《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 14: The Shapeshifters


THE UBER WHITE-BMW DROVE on the highway – at the backseat were Peter-and-Bella… and the naughty-girl was trying to seduce-him, but…

… the boyfriend ‘nudged’ her-off…

… he was ‘not’ in the-mood… as he was ‘more’ anxious-and-worried if he made the right ‘decision’ of going-over to Ken Chan’s place to ‘fix’ his-under-performing robotic-arm…

Peter saw through the driver’s windscreen of the Chinese-teen riding-on his expensive MTT-Turbine Streetfighter superbike leading the Beemer to his-residence – he scoffed…

His-girlfriend responded with a-sigh…

“… what is it…?”

“… I don’t-know Frenchie, if it’s a good-idea… Kimura Star had made a mandate on the terms-and-conditions that they ‘won’t’ fix it…”

“… well, Ken is going to ‘fix-it,’ right…?”

“… hah, by-the ‘same’ idiot who ‘ruined’ it in the-first place in seawater…what if he made it ‘worst’ – then, I won’t get to play in school-qualifier… then my-school going days are done-and-over – I ‘need’ my-leftie… I ‘suck’ as a right-hander… ooo… it’s a bad-idea – I should ‘NOT’ have agreed it-it…”

“Oyy, you silly-poker – Ken is ‘not’ going to fix-it… he has someone in his-house that can ‘do’ it…”

“… all the ‘worst’ – now there is a 3rd-world Made-in-China ‘joker,’ is going to manhandle my-million dollar-tech… it’s a bad-idea – Frenchie, let’s turn back…”

“… it’s too late… we’re on the way there…”

“… it’s your fault – you were THE ONE who ‘agreed’ without consulting-me…”

“Hah! Ken is super-rich… if it’s ‘broke’ he’ll buy YOU A-NEW ONE – he ‘owes’ you as YOU ‘SAVED’ his life from the watery-grave in that Rotto ferry-trip…”

“… I don’t want a ‘knock-off’ China-arm version of my present-superior Made-in-USA… also me-using a product from a country that ‘can’t’ play tennis… and have no-one in their-billions of them in any world-championship competition…”

The couple argued throughout the journey…


PAUL HAD A GREAT DAY IN CLASS as he was ‘focused’ on his-subjects – until recess, when he ate meatball-pasta in the canteen… which gave him a tummy-ache. It was ‘not’ the runny-type but more of stomach cramps-and-aches…

… he did ‘not’ suspect it as food-poisoning – because Jane ate the ‘same’ dish… and she’s ‘fine’…

And, the discomfort persisted until the last lesson-period of English, taught by Mrs Betty Staghorn, the-class teacher. He was relieved when the final-bell rang as he wanted to hurry-home – as he wanted to go to his medicine-cabinet to get the stomach pain-relief Buscopan tablets…

… that had ‘helped’ him-before… whenever HE ‘OVER-ATE’ a heavy-meal…


Alicia was pushing the wheelchair of the sick-Paul with excreting-breath and groans. Jane was walking beside them. Paul was apologising to her… as he promised to follow the girls to the animal-hospital to visit’ Piper – before he ‘was’ sick…

The girls told him ‘no-worries’ and take his-meds @home…

They were in the east-wing of Stamford-High, and saw the approaching Nissan Almera. They came-down the ramp – the alighting Gary greeted the girls… as he ‘knew’ them as he drove them recently to the cemetery-and-Chinatown…

As the Uber-driver ‘helped’ Paul to the backseat – blind-Jane hugged-and-kissed her boyfriend… and whispered to-him to ‘take-care’ and she’ll call him-later…

Both the BFF saw the grey-car LEAVE THE-VICINITY – the Chinese-girl teased Jane, and-elbow nudging her…

“… wow, Janey-gee, you have ‘been’ kissing your-Tarzan ‘a lot,’ I see…”

“… why…? Like you haven’t kissed your-Ken…?” The chuckling Jane defended, while ‘glowing’ in-love…

Her best-friend sighed…

“… no, ‘not’ really, I have ‘not’ – Ken is old-fashioned… and he had ‘not’ tried to kiss-me-yet, hahaha… he’s a ‘gentleman and I love-him ‘more’ for it…”


“… hmm… maybe he’s ‘not’ into-you ‘yet’ – you’re 4 years-younger, right…?”

“… I don’t-know… maybe… but he said he ‘like’ me when I go-over to his big-house to play videogames with-him. ‘Not’ even-once, he tried to ‘kiss-me’ even-though I want-him to… and-that’s why I falling ‘deeply’ in-love with him…” Alicia ‘sighed’ again…

“… it’s the ‘same’ with Pauly, Ali – he’s a shy-boy – so, I go-and-kiss him instead, hahaha…”

“… hahaha, you’re-a ‘so’ daring she-daredevil these-days – anyways, you ‘both’ are the famous couple-of-Perth… it’s okay for you-both to kiss – ‘more’ selfies’ taken to make ‘your’ Tarzan-and-Jane fame more ‘popular’ in the social-media…”

“… hah… I’m ‘blind’… I don’t give a shit-about social-media of ‘what’ they say ‘good-or-bad’ of-us… I ‘have’ accepted Pauly as my LIFE-PARTNER till death do-us apart, hahaha…”

“… hahaha, Tarzan is so ‘lucky’ to have my-BFF as HIS-SOULMATE…” Alicia hugged Jane and kissed her-cheek...

Their Uber-ride ‘arrived’ – they got into the car and WENT TO the animal-hospital.


THE REPORTER LANA LANE WAS IN the suburbs-neighbourhood that had ‘unusual’ occurrence that morning of migrating birds descending by scores-of-thousands and had a stopover for a ‘quick-eat’ of dead bugs before the massive-flock flew-away…

… Lana interviewed residences ‘who’ had recorded viral-videos of the migrating-birds – and they-all pointed at-the ‘direction’ of the Walker-house ‘where’ THE OCCURRENCES took-place…

She looked up at an old-house opposite to the Walker-house – which-was the Kipermans. As she walked-over she saw the road was littered by broken-wings of insects-and-moths…her heels made crunching-sounds as she stepped on-it… while looking at the Walker-house…

… Lana ‘does-not’ like Inspector Caroline-Walker…

… her-boyfriend of 5-years, Det Edward Blunt worked under Insp Walker for the ‘same’ 5-years without any-promotion – LANA ‘BLAMED’ CAROLINE for ‘being’ an ineffective-superior as a leader in-that dysfunctional police-department – that resulted of the Perth-city lockdowns because of the rabid-zombie epidemic…

… cos’ where the ‘patient-zero’ was cornered @the BLAKE-TOWER, Caroline was to-be ‘blamed’ for Hajji’s escape that-night – where he was ‘not’ shot-dead ‘nor’ apprehended…

‘… now the national-Army is fighting the ‘growing’ clusters of wild ‘infected’ patients… who-are running-around ‘biting-and-infected’ others every-nights…

‘… if you had ‘DONE’ YOUR JOB that night and KILLED-HAJJI… ‘other’ would ‘not’ suffer because of ‘your’ incompetency…’

She knocked-on the Kiperman’s door – an old-woman Mrs Emma Kiperman answered. The 2-women spoke in the porch… and the-reporter ‘got’ the same’ repeating-story of the flock-of-birds that made a brief ‘stopover’ – so, Lana-Lane decided to ‘poke-and-pry’ if she got ‘anything’ on the Walkers…

… especially on Paul-Walker – her person-of-interest…

Mrs Kiperman was full-of-praises when the mention of Paul’s name that he was well-raised of Caroline’s twin-son… where his twin, Peter was said to-be the unfriendly-and-arrogant brother who was totally-opposite…

They were joined by Mr Roger Kiperman, an oldman who-was diabetic with one-leg… mobile on his motorized-wheelchair – where he too spoke-highly in-regards of Paul…

… and long-winded to-say… to-be fortunate living ‘nearby’ to the house of the Insp-of-Perth to be ‘safer’… where the neighbourhood ‘used’ to be a ‘petty’ crime-area 10-years-ago…

Lana nonchalantly listened, where in her-mind was hearing an all-bias of a-fellow wheelchaired person’s statements… which were ‘not’ aligned to HER ‘CONSPIRACY-THEORY’…

‘… Paul’s ‘secret’ had ‘fooled’ everyone-around… I must reveal his ‘double-life’ and make it into the national scoop-news of the country… yea, where everyone is looking at the east to Melbourne-and-Sydney that are bustling with the news-of-Australia… while overlooking the sleepy City-of-Perth… where hides its ‘accidental-superhero’…’

Emma Kiperman looked-up and exclaimed…

“… there he is – the ‘good-boy,’ Paul… coming-back ‘from’ school…!”

They looked across the road at the driver ‘helping’ Paul out of the car-to-his wheelchair. Paul with a tummy-ache saw the Kipermans waving to-him…. and ‘someone ‘stepping off their porch…


… he ‘recognised’ the reporter WHO harassed-him the day-before-yesterday in-school ‘after’ the Mayor’s Bravery Award – ‘WHO’ knew of his-secret identity…

In-fear, Paul quickly closed the-front gate… and wheelchaired-away to the front-locked door… his mother’s Audi was ‘not’ in the porch… and, presumed she had gone-early to work…

… inside the house, in his-trepidation his stomach-discomfort was gone – as he hid in the living-room and peeking behind the window-curtain – seeing the ‘nosey’ reporter was TAKING-PHOTOS of the Walker-house’s front-yard…

In anger, he scoffed…

‘… you bloody-fool… GOT NO-RESPECT for ‘our’ privacy ‘taking’ pictures…! I tell my-mom that you are ‘stalking’ me…’

On 2nd-thought, he felt he should ‘not’ tell his-mom…

… if that-reporter ‘hinted’ to Caroline that ‘suspicion’ of his ‘cursed’ superpowers…

‘… Mom under this-roof should ‘not’ know… it’s my-supe secret that I share with Peter… she got better-things to do at work than ‘my-complain’ that I’m stalked… poor-mom… working her-graveyard shifts…

‘… don’t worry, Mom – our-lives would go-back to ‘normal’… once I ‘deliver’ to-you Hajji in a silver-platter…

‘… that I promise you, as your-good-son…’


Outside the Walker-house, Lana Lane was admiring the building’s unique architecture… although painted white… it had a gothic-look – the reporter even looked-up the background of the inspector’s late husband who was the architect who had ‘designed’ the house…

… he passed-away 3-years ago in a car-crash – while his-twin sons were handicapped by the ‘same’ road-tragedy…

Her cellphone rang…

… it was Klothod_676 – a member of the ‘Perth Conspiracies Theories’ forum-group where they had ‘discussions’ online of Paul-Walker’s superpowers that brought-down a Black-rhino into a coma @the South Perth Zoo…

… the caller invited her FOR A BEER – and she wanted to ‘share’ info on Paul Walker… and meet-up at a bar in Beaufort St…

Although Lana HAD NOT met Klothod_676 in-person – but she took the invitation-offer. The woman-on-a-mission reporter got into her-VW Tiguna and drove-away…


THE BEEMER FOLLOWED THE Streetfighter superbike into an affluent residence-area. At the backseat. In the backseat, they saw the big-houses that the super-rich of Perth-city lived in…

‘… this is somewhere those Zimmermans live…’ Peter thought…

“Oii-Peter, ‘behave’ yourself – don’t binge drink when you’re there… you can’t handle yourself when you’re drunk…” Bella cautioned…

“… who-said, I can’t handle my-booze…?” Peter protested…

“… hah! Have you forgotten that you were ‘rude’ in that massage-centre yesterday… and you burnt the leather-sofa with your-cigarette butts, didn’t you…?” Bella reminded…

“No, I did ‘not’… the burnt-holes were there where I sat… someone-else ‘did’ that – and as-usual I-got the ‘blame’…” Peter denied…

“… you-liar… you ‘remember’ what you did a couple of months ago in the Equanimity restaurant…?” Bella instigated…

“… huh… where in Shangri-la is this restaurant…?”

“… hah! I got thrown-away from my ‘own’ uncle’s restaurant – you were drunk on rice-wine and went-on to grab ‘boobs-and-asses’ of the waitresses there – I had to drag you out of-there when you got-abusive…”

“… ooo, I ‘remember’ that-place – they ‘serve’ bad dog-food there… everything was black in the boiling-pot…”

“… it was a Bak-Kut-Teh steamboat-dish, you moron…!”

“… oh-that… saying as-the Confucius’ dog-who-last barfed-dish, hahaha… it-was very-tasty indeed…”

… you’ll get ‘killed’ someday with your ‘racist’ jokes…”

“… whatever… we’ll see about that…”

‘… kill-me if you-can… I’ll be ‘killed’ if ‘only’ I’m caught… but I’m super-slick, my-bimbo-mate – and no-one can catch-me in my-crime – back in the ‘other-Perth,’ I got-way scotts-free when bloody bashed Chinatown-Wong in her-skull to comatose… they have ‘not’ caught the son of the Insp-of-Perth for it…’

The white BMW parked along-side to Ken-Chan on his Streetfighter-superbike – in-front of them were high-walls and a tall-wooden front-gate that obscured the house. The Chinese-teenager used a remote control to open the gate…

… it reminded Peter of the Game-of-Thrones’ medieval draw-gates that ‘opened’ for horse-driven caravans to-enter the city…

When the gate-opened, both jaw-dropped Peter-and-Bella marvelled at the modern-day architected mansion as they drove-in the middle-road into a large compound with rows of tall pine trees – and, the super-rich Ken-Chan’s residence was the biggest in that private-estate…

… there were more than 6 luxury sportscars of Ferraris-and-Maserati parked in an open-garage on the right-of the house – on the-left was a large-covered swimming-pool with some girls swimming…

In the backseat, Bella exclaimed looking at the shiny-sportscars…

“Wow! … this-Ken is more-wealthier than my-Uncle-Jared…”

Peter too admired the cars, recalling…

‘… back in Perthland – Dougie drove a Lambo… and he was ‘dating’ my-Janey…’

Ken opened his visored-helmet and said…

“… welcome to my-place – I’ve beers inside…”

Listening to THE LOUD-MUSIC in the house, Bella asked…

“Ken, are you having a party…?”

“… hahaha, over here – every day is party-time…come, let’s go-in…”

Peter-and-Bella got out from the BMW… Bella whispered to her-boyfriend…

“… remember-Pete… ‘behave’ yourself…”

“… shut-up Frenchie… you bloody-sound more-like my-mom…”


The front-door opened, and K-pop music blaring, with Peter looking at more than 20 adult-Asian faces. He noticed that they were acknowledging the Chinese-teenager as ‘boss’… they were drunk in the living-room, noisily playing martial-art fighting-videogames in 2 led-big-screen TV…

“… are they your-friends, Ken…?” Bella asked…

“… hahaha… friends, friends-of-friends… employees, friends-of-employees – who-cares… everyone is ‘welcomed’ here to have a good-time…” Ken laughed as walked over to the cold-box to get the beer-bottles.

Peter thought…

‘… huh… he ‘pays’ his-minions to get drunk and play videogames – where is the-money in that…?’

… Peter saw the intensity of the gamers as they fiercely competed with pushing joystick-buttons frantically – recalling he ‘stopped’ playing videogames after the-accident – when Paul had ‘beaten’ him in Tennis-World-Tour… because he had ‘poor’ control at the-joystick – as-he had only one-arm…

Ken returned with the beers…

“… come, I’ll give you a tour of the 23-roomed house that I’m renting – 10-rooms upstairs and 13 downstairs where it’s mostly recreation-pleasure and-also business…”

… Peter compared it to his-place of 8-rooms in the Walker-house…

As they talked-and-walked along the hallway, Peter’s eye caught a-large mounted-photo frame of wingsuit skydiving over a smoking active volcano – with Ken ‘in-it’…

“… that’s a ‘fake,’ innit…?” Peter asked… Ken laughed…

“… hahaha, it’s real-deal – taken 4-years ago, in the visit to Sumatera, Indonesia… over Mount Krakatoa. I was your-age – 12 back-then, went with my buddies from Taiwan… we hired a private-plane and we wingsuit-around the volcanic-crater…”

“Wow – you’re a daredevil…!” Bella was impressed…

Then there were several of mounted on-the-wall collages of colourful matchboxes – that he was an avid matchbox collector and bought it from all-over world… some dated before the world-wars…

… he had bought-over 10,000 boxes to his collections – and Ken shared his-dark past…

… that he grew-up in the slums of Taipei… and lived in tents among the homeless beside the railway-track. As an 8-year-old boy, he was recruited by the local Chinese-triad as an arsonist – armed with a bottle of kerosene and a box of matches to burn-down rival business buildings-and shops…

… until his-mentor, Sifu-Chan took him-in as an extended-family member… giving-him a surname – and, the homeless-boy went to school… where years later, he was a cyber-crime hacker and made a lot of money…

“… the Taiwan-authorities were cracking-down my-gang… and we ‘lie-low’ for a year before Sifu-Chan sent me to Perth… and here I-am, hahaha…” Laughed Ken, drinking his-beer…

“… and, here ‘you’ are Downunder… cheers…!” Bella chuckled and clinked her-bottle with Ken’s…

He opened the door to an empty-room…

“… this here, is my personal dojo… where I practice my mixed-martial arts with my-guys…”

… Peter saw some Chinese-calligraphy writing framed on the wall and on the 3-corners of the chamber were racks of broad-swords and spears…

… there was also of large framed-photo of the legendary Bruce Lee…

“… he’s my hero… Ah-Lung the Little-dragon…” Ken said with full-admiration…

Peter wanted to-say that he a fan-too… but he did ‘not’ – as the only-the late-Lee’s movie he saw was the Game-of-Death… an unfinished film ‘completed’ by a lookalike…

The next-room Ken showed had 2 life-sized figures of Bruce-Lee sculpted with thousands of matchsticks – one was bare-bodied wrapped with his-famous nunchucks pose… and the other was Lee-the-dancer…

“… this is my hobby dance-studio… here is a fun-fact that Bruce Lee was a champion Latin-dancer. In Hong Kong, 1958… as a teenager he won the Cha-Cha competition…”

“… can you ‘teach-me’ how to-dance…? I want to learn-it from the best…”

Peter scoffed to-himself looking at BELLA ‘FLIRTING’ with him – as recalled Perthland…

‘… you’re ‘NOT’ THE BEST… Poe-Pee-Poe ‘beat’ you in the 131st SHS’ dance-competition finals – HE ‘GOT’ the bloody-trophy… ‘not’ you…”

Peter was admiring the matchsticks-sculptors and other-memorabilia – Ken asked…

“… how-Peter, you ‘like’ the art…?”

The tween nodded…

“…err… yea, why ‘not’ – although my-mom would-say that it’s a fire-hazard – just don’t invite a candle-maker over…”

The Chinese-teenager laughed – and took his schoolmates to the next room…

… it had 4-rows of 20-comfy seats and a white-screen – the wall of the cinema-room was with movie posters of the martial-art actors like Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan and others…

“… this is where we watch, analyse and ‘learn’ new Kung Fu moves from the latest-movies…” Ken told them…

“… but I saw in YouTube that the stunts are preformed by the actors ‘suspended’ by-wires – and moved-around like puppets by cranes…” Peter rejoindered…

Ken was momentarily-speechless – and Bella defended him…

“So-does, Hollywood-and-the MCU… hahaha, in the Endgames, Fat-Thor was suspended in wires too when he kicked-and-fought Thanos…”

… now, Peter was ‘quiet’ but deep-down he was pissed when Bella had ‘mocked’ Thor… who was ‘starred’ by an-Aussie actor. He heard Bella dominating the conversation…

“I watch Kung Fu movies too – my-favourites are the trilogies of ‘Once Upon a Time in China’ and ‘Ip Man’… I like how the period-film actors with long pigtail hairstyle-moves ‘when’ they do backflips… its like watching ribbon-gymnastic event, with their hair twirled-about in-spiral…”

Both Bella-and-Ken laughed but ‘not’ Peter – he moved away from them when they continued the conversation in-Mandarin. He was ‘admiring’ the movie-posters – reminding him of the Hateful-8’s dog-farm hideout…

… where the late Charlie-the-Horse’s too had Cowboy-movie posters-shrine in his-room – in the farm… where his head-and-limbs were buried too-there…

His ‘reveries’ poofed – when Ken ‘included’ him back-in the-conversation…

“…hey-Peter, do you ‘have’ any Kung Fu actors as favourites…?”

He pointed at the ‘Drunken Master’ poster with his robotic-arm…

“… yes-mate, Jackie Chan… he was ‘funny’ with Chris Tucker in the ‘Rush Hour’ trilogy…”


Ken next led his-visitors to the computer room. Both Peter-and-Bella were speechless when they saw about 20-monitors attached with heavy-duty devices… there were 2-employees manning the station…

“… Ken, what is this…?” Asked Bella…

“This is my-main business – I’m a licenced cryptocurrency miner in Perth…” Ken said proudly…

“… as in-Bitcoin…?” Bella was curious…

“… yes, that… and Litecoin and Ethereum…” Ken added…

Bella being her-uncle’s businesses-successor… was impressed with Ken-Chan and showered him for praises that cryptocurrency was the future in the world’s financial industry…

… Peter was envy of Ken’s achievements as a teenager… while Peter-himself was banking-on his future-achievements by RELYING ON HIS TALENT of being a world class-tennis player some-day…

… it was a ‘gamble’ of placing all of HIS-EGGS-ON-ONE BASKET… to attain his fame-and-fortune some-day…

Ken was talking of his-business projection speaking of millions-of-dollars … that left Bella flooding-more praises that he was going to make ‘more’ wealth in-the-process…

… Peter scoffed to himself – then he remembered HIS-OWN ‘low-hanging-fruits’ to make lots of money – which was TO ‘BLACKMAIL’ the Zimmermans…

‘… hah! You b**** – I ‘KNOW’ how-to make millions-of-bucks – but you won’t KNOW… because the right-hand wouldn’t ‘KNOW’ what the leftie is-doing…’

Ken then introduced them to his-employees – Cheng-Ho and Hwang-Tee… who would-be ‘repairing’ the robotic-arm…

… Bella took Ken-aside and whispered in Mandarin to inform that – Peter was ‘not’ interested to get his robotic-arm fixed – and finished her-explanation by saying in-English…

“… he wants to-be A ‘MEDIOCRE’ tennis-player…”

Peter’s ears ‘turned’ red when he heard-that…

… ‘mediocre’ was HIS-VOCAB – that described whoever-who was ‘BENEATH’ HIM…

… Ken understood Peter’s wishes… and nodded, before saying…

“… very-well… anyway, I got a gift’ for you, Peter…”

He opened a drawer and took out a long-folded canvas black-strap…

“… I’ve been thinking of this-lately… while in the Rotto-trip… your metal-arm was ‘ripped’ from your-stump when I hung-on to it while the ferry ‘almost’ sank – so, I ‘custom-made’ this for-you…

“… it’s a ‘more’ sturdy buckled-strap harness that attached your-robotic-arm – that would ‘not’ come-off easy unlike your Velcro-straps…”

Peter was speechless but gave him a tacit-nod when he received a 2ND-GIFT from the Chinese-teenager – the ‘other’ being the collector Boris-Becker tennis racquet…

… he saw Ken-Chan telling in Hokkien to his staff that they would ‘not’ be tinkering with the robotic-arm – Peter then spoke-up…

“… wait a-minute, Ken – can you please ‘fix’ MY-MEDIOCRE Made-in-USA tech-arm…?”


In the computer-room, Peter was shirtless as he stood watching. On the bench were his Kimura Star’s devices of his robotic-arm, his Pete2.0 headset that was retrofitted with the Spectral-3RX device which powered the cyborg-arm…

… the 2 Asian-technicians who were calibrating the-system were ‘blown-away’ by the advanced robotic-technology… noticed by the rapt-way of their ‘reactions’ as they spoke to-each other in Chinese…

… they both reminded the one-armed-tween of Hiro-and-Taro when they delivered the arm 3-months ago…

They spoke to Ken in Hokkien for a long-time and he nodded… the ‘busybody’ Bella-too joined the conversation as she was fluent in-Mandarin…

… Peter was ‘left’ aside thinking – if the Chinese were ‘stealing’ the American ‘prototype’ tech…

‘… who-cares, let it-be… as-long it ‘BENEFITS’ ME – so-long it makes me to-be the best Downunder…’

Peter looked on the men-at-work tinkering – and he was learning ‘new’ things too… while Hito-and-Taro used their custom-built device meter-machines that they brought-along in metal suitcases… but Ken’s staff had ‘downloaded’ the blue-print manual software… and calibrated by using the computer screen…

‘… there guys are ‘wizards’…’ Peter thought…

After a brief-moment, Ken finally spoke to him…

“Do you ‘know’ this is a state-of-the-art ‘superior’ tech that Kimura Star had given-you – but Kimura-Star had ‘deliberately’ set its-power to LOW-SETTING… ‘below’ to its maximum-potential standard…”

… after hearing that – it reminded Peter of the day when he ‘received’ the robotic-arm – where his inspector-mom had ‘refused’ at-first to sign the T&C-papers because he ‘had’ anger-management issues…

‘… so, Hiro-and-Taro set IT ‘LOW’ – so that I wouldn’t ‘get’ into trouble with the-law…’

“… Kimura-Star also-stated that it’s a ‘one-time’ deal… and ‘won’t’ give me a replacement if I ‘broke-it’ or tamper it…” The naïve-Peter said…

“Hey-Peter, what you ‘mean’ break it…? This arm is made of titanium which is 40% stronger than steel… it’s a lightweight sturdy-strong metal with 430-megapascals max-capacity to even withstand a single-shot from a pistol… but don’t-get ‘superhero’ ideas… it will shatter if it is shot in multiple succession with high-calibre armour-piercing bullets… because it’s ‘not’ made of Wakanda’s vibranium…”

Everyone laughed… and the Chinese-teenager continued…

“… Titanium with its durability of 20 years before its-defect… but can-be made even stronger if it is ‘cured’ in Nitrogen…”

… a sudden series of-beeps from Spectral-3RX interrupted Ken… as he looked-over to his 2 technician who said-something to him…

… Ken smiled…

“… the calibration is completed – come… let’s put it TO TEST…!”


In the dojo martial-arts room, Peter was seated… and Cheng-Ho was strapping the ‘new’ custom-made harness across the one-armed tween’s chest. Bella was-there lovingly holding to his right-arm…

… silently smiling-and-looking into his eyes… ‘approving’ that he had ‘made’ the right-choice…

… Peter’s heart then melted… as his hatred’ for her-antagonistic behaviour towards-him mellowed…

… now, he ‘loved’ her and ‘forgave’ her…

‘… Frenchie-you ‘butt’ me like a Capricorn… but I love Capricorns cos’ Jesus is a Capricorn…’

Then the other staff, Huang-Tee fitted the cyborg arm into his-stump, and did the reinforce-strap before refitting the Spectral-3RX to snap into Peter’s AI headset…

Peter stood-up from the chair – and-Bella held his face and kissed-him…

“Are you ‘ready,’ mate…?” Ken asked…

“Ready-Player-One!” Responded the psyched-up Peter aloud…

… who went to his backpack to get his WEAPON-OF-CHOICE, his trustworthy Mjolnir – which-was his-Babolat…

Peter stood at one corner of the dojo – looking-over to the blank-wall across the room… holding a tennis-ball in his right-hand as he leapt in-the-air and swung his cyborg-leftie arm – and struck the tenno-hard…

“Beauty!” He exclaimed-out…

… hitting-again at the rebound… crying-out…

“… Ripper…!!!”

Everyone cheered… seeing him punching-the-air screaming-out…


They approached him, who was still in-ecstasy with spike-dophemine of his reward-and-hope restored for future-endeavours… Peter was still crying-out…

“Yes-Yes-Yes! This is what I’ve ‘been’ talking-about – the ‘power’ of my-Smasher’s hits… I’m ‘ready to take-over the world – and be the-best-of the-very-best!!!”

Bella hugged and kissed him… with the rest patting his-back – in-return, the elated-and- euphoric Peter hugged them…

… for someone who had ‘not’ hugged an Asian-before – the overjoyed Peter had’ hugged 3…

Everyone from outside were ‘curious’ of the excitement happening in the dojo – the place was crowding with onlookers with Cheng-Ho and Hwang-Tee were-telling them of what ‘had’ happened – soon the drunk crowd were celebrating with the video-gamers shaking Peter’s hand… and some pool swimming-girls in their-bikinis too…

… Peter-and-Bella got a stubby-each – and they-all cheered with beer-bottles held-up…


“DO IT-AGAIN! DO IT-AGAIN!” The gather-crowd demanded…

… and the show-off Peter ‘obliged’…

He took his Babolat-and-tenno and walked to the end of-the-room… as the others went aside…

Ken stepped-up to the other end of the room, said…

“… let’s have a ‘match’…”

Everyone cheered… Peter was stumped…

“… you ‘play’ tennis…? I got a spare-racquet in my-backpack…”

“… don’t bother… I’ll use ‘mine’…”

Ken took a Chinese broad-sword displayed on the wall – everyone laughed-and-cheered for their ‘boss’… Peter looked-in horror with his jaw-dropped…

‘… is the Chinese gonna kill-me – now-that he has the schematics of my-protype arm…?’

“Oii! Don’t piss your pant… we’re playing ‘tennis’ – ‘not’ ninja-fighting…”

Everyone laughed-again… and Peter spoke…

“… but you’ll cut-and-ruin the ball…”

“… I can-buy and ‘replace’ you with 100-balls – now, bring-all the balls you-got – and let the ‘games’ begin…” Ken said as he warmed-up-waving the sword-around…

Peter chuckled…

“… Fair enough… I’m glad to have a deep-pocket sponsor like-you, mate…”

…Peter said as he took out the Dunlop cylinder-carton of 3-balls from his backpack… stuffing the spare-balls in his pocket as the bare-bodied Peter took his position at the corner-wall of the dojo… hearing the crowd cheering-on…

“How many balls you ‘got’…?” Ken asked…

“…3…” Peter responded…

“Fair enough… it’s Best-of-3 then…” Ken acknowledged…

… the crowd anticipated…

The tween leapt in-the-air, cried-out a grunt and serve-hit the tenno with his modified-arm – the 130-mph travelling yellow-ball reached Ken…

… who sliced the ball-in-half in a-single hew with the sharp-sword…

Everyone jumped-and-cheered to support Ken… Peter scoffed but secretly was ‘amazed’ himself of the Chinese-teenager’s fast Kung Fu skill without any ‘fake’ suspended-wires-and-greenscreens…

Peter took a deep-breath to get in-the-zone’ – to serve his-2nd – as he hit EVEN HARDER as he-even saw his knees-up to his-face when his feet landed to the floor…

… on the other-end, Ken focused his mind – and once-again carved the ball-in-2… the tenno’s internal wool-and-nylon stuffing bursting in the air…

The drunk crowd jumped on their feet in joy as they saw their ‘Lao-ban’ had done it-again… the dojo was noisy laughers-and-talks in Chinese-dialect… as they anticipate Peter’s 3rd-strike…

… the tween with the robotic-leftie… pointed the Babolat-racquet at the Asians, saying…


He flat-served with all of his-force… and hit the tenno… with a raging war-cry grunt – as the ball blasted-over… Ken did a mid-air forward-flip… before cutting the ball-in-half…

… the Chinese-spectators ran-up in the dojo to congratulate Ken Chan’s fine-and-skilful Kung Fu ‘exhibition’ – Peter was dumbfounded of his-opponent’s agility in his-martial arts… and saw even Bella had ran-over cheering for-Ken…

The Chinese-teenager said something in Chinese and Peter ‘heard’ him mentioning his-name… everyone turned and gazed to Peter and-cheered him… as they gave him a stubby to-toast…

… they nicknamed Peter ‘Jinshu-Bi’ – as reference to his metal-arm…

Ken clinked-on Peter’s bottle…

“… Wow! You’re a ‘real’ hard-hitter… makes me want to take-up tennis as my 2nd-sport… right-now, I know ‘shit’ about tennis – but I reacon you’ll ‘teach-me’ all about it as my-Sifu coach, hahaha…”


Everyone adjourned to the mansion’s large living-room to have their beers-and-chill. Taiwanese Hip-hop group, MJ116 played aloud on the stereo… some of the drunkard-guys were stumbling awkwardly as they danced with the bikini-girls…

… drinking Victoria-bitters on the couch, were Peter-and-Bella as they listened to Ken ‘sharing’ his former-life as a hacker in-Taiwan. Then Bella asked him…

… if he ‘COULD’ HACK Jane-Wilson’s AI – that was ‘similar’ to Peter’s – ‘both’ made by Kimura-Star…

“… Jane is Alicia’s best-friend, right…? Why do I want to-do-that…?” Ken asked…

Peter listened closely to his girlfriend’s imputation – where she was using ‘his-name’ to get HER REVENGE on Jane-and-Alicia since their ‘girl-fight’ in the Girls-room…

… she was telling to Ken about Jane-and-her boyfriend ‘bully’ Peter in ‘class’… with Paul further ‘abusing’ Peter at home…

… Peter saw there was a ‘sign’ of disbelief in Ken’s face… of how ‘could’ a blind-girl and a cripple-boy ‘could’ intimidate-and-maltreat him…

Bella switched her-mode of communication by speaking in-Mandarin… after a moment of listening, Peter noticed that Ken was acknowledging her with occasional-nods to her-pleas…

Bella concluded by saying-back in-English…

“… Ken, if you’re ‘our’ friend – do-it for us…”

After a hesitation pause, Ken said…

“… I-see what I ‘can’ do…”

Peter was ‘impressed’ that his girlfriend’s crafty glorified-manipulation worked when she spoke in Ken’s lingo…

‘… whatever Frenchie said – it ‘works’ for-me…’


It was 5:15 in the evening, Peter-and-Bella ‘should-be’ going home before the lockdown. The white SUV BMW came… and Ken followed the couple to door and send them-off…

… outside the mansion, Peter shook Ken’s hand and reminded the Chinese-teenager that he would come again in the weekend – so that they can ‘cure’ his titanium-arm with Nitrogen to make the metal stronger…

… Bella kissed Ken’s cheek and thanked him for the-hospitality-and-favours for that afternoon… before she sat in the backseat…

Ken waved goodbye to them… and saw the car going-out via the main-gate…

… the Chinese-teenager then ‘SHAPESHIFTED’ INTO a middle-aged older Asian-man…

… it was Albert Wang…

… the father of Alicia…


ALICIA ACCOMPANIED HER BEST-FRIEND, blind-Jane to the animal hospital to visit her injured-dog. But things were disastrous over there as Piper, in deep-pain did ‘not-want’ to have visitors that evening…

… it barked its head-off at the girls – and every-dog too barked with him…

Jane was ‘puzzled’ about her dog’s behaviour…

… where in the ‘other-Perth’ Piper was hospitalized @the vet-clinic after it WAS ‘BITTEN’ by the Black-panther which was infected by the Popobawa-virus… but this was ‘not’ the case in the post-Treeton’s version of Piper…

… where she could ‘not’ see-with HER 3RD-EYE that Piper’s eyes were glowing-red like it ‘did’ in the ‘other-Perth’…

‘… what’s wrong, Piper-Boy…? You are ‘NOT’ INFECTED… where you were ‘stabbed’ and ‘NOT-BITTEN’ by those Popobawa-baboons…’

The veterinarian told the girls to leave -- so the ‘sick’ dogs would recuperate-in-peace… and Jane-and-Alicia left the place disappointed…

But the agitated Piper still barked as it was ‘angry’ with his-Master – for ‘not’ heeding to its ‘warning’ of his-loud barks @the Wilsons ‘whenever’ an-evil spirit ‘visited’ the house… and went to her-bedroom…

… instead, Jane ‘scolded’ him for his-loud barking…

… it was also pissed-at his-Master for bringing Paul-Walker – Kitty’s master, the other-day – where Paul who ‘had’ pet-him… would take his ‘scent’ back to his-house to Kitty…

… and now the Belgian Malinois WAS IN DANGER… if she were to come to ‘find’ for Piper @ the Wilsons – and would confront the benevolent-evil that ‘resided’ in blind-Jane’s bedroom…


LANA LANE PARKED HER CAR – and walked-over to The Court, a well-known LGBT bar where she was to-meet Klothod_676…

… the reporter had ‘not’ met this-woman ‘in-person’– but only ‘hanged-out’ with her in Perth’s Conspiracy-theories’ chatroom… where THE WOMAN ‘PICKED’ on-her-brains in regarding Paul-Walker’s Perth’s secret superhero-identity… as a conspiracy-enthusiast…

… even her online photo… was the avatar of Trinity of the Matrix-the-movie…

Nevertheless, Lana wanted to meet her-up as she called-earlier… having said on the-call that she had ‘info’ on Paul – so, with her-low expectation she came…

…for the beer-invitation… and ‘listen’ to ‘what’ this-aficionado would ‘OFFER-HER’ on her-greatest ‘investigative’ story – that can ‘move-and-shake’ AUSTRALIA-AND-THE REST of the-world ‘someday’… once she ‘exposed’ the secretive-Paul and HIS-SUPERPOWERS…

It was ‘also’ Lana’s first-visit to a gay-bar – and she walked-up and saw several motorcycles in front and loud-music inside the establishment… she saw a lone dyke with red-die Mohawk hairstyle who was smoking-and-sitting on a parked Dodge Tomahawk V10 superbike…

… the reporter ‘did-not’ make eye-contact as she paced to the front-door of the bar… looking at the ground that she ‘walked’…

“… are you Lana Lane…?” The lesbian-woman with an-American accent asked…

“… err… yes…” Lana responded…

…finally looking at her… noticing her t-shirt with the printed-word – Klothod…

“… I’m Renne Osbourne…” They both shook-hands…

… she was spotted to have many facial-piercing, and mascaraed-eye makeup – wearing a black-bikers leather jacket… and her hand was ‘cold’…

… as Lana discovered it was a metal-prosthetic hand that she shook…

It freaked the reporter-out… but she maintained her-composure…

“… come let’s go-in…”

Renne said as she led the way – climbing-on the 5-steps concrete-stoop, holding the-door for the ‘visitor’… and Lana read the inscriptions at the back of her leather-jacket…

‘THE Daughters of the Underworld’

– with circular-image of an-ouroboros-snake that ‘ate’ its own-tail…

… signifying the cycle of birth-and-death…

Lana felt uncomfortable but she followed her…curiously thinking…

‘… how is she American…? She spoke earlier in Aussie when she ‘asked’ me-out…’

Both the women went inside the bar…


Lana the heterosexual-woman has her-first time experience walking to a gay-bar. It was dim-lit with 2-moving stage lights that panned-around the vicinity – with an-all girl-band on stage belting-out Queen’s ‘I want-to Break-Free’ with the-dyke lead-singer stretching her-vocals as she sang…

The place was half-crowded… Renne led Lana to a dark-corner – and they sat in a booth. The waitress dressed as drag-queen took their-orders… Lana ordered a Tooheys and Renne had her regular 4-exs…

After some pleasantries-exchange to break-the-ice introduction… Renne was conscious of Lana’s looking-at her metal-hand… and she told her-story of…

… her-past life of being a DEA-agent in Ohio, America 5-years ago… where she had an encounter with a MEXICAN-CARTELS’ drug-runner in a high-speed car-chase – where the Mexicans shot the DEA’s pursuing car with a bazooka…

That tragic-day, Renne lost:

Her right-arm Her right-eye Her both-legs

… in her-hospital bed, she thought of ‘killing-herself’ of losing her life-and-career after being ‘reduced’ to be a limbless-cripple – but a-government agency came to the ‘rescue’ to sign her-up for a classified Defence-project… where an organization called Kimura-Star had ‘rebuilt’ her with robotic-limbs…

Lana learnt that Kimura-Star’s presence in Australia when the organization had bestowed their AI-and-robotic tech to 2-handicapped-children – the one-armed Peter and blind-Jane…

… with the latter, being the niece of the co-founder of Kimura-Star, Dr Jack Turner…

Their beers came – both the women clink-their glasses…to ‘new’ friendship…

… they straight got into their conspiracy-theory discussion of Paul-Walker the non-recipient of Kimura-Star’s tech – but having superpowers after the thunderstorm tragedy in the Treeton dairy-farm…

… in the midst of Lana narrating of the ‘possibility’ of Paul’s-presence on the night-of death-of the black-panther @the Wilsons’ backyard… the curious Renne asked…

“… what ‘about’ Jane…? There were 3 dead-baboons knifed to-death… do you ‘think’ that the blind-girl may-have some psychic-superpowers too…?”

… Lana was ‘stumped’ by the question-and-the incident… where Paul was ‘not’ present @the Wilsons during the baboon-attack – and, according to her-boyfriend, Det Blunt’s police-interview record… that-only the-mother, Shelley Wilson was present where she shot 2-primates herself to ‘save’ the house-dog that was-knifed in that incident…

“… I don’t know if she has any-superpowers – Renne, you’ve to ask her yourself… she had ‘not’ grant me ‘any’ comments since I ‘approached’ her after-when the black-panther died in her backyard…” The reporter sighed-and-said…

Lana felt insecured by Renne’s questions to what-that she ‘personally’ DOESN’T know… which-was the tip-of-an iceberg of an-reportage investigation of superpowered-beings in Perth – she also felt suspicious of the American who WOULD ‘STEAL’ her precious-superhero scoop – and ‘expose’ her superhero Tarzan-Paul’s ‘identity’ to the whole WORLD ‘BEFORE’ she did…

Lana asked the red-haired Mohawk-dyke…

“… I heard you got ‘SOMETHING’ FOR ME – you said something of some info on Paul Walker…?”

“Yeah, I was meaning to get-to that… I’m sent here by Kimura Star to ‘accompany’ 2 of our-staff back to DC… the medical-technicians who-both are quarantined after the rabid-attack… but they were here a couple of months-ago collecting blood-samples of all 3 – Peter-Jane-and-Paul for ‘some’ cancer-research…

“… that night, they were ‘attacked’ by Perth’s zombie-patient-zero… and were admitted-since…

“… long-story-short, I have only one-week to do a plenary-incident report… on those 3 handicap-children and their ‘missing’ blood-samples… in the worst-case, they have to ‘give’ their blood-again for the medical research…”

Renne took out an iPhone from her-jacket pocket and put it on the table…

“Lana, I was ‘wondering’ if you CAN HELP-ME… with the limited time-left, I can work with Peter-and-Jane as they have ‘records’ using the company’s technological devices, and I already have ‘digital-footprint’ of them both … but Paul-Walker IS A ‘WILD-CARD’… but you ‘know’ him better, so can you ‘work’ on him…?” Renne said…

But Lana responded in-disappointment…

“… how is that ‘possible’…? I’ve limited-access to him cos’ he’s a minor and his mother, the inspector-of-Perth would throw a-shit load of ‘her civil-laws’ on me if I intentionally pursue to invade her-son’s privacy…”

“… no-worries… I have something for you to ‘secretly’ monitor him…”

The American gave her the iPhone-13…

… and explained to the reporter that it had the GPS pinned to Paul-Walker’s cellphone number TO ‘TRACK’ his-whereabouts…

… Lana ‘tested’ it – it showed a ‘red-dot’ – that Paul WAS-HOME in the house-of-Walker…

Lana Lane was overjoyed when she had A ‘TECHNOLOGY’ TO ASSIST her to a step-closer on her investigative reporting to ‘uncover’ the superhero-existence in Perth…

… she-now ‘completely’ trusted THE-AMERICAN – who was HER-ALLY in her woman-on-a mission endeavours…


The reporter remained in the gay-bar, to drink with the new-acquaintance. When Lana was drunk… the Mohawk-haired dyke ‘seduced’ her…

… with a 2nd-invitation, to follow her to Crown Promenade Hotel where-she-stayed…

Renne-and-Lana soon sped-off in the Dodge-Tomahawk superbike…

… to resume their lustful-passions at the hotel-suite… where in the-dark, the women kissed amorously – until the dyke led her to the-bed… as-Renne stood to undressed-herself…

… on-the-bed, Lana switched-off her-cellphone… as she was ‘NOT’ GOING HOME tonight to her-boyfriend…

In-the-gloom, she saw the naked-Renne climbing-on the bed…

… Lana gasped to see the-American with-both metal robotic-legs… and when Renne’s metal right-hand touched her face-to-kiss…

… Lana saw Renee’s right eye growing-red in the dark…

… and before-long, the robotic-enhanced cyborg-dyke was having sex with-her.


THE WHITE AUDI SPED to the John Blake Country-club. The romantically-in love, Caroline drove to her-paramour who invited her for a date-dinner of room-service in the bedroom suite – before the inspector-of-Perth went on her-night duty…

… but she ‘only’ thought of the ‘quickie’ that she was-expecting from the principal of Stamford-High ‘when’ she was there…

Disappointed, she was ‘not’ when she reached-there, where Tom-Harris wearing a bathrobe who had a hot-vegan dinner and a bottle of white-wine waiting for-her…

… they hop-in the bed… and made-love…

After an hour, they laid under the-covers – and were ‘back’ to their adult-realities… when the widow-and-divorcee were discussing the 13th-birthday for the-boys…

After dining in their undergarments – Caroline took her police-uniform from a duffle-bag and wore-it…

… she then left…

… and from the 2nd-floor window, Tom-Harris looked at the inspector’s car leaving the country-club…

… he smiled – before SHAPE-SHIFTING… into ‘another’ face…

… it was visage of Topheth Jared-Wilford – the Grand-wizard of the Moloch-cult.

people are reading<BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON>
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