《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 10: Attack in The Garden-of-Eden
JANE LOVED HER KING-SIZED BED in the Hilton – she wore her-pyjamas, laid in the centre of the bed interacting with her-AI Boyyo… going through the lesson-specifics for the new-school term… but only-half listening to the interactive-device…
… as she relaxed her mind – ‘enjoying’ the comfort-and-luxury in her first-day of stay at the hotel…
In the air-conditioned-suite, the blonde-girl rested her-head in the most-comfortable flutter plush pillow, that was geese-feathered filled…as the reposed blind-girl ran her 10-fingertips onto the soft-linen-top – it was an untroubled-therapeutic state to her-tensed mind…
‘… I ‘wish’ this is my-bedroom forever…’
The tween had developed A ‘PHOBIA’ of falling-asleep in her ‘own’ bedroom in the Wilson-residence because she believed the queen-sized bed WAS ‘POSSESSED’… that gave her-nightmare – and, she had-to spend hours awake in the dark… trying ‘not’ to sleep…
… or-else, Peter-the-incubus WOULD ‘COME’ to disturb-her…
… she remembered when Peter who was her-boyfriend in the other-Perth… when he ‘came’ to her-bedroom during the term-break, where he taught her skateboarding later the-day… but while in the room, Jane ‘had’ kissed’ a boy for the very-first time IN HER-BED, while her-parents were away-at-work…
… he was a ‘sweet’ boy back-then… and was her-first love…
… until, he was obsessed with greed-and-ambition – that made her HATE-HIM… and they broke-up…
She ‘felt’ lonely in the suite… where the last-time she checked-into the-hotel 3 months-ago was with the whole-family – in THIS-OCCASION, her mother-and-brother were ‘not’ here… and were @Uncle Topher’s…
She ‘missed’ her-baby brother…
… and made a mental-note to call Lola’s phone because the nanny would-be at her-uncle’s house while taking-care of Samuel over-there… while her-mummy went to work-in-clinic…
‘… I’ll call tomorrow and talk to Jaheem… ‘when’ Mummy is at work…’
She ‘missed’ her dog-Piper too…
… and it made her-sad that her-beloved dog was injured the 2nd-time – where in the ‘other-Perth, he was ‘bitten’ by Popobawa… and in post-Treeton he-was ‘stabbed’ by Popobawa…
‘… I’m coming to ‘see’ you tomorrow after-class, boy… hang-in there…”
To cheer herself-up she called her boyfriend even though it was late… and, Paul was glad that she called and they face-timed. Jane was excited about her suite in the Hilton and got off her-bed – and took her boyfriend for the tour in the room…
… she had ‘done’ this before – in her previous stay after the black panther attack where she took him on a tour in a darkroom… because the blind-girl had ‘forgotten’ to switch-on the lights – this time she was touring with her-Samsung pointed at the ceiling…
“… Jane-dear, can you point the phone-lower – I’m seeing the lights and the air-con unit…”
“… urg-fish… my-bad… B-girl…” Jane chuckled after apologizing…
She returned to her-bed… sighing in-relief… with a monologue…
“… what an-eventful ‘first-day’ of school it had ‘been’ for us… the mayor-came and gave the Bravery-award at the-gym… and ‘stupid’ Peter made his ‘stupid’ demonstration-protest – then-me coming home to a house that had a baboon-attack…
“… some-how… SIMY ‘got’ into my-head… and she helped me by-guiding me to ‘kill’ those monkeys without fire-blasting them… then after the-kill, SIMY left… and I had to deal with ‘answering’ police questions… but I ‘faked-and-lied’ that I don’t remember ‘any’ of the-incident… to hide my 3rd-eye ability and my-flying too…”
She ranted…
“… maybe I should have got injured-on-purpose… now that they found a B-girl who ‘knifed’ 3 monkeys dead without a scratch-on-her… even mummy was ‘surprised’ too when she-took the knife-away from me…
“… hah! I’m ‘not’ bothered ‘what’ she ‘thinks’ of-me – to her -- I’m always the crazy-and-rebellious B-girl who ran in an open-field in Treeton while-in a thunderstorm – now… she’s gone…
“… after-she fought with my-father… threatening to ‘divorce’ him – she-just took Jaheem and left… now my-baby brother is out-there ‘vulnerable’ to Popobawa’s next-attack… if there is ‘one,’ then I can’t protect him… my ‘stupid’ mummy...”
Paul saw her cry… but he ‘let’ her-vent… as he no’ solutions to the situations in post-Treeton… so, quietly he listened…
“… I decided-and-stayed with Daddy, ‘not’ following Mummy… because in the other-Perth, he got a stroke and a heart attack on the night Jaheem was ‘kidnapped’… I love my-daddy, Paul… and I love my-brother-too…”
Paul sighed and spoke…
“… don’t cry, dear… I can’t say that things-would be alright… but we-should keep ourselves with positive-thoughts ‘always’… as ‘negative-thoughts’ attracts ‘negative-luck’ to us-both…”
He saw her-nod, wiping her-tears and smile…
At the same time, he heard a knock on the door of his windowless-room – it was Caroline returning late from work… even Paul didn’t hear her Audi coming. The inspector-mother called…
“… Poe, it’s almost 10 o’clock… go to sleep, you-got school tomorrow…”
“… err… yes, Mom…”
“It’s your-mom… I got to-go – G’night-Paul… see you in school tomorrow, I love-you…” Jane ended the-call…
… Paul sighed as he still wanted Jane’s to talk ‘more’ to him on a-school-night… even in the school holidays she did ‘not’ call as much-as-he wanted… even-today, at the first day of school… there was ‘so-many’ things he wanted to talk to her but-can’t…
Paul sighed again and levitated to switch-off the light to-go-to bed…
Jane laid-in her king-sized bed thinking of her Paul – her-Tarzan boyfriend…
… her-Paul whom she SHARED FAME as his-Jane…
… which she preferred to ‘more-than’ Peter’s Perth’s Famous Couple’s tennis-partner reputation.
Jane did ‘not’ know the story of Tarzan who was raised by-apes… even-though she read something similar in Kipling’s Jungle Book where Mowgli who was raised by-wolves…
She requested Boyyo to search an audiobook on Edgar Rice Burrough’s Tarzan – and for the next hour, she heard the tales of the white-man living in the jungles of Africa…
… till she-fell asleep…
… forgetting to drink HER NIGHTCAP of a glass of wine…
Peter was on his bed chuckling to the antics of BoJack Horseman on Netflix in his-iPad – Caroline barged-into his-room without knocking… Peter was ‘caught’ by-surprise – if the inspector-mother would find-out about him-hoarding an illegal wildlife quokka…
… Joey-Walker was playing-by-rolling around a tenno-ball on the carpet when she rushed-in… Peter’s jaw-dropped witnessing the critter ‘vanishing-in-thin-air’ the moment it sensed the-intruder…
… Peter was-still ‘shocked’ – listening to his mother yelling at him…
“Did you ‘disrespect’ the mayor at school this-afternoon? Did you ‘stage’ a protest…?”
… he regained his-composure…
“…yea, you’re right…he treated-me unfair – WHERE IS my-Bravery-award from the Rotto-trip…?”
“You can get me fired… you fool!”
“…oyy… why you judging-me like I ‘did’ something wrong? I just fought for ‘my-rights’ – I’m ‘treated’ unfairly-here…”
“… listen-here, Peter – I’m a government-servant in his-Perth… I might lose my-job because of-you! Tomorrow… you go to the principal’s office, and you apologise to Tom-Harris for your unbecoming stupid behaviour!”
“What has ‘this’ got to-do with Principal Harris…?”
“So-that your-principal would make an apology phone-call to the mayor’s office… on your-behalf…”
“Don’t argue – DO WHAT I SAY!”
“…even it’s bias, and loaded by your womanly-judgemental emotions…?”
“YES! Now go-to sleep!”
Caroline switched the room-light off… and slammed the door… leaving Peter in the dark…
He scoffed…
… then he remembered his-albino pet… and was-excited…as he called-out…
“… JW… where are-you…?”
He used the illumination of the blue-light of his-iPad… panning the glow in the darkness…
… at the sound of its-master’s voice the quokka ‘reappeared-and-materialized from-thin-air’ – and hopped to-him…
“There you ‘are’ – come here to-daddy…”
The rapt Peter picked-it-up… and exclaimed…
“Hahaha, WE ‘DID’ IT, mate! Dad’s BOOK-OF-SPELLS works… you can go invisible, hahaha… now you can go ‘hunting’ with daddy!!!”
JANE TRAVELLED THROUGH THE umbilical-cord of-the-Universe in her-Dreamworld… to her destination of the Abrahamics’ Garden-of-Eden… as-she touched down at its open-gates…
… the naked blind-tween was hypnotically-attracted by the heavenly-sounds of Flora-and-Fiona’s tranquillity of the night. She then entered the gate to find a serene place to-sleep the night…
… but her-mind was ‘not’ in-peace… if-though she had ‘forgotten’ something…
… she ambled as she was recalling ‘what-it-was’ IN THE JUNGLE…
… where the obstructing trees’ branches, vines and roots recoiled-and-moved back to give-way to blind-Jane… as the divine-nature ‘welcomed’ its ‘in-betweener-visitor’ in the ‘ABSENCE’ of the Mother-of-Beauty, Venus…
“OH-FISH!” Jane exclaimed and faced-palmed…
… ‘now’ she remembered…
… Jane had FORGOTTEN TO DRINK WINE – therefore, the-incubus that ‘possessed-Peter’ would be sober – and would have A ‘CLEAR-MIND’ to hunt her…
… the naked-tween ran in-fright in the jungle… as it was ‘not’ safe in the open…
She headed to the CAVES-OF-THE-CHERUBS to take-shelter – where in the past-6 days – she had hidden-and-slept among-the-cupids without any-disturbance of evil…
… in the past she had slept in the open in the grass-and-bushes with furry-mammals – but the incubus riding the centaur usually-FOUND HER… and attempt to rape-her in-the-jungle…
… in her-conscious-hours she had come-up WITH A STRATEGY to hide-safely and ‘not’ to get-caught by the sex-fiend… it was in her red-wine drinking-bouts where blind-Jane learned her-survival ruse…
Jane had dated Peter as her-first boyfriend in the ‘other-Perth – and during their-courtship, the blind-girl knew some of his-PET-PEEVES…
… where back-then, Peter can’t stand the stench of the SMELL-OF-URINE – where he would ‘complained-and-gagged’ that his-twin Paul for ‘stinking-up’ the air in his-father’s house…
In her nightly visits to the garden, Jane had ‘been’ finding a place to-hide from the demonic-rapist… until she stumbled-upon the caves at the edge of the lake which ‘fitted’ her-criteria – where it had been ‘successfully’ her-hideout for the past 6 nights…
… it was the 7th night tonight…
“…ooo-fish… so-careless of me… I forgot to ‘drink’ wine…”
Jane was running-fast through the wood… startling some sleeping-animals along the-way… and apologizing as she skurried …
“… sorry… sorry…”
She was about to reach the lake – when ‘SOMETHING-ODD’ happened to-her…
… when HER-3RD-EYE ‘opened’…
… this-time-around, it was ‘not’ the 3rd-eye when she was a blind-superhero… where she saw fuzzy silhouettes of shapes-and-sizes – this-3rd-eye was ‘blinding’ with strong-colours without outlines…
“… what’s happening to me…?”
Jane placed her-palms at her-eyes as she ran-screaming…
“The colours hurt! The colours hurt!”
Her-mind was an abstract-painting canvas – where colours-were splashed on-top of the-other and-bled to form ‘other’ variant-of-colours… with no-outlines…
… without outlines there was no-silhouettes for her to-distinguish ‘where’ she was going…
Jane fell into the shallow-water in the lake… she was there momentarily closing her eyes from the painful surge of rainbows-entering her mind…
… a troop of patrolling cupids flew down to help the blind-naked tween… and guided her ashore…
“… Jane-no-run… Jane-fall…” She ‘heard’ their voices…as her-eyes were shut-close…
The cherubs guided the colour-blinded tween all-the-way to their dwelling caves… at the mouth of the caverns they left her…
“… bye-bye, Jane…” The cupids flew-off...
“… thanks…” Blind-Jane acknowledged…
… they flew away to continue their duties of policing the Abrahamics’ Garden-of-Eden…
Jane stood at the mouth of the cave with her eyes-shut… and followed the urine-stench that was-the guide to her-hideout…
In the-cave, she ‘opened’ her eyes to darkness – WITH NO HURTING-COLOURS… which the blind-tween ‘was’ comfortable with – as she threaded further into the cave with thousands of sleeping cupids of all-colours… piling-on top of each-other for warmth in the cold-breezy cave…
Jane chose her ‘spot’ and slept on-her belly for a good-night sleep… unlike the interruption of sleep some-nights-ago… with the cupids’ feathered-wings that tickled her-nose when she slept on her-back…
… she slumbered peacefully when the sleeping naked-baby-boys BLANKETED HER ‘under’ with their piling-bodies in a cave… that was colder than her air-conditioned Hilton-suite…
In the wasteland, the sober incubus WAS COMING… riding a giant hippo-sized albino-quokka…
Peter had learnt numerous spells from his father’s journal – that he was ‘prepared’ and-had an-arsenal of Blackmagic to penetrate Mother-Venus White-magic that she ‘used’ to protect her-property… as she was the ‘new’ landlady to the Garden-of-Eden…
He had a checklist:
The Quokka – his-pet-mascot was now his-ride as he learnt a spell to make it enormous in-size The Smasher – his-robotic-arm that can transform into metal-version of Venom’s symbiotic superpowers The Babolat – his-weapon-of-choice that was spelled to-be a flamethrower The AI-Pete2.0 – his-‘backseat-driver’ where the artificial intelligence-device’s memory was downloaded with Blackmagic-spells… where it aided Peter who had trouble-memorizing all those Sumerian spells … and face-mask – he knew 'where' the Blind-one was hiding
The loin-cladded incubus-with Peter’s face rode the hopping giant-quokka… as it yee-haa-ed in-excitement…
… tonight, was the night… it would ‘taste’ the virginity of the-soulmate…
… Peter felt like Luke Skywalker in Empire-Strikes-Back where the-jedi rode the snow-lizard, Tauntaun @Hoth – Peter raised his Babolat above his-head like a jedi-light-saber, shouting…
“Woohoo! May-The-Force-Be-With-Me!!!”
The giant Quakka galloped to the front of the Garden-of-Eden. From afar, the riding Peter-the-incubus saw the main-gate of the garden was closed. It said a dark-spell…
… Peter’s black-robotic arm grew meters-long as it-webbed intertwining-branches of metal – and it transformed into a chained iron-ball mace…
The incubus swung the mace-vertically at the closed-heavenly gate… and shattered it with a single mighty-blow…
… evil had entered paradise…
It was a long-way to the centre-heart of the garden where the prized-virgin soulmate-was…as the land was vast-in-area – where the incubus had passed these areas before in his failed-trips…
… riding-on his horseman-centaur and going the thick-jungle filled with wild-animal which were…
… Venus-the landlady of the-Garden’s first line of defence… where the alpha-male animals would separate from its-mate – to fight any intruders who trespass their-habitat to harm-or-threat their-mates and also to protect the environment of mother nature so that flora-and-fauna would prevail for ever-and-ever…
… and the alphas came…
Peter saw a Kazakh-wolf representing the strongest of the canine-breed chasing… and bit the quokka’s long tail. The tween chanted-a-spell and raised his Babolat with his-righthand and aimed at the following beast – the cursed-tennis racquet busted into a flamethrower… immolating the animal into a ball-of-fire…
“Bring-it-on, Mama Venus… is this all you got…HaHaHa…!!!”
Peter next-saw a Grizzly-bear on his path as it stood threatening tall-and-mighty in-stature to intimidate the charging albino-quokka. He pointed his-Bobolat and flamed the gigantic-bear that blazed in pain-to-its death…
… and the quokka passed the half-dying burning-carcass, Peter swung his-racket – hitting the grizzly’s head, shouting…
A Bengal-tiger and an African-lion leapt in-front frightening the albino as it pulled-back as stood-in its-hind… almost unsaddling the tween from his-ride…
“Whoa-easy there, JW… let Daddy handle-it… HaHaHa…!”
Peter blasted both of the big-wild cats with his-flamethrower-racquet – but missed as the beasts were agile at evading the killer-flames… running-circles nearing the albino-quokka until the tiger leapt at the tween…
… in reflex-action, the quakka’s hind-leg kicked the cat’s midsection throwing the lifeless big-feline far-flung… with caved-in ribcage…
“HaHaHa… nice-work, JW… you kick-like Chuck Norris, my-boy…”
Peter grunted at the attacking-lion… his metal symbiotic arm grew into a long-black chain with a crescent-shaped scythe in-its-end…
…Peter-the-incubus swung the Blackmagic-weapon – and decapitated the lion in mid-air… the headless body fell behind, and the demon stood-on the saddle of his-ride… and-caught the maned-head of the King-of-the-jungle ululating in-victory…
“Is this all you-got, Mother Venus…? Come to the-dark side… and I ‘teach’ you proper-magic if you want to defy-and-defeat the Abrahamic-Creator…”
The laughing incubus threw the lionhead in the air – using both arms it smashed the cranium with the Babolat… hurling-it-up to the-treetop – and, piking the skull on the-pinnacle …
The hippo-sized albino hopped ahead to face its next beastie-challenge…
… a massive Texas Longhorn bull with 100” horns tip-to-tip that stood-in its-way – the incubus poohed at the ‘inferior’ beast, saying…
“…hah … what is this Made-in-America bullshit – do you think this Yankee-doodle ass-wipe could beat-me…?”
The bull kicked-its-hoof in the ground before charging-in – Peter made a war-cry…
The 2-creatures of the ‘same’ size were at the point-of-collusion… and before the longhorn gored… the quokka leaped over the bull while the incubus looped the-symbiotic metal-chain in its-neck-and-lynched… and dragging the fallen-cattle at the rear…
… the helpless bull was pulled-and-heaved by the chain for a couple-of-kilometres in the rough-terrain – until its massive horned-head was gorily detached from the mangled-body…
The victorious-incubus maniacally laughed but was drowned-next by angry-trumpeting sound coming from the jungle. Even the huge-sized quokka was startled… and from the mangroves appeared the largest animal in the world – the 2-storieed hulking African elephant with huge tusk walking-out from the-bushes…
… Peter calmed his-ride as the towering mammal stalked steadily at them… blowing-and-bathing itself with sand from its huge-trunk…
“… easy-Joey… easy… it’s ‘just’ Jumbo – and he wants to ‘play’ with us…”
The bull-elephant loud-trumpets was heard-again… and the incubus chucked…
“Which epic-way do you ‘wish’ to die, you big dumb-animal…?”
… Peter was deciding ‘creative-ways’ to kill it – and decided the ‘old-fashion’ way of medieval Camelot… where castle-knights in shiny-armours went jousting on-horseback…
“… the wheel-of-fortune-in-death spins…. tak-tak-tak-tak-takk – and the needle lands on jousting, it-is…”
The incubus cantate a dark-magic spell – that fashioned the symbiotic-metal arm into a 3-meter long speared-pointed tip black-lance…
… the bull-elephant charged-in – and the albino-quokka stormed-in too…
… the demon estimated its kill… as the African beast with flaring-ears was dashing forward to head-butt his-ride that might-kill-it… or use it enormous-trunk to parry the lance when the quokka-later went down… followed by trampling it-to-death…
… it adjusted TO-GROW the length of symbiotic-lance to-4 meter-long…
“… pro-tip, JW… always go-for the-head…”
Before head-butt collusion, the incubus used all-its-might to stab the sharp-lance straight between the bull-elephant’s eyes…
… it ‘only’ hairline-cracked the thick-skull – but didn’t burrow-through its-brains…
… Peter was like a pole-vault sporting-situation as he was lifted in mid-air from the quakka – as the injured-elephant shook its head with the lance-and-the tween like a waving flagpole… after the elephant stood-on its hind-legs…
“Stop dancing – and die…!!!”
The bull-elephant plucked the black-lance off-its forehead with its 3-meter massive trunk – and tossed Peter like a-ragdoll… the tween flung-and-fell a score-of-meters away…
The next-line of the mammoth’s attack was the albino-quokka…
… it charged to kill it by goring with its tusks – but the giant-quokka vanished in-thin-air… which confused the African-beast – and, from the rear…
… the incubus pounced to surprise-it and swinging a symbiotic chain of spiky-mace – to hit the creature at the back-of-its head… inflicting-pain and drawing-blood…
The long-tailed demon was cursing in its-Sumerian tongue… as it hit the-beast several times in the-head with the mace-chained-ball … while hoping-and-diving agile whenever the elephant COUNTERATTACKED…
The mammoth rampaged in pain-and-rage as it swung its massive trunk at the tiny-demon who was dodging the attack with skill-and-ease – the incubus chanted a dark-spell that transformed its chained-mace to the sharp-tipped scythe…
… Peter felt once-again like Luke-Skywalker – who in his-fighter-jet brought down to the-ground… a massive towering Walker-droid by tangling ITS-LEGS…
The incubus swung the chain at the elephant – which taut the forelegs of the animal… and it fell on-its-face. The demon then-chanted a dark-spell to give it super-strength, as it pull-the-chain…
… both the bounded-forelegs were decapitated and the maimed-elephant roiled on its back trumpeting cries-of-pain…
“… don’t be whinny – just shut the F***-up and die!!!”
The incubus jumped and hopped-on the fallen-creature’s belly… and continued to hit the bladed-chain in-the-face – amputated the massive-trunk and both the full-sized flappy ears… the demon did ‘not’ stop… as it further shattered-and-broke one of its-ivory big-tusk…
“Now who’s the boss here… me-or-you…!!?”
Looking-down at the bloodied-disfigured animal with a single-tusk… the blood-drenched Peter chuckled…
“… now back to the jousting-show…!!!”
… the symbiotic chain-and-scythe retracted into the metal-arm – and transformed into the black spear-tip lance… and the demon aimed-and-stabbed the bull-elephant’s right-eye – goring the metal further into-the-eye socket, TO RAPTURE the creature’s brain…
Peter stood victorious on the dead-massive elephant’s cadaver … shouting-aloud…
“Who is the King-of-the-Jungle? It’s ‘not’ bloody-Tarzan-Poe – but me – Peter-Walker the Magnificent…
“Hail-the-King… Hail-to-Me…!!!”
Peter leapt to the-grass… and looked-out for his-ride – he whistled and called-out for his-pet…
“… JW… where are-you…? JW… here-boy…”
The tween saw the invisible albino-quokka reappearing in-thin-air… away from the-danger-zone…
“There you-are… you-mediocre wussie-pussie yellow-bellied coward… get-here now…!”
Joey-Walker hopped in-response to its-master’s-voice… as it reached Peter shouted at it…
“You don’t be a deserter in my-battleground – come-here…!”
… the symbiotic-metal arm’s wrist transformed into a medieval cat-o’-nine-tails whip – the-tween cracked it…
“You don’t run, understand – the next-time… I’ll beat you!!!”
The threatened big-sized quokka ‘understood’… as the docile-creature lowed its head at the dissing… Peter scoffed and mounted on the saddle… still disparaging…
“Oii-JW… you should have-my-back out-there just-now ‘not’ run-away with your-tail between your-legs – I ‘want’ you to-be the bold-and-brave bull-head steed-Bucephalus of Alexzander-the-Great’s battles from now-onwards, okay…?”
The incubus rode-off after defeating the LARGEST-AND-DEADLIEST mammal in the-world – to collect its prized-trophy…
… the escaped bride#666 of the Asmodeus.
It was a full-moon in the Abrahamics’ paradise – the quokka was hopping on chest-high tall grass. Peter switched-on his AI-device…
“… Oy-Pete2.0… are there or bloody-sleeping on-the-job…? What is the ETA to the location…?”
“… err-Master… where is this-place on earth… there is ‘no’ GPS signal at all…?”
Peter chuckled…
“… hahaha, I was just testing-you, fool… there is no-GPS in my-Dreamworld – that is the power of my-imagination and it takes me-where I want… Oii! Don’t tell that to Kimura-Star… they might ‘steal’ my-powers and copyright them as their ‘own’…”
“… what is ‘this’ Dreamworld… my-programme don’t-compute…”
“… hehehe, admit it that you’re a piece-of-shit tech – your-kind is ‘not’ smarter than me…?”
“… then, why do-you ‘need’ me, Master…?”
“… no-worries… you’re important alright to this-mission do the menial-tasks of ‘memorizing’ that gibberish-Sumerian spells – that ‘sounds’ mongoloid-Mongolian… and some-other basic tasks too… like surveillance and-watching-over my-6…”
“… okay-Master… I’ll ‘try’ my-best ‘not’ to disappoint-you… or-else, you’ll ‘kill’ me…”
“… hahaha, your ‘fear’ of-me has got you to learn things-fast… to-be ‘worthy’ to serve me… kudos to you, my-slave…”
At the wee-hour of dawn, the quokka was skipping on a rock-terrain… the AI was doing its-surveillance-duty via the camera’s headset…
“Master! I detect the lake that you ‘landmarked’…”
“… excellent, we’re ‘close’…”
They were in edge the moor of the River Tigris delta – one of the 4 rivers in the Abrahamics’ garden – and, on a tree beside the mangroves was a sleeping-cupid with a bugle…
“… Master… I detect an-anomaly… there is a peculiar human-species… it has wings…”
Peter looked-up at a fig-tree… and on its branch was a snoozing cherub…
… it brought ‘bad’ memories to the tween… where he remembered he tried to makeup with Jane after their PFC-breakup in the other-Perth… but-later, the blind-girl rejected-him for the 2nd time in the Garden-of-Eden…
… when she ‘left’ – IN HIS-ANGER… he strangled-and-trampled 2-cupids to-death… and threw their bodies in the lake…
“Pete2.0, prepare the Babolat flamethrower-spell – I’m gonna ‘burn’ that son-of-a-b****…!”
“… but… Master, you can’t – it’s a toddler…it’s murder…”
“… these are ‘not’ human… just rodents-with-wings…”
“… this is ‘not’ earth, dummy… and its-laws doesn’t apply over-here – this is ‘my’ Dreamworld… over-here, I’m the law!”
“… okay… Master…”
The AI chanted the spell and the tennis-racquet glowed in fire-red… Peter-then shout and startled the sleeping-like a-baby cupid…
“Oii! You-there – have you any last-babytalk-words to gurgle…?”
The cherub who was on-guard duty to-lookout from trespassing invaders – immediately blew the-bugle to call for backup…
“… vuvuzelas… I ‘hate’ bicycle-horn vuvuzelas…!!!”
Peter pointed the Babolat at the cherub and immolated it… he laughed hysterically before ridiculing…
“… he had ‘only’ one-job…but slept-on-it… what a ‘good-luck’ to-me – now, we have the advantage for a ‘surprise-attack’…”
Peter rode the quokka…commanding…
“… Ride-JW… ride-fast my-steed – tonight I’ll finally get-to ‘taste’ my sweet soulmate…”
Peter headed-out fast to-the-lake.
Peter reached the lake – his-albino quokka was springing speedy in the shores… until the AI alerted…
“Incoming! Master, there are those rodent-boys with wings approaching… they ‘seem’ hostile…”
… Peter looked up at the night-skies with a full-moon that silhouetted the fast-advancing score-of-cherubim’s night-duty guards…
“Let them-come, fool – let the ‘games’ finally-begin!”
The loin-clad incubus stood-on the saddle of his-riding quokka… lifted his-Babolat for-trajectory-range… and waited…
… the cupids initiated the FIRST-LINE OF ATTACK – with their slingshots and miniature bows-and-arrows…
… the quokka cried in-pain when it was ‘hit’ by rocks-and-arrows – the AI gave the ‘damage-report’…
“We’re ‘hit,’ Master – we’re GOING ‘DOWN’ fast – get the-quokka to RETREAT!!!”
“No! Shut-up, fool… don’t discourage it with defeating-thoughts – JW, you-bloody suck-it-up and GO-FORWARD as-ordered!!!”
The incubus skilful standing on-the-saddle of the galloping quakka – initiated his ‘waited’ COUNTER-ATTACK when the cherubs were in-range…
… flames shot-up from the Babolat… sweeping-diagonal into the night-skies… sacrificing half of the protectors-of-the garden-guards…
… the incubus laughed maniacally… as he watched small-fireballs of dead cupids dropping into the-lake…
The surviving cupids regrouped for their 2nd-attack – as they circled the skies – to attack from the rear of the fast-moving quokka…
… the incubus was ‘prepared’ – as it ‘estimated’ when they got-close…
… a barrage of rocks-and-arrows were volleyed at the intruders-from-hell – the balancing-incubus chanted a spell and the black robotic arm-fingertips transform into elongated symbiotic bands of 20-meters-long strips-of-razor sharp-belts…
The demon used the weapon as a whip and struck-down most-of the advancing rocks-and-arrows… the cherubs were ‘not’ spared-either – when they skirmish flew close with their subsequent-attacks…
… the incubus struck-at the ‘survivors’ who parried in mid-air…
… bloodied white-feathered wings attached with child-body parts dropped at the lake-shore…
… until there were ‘no’ alive cupids left – the once-again victorious Peter laughed as he ridiculed…
“… HaHaHa, they spend peanuts on the defense system-here – what is with this rock-and-arrow… like it ‘still’ in the biblical-times of-old, …? HaHaHa… yea, just-like the-timeworn story of David-defeated-Goliath with his sucky-slingshot – but times-are-changing when I have supercool techs like flamethrowers-and-magical-robotic-arm… this time-around… the-mighty GOLIATH ‘WINS,’ HaHaHa…!!!”
Guided by the full moon at the lake – Peter saw the rocky-hill nearby where the caves ‘were’ … the quokka galloped…
… they sneaked-to ambush – the incubus leapt-off the saddle to conduct reconnaissance… but was confused when it saw 3 separate caves…
‘… the blind-one could be in either-one of the caves – if I ambush one… she must escape by the-other…’
The stench-of-urine deterred it, even-though wearing a face-mask…
… but through the-reek… it then-detected a sharp-fragrance which ‘only’ an incubus’ nose ‘could’ scent-detect…which is…
… the menstrual-blood of a-virgin…
‘… she ‘is’ close…’
The devious demon explored the cave-fronts – sniffing the-blood – wagged its long-tail as it got-closer. The quokka trailed behind its-master…
… the incubus chanced-upon a sleeping cupid on-guard-duty… snoozing while-sitting with back-against a stalagmite-pillar… the demon grinned as it sneaked-in to kill the celestial-toddler by snapping its-neck…
‘… 3-caves and one-guard… it must be a skeletal-crew budget-problem here, hehehe… and the only-guard is-in snooze-mode… what ‘good-luck’ to me…’
The floor was scattered with stones-and-pebbles as the incubus tread-with light footsteps so as to ‘not’ to awake its-kill. But the heavy-footed quokka made cracking-sounds on the gravels – and cupid-guard was sentient… bolted into the cave… hollering…
“Bad-Peeta come… he come!!!”
Blind-Jane was awakened and so-did hundreds of the-cherubs. Fleeing cupids’ little-feet trampled on her-back before they took-flight…
The tween heard a distant howl of a wolf in the dark-cave when she got-up to her feet…
She was knocked-off her feet when the terrified-flying cupids thudding-into her-body as they were in a stampede to fleeing-out the cave like-bats…
“Bats! Rats! They are all ‘alike’ as greedy-Mother-Father-eaters – ‘come’ you-F*****s… come-eat my-juicy-Babolat…!!!”
Jane-then heard screams of death and smelled burning flesh-hair, and feathers…
“There you are… hiding aren’t you, Janey? You stink of rat-piss… yuck…!”
‘…ooh-my-dog…he found me…’
Her first instinct was to flee – as Peter on the quakka was burning the cherubs with his flamethrower Babolat, laughing maniacally…
Jane ran the opposite-direction into the dark cave… with her hands-out in case her ran into the rocky cave walls…
Regretting-thought were going-wild in her-mind…
‘Fish-Me! Why did I FORGET-TO drink my-wine…?’
Jane was hyperventilating in-terror…
‘… he’s ‘found’ me… he’s going to RAPE-ME in my-dream…’
She ran as she heard chasing heavy-footsteps in her-rear closing in…
“Janey, you can’t run from the inevitable… you’re my soulmate come to-me… come ‘satisfy’ me…!!!”
She ran and tripped-down by stalagmite rock-undergrowth and fell hard knocking her head…
… her 3rd-eye from her-forehead scar ‘activated’ – into a miner’s head-lamp to give her visibility to her-MIND TO NAVIGATE herself in the dark-cave…
Jane picked herself-up and ran scared…
The caves’ bouncing-echoes of laughter were disorienting her – and she didn’t know how-far of a distance was incubus-Peter behind-her… until…
… she felt her dreadlocks were tugged-hard – and she fell-down screaming…
Lying in the dark, Jane heard echoes of barking dog…
‘… huh… Piper…?’
Then, she ‘heard’ altercation between Peter-and-Piper…
Barks drew louder… blind-Jane felt her dog’s fur…
Piper was standing in front of his-master, Jane to protect her – barking at the incubus saddled-on to an enormous quokka who-himself was cursing in a foreign tongue…
“Run Jane!” Cried the talking-dog…
Piper’s barking grew loud as it went forward to confront the intruder-from-hell…
“Run Jane…!” Piper’s manly-voice spoke and ordered the 2nd time…
But Jane stood the ground-and-stayed – the blind-girl shouted…
“Peter! You’re ‘NOT-GOING to hurt my dog!”
Piper attacked – and the quokka kicked the dog… it fell with yawling-cries of pain…
“… run, Jane…! I can take care… of my-self…”
She ‘heard’ blood-cuddling growling as Piper transformed into a grey-silverback werewolf – the lycan attacked-and-leapt and dismounted the incubus from the quokka. The wolfman struggled with the demon, when they-rolled on the ground… Piper pinned-Peter…
“Jane, quick run now!”
On the 4th-call, Jane decided to-flee…
The enormous-quokka jumped – it’s hindlegs landed-on the silverback werewolf’s spinal…
The naked-tween ran-back at to the entrance of the cave where she slept… and smelt of smothered burnt charred-bodies and hearing crying-babies that were injured when she-reached. But she was too terrified to help… and ran out-the cave…
… the illuminating-rays of the bright moonlight ‘attacked’ her eyeballs ~ as rainbows-of bright-lights stinged her brain – leading into throbbing migraines…
Jane screamed-in agony – and dropped on her-4s… and puked her-bile out…
… she heard-from her-rear… of the LOUD TERRIFYING-and-painful whining-cries of her dog-Piper…
… Jane assumed Peter might HAVE IMMOLATED her-pet to death… and was now-COMING FOR HER…
Her tearing stinging-eyes were shut as she ran naked in the direction of a nearby mangrove … she was bleeding from the cuts sustained in her numerous falls… running blindly in the-cave just-now… Blind-Jane was in deep-agony – in her eyes-and-mind as she ran disoriented in-fear…
“… Daddy…Daddy…”
… fighting into the-branches of the wilderness… skurried with both of her hands forward…
‘… where am I going…?’
“Come… let me help you, Jane – follow my voice…”
She ‘heard’ a baby-boy’s voice in her head – that was certainly ‘not’ SIMY’s…
‘… who are you…?’
“I’m Kerubiel… I’m a servant of the All-Mother Venus… TRUST-ME, Jane… I’ll get you out of danger…’
… Jane ‘followed’ the voice… as she-escaped the terrifying mayhem…
The incubus immerged from the cave – riding the albino quokka that-was hurt-and-injured with arrow-heads and bites-and-scratches wounds of the werewolf…
… the demon was satisfied that the wolfman was ‘killed’ like the Kazakh-wolf where it last fought and burnt-it-alive… but-did ‘not’ wait to-see-it die…
… as his soulmate-prize was on-the-loose – did ‘not’ want her TO ESCAPE like she ‘did’ as the #666th Bride-of-Asmodeus…
It looked up at the night-skies and chuckled… to see hundreds of the surviving cherubs of-the other-2 caves… were wailing-moanfully aloud… and flying disoriented above the lake…
“Go-you cry-babies… cry-to your-mummy, HaHaHa – now ‘who’s’ the Boss in your-bloody Paradise…? Me!!!”
The incubus’ nostril caught a ‘familiar’ scent… it looked-down from-its ride and saw a blood-trail leading to the mangrove…
… the smell ‘excited’ it – that it was the same blood-type of menses of the virgin-soulmate…
… it grinned-wide and galloped into the mangrove…
“Jayneeey… I’m coming to ‘eat’ you…”
The going through the thorny-overgrowth of the mangrove was hurting blind-Jane alot with more cuts-and-burns… in addition to her-bleeding knees – the confused tween was blindly following direction-instruction from the ‘voice in her-head…
… she panted-and stopped – so did the voice in-her-head was ‘gone’…
‘… huh… where are you… ‘voice,’ where are you…!!?”
The lonely blind-girl in the middle-of the-overgrowth, panicked and shouted-aloud…
She tried to open her-smarting eyes… it still hurts-bad with rainbow-spectrums ‘attacking’ her dormant 3rd-eye … Jane squatted-down and cried helpless in abandonment…
“… Daddy…Daddy…”
Then she heard voices – ‘not’ from the head… but from the bushes…
“… Jane-come… Kerubiel call…” Called 3 cupids in their baby-voices…
Kerubiel had sent his-assistants to bring the girl to him… the 3-cherubs were the pioneer since the Abrahamic-Creator MADE THE Garden-of-Eden – their names were Senoi, Sansenoy and Semangelof…
… 2-cupids were guiding the naked-Jane by-taking her-by her-hands… while the one known-as Senoi flew over the undergrowth ‘chanting’ prayers in-Hebrew … that made the thorny-branches and vines moved to give Jane a pass-of-way…
… they were heading to the Khabar River – where the old Tree-of-Knowledge was…
They reached the creek of the river-bank and waited for the ‘slow-moving’ Kerubiel to come-to-them. The 3-cupid in the meantime were cleaning Jane by giving her-a bath and tending to her wounds-and-cuts with organic-paste made of barks-and-root of mother nature…
… Kerubiel was crawling to them in the pace-of-a tortoise…
He was an-obese cherub who was over-100-kilogram in a 3-year-old celestial body… he had the ‘condition’ after-overeating fallen-apples from the Tree-of-Knowledge that gave him an enormous bald-head and barrel-tummy…
… he did ‘not’ age-well – even his face was like of an old-baby…
He had wings like the other cupids but could ‘not’ fly because of his overweight-problem – but he gained-insight ‘after eating the Creator’s apples as… A ‘WATCHER’ – where he ‘grew’ a set of man’s eyes at the back-of-his-head… even 6 more eye-sets of a lion’s, a bull’s and an-eagle’s hidden under his-small wing…
… as Kerubiel even watched over-the-animals of both the land-and-air in the neglected Garden-of-Eden…
He was once the Roman God-of-Cupid before – until Old-gods were forgotten by men…
… to be ‘remembered,’ he left the Roman-realm with his army-of-cupids and crossed to other-worlds where he would be marketed as a-brand… that would ‘not’ be-forgotten by future generation of men…
He was then ‘employed’ in the dawn-of-times by the newbie-Abrahamic-Creator in His start-up-company of religion-creations and landscapes businesses…
His first-job was to guard His-employer’s garden… and the ‘boss’ even gave him a sword and appointed him as a CHIEF-GUARD who were to protect the main-gate of the Garden-of-Eden – where…
… ‘during’ performing his-job…
… he spied upon the Abrahamic-Creators’ Divine Plan…
… Kerubiel witness the creation of the first-man, Adam… and followed by the Abrahamics God’s ‘first’ mistake – by making the wrong-wife for him named Lilith… who was a ‘rebel’ would ‘not’ be-subversive and she ran-away from the garden – then, the Creator made Adam’s 2nd-wife Eve…
… the man-and-woman were ‘employed’ gardeners… for His-neglected gardening-hobby business – and He specifically told them ‘not’ to eat the apples from His-favourite tree…
… but his human-product ‘failed’ the QC-test – when Eve 'ate' the apple…
The Abrahamic-Creator ‘fired’ His-gardeners as thieves – and cursed the-woman into a painful child-birth – and He drove the couple away from paradise… and closed the gate of the Garden-of-Eden…
The Creator then abandoned his landscape-business to focus on his-religion-creation business – and with Kerubiel and his army-of-cherubs were ‘locked’ in the garden ‘like’ prisoners who had to fend-and-protect the grounds from intruders of hell…
… everything was normal for eons… and Kerubiel soon-became complacent in-guard duties but was ‘now’ ambitious… as he eyed on tasting-himself the forbidden apples-of-the Creator…
… and-the more he ate the more ‘addictive’ it became… he had physically-bulked in-size with a swelling big-head of worldly knowledge… that also grew him eyes-at the back of his-head and his-back…
… it was then, the thief-by-night Satan’s general Azrael broke into the garden’s gate… AND STOLE Kerubiel’s sword when he was sleeping on-the-job… the demonic-angel of-Satan later forged the sword into weapons – and taught men the Art-of-War on-earth…
The Creator returned to the Garden-of-Eden shortly…to ‘collect’ his breeding-animal for a project in his religion-creation business. When Kerubiel stood in front of the All-Knowing-All Father for disobedience of eating His-apples just like-the defiance of the Fallen-angels in his-other business of religious-creation…
… and had a change of His-heart to ‘NOT’ PUNISH…
… the Abrahamic-God was forgiving that a servant had ate His-apples… as he no longer-cared-either – as he ‘had’ SOLD-OFF the property to a 3rd-party – and He left the Garden with his collection of breeding-animals known-to mankind…
… Kirubeal-and-the rest of the cherubs were left in a garden with NO-ANIMALS – and they waited until the ‘new’ landlord came…
In their wait… they shuddered at the loud-echoes ‘heard’ of human suffering ‘from’ earth reaching the garden… of the Abrahamic-God performing GENOCIDE ON MANKIND to ‘fix’ His-pesticide problems in-his religion-creation business – with ‘only’ Noah with his family in an ark containment of breeding-animals of the Garden… as the survivors who sailed to safety of the Great-Flood…
When the earth was ‘restored’ in order – one evening the Abrahamic-Creator came… and ‘returned’ the breeding-animals after-the-repopulation of the species on-earth – and, the ‘original’ breeding-animals were let-loose back-again in-the Garden-of-Eden… to the cherubins’ joy-and-delight…
… He then-later conducted a union-meeting with His-servants – and told of His-failed ambitious plans of setting-up His-personal zoo in Heaven after the Great-Flood – but was ‘objected’ by His-wives because some of the species were Haram to touched-and-eaten … which also barked-and-howled… and disturbed the peace Asr-prayers…
… so, He ‘returned’ the pesky-animals to its habitat in the Garden – to ‘avoid’ escalating nagging-wives’ headaches in Heaven…
Kerubiel asked Him for the 2nd-time of ‘when’ was the arrival of the ‘new’ landlord – but to-which it was ‘no’ great-concern of His as it was insignificant to Him ‘when-or-who’ the landlord was to come…
… as He DON’T CARE…
… before He left, reminding the cherubims that the Garden of Eden WAS ‘STILL’ under His-jurisdiction with the accordance of the peace-treaty signed between the Heavens-and-the Underworld of invasions-of-realms’ regions…
… that could ‘evict’ the new-landlord from-the-garden… if clauses-of-the treaty were ‘broken’…
… and, BE-WARNED… that rebellionism was a ‘crime’…
Soon the whole of the Garden rejoiced when the ‘new’ landlord-came – it was the Roman God-of-Beauty, Venus who was the new-owner – who ‘had’ created her-fortune in form of blessings in popularity her-beauty ‘role-model’ of all-women on-earth…
… with in the ‘grace’ of the-fellow Roman-god, Apollo – whom Venus interceded…
Once the nude-goddess stepped into the garden’s-gates, she adopted all-of the cupid-army as HER SONS to pledge their loyalty to-her – just-like she adopted the souls of girls who had-committed suicide as HER-DAUGHTERS in-hades…
… the cupids were-then given-a-day OF ‘HONOUR’ on Earth’s Lovers-Day – to commemorate February-14th with a deceased-saint… to spread love to couples-on-the planet…
Kerubiel WAS THE SON of Venus in the days-of the forgotten Old-Gods… and his father was the ‘messenger-God,’ Mercury…
… who-too left Rome when men ‘had’ forgotten-him… once-when the Abrahamic-Creator had given the-people a choice of 3-religions to-chose from to-believe. Mercury then went-down to the-Underworld to be Asmodeus’ bodyguard – where during his-employment, the Demon-King of ‘lust’ had DESIRED VENUS… and also put a ‘curse’ on his-bodyguard and transformed him into a hideous red-demon – so that his-wife would despise Mercury…
With the reunion with his-parents in the-Garden, Kerubiel moved up-the-ranks… when the last-position he-held was-for as the project-manager of the Abrahamic-God’s distribution of animals during the Great Flood… and, the Head-of-the cherubs…
… was now-in-charge OF ‘INTELLIGENCE’ – as he had developed a vast-knowledge after he ate God’s-apples…
… where the intelligence was to be fed-to Apollo’s cause – ‘who’ together with his parents – as they wanted to ‘create’ a ‘new’ revival for the Old-God’s COMEBACK to humanity… and to be remembered-and-worshiped ‘once-again’ by men-on-earth…
… the followers WHO were taken-away…
… doctrinaire-and-mentally imprisoned by the 3-separate-and conflicting doctrines-of-hate – by the ploys of Abrahamic-Creator’s trio-major religions’ beliefs – that made men kill one-another…
The Old-Gods had planned to ‘hijack’ one-of the Abrahamic RELIGIONS’ CONCEPT – where earth would have a woman as a God… and Venus was Her-name…
… while they ‘had’ devised a ‘new’ Immaculate-Conception’… where a girl-WAS ‘CHOSEN’ to GIVE BIRTH to Apollo’s seed as a daughter…
… who would-be the ‘NEW’ SAVIOUR of mankind in the nearing Dark-times…
Kerubiel was all-for the revolution of the Old-Gods’ resumption-and-resurgence of their-place on-earth… despite the Abrahamic-Creator HAD WARNED of any rebelliousness was ‘not’ tolerated by the Treaty which he had ‘made’ with the Underworld…
But the Old-Gods’ plot was leaked by spies-of the Abrahamic-God in-Heaven… and God was in state of wrath – before the Abrahamic All-Father approached Asmodeus in-secret… to ‘take-care’ of His-problem by ‘eliminating’ the Old-Gods…
… namely Venus-and-Mercury…
… knowing for a-fact that the Demon-King HAD A PRIOR ‘beef’ with his-bodyguard – in regards-to having the Goddess-of-Beauty as his-wife… which-resulted the Red-demon had ‘fled’ the Underworld with Venus…
In-return, THE AILING Demon-King asked that he was to-be rejuvenated on earth through the Chosen-one – and, Asmodeus ‘ASKED’ FOR-the region-of-Perth in-return…
… and the generous-God would-give him the whole-of Western Australia if he ‘succeeded’ in the-assassinations where – Venus WOULD ‘NOT’ to be the-new Goddess of-His-creation, Earth…
With the bounty-on their-heads – it was ‘NOT’ SAFE for Venus-and-Mercury to remain in the Garden-of-Eden… with Asmodeus’ army’s search-and-destroy mission…
… and they left Kerubiel IN-CHARGE of-the-Garden – and both-parents ‘fled’ to-other dimensions-of-the multiverse in the Cube-of-Apollo travelling-portal…
Blind-Jane was still at the creek… crying in-pain as both her eyes-and-mind which were still ‘hurting’ by the influx-of-piercing colours…
“... po’-Jane... no-cry...”
… said the cupid-Senoi as he tied a blindfold over the blind-tween’s eyes… while the other 2-cherubs were dressing her-up with Mother-Venus’ veils to cover the modest of the tender-age girl… who was rambling in-agony…
“… what is ‘happening’ to me…?... ooo… the-pain – Daddy, my head-and-eyes hurt… and, my-dog is dead…”
The obese-Kerubiel had finally crawled to the riverbank – hearing Jane in pain-and-despair…
“Don’t be anguished, O-Blind-one – the werewolf can take-care of itself cos’ there is a full-moon tonight.”
… Jane was weeping quietly – and was processing ‘WHO’ JUST-SPOKE… it certainly was ‘not’ the 3-cupids who-all spoke like her-baby brother of limited-words – but this 4th-entity was speaking in-full sentences… but in a toddler’s voice…
Her-pain ‘still’ was unbearable…
“… ooo … my-head hurts… why it hurts…? It did ‘not’ hurt before when I ‘came’ here…”
“The pain will pass, my-dear... your 3rd-eye had been ‘upgraded’ by the grace-and-blessings of Mother Venus... it’s like performing that your-mummy who ‘did’ her-cataract eye surgery... the ‘pain’ would-soon go away... be patient, my-prayers are with-you.”
“… huh… my-mummy did ‘not’ go for any eye-surgery…”
“Soon she-will…”
“Who ‘are’ you… you ‘spoke’ in my-head just-now…”
… through her blindfold – she perceived 4-lights illuminations… the ‘one’ she was speaking-to, shone the brightest…
“I’m Kerubiel – you may ‘not’ know me, Blind-one… but you ‘know’ both my-parents – Mother-Venus and Father-Mercury… I heard my-Father saying that he ‘fought’ along-side with you in defeating the fire-demon Ammit…”
“Where is Mercury…? Perth is in ‘danger’ – there is zombie-virus outbreak…”
“… I don’t know where he-is… he is ‘somewhere’ out there… away from Asmodeus’ army…”
“… where is Venus…? Peter has been ‘disturbing-me’ in my-sleep… please let-her to-make it stop…” Cried Jane…
“I’m sorry… my mother is ‘not’ here either – Mercury ‘had’ taken-her away from-danger… and they ‘put’ me in-charge… such-great responsibility… as I can’t fight-enemies and-protect everyone with ‘only’ the power-of-love and-prayers that I ‘have-and-give’… I can only helplessly ‘watch’ the danger happening here day-by-day…”
“Peter… he just-now burnt lots-of cupids in the cave… and ‘killed’ my dog-too… my-poor dog is dead…” Jane sobbed…
“… yes, it is ‘written’ in the Book-of-Destiny that 666-cherubs would die to ‘save’ the life-of the-virgin Blind-one – some wild-animals too… the demon, Iskur-the-incubus who ‘possessed’ Peter killed them too ‘earlier’ in the Garden – if the last-of-the same-animal die on-earth… then the ‘poor-species’ would-be extinct-too…”
In a state of misery-and-hopelessness, Jane wept louder…
“… Kerubiel, what ‘should’ I-do…? Peter is hunting’ me in my nightmares… night-by-night… and I’m losing my-sanity… I can’t ‘hide’ from-him, forever…”
“It’s your ‘curse,’ O’ Blind-one… you have ‘BEEN’ DESTINED’ in the Book-of-Life’ – to be a SOULMATE-FOR-2.”
“It is ‘written’ that YOU’LL BE the-Soulmate to ‘both’ – the ‘Good-one’ and the ‘Chosen-one’ of Asmodeus.”
“Your book is wrong! I ‘ONLY’ LOVE Paul – and I do ‘NOT’ LOVE PETER!!!”
“What is-written, is-written… you CAN’T ESCAPE your-curse… unless YOU ‘FORGET’ them-both…”
“Yes-Jane Wilson… FORGET PETER-AND-PAUL – Mother-Venus has ‘great’ plans for you to ‘serve’ humanity in the-New World…”
“NO! TELL YOUR-MOTHER TO ‘NOT’ TO INTERFERE in my personal-and-love life – it’s MY’ CHOICE to whom I fall in-love with – and-right-now I LOVE PAUL… and that’s final!!!”
Before Kerubiel could reason with-her – they ‘heard-something’ approaching-sounds coming from the bushes… before a werewolf jumped at them with battle-scars that were rejuvenating under the bright full-moonlight…
… it leapt in-between of the cherubs-and-Jane… and howled… to warn to stay-away from the girl – and, it instantly-transformed into the barking-Piper…
… scaring the 3-cherub to fly-away… leaving the obese-Kerubiel behind who froze in-fright when they saw the wolf-hybreed…
“…Piper…? Is that you…?”
The barking-dog charged at the shrieking stationary-Kerubiel who put his chubby-arms up against his face… before falling humpty-dumpty on his back… Piper put its-paws on Kerubiel’s stout-cheat… and growled at his-face…
“Jane… is he ‘bothering’ you…?”
“No… he’s ‘not’…”
… Kerubiel changed the subject by-saying…
“… see-I told-you, Jane-Wilson… your-dog did ‘not’ die just-now…”
Jane pulled Piper’s neck-collar… saying…
“Let’s go-home, Piper… because I’m ‘finished’ here with-him…”
Kerubiel saw the Blind-one and her-dog – leaving him alone-at the creek… he shouted-out…
“…you can’t ‘escape’ the fate of your-curse, Blind-one … it is ‘destined’ you will forget ‘both’ of your-soulmates… because you-are Mother Venus’ chosen-one…”
It was windy at the main-gate of the Garden-of-Eden, when the veiled-clad Jane was riding on-the-back of Piper as it raced-home… before the-storm…
They were pacing through snowy wasteland tundra – and-the semi-naked Jane shivered in hypothermia as she hung-on tight her furry Siberian-huskie-hybrid dog for-warmth.
The shivering blindfolded-girl hung-on on the running dog’s neck… burying her-face in its fur as she ‘knew’ that Piper can ‘find’ their-way home… until she heard-chasing…
… maniacal-laughter coming at the-rear…
‘… oh-no… Peter ‘has’ found-me…’
Piper ran-faster – but the hopping albino-quokka was closing-in…
“You can run but you ‘can’t’ hide-from me, you Blind-one…!!!”
The incubus stood on the saddle of the moving quokka and… reached-out to grab the veil strapped on the blind-tween’s body…
… Peter pulled-it…
… and the naked-girl was dismounted-from her-dog… and fell-rolling on the sleet-of-snow – the incubus-too leapt below and landed-on his-feet…
Piper turned-back… only to-collide-hard into the charging enormous-quokka… its hind-leg kicked the dog like a rugby-ball – and the canine boomeranged in mid-air… and fell-rolling injured on the hard-ground…
The incubus walked-over to the blindfolded fallen-tween – who was dazed and crawling away from the sex-demon… who was about to pounce-and-rape…
“HaHaHa! Where do-you think you’re going, my sweet-Soulmate…? Looks like I’m going to taste your-sweetness in-the-snow, like I always ‘had’ fantasized…”
The injured Jane crawled-away terrified from Peter’s looming voice – as she turned her-head … and through-the-blindfold seeing the menacing red-glow closing-in…
The incubus with an aroused donkey-sized private-part… was about to dive-and-feast…
The wounded-Piper gathered it-last strength to stand-and-fight – the hulking-quokka was rushing-in to attack… the growling dog-too ran head-on…
… Piper pounced-on Joey-Walker in-mid-air – WHILE TRANSFORMING into the silverback grey-lycan… who clawed and bit the quokka’s left-ears-and-cheek when both the creatures brawled to-the-death…
The incubus was taking-its-time – to intimidated the blind-tween – before it defiled-her…
“Child! SUBMIT YOURSELF… to-me…!!!”
Naked-Jane stopped crawling-away in-retreat… the blind-tween wearing blindfold turned her-head to the sex-demon and firmly-said…
… her-3rd-eye ‘opened’ – from the scar on-her-forehead…
… a bright fiery-golden beam blasted… hitting the incubus – who sprawled on-the-snow in-pain… clutching its groins… spewing curses in its-mother-tongue…
Jane got-up on her knees, hearing cries-of-agony – she then heard ‘another’ voice…
… the wolfman growled her name – as he came running-on-his 4s – after leaving the half-dead wounded quokka-behind…
The lycan saw the wounded long-tail incubus sprawling-below in the sleet – the werewolf turned to blind-Jane…
“Do I ‘kill’ it…?”
“… no…”
Strong north-pole winds blew in the wasteland tundra, as they looked a-while at the screaming fallen-demon holding the crouch-of his-loincloth… suffering-pain like-it’s from dying a-thousand-death…
The blindfolded Jane then-said…
“…Piper, I want to go-home…”
… the lanky-werewolf dropped on-its-4s and – and morphed into a half-breed Siberian-huskie… and before the blind-tween got-on the dog’s-back, Jane took a ‘final-look’ at the red-glow – and warned…
“PETER! You don’t ever ‘DISTURB-ME’ again in my-sleep – STAY-AWAY from-me… or I’ll ‘give’ you MORE-PAIN!!!”
The naked-girl sat on the dog and rode-off towards the first-ray of dawn on the horizon… riding far-away from the nocturnal Dreamworld…
… leaving the ‘injured-and-defeated’ Peter alone-behind…
A Slip Of The Force
During the New Sith Wars, The Black Sun, worried about their business goes about investing large resources into a project they dubbed Harbinger; to act as the safe guard against the Jedi, Sith and other syndicates that would be intent on removing them from power, if the opportunity shows itself. As such they created a one of kind killing machine, made up of some of the most dangerous races in the known galaxy. But due to unknown sabotage their plans are ruined and their organisation set back centuries in the many plans. Follow this entity on it's journey through the galaxy, as it stumbles upon one mess after another and tries to find its purpose in this vast galaxy. This is my own little star wars fantasy and wish fulfilment so don't come expecting overly complex plots and fully fleshed out galaxy. Hopefully I will be able to make this fun. Also I won't be decribing the species often, so you're going to have to look them up yourself. There are just too many to constantly be describing them beyond their garb.
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Arty and Eli live normal lives. They excel in their academics and are respected as leaders. They also hide their powers in order to live quiet lives, free from the politics that stick so closely to their family.This freedom is shattered when they return to a home set ablaze. Their names are slandered in the street when they're accused of crimes they didn't commit.Cold. Afraid. Alone.Where are they to run, when men in black are hunting them down?This is the story of a pair of twins, Arthur and Eliana Lane, as they make their Descent.[A Royal Road exclusive.]
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Reincarnated Nobility
There is a kingdom in a world of magic where children with the best scores in subjects from agriculture, to politics, to magic are selected to join the prestigious school, Nobility, to be trained as the country’s next generation of leaders. I am one of those children, and I have my eyes set on the position of Queen… but people keep misunderstanding everything! The Queen and the King are never married, by law. They are just coworkers who happen to live in a giant castle. Why do I want to be Queen? Well, I used to be a person from some lame place called Earth, and here the Queen governs magic! This was an otome game? So? (Warning, this story is a definite first draft and my current focus right now is finishing it. Editing will come later) This story can also be found at https://jlynnbattleworthystories.wordpress.com
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Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.
WARNING!!! The mc of this novel is weak(mentally) and thus unlikable. The story also has a tag SLOW-PACE. Which means there won't be a lot of actions going on from the get-go.Erlig, a senior in a respectable college lived his whole life without knowing such a word as trouble. Stable life with no accidents, great parents, and a good friend. Gaming was his hobby.But when he tried a new game something happened to him.He was trapped in a new world as the protagonist of this game. The worst is that he was cuckolded, humiliated, and beaten down. Not knowing how this happened he now forced to live a different life.Those things, that looked like fiction in the game turned out to be much more real. He is forced to confront the dark and grimy world that looks much harsher than what he always saw. The only things that left in his changed world, is his meager knowledge of the game and his, own, self.Given such a miraculous opportunity, he is forcibly taken out from his bubble and placed between a choice.To break and fall or to forever change his fate, his life, and everything around him. A little description to give a better understanding of what this story is about. It's my vision on a fusion of Korean fighting manhwas and Korean r-18 romance manhwas with the protagonist that is not typical to those particular works.Author's note: As this is my first novel and English is not my native language any criticism would be appreciated. Release schedule: At least one chapter every week.I also post on Scribble Hub and Webnovel.
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Immortal Ascension Tower
Foretold to liberate the Heavenly Realm of its Tyrant, a child of prophecy was thrust into centuries of struggle and loss.Though Xu Ling persisted on this arduous path for three hundred years, his efforts still failed him at the last step. His blue eyes closed then, in eternal rest.The myriad worlds grieved at his untimely end, and the rekindled ember of hope extinguished with him: Heaven's Tyrant Tian was to oppress forever on. A thousand years after the demise of Xu Ling, a lower world exists in a remote corner of the vast Heavenly Realm. There, a child lies supine by a burning village. Wistfully, he looks at the night sky. The rekindled ember greets the stars of his fallen companions, the strange entity that had freed him dormant in his consciousness:"Fret not and watch over me, you all,"he reassures them,"As our conflagration again blazes at the loathsome despot usurping the Highest Throne."
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The Vampire Diaries Preferences & Imagines
Damon Stefan Klaus Kol Elijah Jeremy Kai I don't own TVD or the pics i'll put in
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