《INFINITE SCHOLAR》6.Forming contract with an useless spirit (2)


"~Are you the one who woke me up?~"

Maximo looked at the spirit and said,

"Yes, I woke you up"

"~But the breath earlier I left is lot different than yours, it is like breath of a holy species~"

"Okay, forget about it for the time being, who are you? what is a spirit doing here in Mortal realm?"

"~My name is Posy, I am from Trandafir tribe from Great Spirit Earth, my mother told me to stay here until someone woke me up. If I find the person trustful, I can form a contract with him, become strong and live happily~happy~happy~Posy wants a friend~Posy is always alone~thank you for waking up Posy~"

"Trandafir tribe?"(Maximo and Roland)

(Maximo: Dina, what do you say?)

(Dina: Trandafir tribe used to be a significant tribe but they are completely wiped out in a war, it happened way earlier when the civilization has just begun across different realms)

(Maximo: how much earlier?)

(Dina: In the Genesis era, 2nd epoch)

(Maximo: What era and epoch is it now?)

(Dina: Era of war and development, 9th epoch, the incident has happened billions of years ago, even I found out about it in the ancient records of Heaven)

(Maximo: That's interesting, is she as innocent and good as she seems to be?)

(Dina: Yes, she is a pure soul)

"Hey you Posy"(Roland)

"~What does mister skeleton want from Posy?~"

"Call me Roland"(Roland)


"No, Roland"

"~Rolla~Rolla~skeleton's name is Rolla~what a wierd name for skeleton he he he~"

"You little shrimp 🦐!!!!"(Roland)

"Okay, stop it you two"(Maximo)

Maximo stopped enraged Roland and looked at gleeful Posy and said,

"Posy, my name is Maximo, nice to meet you"

"~Maxy~Maxy~Posy is happy to meet you too~"


(Dina: What is it?)(annoyed)


(Maximo: How is her strength?)

(Dina: Spirits generally are demi gods so-)

(Maximo: Wait, are all spirits born as demi gods, are they overpowered right from their birth?)

(Dina: Yes and also No, he generally when a certain creature transform their body into other state of matter, they are called demi gods, for example demi god mage completely transform his body's matter into mana particles, same goes for others too but in case of spirits their bodies are already formed by spiritual energy instead of matter so they can be classified as demigods but their strength may not be on par with a demi god who has transformed)

(Maximo: Why?)

(Dina: Experience, spirits have to collect thousands of years worth experience to get stronger, so normally spirits wander around different realms and form contracts with suitable partners to get experience and fully use also understand their power and their own potential)

(Maximo: Is there ranking among spirits?)

(Dina:Yes, there is, but it is very simple namely low class spirit, mid class spirit, high class spirit, greater spirit and spirit king/queen that's all)

(Maximo: Then how is the strength of Posy?)

(Dina: She is a low class spirit, I can't see through her powers, you should try asking her)

Before Maximo tried to question her, Roland already did it.

"Oy shrimp, what are your abilities?"(Roland)

Upon hearing the question, Posy just stiffened and hung down her small head slowly replying,

"~Posy can't do any attacks, Posy can just increase or decrease toxicity in liquids and play with plants, Posy can't do anything more~"

"Ha aren't you useless then?"(Roland)

"~Posy..hic...will..do..her..best, please don't...aban..don..Posy~"

Tears started welling up in Posy's, Maximo wanted to console her but he suddenly heard Dina's warning,


(Dina: Don't be swept by emotions, as she says she doesn't have any exceptional abilities, though her abilities may be of some use but on the long run she will be a dead weight, also remember that humans can contact with ONLY ONE spirit in their entire life time, you may get opportunity to form a contract with a good spirit in the future, currently she is not of any use)

(Maximo: Not of any use? hahahaha)

He just laughed out loud and picked up Posy's flower and held it with both of his hands, this action surprised Roland, Dina and even Posy.

"Posy, I need YOU, please be my partner"

As Maximo said that Posy smiled brightly, then a white light surrounded both Maximo and Posy, Maximo heard Dina's panicked voice,

(Dina: Maximo! quick leave her, it is the last chance, the contract is already forming)

Ignoring Dina's yells Maximo just carressed the cheek of Posy and smiled, soon the bright light faded and a flower mark appeared on Maximo's palm and Posy's forehead,

(Dina: Roy in hell, for ignoring me you filth, you will regret it in the future!)

"Master she is-"(Roland)

"~Posy is useless in a fight but will definitely help Maxy in all the she can~Maxy~Maxy"

Maximo just sighed and said to both Roland and Maximo,

"You can't decide one's value by the ability they possess but by their determination and hardwork"

(Maximo: You can't decide one's value by the ability they possess but by their determination and hardwork)

(Dina: Talent is determined by one's birth, unless in exceptionally rare cases you can't find a talentless person who has reached the peak)

(Maximo: Let me ask you one thing, what do you think that separates humans from other races?)

(Dina: Humans generally have less talent, low lifespan, weak bodies, high reproduction rate also humans can be manipulative, shameless, greedy, evil, deceptive.)

(Maximo: No, humans can be deceptive and evil but there is also love and trust, humans have ability to change themselves pretty quickly unlike the ones who stick to their morals and rules, humans only desire one thing)

(Dina: What is it?)

(Maximo: Comfort)

(Dina: Comfort?)

(Maximo: Human always desire comfort it may be in the form of money, power, opposite sex or glory)

(Dina: I think the word 'desire' suits more than 'comfort')

(Maximo: No, humans are not willing to sacrifice or go to great lengths for their desires, so, I picked up comfort, but to give exact reason I feel comfortable with that spirit around, I don't know whether I can make her into a invincible spirit but I am sure that atleast I can make something out her)

(Dina: Do what ever you want, human)

(Maximo: You are supposed to look after me right? then why do you seem worried about my future?)

(Dina: ....)

Maximo didn't get a answer back but he could feel a chill down his spine and decided to drop the issue, then he heard Roland's voice,

"Master, should we go to town next? there is a Viscounty near us, I shall guide you there"

"No, we aren't going to town"

"~What does Maxy want Posy and Rollo to do?~"

"Don't call me with that shitty name you shr-"

"We are going to train"



"Yes the outside world is dangerous, we should make our preparations before we set out, Begin the training!!"

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