《Second Chronicle's》Chapter 7- Crimson Wolf (Part 2)


The sound of creaking echoes in the surroundings, the fully opened door shows a figure in the distance. Mylo is greeted by a curious entity of red furry and darkness. Two blood-red ferocious eyes stare at him with malice, and another howl echoes from its mouth as if it were a battle cry.


Name: Crimson Wolf (Boss)

Level: 15

Hp: 5000/5000

Description: A valsea gray wolf who managed to consume the demonic energy of a deceased demon creature, allowing him to evolve into a demonic beast of the valsea gray wolf species. Compared to the valsea wolf, the crimson wolf’s fur colour is a mix of red and coal. The crimson wolf is equipped with the same characteristic of a valsea grey wolf but with triple its potency. As it has consumed the flesh of a demonic creature, it has acquired its magical component as well, allowing him to use supernatural powers similar to that of demons. In order to increase its strength, the crimson wolf has to consume a large quantity of blood, the richer the blood is the stronger he gets. If left alone, his capability could easily reach the level of a new-born dragon.


“Efferus was right, he did eat a demon.”


The wolf couldn’t wait any longer and rushed toward Mylo. But something was different from the gray wolf way of rushing. His movement wasn’t straight but he was zigzagging around not allowing Mylo to predict the location of his attack. One moment he was in his front, the next he was behind him. Mylo couldn’t follow him at all. Without realizing waves of throbbing, nauseating pain pulsed within his back.

[Crimson wolf used Blood Claw; you lost -298 Hp.]

[Crimson wolf restored +0 hp from absorbing your blood.]

“Shit, when did he attack from behind? Fuck, even though the pain sensibility is at 10% it still hurts like crazy. I need to watch one for that healing effect.”


Mylo couldn’t follow the wolf’s quick movement. He had to find a way to restrict his movement. He looked around him for anything that could change the flow of the fight.

“Yes! That will do.”

Mylo ran inside a crevice, a deep fracture found inside the boss room.

“This will protect my sides and back. His only option is the front. “

As predicted, the wolf could only attack the front side of his opening, allowing Mylo to predict the perfect moment to counter-attack. Mylo thrusted his rapier, when the wolf reached 2.5 metres between each other. Hitting his right eye.

[You have dealt a critical damage, - 684 hp.]

[Crimson wolf has been blinded on his right side.]

Blood seeped from the wolf’s eye. His left eyes darted all over, desperately searching for a way to relief his body from this miserable feeling. But irritated on having to deal with this plain, it decided to simply refuse to acknowledge the aching it felt in his eye and get on with the battle.

Once again he swiftly zigzags around the cave in order to confuse his prey, but without realizing it, he hit the wall of the small sized cave. Because of his blind right eye he couldn’t properly judge his surroundings.

“I can’t let him hit me with his ‘Blood Claw’ or he’ll easily heal his eye. I have to make use of his blind spot.”

Mylo step out of the crevice and fought the wolf straight on. Dodging the wolf’s attack, and countering it with a blind-side barrage of attacks. Unfortunately, Mylo’s speed couldn’t dodge the entire wolf’s frontal assault, but he made sure to evade all the blood claw’s attack, not allowing him to heal his wounds.

[You have dealt -201 damage.]


[You have dealt -214 damage.]

[You have received -254 damage.]

[You have dealt the Blight status; enemy will lose 2.5% of its maximum hp every second for 6 seconds.]

[-125 hp]

[-125 hp]

Mylo then re inspected his foe in order to judge his current condition.


Name: Crimson Wolf (Boss)

Level: 15

Hp: 3,151/5000


“ Crimson Wolf has used ‘Bloodthirst’; increasing his movement and attack speed by 20% and his blood claw damage and healing effect by 100% for 60 seconds.”

“What the Fuck!”

The sudden increase in speed truly terrified Mmylo. Instead of fighting him head on, he decided to run around the cave for the duration of the buff.






[You have received -365 damage]


Mylo ran for a full a minute completely evading all the blood claw attack, and receiving a few basic attacks. The wolf started to slow down, obviously exhausted from all the chasing.

[Crimson Wolf ‘Blood Thirst’ effect expired. ]

[Crimson wolf has received the ‘Exhausted’ status; Immobile for 3 seconds. ]

It seems because of the constant chasing and the skill effect expiring, his stamina was completely exhausted. Mylo hurried towards his in order to finish him, attack after attack, constant notification filled Mylo vision.

[You have dealt -201 damage.]

[You have dealt the Bleeding status; enemy will lose 1.5 of its maximum hp every second for 5 seconds.]

[You have dealt -214 damage.]

[You have dealt critical damage, -554 damage.]

[You have dealt the Blight status; enemy will lose 2.5% of its maximum hp every second for 6 seconds.]

[You have…]



Blood keeps dripping to the floor beneath the beast, hundreds of drops like a crimson rain of death. Weak, crushed and beyond restoration. The crimson wolf howled one last time with an odd expression, it oddly looked comfortable. As if he was happy to be released from this endless hunger for flesh and blood , a desire that wasn’t his own. He slowly closes its eyes. His body shining with a clear blue light, exploding into millions of particles. Leaving behind him, numerous unidentified objects.




-Player Cosmo is the first to have defeated a ‘Boss’ Type mob-

-Participants: Cosmo-

-Player Cosmo is the first to solo kill a ‘Boss’ Type mob-


[Congratulations you are the first to have defeated a ‘Boss’ type mob.]

[Additional Reward has been given, for solo killing a ‘Boss’ type mob.]



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