ‘WAS’ IN MY HOUSE on the night of the black-panther attack… I ‘HEARD’ HIM in Jane’s bedroom…but-when I wanted to ‘catch’ him – he ‘trapped’ me in my bedroom… WHEN HE blowtorched-and-welded my-door-shut!!!”
In-the-corner, Jane facepalmed… it ‘was’ she-WHO ‘TRAPPED’ Shelley in-the-room – so ‘not’ to interfere with StarGirl ‘CONFRONTING’ THE-entity-Popobawa in-its transformation as the black-panther… WHILE PAUL was with-Jaheem in her-bedroom AT-THAT-moment…
Even Paul sighed at THE DISILLUSIONED doctor-mother’s allegations – of making-up stories to ‘fit’ her-missing-puzzle-pieces OF HER-REALITY… which was the opposite to what ‘actually’ happened – of the Defenders-of-Perth’s SAVING SAMUEL from being a-CHILD-SACRIFICE ‘that’ night…
… but it was ‘their’ SECRET-IDENTITIES which they-had-concealed ‘led’ to the confusion – that had Shelley to assume HER ‘OWN-UNIMAGINABLE’ conclusions of EVENTS-OF-that-night…
… but he had A ‘SUSPICION’ of his-twin – ‘WAS’ SOME-HOW involved in the kissing-VIDEO… that mysteriously ‘SURFACED’ AFTER 3-months…
‘… if you’re ‘NOT’ THERE in South-beach AT THAT ‘MOMENT,’ Peter – maybe ‘some’ minion of-yours ‘VIDEOED’ IT…!’
After a-brief-moment of silence – Mrs Shelley-Wilson’s voice boomed-again…
“Tell-me, Thomas – ‘WHO’ POSTED the video-then on your-watch…? And, how can this ‘shameful’ things happen on your-poorly organised Family-Day trip…? Were your-teachers in-charge there were ‘blind’ too… leaving students ‘having’ illicit-sex behind their-backs!!!”
“Come-on… no-one HAD-SEX – the boy was only-kissing…”
“Yes, kissing my-daughter – SOON, THERE is a possibility of a sex-tape scandal-next… Thomas, are you ‘running’ a high-SCHOOL-HERE OR a-porn-hub production-studio using ‘minors’…? So-what have you DECIDED ‘NOW’ – AREN’T you ‘not’ going to expel these 2 ‘perverted’ twins of your-girlfriend!?
The principal was speechless…
“HAH! Do you think someday I’ll send my son-Samuel to your bloody-damned-school!? NO! I-WONT…! He would ‘not’ be corrupted like his-sister! Thomas-Harris, I ‘BLAME’ YOU! YOU’LL GO-down too soon, once I make the petition to deem-you ‘unfit’ to-be in THE CHAIR-OF-the principal… that you’re sitting comfortably-on now!”
… Paul saw the woman ‘who’ followed Jane’s-mom was smirking ‘when’ Shelley was ‘threatening’ the school’s principal… ‘what’ was lacking was a bag-of-popcorns to-go for her front-row ‘entertainment-pleasure’ of the verbal-altercation…
“… as for my-naïve B-girl, I’m ‘PULLING-HER-OUT’ from this detrimental-school that you’re running – she’s going-back to her Victoria-Institute Blind-SCHOOL WHERE genders are ‘segregated’… with no-horny-boys there TO ‘GETTING’ INTO her-pants!”
Paul-then saw Jane stood-up in-a haste… and-pointing at her-mother…
“ENOUGH of you ‘THREATENING’ EVERYONE, Mother! That day at-the-beach, I was ‘only’ kissing my-boyfriend… and he certainly DID ‘NOT’ get ‘into my-swimsuit!”
Mrs Wilson pointed-back at the principal, condemning…
“Look at your-bloody shameful-school THAT ‘ENCOURAGES’ juvenile to have illicit relationships! Is that part of the school’s CURRICULUM…? I’M PAYING her-school fees for an Australian-school education – ‘not’ for-her to have SOME-BOYFRIEND at her-tender age-of-12!!!”
“Hey! Stop-condemning my-school! For your-information, Mother – I don’t ‘slack’ in-class… and, I’m ‘still’ a top-girl!”
“… yea, but you ‘slacked’ to-be the #4-girl last term – all cos’ you ‘LACKED’ FOCUS… too-busy with ‘MAKING-OUT WITH your-bloody so-called ‘boyfriend’…!”
… Paul’s jaw-dropped as the argument was ‘referring’ to him with-blames – ‘when’ the-reality was that… Jane ‘slacked’ in class to-be #4 was-because she ‘lacked’ her-sleep… ‘when’ she was haunted-and-hunted ‘every-night’ by Peter-the-incubus who wanted to get into her-pyjamas….
The domineering matriarch-then pressured… ‘when’ Jane was-stumped…
“I don’t believe you! There must-BE ‘MORE’ THAN KISSING you-both have-gotten yourselves-into – Jane! I want you ‘now’ TO TAKE A pregnancy-test!!!”
… Paul saw his-girlfriend speechless… he was horrified to the thought of her-urine might be-positive of pregnancy…
‘… oh-shit, what a-luck… her-mom would ‘find-out’ – I ordered the-pills ‘a-little-too-late’ where Jane did ‘not’ have a chance-to-TAKE THEM…’
… Paul was relieved that Jane spoke-out to ‘object’ – where it could ‘buy’ THEM-TIME…
“I don’t give a shit if you believe me or ‘not’ – I’m ‘NOT’ TAKING a pregnancy-test to ‘PROVE’ ANYTHING to you!”
… Paul saw the student-counsellor beside-him, speak-up…
“Jane! Don’t BE ‘RUDE’ to your-mother!”
“Shut-up, Ms King… you’re the school-counsellor ‘NOT’ A-PSYCHIATRIST – you don’t ‘know’ WHAT ‘SHIT’ IS HAPPENING in my-life!”
The doctor pointed at the principal mocking…
“SEE THE WAY she-speaks! What kind-of f***ed-up school is this…? GROOMING 12-YEAR-OLDS to-be rebellious… and with ‘no’ RESPECT TO ADULTS!”
Blind-Jane replied-instead…
“RESPECT SHOULD-BE ‘earned,’ Mother – I’M REBELLIOUS because you’re a ‘bully!”
“Sit-down ‘now’ – DON’T TALK TO ME like that, you-blind-punk! I still have bloody custody over-you till YOU’RE 18!”
“… yea, 6 ‘more’ years OF MENTAL-TORTURE of ‘being’ your ‘pet-critter’ B-girl!”
“You ‘listen’ to-me – you’re BLOODY-TAKING the pregnancy-test, whether you like-it or ‘not,’ you hear-me…?”
“NO! I don’t have TO ‘PROVE’ ANYTHING to-you, ‘now-that’ you’ve walked-out from ‘our-lives’ – you’ve fought-and-threatened daddy saying you’re going to ‘DIVORCE’ HIM… then you took my-brother and WENT-AWAY to live in Uncle-Topher’s house…”
… Paul was ‘listening’ to the dirty-laundry of-the-Wilsons…
“YES! I want-to divorce your-alcoholic LOSER-FATHER! I made an-attempt to ‘save’ you from-him but you ‘choose’ to stay-back ‘UNDER’ HIS-ROOF – ‘now’ after one-week under ‘his’ care… look ‘what’ happened – you are into this disgraceful SEX-SCANDAL! How shameful is this ‘happening’ to the-daughter of a doctor…?”
“Mother, if YOU ‘THINK’ that kissing will ‘make’ me-pregnant – then you’re a ‘really’ very dumb-doctor…!”
“OH-YEAH, at least my-mother ‘raised’ ME WELL… I STUDIED-hard and I became a-doctor with my-brother-Jack – I DIDN’T HAVE a boyfriend in school, and I focused-on my-studies – where else-you, with your ‘boyfriends’… you’re GOING-DOWN the-pit-hole like your-LOSER DADDY!”
“… okay, SINCE YOU’RE OUT of my-life – don’t worry about-me from now-on – I have my ‘OWN’ AMBITION to be a scientist like my-Uncle-Jack…!”
The doctor-mother growled-back…
“You’ll NEVER BECOME a scientist – you’ll BE A LOSER like your-retched father! Damn you both!!!”
Tears-rolled on the blind-tween’s face… and, moments-later Jane responded…
“… fair-enough… ‘more’ juicy-topics for you to ‘gossip’ in Twitter, yea…? Because you have ‘more’ friends-online than in real-life – but they don’t ‘DON’T-KNOW-YOU’ like I do-you-Mother…. an awful, cruel and a bitter-person…! Which-nobody can tolerate-you except for-your Facebook-friend…”
Jane-then pointed AT-THE WOMAN-WHO had ‘accompanied’ her-doctor-mother… seated across in-the-bench…
“… you ‘brought’ her-along… your-Ira is sitting-here quietly… and silently-cheering her ‘bully’ doctor-friend’s threats… and enjoying every-moments of it! Listen-ma’am, ‘soon’ she would ‘bully’ YOU-TOO…!”
Paul looked at the facial-reaction on the plump-woman with a mole-on-her-cheek… ‘who’ was a state of shocked… and Paul ‘almost’ chuckled, as…
… it was like-the-TV’s ‘breaking’ the-4th-wall’ scenario – and ‘was’ pointing at her… ‘to-be’ in the hot-seat…
The tension-in the-office ceased ‘when’ the LOUD-BELL RANG – for the 2nd-class period…
Paul was even more amused of ‘what’ happened ‘when’ the 5-seconds long bell-rang – with Mrs Wilson too was ‘disoriented’ from her-argument… before…
… she ‘pointed’ at the principal… shouting…
“Where is this-Insp Caroline Walker!? I BEEN WASTING-TIME for a-bloody hour waiting … I bloody work to go-to… Thomas, YOU GO GET’ HER – you ‘have’ the house-key… dragged-her from her-bloody bed cos’ I WANT TO TALK with her now!!!”
THE NOW-SENTIENT CAROLINE, who hardly had 2-hours of sleep… stirred ‘when’ she awaken-by the sound of buzzing. Still-sleepy, she looked at her iPhone on vibrating-mode…
… there were 11-miscalls, 3 text-messages and a video…
The groggy-woman looked at the screen in the darken-room… WONDERING ‘WHAT’ was-the emergency all-about…
… the miscalls were from Tom… and, so ‘was’ the text-messages…
… she-still did ‘not’ KNOW ‘WHAT’ WAS the-emergency…
It was only-when she clicked the link SENT BY THE student-counsellor, Ms Diane King… to the YouTube video – was ‘when’ Caroline got her-clarity…
… it documented her-son kissing his-girlfriend on a mat in the sandy-South-beach ‘before’ they lube-each ‘other’ with-suntan – and, the-couple then wore their sunglasses, and slept-together while holding-hands…
The second the video ended @2:03 – Caroline ‘was’ startled…
‘… what ‘happened’ next…?’
The inspector-mother re-read the ‘content-descriptions’ of the YouTube video… which was IN-CAPS-AND-BOLDED:
‘…did they have sex ‘too’…?’
Caroline got-off the bed and started to hastily dress-up… and, her-mind was frantic…
‘Poe! What’s wrong with you!!?’
… the-mother ‘recalled’ the ‘VISIT’ TO THE WILSONS ‘more’ than 2-months ago – where Paul apologised to the-PARENTS FOR ‘NOT’ ASKING their-permission… when he took-Jane to the South-PERTH ZOO – WHERE the rhinos-and-elephant ‘disaster’ HAPPENED…
‘Poe! What’s wrong with you ‘again’!!?’
She was ‘really’ disappointed with her 2nd-born… who’d ‘misbehaved’ during the school’s Family-Day outing…
‘… so did’ Peter on-that-day – the-fool jumped-off the ferry to search for his metal-arm… endangering himself ‘where’ he doesn’t ‘know’ how-to-swim…
‘… ‘why’ are these boys a handful…?’
She was all-dress in front of the-mirror. She went forward to apply her-lipstick for-Tom… and, then decided ‘NOT’ TO…
‘… so-much for my ‘substitute’ father-figure for those 2-demons…’
She dropped the-lipstick in her hand-bag… and left the-room…
While coming-down the stairs – Caroline was ‘greeted’ by Kitty’s loud-barks in the backyard … she went-over to quieten the racket the-mutt was creating in the-neighbourhood….
… when she opened the backdoor – the playful Kitty lunged-at-her…
“Down, Kitty! Down!”
She was ANNOYED THAT PAUL who-had ‘not’ leashed the dog ‘before’ going to school…
… the inspector-mother ‘knew’ of Kitty’s Belgian Malinois ferocious-breed in the police K9-unit – where it could ‘scale-up’ their 11-foot fence… and go wander outside…
‘… what-if, it ‘bites’ someone…?”
Caroline dragged Kitty by-its-collar… and tied it to the-pole…
“Quiet! Or… I’ll SEND YOU-AWAY to the-pound!”
The inspector-mother ‘regretted’ granting Paul with a pet… when he had carelessly ‘ignored’ the dangers-and-responsibilities of ‘owning’ a vicious-breed canine…
‘… maybe the dog ‘should’ go – as a ‘punishment’ for-the irresponsible Poe…’
She walked-out the front-door to the Audi on-the-porch. Looking-up, she saw her garden was ‘withering-and-dying’ – due to the bugs-and-pest infestation…
… she sighed… and doesn’t care anymore…
… since the Wilfords ‘had’ transferred the Walker-house DEED ‘OVER’ to-Peter… where it SO-HAPPENED that-the Wilford-niece was ‘also’ her elder-son’s girlfriend…
‘… it’s Peter’s house ‘now’… and-the lawn is his-problem…’
She got into the car – and drove-away…
EVERYONE WAITED A LONG-TIME for Caroline Walker. The office was-now quiet – and nobody was arguing… of ‘both’ the visitors-and-staff’…
… but they were mentally-preparing for the ‘NEXT’ BOUT ‘when’ the Insp-of-Perth arrived…
There was back-and-forth of texting between Shelly-and-Ira. While the principal was into his school’s paperwork – the student-counsellor was ‘working’ too… sending emails on her-Nokia.
Paul saw his girlfriend sitting ‘alone’ in a corner, with her beanie that she-wore had covering her-brows… and she was glowing-dim…
… Jane was crying-too… and she had ‘no’ tissue – and, wiping her tears in her sleeve-of the blazer that she-wore. Paul wanted to offer his-handkerchief…
… but he-had to ‘thread’ himself – ‘between’ the-path of the ‘lion-and-hyena’ – to get-to-her…
He ‘chickened-out’ and cursed to himself…
‘… what kindda stingy-miserly school is-this – that can’t afford to ‘buy’ a box-of-tissues…?’
THE BELL-RANG at that same-time – it was the longer-bell… to indicate that it was RECESS-TIME…
… Principal Harris ‘instructed’ Ms King to ‘accompany’ both Jane-and-Paul to the canteen.
While wheelchairing to leave the office, Paul last ‘saw’ the remaining-adult were waiting-themselves-out – as they have ‘decisions-to-make,’ once the Insp-of-Perth arrived…
When the-bell rang, Jane was the first to walk to the door – wanting to-get-away from her bully-mother…
… Paul saw the pissed-off looks on her – as she ‘had’ also missed the morning-classes in the ‘wait’ @the-principal’s office – where her ‘own’ doctor-mother messed-her-up just-now… when the-version ‘of-the-woman’…
… had-called Jane as a ‘loser’ like her-father…
Outside the office, blind-Jane walked-alone forward using her walking-stick… Paul caught-up with her… looking at the blue-glow, she asked…
“… where is your mother…?”
“… I DON’T KNOW…probably in her-sleep back from night-shift…”
“STOP-TALKING, you-2…!” Ms King ordered…
The 3-of-them were quiet and they walked along the corridor where other student were making their-way to the school cafeteria-hall. But when they reached the entrance-door – Ms King’s phone-rang…
“You-2 go-on ahead and order your food…”
Paul saw the student-counsellor standing-behind and Jane hurried to get-in the serving-line – when he got there on-his wheelchair… he was 8th-in-line from his-girlfriend. Paul was moving-among the lining-up of-the junior students… they were no-longer friendly-and-chatty…
… but looking-and-peering at him seated-on his wheelchair with ‘their’ judgemental-eyes – as they have seen his-kissing ‘scandalous’ video that was trending – about their ‘once’ hero-Tarzan.
Ignoring-them, he ordered a pre-packed beef-sandwich and he choose to drink a canned Milo – the chocolate-milk, as a ‘healthier’ drink option from a-coke…
By the time he paid for his-food at the check-out… Jane had ‘gone’ to mess-hall…
As he wheelchaired-out, he saw her-yellow-glow seated at their regular round-table… with the food-tray on his-laps, he wheelchaired towards her…
… he felt ‘intimidating’ eyes set on him, as he passed rows-of-tables.…
… where the girl-students with their disgusted-looks to his ‘behaviour’ in-the-video – and the boys smirking at him…
Ignoring-then, he looked at the next-row of tables of – Alicia chatting with her-boyfriend’s group…
… at the backrow was Peter… with the loud backbencher-cobbers at the long-table…
His wheelchair arrived to Jane… who was having her tuna sandwich and a kiwi-juice box – and he sat-with-her… whispering…
“… Jane, I’ve ‘ordered the-pills – will ‘give’ it to you tomorrow…”
“… thanks… but will the-pills work…?”
“… I don’t know, dear… you ‘take’ it first, and-then we’ll ‘see’…”
“… okay… err…sorry, my-mummy was ‘harsh’ on you just-now, Pauly…”
“… don’t ‘BLAME’ YOURSELF at-all – the ‘situation’ is that we’re ‘both’ cursed-and-trapped in ‘these’ realities where… it’s playing musical-chair with ‘OUR’ PARENTS. Jane, that was ‘not’ your-mom back there in the principal’s office, okay…? Just remember that…”
Jane nodded… and ‘let’ her-blue-beacon SPEAK THE-RATIONAL… as he was her-eyes in the ‘seeing-world’…
“… you take the pills for-now… well, it’s an-abortion pills, should-be like rocket-science… err… meaning, IT ‘SHOULD’ work…”
A voice spoke-out ‘from’ their-rear… it was Ms King…
“Both of you wouldn’t be SITTING-TOGETHER in recess-breaks from today-onwards – as-per instructed by the principal-and-Mrs Wilson…
“Paul! Get your tray and ‘move’ to the NEXT-EMPTY table… NOW…!”
… the ultimatum-decision was a punch-IN-THE GUT for Paul – as he cleared the table and followed Ms King to 3-TABLES BACK…
‘… bloody musical-chairs…’ Paul too-was pissed…
Those ‘mean’ girls were clapping-too as he passed-them – while some boys were ‘also’ jeering at-him…
Paul realised that his-popular Tarzan’s brief fame in-school had ended today… when the kissing-video had tarnished him into ‘being’ a laughed-at mere crippled boy-again…
At the empty-table, the student-counsellor took the ‘best’ seat – Paul was facing-her and ‘not’ Jane who-was seated in his-rear… he asked…
“… Ms King, did my mother call just-now…?”
“No, she didn’t – but we’ve left messages for her to ‘come’…”
Eating his-sandwich, Paul was observing the middle-aged woman of the Australian Aboriginal-descendent who was sending work-related emails on-her-Nokia…
… he remembered ‘encountering’ 2 of-her ‘OTHER’ VERSIONS:
in the ‘OTHER-PERTH,’ she (and Alicia) were ‘allies’ to the Defender-of-Perth – where they ‘rescued’ Samuel-Wilson from being a ‘child-sacrifice’ of Asmodeus in ‘PERTHLAND,’ she was in her ‘younger-self,’ and worked as a school librarian – where she gave him career-advice
… Paul ‘remembered’ the first-days of HIS ‘ARRIVAL’ to this-realm – where he-and-Jane had met her in-a-café… where THEY SEEK HER advice-and-guidance ‘since’ her ‘background’ was-of SCRUTINIZING MEDIEVAL Middle-Eastern studies – but she was ‘RELUCTANT’ to help…
… so, ‘when’ he-and-Jane ventured-alone TO ‘INVESTIGATE’ whether Hajji – the ‘key-figure’ of evil – ‘existed’ in POST-TREETON…
… they were met with THE DISASTROUS South-Perth Zoo’s ‘animal-tragedy’…
Putting the final bit of the beef-sanger into his mouth… and while chewing… his thoughts-digested into suspicion…
‘… what if this-version of Ms King is ‘serving’ evil-itself…?’
THE SCHOOL BELL rang – the woman looked-up at the disabled-teenager…
“… come… LET’S GO to ‘your’ classroom…”
“… err… I guess you’re ‘busy’ in work, Ms King – I can find-my-way to my classroom…”
“… ‘not’ any-more… they have ‘TRANSFERRED’ YOU to the B-Class…”
The elevator-dinged on the 2nd-floor, the door opened and Ms King pushed the wheelchair with Paul – who was still in-state-of shock… that he wouldn’t-be in the ‘same’ class with Jane any-more…
“Go and get your-bag…” Ms King instructed at the door…
Paul entered the-classroom… and went to his-desk to collect his-bag pack…
…noticing that Jane was ‘NOT’ THERE for him to say-goodbye-to – probably she-was with Alicia in the Girl’s-room. But there were 5-students in the class at that-time…
… the class-clown, Terry Donavan was there… chuckling and waving-farewell…
“… you won’t be-missed, Tarzan-Poe…”
The B-classroom was next to the 2nd-floor staircase… when Ms King pushed his-wheelchair over, Paul saw senior-students coming-back from their recess-break… staring at him…
In the ‘new’ class-room were returning-students from canteen-break filling-up their seats. The class-teacher was punctual – and was talking to Ms King…
… Paul saw his young new-teacher who was of Vietnamese-descendent by the name… of Mrs Kim-Li Duegermman – as she was married to a White – but…
… behind-her she was… ‘nicknamed’ as Kimchi-Doberman… because she was a fierce Math-teacher…
Paul was assigned to sit in the front-row of the-class, beside the main-door…
… he had ‘missed’ sitting in the 2nd-row of the A-Class – right behind Jane… sharing their ‘private-and-intimate’ bodily glows ‘moments’ – of blue-and-yellow ‘hues’ that gave a fusion of green-auras… that ‘BOOST’ POSITIVITY thoughts for-themselves in-class…
He was still daydreaming – when Ms King called him…
“… huh… yes…”
“… I’ll come-later… when the ‘inspector’ arrives…”
He nodded and the student-counsellor left…
… Paul could hear Raymond Donovan, Terry’s elder-brother at the back, mocking-him… and followed by laughter from his-backbencher-mates…
“Fat-Tarzan is in ‘trouble’ – he’s seeking asylum-status in our class – let’s ‘welcome’ the refugee of-the-jungle…”
Paul ‘remembered’ Raymond-Donovan from the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ ‘when’ he accidentally electrocuted Terry… and the mad-elder brother ‘defended’ his-younger-brother – and shouted at-Paul… and, he-then made a complain to Principal-Harris that his-wheelchair was dangerous-and-rigged to ‘electrocute’ students…
… but…
… little that Paul ‘knew’ that in the present POST-TREETON ‘realm’ – Raymond-and-his cousin ‘had’ recorded the Kissing-video…
… that was ‘shared’ with Peter, a-month-later.
TOM-AND-CAROL were both-alone at the principal’s office…
… he was ‘updating’ her…
“… Shelley made a big-scene just-now – and ‘warned’ me’ that Jane should ‘not’ associate with Paul – so, to put her in-a-peace of mind, I’d transferred him to the B-class, Carol…
“… tomorrow, I’ll appoint a prefect to accompany Paul in recess-period – so-that he ‘won’t’ talk to her-there…”
“I want to confiscate his iPhone too – that way he would ‘not’ have any-contact at-all with ‘that’ girl…!” Added the-mother…
“No, that is ‘harsh,’ Carol – it is his ‘basic’ humanitarian-rights to have a cellphone these-days… just like food-and-water…”
“Go f*** his rights! That son-of-Solomon SHOULD ‘NOT’ be shown any-mercy!!! Why are both of ‘these’ boys such a bloody ‘burden’ TO-RAISE…!? They ‘both’ having ‘girlfriends’ at ‘their’ TENDER-AGE…
“… they-too are ‘young’ but are ‘both’ criminal-minded ‘just’ like their-late father… may he ‘burn’ in hell!!!”
The principal was quiet for a-moment – to-allow Caroline vent… then-after a brief-pause, the inspector-mother asked…
“What-else happened…?”
“… Jane-too had refused to take A PREGNANCY-TEST when her mother ‘demanded’ it-just-now… anyway, it ‘not’ necessary… it’s just a kissing-video, no-more than-that… no-worries for ‘now’…”
“… but-Tom, what-if there’s a sex-video ‘somewhere’… they are BOTH-MINORS – do you ‘know’ how embarrassing of a heartache that implication is FOR A-MOTHER…? That her 13-year-old ‘boy’ is ‘doing’ it on a viral-video in THE INTERNET…”
… she-then broke in-tears – Thomas opened his desk-drawer to take a box-of-Kleenex… and offered-her… and was-consoling…
“… furthermore, YouTube would ‘not’ allow porn in their-site – and the last-I-checked… even the kissing-video had been-flagged down… you ‘should-not’ worry now, dear…”
“But there are ‘other’ child-pornography sites that that would want TO EXPLOIT IT… and ‘if’ that ‘was’ a possibility – then it’s the END-OF-POE… just like-his-father…”
… Caroline was back-venting and-rambling of her bottled-up marital-frustrations…
“… a bloody scumbag-flirt that I was married-to… who went to the-bloody casinos to gamble-and-fornicate behind my-back… and, who is always depressed when he lost thousands of dollars in a night… but the next day… he’s back-on-his feet – ‘feeding’ the addiction by returning to the casino to gamble-and-f*** again…
“… he ‘ruined’ his career-too… do you ‘know,’ Tom – he had ‘designed’ the-architecture of the Mayor’s Blake-tower building…? But… half-way-through the project, he embezzled the company-funds to ‘repay’ his-gambling-debts – and they caught-him and ‘fired’ him…
“… ‘even’ the Mayor John-Blake too had ‘swept-him’ under-the-carpet – and did ‘not’ press-any criminal-charges on Solomon… and, he ‘got’ away-easy-peasy…where-he ‘should-be’ behind bars for his-crimes…
“… and, ‘NOW’ HE’S DEAD… and subsequently left-me… with his massive-debts-and-his 2 ‘useless-horny-sons’… who would-be one-day ‘following’ his footsteps of gambling-and-f***ing…! It’s like-a diseased bloody-heredity-genes of ‘my’ cursed-family…!”
Caroline pulled-out a couple-of tissues to wipe her angry-tears…
“I donno… what do I DO, TOM – I’m ‘such’ a BAD-MOTHER… who made a bad-choice of marrying the-wrong-man… AND BEARING ‘his’ delinquent-twins…!? Yes, blame-me for ‘THAT’…!”
The principal rose-up from his-desk – and went to her-chair…
…the divorcee got-down on-his-knees to embrace her…
“… hush-Carol… YOU’RE ‘NOT’ a bad-mother – and, I still want to-BE A-PART of your-life… WE BOTH’LL work it-out…”
They-then kissed…
IN THE B-CLASS, MRS DUEGERMMAN was teaching 7th-Grade’s curriculum Math topic of ‘Measurements-and-Geometry’ – a lesson taught a fortnight-ago, by his former Math-teacher Ms Celine Costa… but Paul had ‘forgotten’ and could ‘not’ grasp its basics…
… it was his 2ND-CHANCE to learn ‘about’ scalene, isosceles and obtuse-angle triangle – if he ‘ever’ wanted to have an-ambition to-be an-architect like his-father…
‘… if I don’t get it ‘right’ this-time… then I’ve to kiss the architecture-career ‘goodbye’ – and settle for a profession of dog-training…’
His reveries were interrupted by the presence of Ms King whom the-principal had ‘sent’ to get-him…
“… your mother is ‘here’…” The student-counsellor said…
… and pushed his-wheelchair out of the class…
… as they came to the handicap-elevator… Paul’s heart was-pounding – he was expecting WW3 in Aussie-soil if – Jane’s mom ‘argued’ with-his…
‘… why me… oh-shit – why me…?’
… recalling that he had gone to Principal’s office in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ when’ he ‘had’ electrocuted-Terry – but got-off the hook… without calling Caroline to his-office…
… unlike on the ‘OTHER-PERTH,’ where Peter who attacked Zubeer-Khan… the inspector-mom ‘came’– ‘when’ his one-armed twin was ‘later’ severely-punished for-his violent-behaviours…
…but in POST-TREETON, Peter ‘behaved’ – and, ‘had’ all-the luck-in-the world – to-be ‘not’ called to the principal’s office… with Caroline coming-over to ‘settle’ the-problem…
‘… ‘why’ is this smooching-video ‘COMING-OUT’ after a-month since Family-Day – has the devil ‘had’ something TO DO WITH it… to see-me ‘fall’…!?’
The student-counsellor opened the principal’s office-door ‘without’ knocking – on his wheelchair Paul saw the principal and the inspector-mother were embracing each-other… then, the ‘startled’ couple instantly ‘broke-off’ from their-hugging… and went to their-respective seats… the teenager looked-around and-was startled…
‘… huh…? Where is WW3’s Mrs Hitler…?’
… Paul was ‘relieved’ that the scary-and-loud ‘psychotic’ woman WAS ‘GONE’ – so there wouldn’t-be 2-mothers – with both having ‘their’ MARITAL-PROBLEMS… getting-to argue the ‘flaws’ of the-other’s ‘RAISING-CHILDREN’…
… Paul was eased-too that now’ HE HAD ‘ONLY’ his principal and his-mother to deal-with ‘now’… and, HE WOULD ‘BOLDLY’ face-the-music…
“Paul… come-here, Son – your-mother and-I have to ‘talk’ to you…”
He wheelchaired-forward… and noticed Caroline reaching for a Kleenex…
‘… huh… where did ‘that’ tissue-box ‘magically’ come-from…!?’
… he was also hurt to see… the body-language of his-mother that was ‘turned-away’ – avoiding looking-at-him…
Tom-Harris spoke…
“… you’ve seen-and-heard for yourself of how-aggressive Mrs Wilson-was… protecting her-daughter… she EVEN ‘THREATENED’ to pull Jane-out of this school and put-back to her-former-school for-the-Blind… but I manage to convince her that through the AI-technology that her-daughter is-having – that she would ‘ACHIEVE-MORE’ success in Stamford High-school because she ‘has’ proven to-be one of ‘those’ top-students’ of this-school…
“… please-Paul – DON’T’ RUIN HER-EDUCATION… that was ‘why’ I sent you to the B-class to ‘separate’ you-both – FORGET-HER, Son…
“… focus-on your ‘own’ priorities in your-studies and hit the books. You were an-average student in your A-class ‘before’ – now, YOU ‘SHOULD’ BE the-Top student in the B-class in your-midterm exam, in-months from now…
“… and-the thing-about adolescence ‘FIRST-LOVE’ is-that – it ‘won’t’ last… so, it’s best to focus your-efforts on your-STUDIES INSTEAD… ‘RATHER’ to be-distracted by these ‘nonsensical’ puppy-love romances…
“… I’ve also ‘CONTACTED’ JANE’s father just-now… as she’s in his-custodianship… and Mr Wilson ‘told’ me that he would ‘DELETE’ YOUR-phone-number from Jane’s cellphone … and ‘BLOCK’ YOU-too…”
… Paul was shellshocked ‘when’ he was TOLD TO-FORGET his-girlfriend in his rest-of-his schooling-career. He had ‘expected’ his-mother TO SAY-SOMETHING – as she ‘did’ often at-home with her policewoman’s lectures… but his-MOTHER SAT-MUM… with a hand covering-her-face in-embarrassment – and let the principal ‘do’ THE TALKING…
Tom Harris then-said…
“… in the-lights-of your ‘punishments’ of going TO THE B-CLASS – your mother-and-I too want you to do the ‘same’… which is to ‘DELETE’ JANE-WILSON’s phone-number from your cell-phone… and you’ll DO IT ‘NOW’ in front-of us both…”
… Paul was ‘startled’ as he DIDN’T SEE ‘that’ mandate-coming…
… so-as long he had to work his ‘way-up’ back to-the inspector-mother’s Good-books as a Good-son – he automatically-obliged…
Paul took his-iPhone from his blazer-pocket – and placed it on the principal’s desk for ‘everyone’s’ view-of-inspection… as he used his thumbprint to unlock the phone – and was going-on to-his ‘contact-list’ of less-than 20-phonenumbers in it…
… scrolling alphabetically of Alicia ON TOP OF ‘G’… for his-Uber driver, Gary – and thumbed-down TO ‘J’ FOR his girlfriend, Jane…
… he pressed ‘DELETE’ contact…
Tom Harris spoke…
“… now, ‘BLOCK’ HER too…”
Paul gratified that ultimatum-too – as he ‘BLOCKED’ HIS-GIRLFRIEND FROM ‘NOT’ calling him-again…
… but he was ‘smart’ to have JANE’S NUMBER ON WeChat and WhatsApp – where they ‘CONSISTENTLY’ FACETIMED…
Tom Harris pointed-at-him and spoke-aloud…
“GOOD! NOW, enough of this school-time romance-escapade nonsense – and GO ‘BACK’ to your-classroom AND STUDY!”
“… err… yes-Sir…”
… the teenager was ‘relieved’ that the punishment-ordeal WAS OVER… that he ‘can’ live-and-get-by with the SCHOOL’S ‘SENTENCES’…
… as Paul’s mind was in flee-mode… he turned his-wheelchair around…
… but he was ‘HALTED’ BY his-mother’s voice…
Inspector Caroline Walker stood-akimbo in his-path… and interrogated-him…
“Did you ‘HAVE’ SEX with that Wilson-girl in-the-beach!!?”
“… err… no-Mom… we-were ‘only’… kissing…”
Caroline SLAPPED HIM across-the-face… and, even Tom cringed…
“Don’t lie to me – did you HAVE SEX with her… on the school’s Family-Day!!?”
… his face-stinged from the hard-slap… just like a TV serial-Korean-actor – Paul broke-down in-tears…
“… no-Mom… it’s the truth… I don’t lie to you…”
The inspector-mother’s finger was pointed at his-face…
“You better ‘not’ lie! If THERE IS a sex-video – I’m DISOWNING YOU, you hear-me...!!?”
Paul wailed-aloud as Caroline looked-on – and her-own-knees then-buckled… as she too sat back on her-chair… crying-after to-what she ‘had’ said…
… Paul saw his-mother sobbing – wheelchairing-forward and he hugged-her-arm and-cried even-more…
“… I’m sorry-Mom… don’t-cry – I’m telling the-truth… I’m a virgin… I’ve ‘not’ had-sex with any-girls before… that’s the truth – and I ‘never’ want to hurt-you-by lying to-you…”
After a-moment, Paul left the principal’s office… to go-back to class. He felt his right-cheek swelling from Caroline’s hard slap…
‘… luckily, mom was ‘not’ wearing her WEDDING-RING… or I may ‘have’ gotten bruised in my-kisser… but anyway, she ‘STOPPED’ WEARING it ever-since Dad died…’
As he rolled his-wheelchair, he realised that he had a-crushed ball-on-Kleenex in his palm… and had no ‘place’ to dispose it… and he stuffed-it to the-side of his-wheelchair seat ‘after’ blowing his-nose…
… he was in a ‘mess’… and needed to go to Boys-room to CLEAN HIMSELF-UP of sweat-tears-mucus-and-drools – ‘before’ he-resumed his ‘new’ B-Class…
Paul went to the washroom @the-ground-floor ‘beside’ the handicap-elevator – and noticed the-place was ‘empty’… he levitated from his wheelchair to face the-mirror…
… the reflection of him was a-mess – with his-hair crumpled-and-unkempt…
He washed his face in the-sink… wiping-dry with his-handkerchief… ‘before’ looking-back to the-mirror…
… Paul noticed his-right fat-cheek was swelling fatter… and it was turning blue-black too– so, he washed his face again in cold-water… to ‘reduce’ the swelling…
… it did ‘not’ work – as it was ‘turning’ blue-blacker…
‘… wish I had some Hollywood-makeup to make it ‘go’ away…’
The teenager ‘decided’ to live with it – if everyone would-tease later…
… that of Tarzan-being ‘slapped’ by-his mom for ‘kissing’ Jane…
‘… so-be-it…’
He was ‘not’ angry with Caroline too… as he ranted to the mirror…
“… I forgive you-Mom! Because you are-SOME ‘VERSIONS’ of my-mothers from the-multi-verse… ‘WHO’ IS ‘HERE’ to defy-me in POST-TREETON, and, right-to the of-end my bloody-life – but I’ll NEVER FORGET JANE…!!! no-way, she’s with me in this-mission journey…!
“… and, good-luck with your-life, Mom…! I HOPE YOU find ‘happiness’ with Principal Harris – maybe he’s the ‘BETTER-MAN’ THAN my ‘flawed’ dead-father…!
“… but leave my ‘unfinished’ BUSINESS TO MYSELF – as I have a ‘beef’ with your eldest-son… my-twin, the-devil… who had ‘followed-us’ both to POST-TREETON with lots-of ‘some-sort’ of Blackmagic-good-Luck… SINCE DAY-ONE we-3 stepped into this realm…!
“… the devil is in your ‘Good-books,’ Mom – and, you don’t ‘know’ it – AND-ME – I’ve been ‘attracting-and-absorbing’ all the bloody-bad-Luck and – now MY-JANE IS PREGNANT!!!”
He resisted his-escalating teen-angst-urge of punch THE MIRROR… and at the same time, being aware that ‘SOMEBODY’ was coming at the door…
… he dropped on his-bottoms on the wheelchair seat… so that his-levitation superpower would ‘not-be’ known…
… peering at the mirror he saw the janitor, Mr Quigley asking…
“Oii! It’s a racket in-here… during classes going-on over-there – ‘WHO’ WERE you shouting-at, boy…!?”
“… err… no-body, Mr Quigg…”
“… well-go on to your-class – and ‘STOP’ SHOUTING to yourself… you-psycho-kid…!”
… Paul left the washroom – as he wheelchaired-along in the corridor close-doored classes of the junior-students… to go to the-elevator…
… as he mumbled – along to-himself…
“… yes, Old-man… I’M THE bloody psycho-kid who would-be ‘unbalance’ POST-TREETON… from having its SAVIOUR-DAUGHTER…
“… I would put a stop to this IMMACULATE-CONCEPTION ‘BUSHTIT’ once-for-all – and, my-Jane would ‘NOT’ BE PREGNANT on-my-watch…!!!”
Master Of None
Everyone has a system they just need to meet hidden conditions to unlock it. A blacksmith system may unlock after a human walks by a forge. A master mage may unlock a system after attempting to control the mana in their body. Even something as simple as kicking a rock at a bucket can unlock the marksman system a unique system allowing for perfect accuracy. But what happens when someone reaches the age of fifteen and hasn’t unlocked their system? Walker is about to find out, time is ticking and he doesn’t want to live out his life as an ordinary human; he has dreams you know!
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Nowhere Island University
Nathan Jacobs was just another kid from suburban US. No super powers, no special skills, and, more importantly, no direction. With his senior year of high school coming to an end, Nate is approached by representatives of the international law agency, UNIX. They want him, as well as a team of two other teenagers to infiltrate a college in the mid Pacific called Nowhere Island University. However, Nowhere Island University is not a normal school. Nate, due to enrolling in the Academy of Military Science as part of his mission, is thrust into the brutal Hell Semester, a special course for the people who want to be mercenaries. There, he meets mob hitmen, former child soldiers, mysterious martial artists, cat girls working for secret societies, and many more strange people. Meanwhile, events outside NIU are transpiring, threatening to destroy the world, or maybe just kill a huge amount of people. Can Nathan stop it? Or will he die in Hell Semester? Updates every Wednesday.
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It was a war. It was silent, so silent that few people ever noticed that it was happening, and long. So long that those who knew forgot why it ever started. Humanity had fought against itself... and lost. Prosperity, democracy and human rights were a thing of the past now, as the world fell into Sovereigns's hands - a handful of transnational corporations (and their CEOs) that monopolized the world economy. The resistance had been long silenced with the policy of bread and games. Now, over a hundred years later, something happened. One of the Sovereigns created a VRMMORPG like none other. A science fiction game, where players could explore the Galaxy... full of advanced technologies, bloodthirsty aliens and even magic. Was it a simple computer game, or... something else?
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The Diamonds
When two human's named Abigail and Ron find out that they are actually alien creatures called: Diamonds their life gets turned upside down. Everything they thought they knew about themselves was a lie! Now they have to figure out who they really are all over again. The journey to them becomes nothing but one big nightmare after another. But unfortunately it's not a dream. It's for real and there's no waking up from reality no matter how bad it seems.
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