《Bang : reincarnated as parrot》Capter 2


The day


Ah, i am not able to sleep last night .

Feeling cold

Its little cold hear. Hey do you feel cold too or i catch fever fro.........

Annoyed , dont stare me again .

I yelled at him

YAWN !!!

huh!!!!!,that chick woke up too and sit on bed

She look sleepy

"go back to bed chick "

She stand and walk toward window as i observe her .she opans window and take fresh breath

Eh ??

Says something???

Eh?? she looking at us .she take step toward us .

Whoah!!!! Easy chick don,t pick up cage like that .

She walks toward door and opens it

Take us out and put the cage down

Wow !!! It is early morning

There is fog around people are walking and children are running around

Flowers and clear sky

Sniff , there is this good smell of soil

There homes are similer

LOOK at sunrise how beautiful it is

Hmm, are you listening ????


Eh , where she go ???

While i was thinking about her .two innocent looking kid approch us

Huh, now what do you want ??

10 min later

They are drowning and taking me out of water

Help !! Help !


Save me


From this brats


Why me you left him in cage


I am trying to catch breath

Finnaly ,she come and rushed to help me .

Then she take me out of those brats hands .they still trying to get me back

As i trying to breath

I am shaking in cold

She look at me .she look sad then she yells at brats

She did something

Whoaa !!!

I feel good and warm .

She put me in cage and saying something to those brats

She lift the cage put on table and went inside

Eh ???

Those fucking brats looking at me from far


Those fucking brats pisses me out

Fuck off , brats

Eh , door and window closed

Hmmm , magic

Time passing

I think she is the one who rescue me yesterday and i bite her

She is very kind

Feeling bad

She must have gone from lot of trouble because of me

I should be very greatful of her

If someone else on her place that person would have throw him in forest where they found me

Feel sad

Ahhh , i should say sorry

Middle door open

Eh , i feel like my jaw drop on floor

She is naked !!!!!!!!!!!!!

She walk towards bed to get clothes

I come to my senses

I cover creep eyes and closes mine too .

I didnt open my eye for long time .

I open my eyes


She is not naked

I uncover creep eyes


I give him very bland look


Huh , she looking at me this a chance say thank you

Deep breath


I am trying to say thank you .

I dont know if she understands me or not . But she put her book aside .

Her eye started to glow red and cage door opens

Ah , i and other parrot start to float

She put us on bed

What is she doing ????

I look at her and walk toward her .

She notice me

I bow and try to say sorry

She look puzzle

She smile and look on side

Feel good

She finnaly get it

Eh, what she is looki.......



Durian again ???

That thing floating toward bed .she breaking fruit into parts to feed me again

Is she thing i am asking for fruit ??

PANIC !!!!!

I try to run away from her


I fall

My nail got stuck in bed sheet


She trying to feed me


Ah , i am not eating that thing again

I would better starve

Dont...... give me that puppy eyes


OK .... grrrrrr

I give up

Feed that thing me already .

I started eating and try not to throw up

Then she feed other parrot as well

She just sat there and kept speaking for hour to me everything goes above my mind

She put us in cage

Eh , what she did with cage ??

It glows !!!!!!

She put cage on window and she left home .

I am worried if those brat come again

While she is gone

Then i look outside and started to observe people who walking pass window

How different they are .they use magic and almost everybody wear cloak

Hmm , i look at sky then i remember

" I once wish to be bird and fly freely without any strings while looking at sky "

Feel sad

" I never think that wish going to be come true in this way'

I deeply regret my wish

Huh , what those brats again !!!!

I back down in fear

Those brats try to touch cage



Those ... those get ha electric shock


That one brat fall down and crying and other


You deserve it .

Those brats run away

This must be that chick doing

She must have put some magic spell or somthing


That chick is amazing

Oh , sky become cloudy maybe it will rain again .

After some time rain started

I look at rain

I feel very calm and sleepy

I sleep

I dream i see myself as kid playing in rain with my dog grey.

As dream progress i become teenager i watch rain from home alone

I see myself in cage in my father office surrounded by people laughing at me i trying to free myself

Door opens i run for office door which is far away

Heavy breath

I reach to the door

Truck sound

I look at side

I see the same truck

I woke up heavy breath

I look around, rain has stop

Oh girl has come back

Eh , where did that creep go ????

Huh , i would better be sleeping before she notice me


She saw me

She coming toward me with fruit


The night

Its evening

Wow , i can see sunset from window

Sunset is beautiful its great

Oh people are returning from work to home

Huh, flower are closing

Its getting dark

There are plenty stars in sky

Eh , people are creating light balls which are floating in front of house


Hmm, somthing smells good ????

This place look like heaven in night

Huh , every body walking towards that house ??????


Chick come out so fast . Is that her name ???

They are saying something and gesturing

They must be inviting her

She went with them she look so happy .

I started looking at stars


What !!!!

I see a butterfly in sky

Wow, there wings are glowing and droping light

What is this light coming from down .

I look at ground

My eyes wide open

My jaw drop

Ground is glowing!!!

Soil , grass , rock , flowers are glowing

I turn back to tell creep about this

Stare ........

I give him very cold look

Your dead

I look back at sky

It gives me hope

I said to myself i will find way to myself home with no matter what happens

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