《Levitation ME By Travis Willier》Chapter 008 The Rumble in The Big Jungle


The crew finds a small ladder on the right side leg of the Mech Unit and they start climbing Jeremy and Travis struggle to carry loriane up the ladder in the Rain and winds but they get up the ladder to a platform. The Mech Unit’s right leg platform has an elevator door on the side, opens up and out walks the rookie of the Mech Unit’s crew.

“You guys can’t be out here, we're about to leave, The headquarters message says to get back to base, there going to scavenge the wreck, examine whatever flying craft you guys were in.”

Travis hands loriane over to Jermey and the crew follows the young crew member into the elevator. It takes them up to the top of the mech unit which was a towering 60ft tall.

When the elevator opens they are in the main holding which was made up of a few compartments one for cooking, one for crew showers and bathroom the other for leisure, which has a shelf that carried the crews tablets and a screen interface connected to the Internet for them to stream whatever streaming service or site. In the middle of the leisure room there were two crates for storage, also a table, a few chairs and a couch on the side.

Loriane, Robbie, Janice and Tina. all wait in the leisure area while Jeremy, Catie and Travis climb up to the command bridge.

Travis Climbs onto the Command bridge where a team of five Operate the Mech Unit

Screen lights lighting up the room, Travis draws his weapon. “Alright everyone I’m Taking command of this Mech Unit, anyone have a Problem My M24 is answering your questions.”

Travis opens fire on the captain who was lifting his hand pistol to shoot Travis. The Armour piercing rounds tear through the Captain and the right arm gun operator.

“Everyone back the fuck up!” Travis points the gun at the two crew members tryna run to the aid of their fallen captain and right gun operator. “Catie Aid the right gun operator, I really didn't mean to shoot him.” Catie ran to the side of the operator covering his wounded neck.


Gargling on his own blood the operator chokes and life vanishes from his eyes.

“FUCK ...THATS JUST GREAT!” Travis put a hand on his head from the stress of the situation Jeremy walks to the right arm control center turning on its control hub, “It’s ok Travis I Can operate these controls, It doesn't look too hard.”

Then a video communications link from the other mech unit Command comes in showing the Captain of the Mech Unit’s Squad with a rather fowl look on his face to see Travis and not his Ranked officer in the Pilot's Chair.

“What is the meaning of this! men I order you to stand down!” Travis holds his gun pointing it around the room at the other operators.

“Fucking do it and I will Fucking kill you all!” The operators listen to Travis in Fear of being shot

The Captain of the Mech Unit’s squad is Displeased with the action’s of the Crew disobeying his order. “Well consider yourselves Traitors of the Country, By our law We will open fire on you!”

Rockets open fire from the Large Black and Green Mech Unit Standing across from their current position “Jump to the Right!” Travis Orders the Mech Crew, The operators maneuver the Mech to the side crushing the camps water damaged autobots, but They successfully dodge the Rockets that explode the Military carrier lift Sending the Carrier into a Blaze of flames Killing the Military squad that was also with the Mech Units. The Military Green and Black Mech Smashes The Crews Unit sending it flying back Crashing through the tree’s The Crew’s Mech stands back up to Engage in battle.

“Fire BACK!” The Crew Fires at the Bottom left leg of the large Charging Mech Unit,

The Green and Black Mech Unit Takes a Leap into the Air With the Jet engine jump thrusters,

“What Do We Do!” Travis Screams. Jeremy hits a Switch and a metal Sword comes out of the right Arm. “Jeremy Yells “JUMP!” and the Operations Crew uses the Mech Units controls to Counter Attack using a maneuver called Jump Blitz. Travis and the Crew Watch as the Green and Black Mech Unit falls from the Sky as they Jump to meet it in the Air. The Green and Black Mech Unit fires again from the air, missing Its target hitting the ground the Crews Mech Unit jumped launched from.The Mech Unit Swings the Sword Right Through the Green and black Mech slicing it into Two Halves. The Green and black Mech Unit halves Fall to the ground and explodes In the empty crater left from the Space Craft.


“ YEAAAAAAHHHHH!” Travis and Jeremy Rejoice after seeing the destruction of the Enemy Mech.

“Landing Thrusters, Enage!” Travis orders the Crew of operations, Then out of the sides of the Mech deployed Rocket landing thrusters, That brought the Unit down Slowly from the sky, Landing on a nearby hillside overlooking the jungles Hilly Landscape that meets the Sea. The Mech Unit’s Alert system sounds out “Storm Clearing” the Storm starts slowing down and to the East, The Sun starts to rise in the Eastern sea waters. The Crew is watching from the Screen on the inside of the Mech Unit.

“Beautiful.” Travis looking at the screen then to the extra new crew members.

“Alright I have some good news and some bad news. What do you want first?”

Garry the young rookie who let them into the Mech Unit says

“ You're gonna Kill us, Please don’t do this!” Travis shakes his head in disapproval, “No I’m Not going to Kill anyone, That's the Good part, Here's the Bad news…”

Travis Takes a Deep Breath, “We Don’t Have Long There is a Meteorite on its way to our planet, that’s going to wipe out most life.” The new Crew members are in shock and worry. Looking at Travis Garry Asks “What are we gonna do? what about our Families?”

Travis Sighs Well this Mech isn't going back to the Great Mega city. “Your Ethier Coming Along or Getting out to Wait an hour Till Impact and Likely your Death, It is your choice.” Then Garry questions. “Well Can I atleast send my Loved ones a message back home?”

Travis Looks at the Time on the screen “ Well…... we can if there’s Time, When we Get outside the temples Location.” Garry’s Eyes Light up “A TEMPLE?”

“Yes a Temple We Will be safe there. We just just have to figure out it’s location by constellation. the analyzer should be able to unencrypt the Location on this stone tablet.”

Tavis Holds up the Stone Tablet to the Mech Units Analyzer to unencrypt the Gps Location of the Constellation it is under. “It’s Scanning…… Got It!” Travis Smiles and turns to the Crew Stations.

“Take us to this Location!” Travis types in the Gps coordinates into the walking Mechanized unit and it starts running through the jungle at an incredible speed Jeremy smiling starts Yelling “WOoOOOOO!!!!” In excitement! As the mechanized unit tears and Tramples through the trees Crushing and snapping the jungle foliage. They use the jump boost pack and jump over the sandpits in their path. All the way to the shore line where they did find the Temple, Pisim’s tablets showed them the way to. Covered by the Jungles overgrowth Its doors were hidden on the Side of a Hill that overlooked the shore line. They stop the Mech Unit outside the Door’s. “Well it looks like the ride ends here .” Travis Gestures towards the Door. “ We Gotta walk in on foot.”

The Crew Starts To exit the Mech after sending loved ones goodbye messages. Climbing down the Ladder one at a Time in the Morning Sun Light.

Jeremy,Tina,Robbie,Janice, Catie and Travis make their way towards the Temple While loriane Takes a moment Standing beside the Mech Unit on the hillside, Taking in the beauty of the sun and the freshly Rain Washed Trees Glimmering, The birds free singing in the Skies. Then Loriane Turns and starts walking to make her Way towards the Temple door’s following her team.

End Chapter 008 The Rumble in the Big Jungle Levitation ME written by Travis Willier Copyright 2021

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