《Fighting Fantasy》chapter 11 part 2


Lin was facing this troll warrior with new confidence in her abilities after becoming the main component of the powerful tiger conqueror. She had a small dagger in her left hand and she wasn't afraid to use it. The petite warrior had been more open to her talents after her obtaining her first boyfriend. Tenlong Yang had taught her to be more confident in herself physically. She was just a fit and curvy short girl with something to prove, at least until her man said otherwise.

Her family had always told her that she was fine as she was, but it took Yang to finally convince her of the matter. Yang and even Yin accepted people of who they were and didn't force them to change themselves to be accepted. Lin loved that about her man and she hoped to find out more about each other. But that would be for another time.

The troll killer dashed at Lin but she blocked the elbow spike with her dagger. The two fighters started to clash blades faster and faster. They were now moving faster than Mach twenty-five, as sparks flew from the warriors' weapons. Lin had a sick look of glee on her smooth face that revealed that she was truly happy to be taking part in a battle.

The troll was hit in the left armpit by Lin's dagger, yet there was no damage. The woman pulled

out a second dagger, which both blades were made out of high-quality iron. She infused the weapons with her ki in which greatly increased the power of her blades. A stone or wood weapon could be made stronger in a battle that a steel weapon if correctly fused with one's ki. The only better-made metal blades that were widely used in Lowroda were steel and titanium alloyed weapons.


The troll warrior's armor was made out of steel, which was more malleable than iron. The troll covered his entire body in a thin black aura to match the color of his armor. The two warriors were circling each other bent over forward with weapons ready. They started to move faster than even Mach thirty while running in elaborate patterns around each other. Their bodies were missing each by just microseconds without any attacks being involved. Now it was time for them to strike at each other.

Lin made the first move and hit the armored foe right in the temple which caused a huge series of sparks to fly off the troll's armor. The enemy retaliated with a strike of his own cut at the side of the women's side. Both attacks had been mostly ineffective, as the troll's armor had no damage and Lin's clothes had only been torn.


The battle went on for another thirty minutes with the same results. Both warriors powered up with controlled aura covering their bodies. This was the most powerful had felt in her base form and she can do better. She started to make four body doubles that were as human as she was. This was her limit without sacrificing quality in their prowess.

The troll starting to move wildly in the attempt to defeat his foes, when The four Lins started to

pound upon the lanky opponent. The strikes were mostly ineffective but they were covering the troll like the drops of rain in a thunderstorm.

Soon the strikes were starting to cause dents in the armor, then the troll was punctured clean through by the barrage of strikes.

Lin forced the clones to return back to herself and she had left for the next battle.


Rin was knee deep in trolls as he was slicing them into bits of gore while moving faster than he had in the battle with the troll trio. He had no problem moving at Mach three-hundred in his normal state. His latest battles had brought out the training that he under his grandfather and Master J.


A large troll moves in his way forcing to redirect in his path, but Rin couldn’t shake this guy. He was amazingly fast for such a massive troll. The larger fighter gave a lariat to the swords, which Rin dodged most of the impact by rolling under the massive arm until he was at the back of the troll’s shoulder.

Rin shouted, "Everlasting soul times ten!"

The swordsman was moving post-Mach five-hundred (close to sixty percent of the speed of travel).

The troll was getting knocked around like a punching filled with newborn kittens.

The troll’s body was covered as the same ki that the troll trio had used in the past.

Rin spoke, "You are using the eight gates are you?"

The troll spoke, "The fourth gate exactly."

Rin spoke, "So the troll trio are not the only ones that could that do such a technique."

The troll spoke, "I had taught to my younger brother before he left for the ninja trials. It is used appropriately by my troll clan, so you must've been to murder my brother! I will show what it is to mess with my family you fucking bastard!"

The troll powered up to the seventh gate and started to bitch slap Rin as if he had owned him money.

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