《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 3: 2 Months Ago… [Part 2] – Jane Wilson
… Jane Wilson was having THE ‘SAME’ recurring nightmares for the past 2 months – where she was naked-and-alone at night in the GARDEN OF EDEN… and there were those frightening ‘sounds’ which were CHASING HER – which were ‘more’ of horses’ trampling-hoofs…
… it reminded her of the ‘OTHER-PERTH,’ WHERE – Asmodeus’ hunter-demons have caught her-and-her Virgo-sisters… where THEY WERE TRANSPORTED to the Underworld on the horsebacks of DEMONIC-CENTAURS…
… it was terrifying for the blind-aura of Jane with the ‘TALKING-HORSES’ – ‘hearing’ the herd of ANGRY-AND-WILD Sagittarius-men shouting among themselves as they galloped to their ‘master’s grand palace – where…
… Jane was TO-BE ‘SACRIFICED’ as the child-bride of Asmodeus.
But in Perthland… the blind-Jane Wilson had regained her ‘eyesight’ for 5 days as a teenager – where HER-AURA HAD SEEN with her 3rd-eye of a cackling incubus with Peter’s face – ‘escaping’ into a portal ‘after’…
… raping the insentient body of her sleeping teen-host… SAYING…
“… till we meet-again in another-world in another time, Janey…”
In her current nightmare, the naked Jane was running away from a single-centaur ‘ridden’ by the incubus-Peter. She ran among the trees in the GARDEN-OF-EDEN…where even the animals-and-cupids too ‘hid-afraid’ – while ‘evil demons sometimes ‘invaded’ the neglected ‘once-holy-paradise’ of the Abrahamic-faiths.
In-most of the nights, the terrified blind-girl had successfully STAYED ‘HIDDEN’ in the bushes – and the frustrated incubus would leave at ‘dawn’ to return ‘ANOTHER’ NIGHT to ‘hunt’ her…
… but ‘not’ on the days… where SHE HAD her menstrual bleeding…
“… I can ‘smell’ you – my sweet-sweet virgin-Janey…”
The nude-Jane screamed as she ran away from the chasing sound – of charging-hoofs and the screeching maniacal-laughter of Peter behind her…
… who-then grabbed-hard of her blonde-dreadlocked hair to pull-her-down to the ground – that snapped the ends her braids-of-hair from her-head…
… before the incubus leapt on top of her-body – TO RAVISH HER…
In her bedroom, blind-Jane dropped from her queen-sized bed to the rugged floor… SCREAMED HYSTERICALLY as she fought off an invisible ‘rapist’ whom she ‘imagined who was attacking her…
… Lola rushed to the room, to see the delirious Jane crying-out…
“I hate you, Peter! I HATE YOU – you will ‘not’ rape me…!”
“Jane! Calm-down… you’re ‘had’ a bad-dream!”
Hugging, the blind-tween broke down in tears on the house-nanny’s shoulder…
“… Lola, I hate him…”
“… You’re ‘safe,’ Jane… it’s just a ‘bad-dream’…”
Lola noticed that the frightened Jane in her pyjama had peed-herself… and bled-too in her monthly period…
… the housekeeper guided the blind-girl to the bathroom to clean-her-up…
The cheerless-and-dour blind-girl sat quietly in the bathtub – as Lola used a sponge to bathe her…
This was the 2nd time Jane had a panic attack from her nightmares – Lola remembered the last time where from the kitchen – she saw the blind-girl screaming her head-off while running-out from her room ‘like-someone-was-chasing-her’… where she then tripped half-way down the stairs and sprained her ankle…
…Jane pleaded the nanny to ‘not’ tell HER MOTHER that she fell, as Shelley expected Lola to ‘report’ of any incident that happened to her children while she was at work at the clinic…
… Lola promised that she would ‘not’ tell, as she found that both mother-and-daughter were not’ in speaking-terms for a couple of months since-that – Shelley was ‘not’ pleased that her B-girl was ‘close’ to the Walker-twins…
… Lola of the post-Treeton timeline HAVE ‘NOT’ MET the Walker-twin until – she ‘met’ them when Shelley ‘invited’ the inspector-and-her-sons for lunch… where she spoke with Peter – who had impressed-her with his ‘smatter’ of speaking Tagalog catch-phrases…
… then, after the black panther attack, Shelley had been ‘bad-mouthing’ the twins ‘more’… it did ‘not’ concern Lola much… as it were incidents out-of her ‘supervision’… where it happened at-school.
… but the housekeeper ‘knew’ that Jane was suffering from depression for the last 2 months. She had lost her appetite and shed a lot of weight… looking gaunt and sickly… with dark-rings forming in her lower eyes of sleep deprivation.
Jane was in her school holidays with her parents off-to work…
… previously, for over-2-years – Lola’s job at the Wilsons was ‘simpler’ where she had to tend the house-chores and take care of Samuel. Jane who was 10 years older from her baby brother – needed ‘LESS’ SUPERVISION even-thought she was blind…
… during the past-term breaks, Jane was independent and managed her time on her own in her bedroom busy-doing her things. Lola knew her as a proverbial-cat and a studious-girl who would be ‘seen’ learning something ‘new’ to satisfy her blind-curiosity… or…
… she would-be socializing for hours with her best-friend-Alicia…and Lola at-times had a hard time calling her to come downstairs to eat-lunch with little-Samuel.
But these days, Lola noticed that the blind-tween spent hours ‘alone’ on her bed and in deep-thoughts… with her eyes wide-open – too afraid to-go-to sleep…
… Lola dare ‘not’ approach Shelley to hint to her – that Jane was suffering from depression, where it was ‘NOT’ HER PLACE to say that to a ‘qualified doctor… who would know ‘more’ about the mental-health-issues of her daughter…
… furthermore, her employer was ‘not’ an approachable person and was ‘bossy’… and, even was antagonistic to her ‘own’ blind-daughter…
As a mother-of-3 herself, the ‘concerned’ housekeeper wanted to help the dejected-Jane and be ‘there’ for the tween’s needs. But first she ‘needed’ to gain the blind-girl’s trust… while Jane being a ‘PRIVATE-PERSON’ herself.
In the bathtub, sat a skinny glum-and-disheartened blonde-haired tween, in deep thoughts… with her blind eyes-wide staring at the wall-tiles…
… Lola had finished sponging Jane’s back… observing the quiet girl – the nanny genteelly massaged her neck to relax-her…
… it worked – Lola saw her finally shut her-eyes… with her-breath too had-then shallowed…
Lola told in a concerning voice…
“… no worries, Jane… Mummy wouldn’t know ‘what’ happened just now, okay…?”
The silent blind-girl slowly nodded…
‘… she-is-still ‘not’ talking’ Lola thought…
“… what ‘happened’ just-now… is it a bad-dream, dear…? Why are you having them… these nightmares…?”
“… don’t know… just nightmares, I guess…I don’t know…”
“Did Peter ‘touch’ you… inappropriately in school…?”
Jane scoffed and her voice grew…
“He ‘dares’ touch-me… I’ll ‘blast’ him dead!”
‘… huh… what ‘did’ I say…? Lola SHOULD ‘NOT’ KNOW about my-other-self as StarGirl…’
“… no-Lola… ‘only’ in my dreams… Peter… ‘disturbs’ me in my sleep…”
“… does… Peter ‘touch’ you in those bad-dreams…?”
Blind-Jane nodded…
… Lora remembered her homeland’s Filipino folklores in Cebu, of the Visayas provinces…
…where an entity called Lilu – who ‘disturbs’ maiden-girls in their sleep.
After her bath, Jane dressed up… Lola sat her on her bed and… spent time talking to her – while her baby-brother, downstairs…
… who ‘needed’ less supervision these days since he was glued-and-fixated on the telly – watching Blue-ray of the live-animated Disney’s Lion King… for the 100th time.
Using a hair-blower, Lola dried Jane’s damp blonde-hair… and combed and styled her dreadlocks – while Lola-herself was now in-deep thoughts of the night-stalker, Lilu…
… those were tales of the demon who came at night, to have ‘sex’ with young girls, that Lola heard while growing up in her village – but have ‘not’ encountered anyone who was ‘disturbed’ by the paranormal supernatural entity…
… but Lola had watched a film called ‘The Exorcist’ – of-a horrifying Christian-based true-story…
… wherein the film – A YOUNG-GIRL who was demonically-possessed… and 2 Catholic priests were called to cast-out the demon in a horrific exorcism-ritual…
The staunch-Catholic nanny removed her crucifix-pendant and put it onto the neck of the blind-girl… as she mumbled prayers…
“You wear this, but… promise-me… you won’t tell your mummy that I gave it to you – and SAY PRAYERS before you sleep…”
The atheist blind-girl was dumbfounded… as she told Lola that she doesn’t know ‘any’ prayer – Lola taught her the ‘Hail Mary’… and blind-Jane ‘memorized’ it…
“… but-Lola, I’m ‘not’ Christian… will it ‘work’…?”
“If you earnestly believe it in your-heart, it will ‘work’ – it is the Power-and-Blood of the living Christ that compels all bad-spirits… whether they are Christians or ‘not’…”
Jane felt relief with someone to talk-to – and began TO OPEN-UP ‘more’ to Lola… ‘lifting’ her ‘burden’ from her troubled heavy-heart…
… she ‘seek-out answers – while still maintaining her secret superhero identity of fighting supernatural evil from the Underworld dimension…
… of those ‘who’ attempted to rape-her ‘before’…
“Lola, do you know ‘about’ Asmodeus… is he ‘mentioned’ in church…?”
“No… ‘who’ is he…?”
The Christian-Lola would ‘not’ know of Asmodeus… where the demonic-Djinn was ‘mentioned’ MORE IN THE ‘other’ Abrahamic holy-books of Judaism and Islam…
“Jane, ‘who’ is he… Asmodeus…?”
“… never mind…”
Lola saw her back-to her quiet self in deep-thoughts – so the housekeeper ‘distracted’ her with an activity…
“I need to get back to cook lunch – come-Jane, you’re ‘helping me…”
“… huh… I don’t know how-to cook…”
“Come, I’ll teach you how to cook Pancit Canton…”
Lola held her hand and they left the bedroom – as the nanny wanted to take her mind off… before it ‘became’ idle – as ‘into’ the devil’s playground.
In the kitchen, Lola first guided Jane to use the electrical induction cooker – by clicking the knob…
“… one-click is low heat… 2-clicks is for-medium… and 3-clicks is for high-heat… you ‘play’ around-with those ‘clicks’ when cooking…”
Lola then put a flat-based wok on top of the electric cooker, and added oil… and a moment later she added onion-and-garlic – she then-put a metal-spatula into blind-Jane’s hand…
“… one-click the low-heat… now stir it, Jane – don’t let it burn…”
The excited blind-Jane was giggling to herself WHILE ‘LEARNING’ a new skill… and fragrant-aroma rose into her nostrils as she stirred the vegetable oil…
Even Piper in the backyard was barking in delight – as it too got the scent of Lola’s cooking.
The housekeeper next added sliced-pork, sausages and shrimp before instructing…
“Click to medium heat and keep stirring…you’re doing fine, Jane… and hold-on firmly to the wok-handle…”
Jane ‘heard’ the hissing sound in the wok which grew-louder as the meats seared-inside the utensil.
Lola told her then…
“I’m adding caramel-dark-soya-sauce and oyster-sauce now – we’re going to put-on the lid, let the meat braise with the sauces-and-oil… Jane, turn the knob to ‘low-heat’…”
The metal-lid cover put on the wok ‘masked’ the sizzling sound and oil-splatters… as both Lola and Jane waited…
Lola teased the tween… poking her-ribs…
“Today for lunch, your baby-brother and I are going to taste the delicious Pancit Canton noodles prepared by the master chef, Jane Wilson…”
“Stop it, Lola… it’s ‘not’ funny… the way I think… cooking is ‘more complicated’ than rocket-science…” said the bashful blind-girl – and they both laughed.
“Okay-girl, the meat is cooked-through – we add the snap-peas and diced-carrots into the wok, and season with salt-and-pepper… and finally we add the noodles in – and keep stirring Jane…the black sauce should cover the entire-noodles…before we turn-up the heat… to level-3, keep stirring Jane… don’t let the ‘bottom’ burn…”
Lola ‘assisted’ the blind-girl by holding her hand on Jane’s that held the metal-spatula… as they both stirred the noodles together…
… it ‘reminded’ her of her BFF Alicia – who ‘held’ her hand… to teach her ‘how-to’ self-defend with her baton-walking-stick…
They both vigorously stirred the noodle till it cooked-through…
… Jane remembered Lily Wang – Alicia’s older-cousin… an adult whom her BFF ‘trust’… now, Lola is the ‘adult’ blind-Jane trusted… in this post-Treeton realm…
“Okay-girl, we’re ‘done’ – turn the knob to switch-off the stove – now for the moment of truth… we going food-tasting…”
Lola then took 2 forks… and she put one in Jane’s hand, while the both of them forked-up a strand-of the dark-soy noodle each… and ate it…
“Congratulations, my dear-Jane – you ‘passed’ – now you can officially cook Pancit Canton … once you’re married in the future… your husband will love you ‘more’ for it!”
The delighted and giggling blind-tween hugged her nanny and kissed her cheek… and whispering to her-ears…
“Yes… Pauly will love it…”
“Are you referring to Paul Walker…?”
The bashful Jane nodded while still-hugging her housekeeper…
“Do YOU ‘LOVE’ him, Jane…?”
“Yes-yes, I love him very-much… and want to marry him after I graduate from school… and we’ll both ‘would’ raise our children with perfect eyesight…”
… it was the ‘happiest-Jane’ that Lola had seen-since from her-depression… and the Filipina responded by kissing her cheek back…
Unlike Peter, whom she spoke-to during the Walkers’ visit – Lola ‘saw’ his twin that day… as a ‘serious-and-quiet’ looking fat-boy on his-wheelchair…
… but her employer – Jane’s doctor-mother – ‘DESPISED’ BOTH the Walker-twins.
After they had lunch, blind-Jane wanted to feed the leftover noodles to Piper… locked in its cage at the backyard – although her parents ‘strictly’ – wanted the dog to be fed ‘only’ in dried-dog-food…
… but the blind-girl wanted TO ‘TREAT’ her pet with the noodles that SHE-COOKED.
The mixed-breed of an Alsatian-Siberian huskie-dog… wagged its tail as the gobbled-mouthfuls of the human-chow… while its pointed-ears were listening to the positive motivated Jane…
“… I ‘must’ get back-on my feet, Piper… although MY ‘PROBLEMS’ are ruining me day-by-day… I should ‘not’ think of the past bad-emotions – but-instead I should look forward ‘positively’ to the next term in school to make-up for my ‘failure’ in class…”
She then-thought of her boyfriend-Paul… whom she had ‘not’ heard from since their beach-trip from the school’s Family-Day picnic – but… was ‘afraid’ to call him too because…
… her doctor-mother ‘had’ installed an app to ‘monitor’ the B-girl’s incoming-and-outgoing calls in the Samsung – and each-time JANE CALLED PAUL…
… Shelley would ‘know’ it – and, that evening there WOULD-BE an argument of the mother wanting to ‘confiscate’ Jane’s cellphone… and her threatening TO SEND JANE ‘back-to’ her former school-for-the-blind, where it was ‘safe’…
… it would ‘normally’ end-up into a FAMILY ARGUMENT – when Anthony stepped-in to defend his daughter… and ‘everyone’ would-go to bed being-unhappy and resentful…
Jane sighed as she saw her dog eating…
‘… Pauly, if you are sad-too… talk to YOUR ‘DOG’… KITTY WOULD ‘listen’ to you…’
It ‘happened' on the morning of the first day of the term-break holiday, after the beach-trip of the SHS’ Family-Day – where her parents were at work ‘that’ morning and Jane was in her room alone-and-sulking…
…when the blind-girl ‘heard’ the sounds of 2 DOGS barking…
… Jane went downstairs to investigate…
At the front-gate was Lola shooing-away A BARKING DOG… the blind-tween asked from the doorway…
“Lola, what is going on…?”
“Jane! Get inside the house – there is a yellow-dog trying’ to get into our-compound…”
Judging by the ‘barks’ – Jane ‘distinguished’ that it was the Belgian Malinois named Kitty… WHO WAS Piper’s soulmate in the beast-world…
… as they did their ‘own-mission-adventures’ together… by bringing-down the criminal Hajji when he went to Stamford High, to raise terror…
…soon after that, the pregnant Kitty gave birth to 4 litter-pups at the Wilsons’ backyard – WHILE PIPER – WHO WAS ‘cursed’ of bitten-by Popobawa… left to be a renegade ‘lone-wolf’…
… at the other-Perth, Jane returned from school… to find Kitty’s 4 puppies – 3-females and a-male… where she named them…
… Do, Re, Mi – and the male… as Piper-Junior.
Piper barked hysterically, LOCKED IN its cage at the backyard…
… Jane remembered ‘RESCUING’ KITTY at the dog-pound recently with Paul – during the late-night zombie-curfew…
‘… Kitty has come to ‘visit’ Piper…’
Jane ran-up to the closed main-gate – where Lola was shooing the dog…
“Jane! Get in the house!”
… the blind-girl ignored her…
“Kitty! Come-Kitty-come…”
The moment the Belgian Malinois ‘saw’ Jane – IT BOLTED AWAY, with its tail-between its-legs…
… afraid of the mortal of-the-dog-pound…who last-seen HAD ‘INHUMAN’ POWERS – that melted-the-padlock of the cage… that it was in…
Jane was ‘momentarily’ SAD THAT DAY…when she ‘had’ lost Kitty – but she rejoiced that evening… when her BFF called her…
… Alicia who kept in-touch with her classmates in the holidays – had ‘called’ to check-on Paul, who-said to her – that he had ‘adopted’ a dog that day… and even-told ‘specifically’ to the Chinese-girl to inform her BFF…
‘Jane, I have ‘got’ Kitty – my mom ‘let’ me keep it…’
Piper was licking-clean of the last-of-the noodle’s oyster-sauce-gravy from its bowl… while his blind-master was still talking…
“… no worries, Piper – Kitty is IN SAFE-HAND… Pauly would take care of your ‘wife’ with so-much love… just like I’m-to-you…
“… sorry… that you ‘CAN’T’ SEE HER now – and make ‘babies’ with her – try to ‘understand, okay-boy… as the situation in this post-Treeton realm is ‘more-complicated’ than that of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo-and-Juliet’… and, hope you understand…?”
IN THE CAGE, was the Alsatian-Piper looking-out through the metal-bars… while panting with his salivating tongue hanging-out…
‘… does he understand’ me… or… does he ‘expect-me’ to serve him a 2nd serving of Pancit Canton…?’
… blind-Jane chuckled – and she walked into the house… saying…
“… anyway, I ‘was’ talking to – the ‘TALKING-DOG-PIPER’ of my-Dreamworld – and, that ‘dog’ UNDERSTANDS ME…”
From the backyard, Jane went into the house back in the kitchen to the dining table and sat – and was greeted by the cheery Lola…
“I fed your brother… and he loved your-noodles, Jane… he ate-it all-up, every strand of noodle of it …good-job… you passed Samuel’s tastebuds-testing...”
Jane just chuckled to the housekeeper… who was about to prepare the milk-bottle for Samuel’s nap-time…
‘… like baby-Yoda-Jaheem would ‘know-that’… he is ‘always’ watching and engrossed with the animal-shows on the telly – maybe someday, when he had ‘grown’… I let him ‘know’ that I cooked Pancit Canton for the ‘first-time’…and he ate it-all-up when he was a baby-boy…’
Jane heard Lola’s cheery-tone becoming into ‘troubled’ mumbling…
“… what is it, Lola…?”
“Your mummy did ‘not’ buy pure honey… I ‘even’ reminded her yesterday… and your dear brother doesn’t drink
unless sweeten with-honey… now-how, no honey…? Why your mummy didn’t buy…? Should I add artificial honey in the milk? Will he ‘like’ the taste to finish the bottle…? Would there-be any side-effects if I do that…?”
“…just use it, Lola… he’s ‘still’ a baby – and he won’t know the difference…”
Lola was puzzled for a moment in thoughts… before nodding. She went to the fridge, and took out a squeeze-bottle of artificial honey… served for breakfast in the Wilson household. She poured it into the hot-milk in the bottle and shook it-to mix.
“… hope it works – just like he ‘loved’ your noodles…”
Jane chuckled…
“… just-now… you ‘did’ 80% of the cooking – all I did was just ‘stir’ it…”
“… hahaha, come, I’m going upstairs with Samuel – are you coming…?”
“I think I’ll sit here for a while… I’ll come up later…”
“… okay, Jane… don’t ‘think’ too much… you’re ‘fine’…you-believe that, okay…?”
Lola left…
… but Jane went to ‘deep-thoughts’ again… of her bully-doctor mother…
After the black panther attack, the Wilsons MOVED BACK to the newly renovated residence – after a week-stay @the Hilton…
… and, one-evening during dinner – Shelley Wilson ‘started’ her nonsense…when…
… she told everyone on the table that – she had BOUGHT A GUN.
The passivist Anthony was angry with his wife – when she made a ‘serious-decision’ without consulting him… and…
… the strong-willed Shelley ‘fought’ back…
“What ‘would’ you bloody-do, Tony…hah!!? Jump in front of the black panther and fight it with a kitchen knife… you’ll be bloody EATEN-ALIVE in front of the children, you ignorant-man!”
The doctor-mother pointed at blind-Jane – who was quiet on the table…
“That disobedient B-girl IS RESPONSIBLE for this too – I ‘gave’ a bloody order to stay in her room… but-instead, she ‘took’ my baby ‘outside’ where the killer-animal was at – thank-Gawd that lightning ‘killed’ that beast… OR-ELSE, my-Samuel ‘could’ have been killed ‘that’ day!!!”
Anthony spoke-out…
“Hey! You don’t know ‘HOW-TO’ use a gun! You might shoot your kids instead… have you thought about-that!!?”
“I’LL ‘LEARN’ how-to shoot!”
“… but you might accidentally ‘kill’ someone… NO-SHELLEY, you’re returning it back to the shop – I don’t ‘want’ a dangerous weapon in my house!”
“NO TONY! I put my-foot down and that’s my ‘final’ bloody decision! I ‘need’ it for self-protection – for me and my-family – and I ‘KNOW’ WHAT I’M DOING in this matter as I ‘more’ bloody-responsible than you… you’re bloody-reckless with your ‘own’ health… your drinking-and-smoking in late nights… bloody squandering ‘our’ saving-away with your foolish ‘legacy-business’ decisions!”
“You’re ‘not making sense in buying that gun… what you think is the possibility of ‘another’ wild-animal trespassing into our house?”
“Yes, if a 4-legged beast would ‘not’ trespass here-again… A 2-LEGGED WILL – and… I’ll be ‘ready’ for him the ‘next’ time! You have taken-side of your B-girl and you don’t believe-me when I said that bloody Walker twin was ‘here’ on the night of the panther-attack – and he ‘was’ even there at the Hilton hotel… destroying the ‘evidence’ in our suite…”
“This is absurd – now you’re going to ‘SHOOT’ A KID… is that it…?”
“Yes, I WOULD – if that inspector-of-Perth mother ‘can’t’ control her-boys maybe’ I should… and, THOSE BOYS would ‘not’ make your B-girl ‘pregnant’ on my-watch!”
The blind-girl was literally stunned – ‘when’ she heard the absurd accusations coming across the table…
‘…oh-my-dog… Mummy has ‘gone’ crazy – she’s going to ‘shoot’ my Pauly…’
At the dining table, blind-Jane was distracted from her daydream – by the sounds of her dog whining in its cage at the backyard…
‘… be ‘patient’, Piper – I’m having a tough-time – with my ‘own’ love-life too…’
Jane stood-up and decided to go upstairs. As she stepped-on the stairs – her mind engaged into ‘another’ reverie of a recent incident…
On the 3rd day of her term-break holidays, Jane woke-up with a heavy-head in her queen-sized bed – her AI was charging overnight, and the blind-tween switched the charger-off…
… Jane usually did push-ups and hand-stand while SIMY was her AI I the other-Perth – but in post-Treeton, she was tired-and-exhausted due to ‘lack’ of GOOD-SLEEP…
She put-on the AI-headset and dark-glasses – and Boyyo gave her the ‘regular’ weather-report of Perth …
… while the AI synchronized with her dark-glasses… and it ‘did’ a routine 3-60 scan of the bedroom…
Boyyo said…
“I detect a ‘new’ toy in your doll-rack…”
“… what toy…? I don’t play with toys!”
… she remembered playing with dolls while she went to the school of the blind… but after she went to Stamford High SHE STOPPED PLAYING with her Barbie and other plush-toys… where she had been ‘busy’ with her interactive-AI, SIMY – but most of the old-toys were in a rack in the corner of the room on the other-side of the bed… where she ‘rarely’ walked…
She went-over to the doll-rack…
“Where Boyyo…? Direct my hand to it…”
… it was a plush toy…
“… describe it…?”
“… it’s a pink-elephant toy… who ‘gave’ it to you, Jane…?”
“I don’t know… it was ‘not’ here yesterday, right-Boyyo – did ‘you-not’ see, right…!!?”
“No, Jane, I did ‘not’ see too … you put-me in-complete shut-down mode –while charging ‘me’ last night…”
Jane was in deep-thought while figuring-out ‘who’ had gifted it – then Boyyo responded…
“Jane, I detect AN ABNORMALITY in the toy!”
“… huh… what? WHAT IS IT, Boyyo…!!?’
“… I have to ‘warn’ you that the right-eye of the toy is a SPY-CAMERA…! Who is ‘spying’ on you, Jane?”
Jane was suspicious…
“It’s Mummy!”
“Why is YOUR MOTHER ‘spying’ on you, Jane…?”
“Shut-up, Boyyo! Don’t ask too many-busybody questions!”
The blind-girl walked to her open room-door with the plush-toy…
‘… no respect for ‘my’ privacy…!’
… she threw it outside… and it fell in front of her parents’ bedroom. Jane slammed her door-shut…
She opened her room-door and entered – and she instantly ‘felt’ a bad-vibe looming inside. Her 3rd-EYE ‘OPENED’ – and saw the negative-aura was ‘more’ revealing in her queen-sized-bed. She thought of lying on the bed after her noodle-lunch… but she refrained…
… instead, blind-Jane sat at her desk – and ‘faced’ the queen-sized bed with a dark-marron bedsheet…
… it was the ‘same’ bed in the other-Perth, where Peter ‘first’ visited her in-her-dreams… with his ‘cursed-vibe’ Babolat tennis-racquet…
… Peter DISTRACTED HER with his PFC-plans – while in the ‘other’ room… the criminal-Hajji was ‘abducting’ her baby-brother-Jaheem, who was crying-out in fear…
… Jane instantly responded by ‘breaking-away’ from Peter… as she ran out of her room-door with her ‘baton’ to confront the home-intruder – but was punched in the eye…
… that knocked-her-out…
She stared ahead in her reveries…
… the ‘same’ bed too in post-Treeton was the hunting-ground for her nightmares… where the incubus-Peter was pursuing-and-hounding her naked-self in the Garden-of-Eden… and, it was terrifying ‘when’ he got close…
… and the mental-game of hide-and-seek – were ‘MORE’ EXHAUSTING than the nightmare-itself…
… so-much-so… during the final-term schooling – Jane went to school in a ‘zombie-state’ of sleep-deprivation… and was unfocused and sleepy in class…
… and her grades ‘slightly’ slipped as she dipped in her class-positioning in her final-term exams…
It used-to-be 2nd – after her BFF Alicia… but ‘now’ she was #4th…
… since Charlotte Thompson was ‘hospitalized’ during this term… Jane’s ‘other’ classmates Tina Moses and Mia Bradley had ‘taken’ the 2nd-and-3rd placing after the final exams...
Even Alicia-her-best friend had asked her… on her unexpected-performance…
“… is it your Mummy…?”
Jane shook her head tacit… as Shelley was partly-to-be blamed ‘too’…
… but the blind-BFF did ‘not’ tell Alicia…of Peter-in-her-nightmares as an incubus – and the hide-and-seek they ‘PLAYED’ ALL-NIGHT – as Jane did ‘not’ want her BFF…
... TO-BE INVOLVED in her ‘superhero-life’ just-as… she did in the other-Perth…
… and ‘paid’ the price of a head-injury and slipping into a coma…
Still at the desk, Jane was zoning-out with thoughts of her schooling during the last-term… she then yawned… but did ‘not’ want to step into her ‘inviting-bed’…
… the house was quiet except for Lola’s snoring… the nanny always took a power nap in Samuel’s bedroom, while the toddler napped after he was bottle-fed. And, later Lola would go downstairs to do the rest of the house-chores including cooking dinner before Shelley came home in the evening.
The blind-tween felt uncomfortable in her clothing – her brassieres were getting ‘tighter’ by the-days…
‘… my boobies are ‘growing’… and before long… I’ll be like teen-Jane-of-Perthland – wearing a 36 cup-size like mummy…’
Since she WAS ‘NOT’ IN speaking-terms with Shelley… she had been suffering the discomfort of wearing a tight-bra – in school-and-home…
‘… maybe I’ll tell Lola about it… and she’ll tell Mummy to buy me some… and, me and-my-bobbies will finally ‘get’ to breathe…’
Jane’s hand was under her tee-shirt at her back… as she unhooked the bra…
… she did ‘not’ place the clothing on the desk – where her AI-Boyyo was or-else… the ‘busybody’ would make a visual-scan… and ask stupid questions…
… Jane put her bra on her lap… and was scratching the tight-marks of her diaphragm-area from the tight garment’s gutters.
She yawned a couple of times – but still refrained from taking a nap – as the blind-girl ‘believed’ her queen-sized bed – WAS ‘POSSESSED’ and has a life-of its ‘own’…
… and, it at-times grouped her-body from beneath-her – during her after lunch-shuteye …
… or…
… she will have the ‘same’ recurring afternoon bad-dreams…
… in her empty hallways AT SCHOOL – where she was ‘alone’ and ‘trapped’ with no students around to assist her… as she was without her AI-and-walking-stick…
… ‘not’ only that… she was ‘also’ without her blazer and shirt…
The only uniform she wore was her short-skirt and her long-socked sneakers…
‘… where are the ‘rest of my-uniform… and where is everybody…?'
The blind-tween was crying alone as she gaited in the hallways… while calling out her classmates’ names – Paul and Alicia… while her left-hand was feeling the wall, and her right-hand was on her chest, protecting her-modesty…
… and, the recurring-dreams would end-up with a MANIACAL LAUGHTER at the end of the hall… with the terrified Jane running for her life FROM-THE-RED-GLOW…
‘… he’s coming… ‘Peter’ is coming…’
And, the blind-girl would always end-up in her empty-classroom… ‘hiding’ under her desk… and hyperventilating in the state of trepidation…
Then, enter Peter dressed up in a Halloween-costume as – THE SYMBIOTIC VENOM… an all-black garb with a fake-tail… would-call…
“JANEYYYY… hehehe, come-out-come-out… where ever you-are…hehehe…”
The topless blind-Jane shriek-out from her hiding… as she scrambled-out to the door…
… but the masked Peter pulled her dreadlocks – and SHE FELL to the floor… facing-him…
“… where do you think you’re going, Janey-my-soulmate…?”
On the floor, the petrified Jane covered her breasts with her hands, as Peter’s voice stalked – her spiking-and-pumping adrenaline, with her blind-senses going awry…
“… come-come, show me your growing lovely ‘puppies,’ hahaha– I want to play with them… kiss-them… and even bite-them, hahaha…”
… by-then…
… blind-Jane ‘would-be’ JOLTED FROM HER NAP…
… hyperventilating, in her state of disorientation and confused-blindness… and, would feel strong fright-tingles in her kidneys-and-pancreas…
Jane’s reveries ‘broke-to’ the sound of her dog’s barking outside the window. The blind-tween stood up from her desk… and shouted…
“Stop barking, Piper! The neighbour WILL COMPLAIN – AND MUMMY will ‘send’ you-away for adoption!”
… the dog stopped barking to the sound of-his-Master’s voice.
Lola called from Samuel’s bedroom…
“Jane… is everything ‘alright’…?”
“Yes-Lola, I… I was ‘talking’ to my stupid-dog…!”
Blind-Jane was still angry at Peter who – was ‘hunting’ her in her sleepless-nightmares like a demonic Freddie Kruger and – she woke up in the morning feeling miserable and mentally fatigued… and some days with migraines…
… she felt giddy and her knees buckled… and she sat-back at her desk and – recollected the long-tailed entity that ‘possessed’ Peter in her Dreamworld – and Jane became angrier…
‘… ‘why’ I can’t kill it… why am I’m ‘Supe-powerless’ in Garden of Eden…?’
The girl recalled in another multi-versed world known to Cursed-trio as the OTHER-PERTH, where she transformed AS STARGIRL and fought with entities of the Underworld – like the storm-controlling-BlackStar during Samuel-Jaheem’s abduction at the zoo…
… and the Egyptian demons Ammut-and-Ammit during the Perth’s Great Fires…
But in the 5 months in this realm of post-Treeton, she was ‘grateful’ that there were ‘no’ natural disasters ‘caused’ by the Underworld… because Peter WAS ‘BEHAVING’…
… but ‘something’ was ‘NOT’ RIGHT…
‘… is it called the-calm before the storm-situation…? What is Peter ‘planning’ to-do next…? I can’t feel his ‘aura’… BUT I ‘DO’ with my-other-beacon, Paul… ‘so-how’ is Peter ‘hiding’ his emotions – from the shared-collective-pool of ‘our’ Cursed-trio…?’
She also ‘blamed’ her Uncle Jack Turner – who showered Peter with gifts in post-Treeton…
‘… stupid-Uncle-Jack… WHY ‘DID’ you give the robotic-arm to him – and you’ve ‘ignited’ his tennis-playing dreams-and-passion… I know he’ll be ARROGANT ONCE AGAIN as I have ‘been’ involved in his PFC-grand-schemes in the other-Perth… where HE ‘USED’ me to win…
‘… and he’ll ‘misuse’ the robotic-arm too-to fight with other boys… and HE MIGHT’ even-hurt Paul too – as they live as ‘enemies’ – in the SAME HOUSE…’
The blind-tween was stressed by over-thinking of Peter’s unpredictable ploys in this post-Treeton where ‘everything’ seemed to be favouring him… according to her boyfriend Paul…
At night, the ‘POSSESSED’ PETER terrorized both Jane and Paul with nightmares – and deprived them of their good-night sleep… that left them to slipping-down in their study-grades – while Peter with the ‘use’ of his AI-Pete2.0 has improved in his studies.
‘… how do I ‘kill’ you, you long-tailed devil…?’
Jane ‘needed’ a drink to calm-her-nerves…
She took-out a key from her shorts pocket – and unlocked a drawer where a bottle of white wine which was wrapped in old-newspaper…
… it was a half-filled bottle and Jane took – a couple of swigs, and saving the rest for the night to ‘help’ her sleep…
… it was the 4th bottle since the last-school term – which she had ‘pinched’ from the cellar-pantry… where her father stocked the Wilson-household’s wine and liquor.
Whenever she ‘heard’ Lola cooking in the kitchen, the blind-tween as quiet-as-a-mouse sneaked downstairs and raid the pantry… where there was a stack of wine bottles in cartons. She would ‘feel’ the cartons with her-fingers to find the ones opened… and, wrap a bottle-up in old-newspaper to bring it back to her room.
It was 50-50 – choice of either red or white wine… as the blind-girl drank to ‘know’ which-was-which…
… but she preferred the red to white – but unfortunately, SHE ‘WAS’ BLIND and there was no-way that she had a choice to pick the right ‘one’…
… she perceived that white-wine tasted ‘more’ like champagne – a ‘celebration’ drink without the bubbles… where Anthony poured Jane a half-glass every New Year where the family toasted…
She loved red-wine ‘more’ as it was for ‘thinkers’ – like her…
Similarly, the blind-girl sneaked downstairs when the housekeeper was cooking – to get rid of the evidence EMPTY-BOTTLE wrapped in newspaper into the garbo, before her doctor-mother returned home… where she used her baton-walking stick to ‘poke’ the empty-bottle to go below the other garbage…
… she wouldn’t bring Boyyo in her ‘raids’– as the ‘BUSYBODY’ WOULD-ask too many ‘stupid’ questions to ‘irritate’ her.
Blind-Jane swigged the bottle and drank more –and placed her ear to green-bottle… and shook it – and realizing it was ‘only’ quarter left… for tonight…
‘.. I need to ‘raid’ tomorrow – hope for ‘red’…’
… but her ‘guilty-conscious ‘kicked-in’….
‘… should I drink tonight-or ‘not’…? Then… what about the crucifix-and-Hail Marys that Lola ‘taught’ me…?’
The atheist-tween then mumbled the ‘memorised’ Lola’s prayer – AND WANTED to make-SENSE OF the Hail-Mary:
Hail Mary, Full of Grace – the Lord is with You
‘…who is ‘this’ Lord…? Is it Mother Mary’s husband…?’
Blessed are You, Amongst women
‘… so, in Christianity, this Mother Mary is just ‘like’ Mother Venus…’
And, Blessed is the Fruit of Your-Womb – Jesus
‘… yes… Jesus who died a-long-time-ago on the cross – and Christians since-then utilized the crucifix-amulet to use His-Power to fight Evil…’
Holy Mary, Mother of God – Pray for us, Sinners now
‘… what are ‘sins’ to Christian…? Do I have to ‘believe’ in-them to ‘qualify-to-achieve’ POINTS… so the Holy Mary’s prayers ‘would-work’ for me… for Her-Son to ‘fight’ Peter – who is a ‘possessed’ Christian – as the Cursed-one of Asmodeus…?’
And at the Hour of our-Death – Amen
‘… if these nightmares don’t go-away – the stress and the exhaustion would ‘kill’ me… and Pauly too…’
Jane had many unanswered-questions to ask….
‘… should I ‘ask’ Lola… but she’s ‘busy’ cooking… or…’
… she thought of Paul – and WANTED TO HEAR his voice ‘badly’… as it was 4 days since she ‘last’ spoke to him in the term-holidays – and she called him…
… and, defying Shelley’s warning to her that – she COULD ‘TRACT’ the B-girl’s outgoing-call to the Walker-twins with HER-APP…
… and, she-also ‘bought’ A GUN TOO…
… to ‘keep’ those BOYS AWAY…
At the Walkers. Paul was playing Dota…his only’ escapism from depression of the boredom of ‘home-alone’ during his-term holidays…
… since a week-ago finish ‘bingeing’ 3 seasons-of-Korean dramas until the 4th season ‘come’ next-year…
‘…reversed T-minus 4 days…’
It was where Jane called-last – 4 DAYS-AGO…
… angry at her doctor-mother –of putting a spy-cam in her room…
At that precise moment, his iPhone rang…
… his girlfriend had face-timed… Paul ‘thought’…
‘… what is your gripe-of-today, Jane…?’
She was cheery that afternoon – but there was something was ‘wrong’ with her complexion … too rubicund…
‘… it was ‘not’ the tan we ‘got’ at South Beach a-while-ago – that ‘faded’ last week – you’ve ‘been’ drinking, haven’t you., Jane…?’
Paul saw Jane on the iPhone screen holding a crucifix-pendent that she wore…
“Look-Pauly, I got a Jesus-cross – Lola gave it to me and she also taught me the Hail Mary prayer – I want to recite it tonight… and hope it works and ‘scares’ Peter-away…”
Paul was alarmed…
“… huh… you ‘TOLD’ Lola…?”
“Yes, Peter the incubus pulled my hair last night – I woke-up screaming and Lola came – I told her Peter is disturbing’ my sleep at nights… and she ‘helped’… and now I ‘trust’ Lola…”
Paul was quiet as he listened to the conundrum of him-and-Jane who were dealing with their personal ‘depressions’ in the post-Treeton realm on their-own for over-5-months…
… he knew Jane was having THE ‘WORST’ of Peter’s nightmares – with her-alone and in-fear… while in the Garden of Eden being ‘HUNTED’ BY his twin…
… while Paul’s ‘own’ nightmares were there to ‘SHAME’ HIM – when he ‘spied’ on Peter having sex with his-Janey in his bedroom… and these-days the settings of his room differed like into a Playboy-Penthouse high-production porn-set with cameras pointing – on his marron-coloured silk bedding… as Paul ‘suspected’ that his twin was seeing a lot of porn-videos during the holidays and was ‘fantasizing’ about Jane…
… while-as a by-stander ‘audience’ – the cripple was ‘reduced’ TO ‘WATCH’ their bed-time passionate-action – and woke-up in the morning with a wet-dream of his ‘own’ girlfriend…
… Jane had ‘asked’ several times of what was his nightmares WERE ‘ABOUT’ – but Paul ‘refused’ to say – as the ‘guilt-trip’ of being the cuckold boyfriend…
“… okay-Jane – ‘ONLY’ TO LOLA… don’t share the nightmares stories with Alicia – or your Uncle Jack, okay…?”
Blind-Jane nodded as she smiled… her fingers were ‘toying’ with the crucifix hung around her neck…
Paul sighed at the sight…
‘… what has this post-Treeton had ‘come’ to… when a superhero like Jane would ‘treat’ the Holy-cross as a trinket-amulet to ‘ward-off’ Peter… her ‘simplistic’ gettable solution for a non-believer to ‘protect’ herself – even though she was ‘not’ baptized as-a Christian…
‘… reminded me of Peter – who ‘used’ to wear an African necklace for ‘good-luck’ before the ‘accident’…’
“… Pauly, do you think IT WILL WORK – Lola ‘even’ taught me the Hail Mary…”
The crippled-tween was speechless…
… it had been some weeks since he ‘stepped into the St Michaels church wherewith no Masses-said at the church – which ‘was’ in a ‘zombie-lockdown’ as it was close to the city
… and, he had ‘not’ been praying too at night ‘before’ sleeping… as he too ‘was’ losing his-faith…
“… well… would it work…?” asked Jane.
“… huh… it depends… “Paul responded…
… ‘not’ satisfied with his answer, Jane said…
“Sure, it must work, right…?”
“… seriously… I don’t know…”
The blind-girl spoke her-mind…
“I had ‘analysed’ the Hail Mary – I find it’s too ‘feminine’ for you – you might know some ‘other’ male-voiced prayers which you chant like war-songs, thumping onto your-chest to summon your Guardian-angel, St Michael – to fright-off Peter and his Asmodeus’ demons, right…?”
Paul busted into laughter hearing of – Jane’s ‘concept’ of prayers…
“Nonsense – you’re drunk…?”
Jane chuckled…
“Yes, a ‘little-bit’ drunk… I ‘need’ to drink so I can strategize myself – to ‘hide’ when Peter ‘comes’…”
“… but-Jane, it’s ‘showing’ in your face – don’t let ‘YOUR’ MUMMY catch you!”
… the mention of the doctor-mother – triggered the blind-girlfriend into an angered-fits of rants…
“Hah! Don’t talk about my-Mummy – I HATE HER for having her-say on ‘who’ I can talk and see with her bloody-app in her phone… WHO IS SHE to ‘say’ that I can’ talk to my boyfriend!!?
“She is the one who speak ‘nonsense’ – that by TALKING TO YOU that I can be pregnant… WHAT AN IDIOT… and she calls herself as a learned doctor!!? She is the ‘worst’ version of ‘my-mothers’ that I’ve faced so-far…
“She has no ‘right’ to control me like this – I have the rights to my ‘own’ body… I can ‘do’ whatever I want with it – even this…”
Blind-Jane then lifted her t-shirt – and exposed her-breasts to Paul…
…Paul ‘gawked-in-shock’…
“Jane! Put your shirt-down!”
The teasing Jane giggled and jiggled herself…
“… what’s wrong…? I’m showing them to ‘my’ boyfriend, aren’t I 'not' …?”
“I’m going to hang-up if you DON’T BEHAVE – ‘when’ you’re drunk…you’re the idiot…”
Still chuckling, Jane let her t-shirt-down – and covered her breasts up, saying…
“Alicia told me that most of our classmates have shown their boobies to their boyfriends…”
“I’m ‘NOT’ THOSE kind-of boyfriends…”
“… I ‘know’… I’m ‘sorry,’ Paul… DON’T HANG-UP, please…”
“Come-on, we’re underaged minor ‘kids,’… let’s behave like as ‘regular’ kids from now-on – and ‘not’ getting ahead of ourselves – or-else we are NO-DIFFERENT than Peter, his-girlfriend and his-backbencher-friends… we have a whole-lifetime ahead of us – with our-schooling, our-graduation and our-careers… let us get ‘into’ that path instead – where we can ‘share-and-cherish’ moments our love-and-care together to-one another… can we do that, Jane…?”
… blind-Jane was in-tears, while nodding and replying…
“I’d love that, Pauly – I love you soo-much… and, THAT DAY at the beach, when we-laid together in the sand… I was thinking of ‘ourself’ getting married someday – and I’ll give birth to our’ healthy children… who ‘could’ see-and-walk… are you ‘with-me,’ Paul…?”
… now Paul ‘was’ silent and choked-up in tears – while Jane did ‘not’ hear his-reply…
“Do you someday want to ‘marry’ … a blind-girl, Paul?”
“Of-course, Jane – I do want to marry-you… I love you with all my heart-and-soul…”
They ‘both’ chuckled – and the blind-girl went on saying…
“… we’ll get married in the St. Michael’s Church… we’ll have our-own house and – you can work from-home and… we’ll live there happily-in-love and… we’ll ‘raise’ and look after our children…
“I’ll cook for you – yes, I ‘can’ cook now… Lola ‘had’ taught me… you ‘should’ have tried my-Pancit Canton noodles just now – you’ll love it, Pauly… it has got pork and seafood in it…”
“Yes, I would love to eat your noodles someday, Jane…” Paul laughed. Jane then said…
“Where do we have our-honeymoon…? How about The Garden-of-Eden – I’ve been there, and even though I’m blind but it feels like in-a paradise with birds-and-cupids singing in the air…and breathing the fresh heavenly-air – ooo, so good…
… as we walk there, holding hands like Adam-and-Eve… you’ll love it there, Pauly!”
“… err… ‘never’ been there like you…” The boyfriend said...
“I’ll ‘take’ you THERE SOON… once Mother Venus comes ‘home’…”
“Yea, I’ve ‘met’ her once… your Virgo-soul Mother… now, she’s on the run with your Virgo soul-sister and the hologram of ‘your’ perfect-mother… I wonder ‘how’ are they?
“They are all-fine ‘somewhere’ – MERCURY IS ‘protecting’ them…”
“What if the Red-demon was CAPTURED OR KILLED by Asmodeus’ demons? What would ‘happen’ to those women…?
Jane shuddered to ‘that’ thought…
“Please don’t say ‘bad’ things like that, Paul – Mercury is fine-and-well too and is protecting the women from all evil…”
Paul sighed deep…
“What’s wrong…?” Jane asked…
“Why is that I ‘feel’ helpless even as a superhero, Jane… you ‘feel’ that too, right…? We both don’t have any superpowers as Gemini-Blue and StarGirl in certain realms… like for-instance, the Garden-of-Eden – but Peter HAS POWERS over there… and he’s hunting you ‘every-night’ by giving you nightmares… I feel ‘useless’ when I can’t protect you… where-else he shapeshifts as an incubus and riding on demonic centaur… if I was there too, how am I to chase him… riding on my wheelchair…!!?”
“Don’t worry, dear… ‘trust’ me on-this… BY DRINKING he can’t find me – ‘when’ my senses are in a sloshed state – and… I ‘CAN-HIDE’ from him…”
“But you a minor… and you should ‘not-be’ drinking as it damages your body – how could you give birth to ‘healthy’ children someday… hah…!!?
Paul was quiet – and his blind-girlfriend coaxed his ‘injured’ ego…
“… Pauly, you ‘always’ are my Tarzan… and… I’m ‘your’ Jane – I love you very-much… I ‘always ‘feel ‘safe’ with you – as you’re my ‘protector’…”
- In Serial15 Chapters
Terra Nostra
His life wasn't pleasant. He keep trying but it wasn't enough. Nobody was there to rely on. He give up. A God give him another chance. A test for himself to try seeing what he really worth. Would he shine? Would he find his way? In a world where there's no hope, where injustice lay in every corner, he will make a place for those in despair. Join the journey of our MC, in a world of magic and swords.
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Afghan Embassy member, Mohammad Ul Haq, gets murdered in 4th July behind the curtain of canceled conference in White House. This catapults Detective Nathan Camshron into sequences of deadly dilemmas. Besides these conflicts, murders keep happening as well as constant attempts to take lives. Things are getting out of hands now. An international plan from the culprit is about to get activated. And its prevention depends on Camshron…
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Dark Storm
The System World is a famous game played by nearly billion people worldwide. Clint Hein who strives to work in spite of poverty was forced to play because he could hear and listen to the news of the game where many had become rich here. But he doesn't know how to do it. That is why he simply continues to play, along with work to provide for the family while the whole body and the mind are in the work and play. However, the whole world does not know that System World is the only way to survive the invasion.
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HIS WHAT?!? (Yarichin Bitch Club x Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]
SEEING AS TO HOW I CAN NEVER WRITE TO UPDATE, THIS STORY IS NOW DISCONTINUED!I'm really sorry for not being able to continue the story, but I'm always dealing with writer's block when I want to update. I'm also always busy it seems so I don't have the time to write either. I'm really sorry though!The story we all know and love is not as it seems, for what if Toono had a boyfriend all along?And what if that boyfriend decided to go to Mori Mori Academy with him and join the "photography club"?All questions will be answered here. Continue reading to find out how this story will go.Warning: mature content, cursing, yoai, slow updates (like really slow), and anything else that I may have forgotten.You've been warned.~EXTREMELY SLOW UPDATES B/C OF SCHOOL~
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Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)
A strange girl appeared with long pure red hair, Rosy beige skin, and ocean blue eyes. Her beauty outcasted any girl in the whole world. She lives with her father who wanted nothing more, but to see her daughter smile again as he started a new job, new place, new state, and a new life for them. Yet, the strange girl gives nothing to show any emotion of expression.To her own thoughts, she was nothing more, but an empty, broken butterfly.
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