《Bang : reincarnated as parrot》Chapter 11 part 2



Lighting sound

( Rage)

I am gazing at the closed door in a rage

Breathing heavily in anger


I will escape from this no matter what i have do i said to myself in anger


I will kill anyone who comes in my way from now on in between my goal and me

Heavy breathing in anger

Lighting and lighting sound


I turn around slightly and look down

I Tighten my fists and punch ground very hard

Heavy breath in anger

Jacks remains floating around me

I look at them and then I look at forest

Heavy breathing


Hmmm, if this cage could open I can run into forest at the good speed with speed spell and hide till I find something to escape from this world

Still, it's tough to find something that can help me to get back to my world without someone help . who at least knew something about this place

It would be stupid to run into the forest without knowing what's in there in the first place?

( Worried and scared )

In Seriousness, it gives bone chills even thinking these monsters (children, women, and elders ) are not allowed to go in there

Something that even the worst than these monsters hides in bushes and darkness



I don't know what worst staying in the cage or running away either way it's the same

Only if I could avoid them ( forest monsters ) that would be great for me

As I get flashbacks of monsters who I saw while I was in a cage when those two idiots carried the cage

(Worried and scared)

Those were the most horrible thing I saw happening in front of my eyes every time we

Passed forests


Just one bad step and we are done for


( hopeless)


I slightly look at nyan and think

Hmmm, she did said she came from cave in this place

Maybe , I think she might remembered where is that cave specifically and tell me or

She might just guide me to the cave and we could escape this place

( worried)


But it's risky to travel together hear

She will slow me down without any skills to help or assist hear

I can't even teach her speed spells to help herself to run fast enough to catch up with me in escape

At least it needs one month to learn it properly to utilize or she will die without training

Unfortunately, i don't have any more time than some hours and that's not enough for learning spell

Even, I don't know how to utilize this spell properly

Thinking about magic

( Rage)


I started to get some flashback about centrlian island and what they did to me and more

I feel rage . I think about that flat slut and then

I punch cage wall

( rage)

Sign, no I don't have any time for that bullshit

I need some kind of plan to get out of the cage first and then survive in the forest somehow

But nyan might not make it to the forest and escape

Even if I use steel spell she can be captured and

( sad)

Then sadly I have to leave her to hear I can't turn back and come back to help her



I feel miserable . I can't help her


Maybe I should confirm if she remembered about that cave or not

That might help me

I turn to nyan

And I ask her if she knows about the cave she came from

She looks at me and said she do knows the cave and where is it


Phew, That's a relief

At least she knows cave

I ask about the location and direction of the cave where is cave exactly

Huh ! - nyan

She looks at me

(Awkward silence)

she is hesitating . She got idea that i can leave her hear once i know the location of cave.


She shut her mouth and sit back in corner looking down

She is smart that's for sure

I asked her what happen nyan ?

We both looking at each other

She didn't say anything

Tch , its no use she won't tell me till i get her out too


I turn around and starts thinking


If I travel East in direction and search every cave-in east that will work

Hmmm, no she was already in the cage when they caught me

No this will not work . I will be eaten if I search every cave it's too risky

Caves are hiding prime spot for all kinda monsters this is not possible without her


I need to get her out too with me


Even we escaped from cage those monster ( adults) can chase us down in no time

( each adults power = 5 humans)

Those things are fast

( hopeless and sad )

I can't do anything without a plan

I need a good plan


I hearing noises from inside house

I turn around and look up at the closed window

Hmmm, she telling him to take a nap and don't go outside he might catch cold

Hmm, this best time to escape no one is outside they must be taking naps inside

Tch but cage door is strong it can't be open with force

( annoyed)

Fuck , I need that key to open this cage

( stressed)

I grab my hair and trying my hardest to think of something as soon as possible

This is a great opportunity for me no one is outside and i can't loose this one


I stressing out

Huh !

Gotcha ! I got plan

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