《Super Spies》Ill Conceived


Corey was having trouble with the other novices picking on him. He had been screwing up in targeting practice today. If only it could be as easy as the obstacle course.

Pete pointed at him in the mess hall. "What a wash-out. Why are you here?"

The other novices began to join in.

At that moment, they fell silent. Nadine had come striding in, moving with her typical fluid grace. "Hey, Corey," she said. "Just wanted to say bye-bye before I go off on a secret mission."

"Y-You know him, Ma'am?" said Pete in an awed voice, saluting her clumsily.

"We're friends," said Nadine. "I'm friends to all the good guys." She kissed Corey on the cheek and he thought he would melt right there.


Isla hadn't told Nadine everything she really needed to know before her mission. If Nadine knew more about Blarsh, how far would she be willing to take her investigation? Isla watched footage taken of Blarsh after briefing about the mission to guard Arctur, when the drill sergeant had left and he thought he was alone. The green monster yelled aloud: "stoopid 'yuman takin' digs at me fer being an ogre… let me tell yoo somethin'… ogres never miss. I c'n put my dough in any woman's oven, whether she wants it or not. And I could eat yoo too. I c'n eat flesh raw… An I got the heart. I've stole it and took it away."

Did that make it sound like the ogre was weird? Or dangerous? Nonetheless, Nadine went on her mission without knowing everything…

At the Um Bongo club that night, Nadine began her investigations around Blarsh the chaos ogre. She was in her civilian clothes – no one was to know of her super-spy capacity. Even her friend Stella was in the dark about it. Nadine was talking to Stella now. Stella was gloomy. She had already "met" Blarsh the ogre. And screwed him.

"That awful ogre… he's interrupted my moon flow." Stella patted her belly. "I've been throwing up in the morning. I'm going to have a baby. I know it."

"Ooh! Congrats!" Nadine grinned at her friend and clasped both her hands.

"Not congrats," said Stella, irritably. "Had you forgotten I'm a married woman? Won't it be a bit obvious if I have a green, half-monster baby?"

Nadine bit her lip. "You should ask your husband for forgiveness and prove you still love him. If he loves you, he will forgive. Look on the bright side. You're a mom now and you can all be happy…"

Stella scoffed. "Bright side? What bright side? You're such an idealist. No practical sense at all. Why're you imagining rainbows for me now?" Stella pushed her blond hair away from her face. "The trouble is… I regret doing it with that awful, smelly, green creature, but I'd do it again. His dick… it has five parts. The head is star-shaped. It stimulates a woman the way a human dick doesn't. My orgasms were so strong, I fainted." She blushed as Nadine stared at her. "Yeah, you might look at me like that. How can incredible sex be worth wrecking my marriage?"


Nadine wondered about that indeed…


Nadine tracked down Blarsh the ogre using her super-spy skills. A chaos ogre certainly stood out. Twelve foot tall, bright green, many times wider than a man… He was standing by a night time butcher stand, demanding a haunch of oliphaunt meat.

Nadine approached him, flashing her winning smile. She was wearing a low cut dress to show off her rounded cleavage as much as possible. "I do admire a guy with a big appetite," she began.

"An' I admire yer titties," grunted the ogre.

Charming. The ogre certainly believed in being direct. Nadine was still determined to pump him for information. How far would she go?


The ogre's den was messy, and smelled of rotting meat when Nadine and the ogre both arrived there. There were gnawed bones strewn around the floor. Nadine wrinkled her nose at the smell – she couldn't help it. Had Stella come here when she and Blarsh mated? Nadine found the mess and smell off-putting and she was nowhere near as prissy as Stella. Nadine hoped very much that Stella had not insulted her poor husband even more by taking Blarsh into her marriage bed. How could Stella risk hurting the poor man's heart? Nadine herself could not even fathom such a thing.

"Show off yer boobies," growled the ogre.

She smiled on the ogre and began to loosen her dress, letting it fall. The flickering light of a blubber lamp shone off the ogre's green, mask-like face. When she let her breasts show, the ogre's nether regions betrayed him. She could see them expand. A huge bulge, putting strain on his pants.

She licked her lips seductively. "I bet you could tell a tale or two about your travels, Blarsh darling. You must get about, doing exciting things."

"Yerrse… Yoo can tell where by the trail of green babies."

She grinned. "Babies. How cute."

"Pretty sure the green ones are from my loins," said the ogre.


"C'mere, slip yer things off, and I c'n tell yer things," said Blarsh.

She slipped off her dress. The den was draughty. She sat on the bed of animal skins, shivering slightly. Then she stared as the ogre took off his clothes, revealing his swollen, blubbery form. The flickering light of the oil lamp shimmered on his oily green stomach… and swollen, five part cock, longer and thicker than Nadine's arm, the end shaped like a star with five segments.

"I c'n tell yoo things," said the ogre. "If yoo snuggle down. I just want too see yoo and talk, don' be afraid."

Nadine smiled, feeling unsure, and slipped into the filthy animal skins.


The ogre plonked down beside her. Then he was distracted by the haunch of oliphaunt meat lying by the bed, and turned away from her to chow down on it, guzzling and crunching as he tore off bloody lumps in his jaws.

Close to, the poor creature really stank. Was that an oily coating on his green skin? He turned to the haunch of meat and had turned his huge, green buttocks towards her. The smell was overpowering… "Noo laughing matter, bein' an ogre," he said between mouthfuls of meat. "my father wanted to eat me when I was born."

Nadine felt her gut clench at the horror of such a thing. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's not un'eard of with ogres…"

She bit her lip and drew the covers up around herself. "Um… wanna talk about it?"

"Why talk?" Blarsh replied between mouthfuls. "I'm gettin' the energy I need."

"What for?" Nadine was puzzled. "Listen, I want to talk."

"No talk," said Blarsh, pushing the bone away. Then he roared. "GIVE IT UP!" and in one movement, he rolled on top of Nadine with incredible speed and inserted his five part dick in her while crushing her to the floor. She screamed, but the next instant she was flattened and her face and mouth covered by green flesh so she couldn't struggle or even make a sound. With two tons of green ogre crushing her to the floor and pressing down on her face, she could only give very muffled cries as the ogre thrust and thrust himself into her squirming body, filling her full of his seed and guaranteeing eternal looseness of her lady part...


The upshot of Nadine's investigation was that she put her detective skills to use. The ogre had the energy and the libido to do it over and over again, ignoring her screams and struggles. His five part dick was just such a shape to stimulate a woman to the max, and she had reached a state of constant orgasm. Her orgasms had been so intense that she had fainted and Blarsh had considerately brought her round my wiping some of his shit on her face so the smell woke her up.

Great. Thanks, Blarsh. She indignantly recalled how he had squeezed her face so her tongue stuck out and nodded her head for her when she tried to protest again. Then he jumped on her and did it all over again. And so on, over and over. A chaos ogre had incredible sexual potency and endurance.

After a lot of showering and scrubbing she got the smell of the ogre and the cave off her. She had gathered up some of the avocado coloured excrement in a special phial, and taken it to the lab for analysis. The lab had found traces in the poop of a certain small lizard that only lived on one island. Blarsh had gone off there at some point…

Later, Isla showed her the video footage she had of the ogre boasting about his treachery... and his out of control libido. "Now we know where he went. As you can see, he was rambling about stealing the heart. I couldn't show you this earlier… you had to be prepared to go on the mission. If you knew the risks, you might have hesitated."

Nadine curled her lip. "You didn't tell me all I needed to know in case I'd hesitate. So you don't mind that I was... w-was…" she stuttered to a halt. She hated to think that she had been raped. She had been trying to justify it to herself, but she couldn't. And her body had reacted so intensely. She would never be able to forget that.

"Your next mission," Isla continued, "is to go to the distant Isle of the dawn, far out in the Diamond Sea. That must be where Blarsh took the heart. I have assigned you a partner for this mission. He ought to be arriving shortly. Where is that stupid boy?"

"Boy?" said Nadine. "You can't seriously be sending a boy? What if this mission's dangerous too? Have you no shame?"

"The young don't have the psychological maturity to grasp life and death concepts, so they're always willing to prove how brave they are."

"You mean they're too dumb to get what's in store for them," growled Nadine.

At that moment the door slid aside and Corey came in, grinning from ear to ear, his grey eyes shining.

Corey! Isla wanted Corey to go on a mission like this? This could not be!

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