《A Path of Business: My Loyal and Lovely Husband》C10. Where Did You Get the Money?


Jin Weiwei is burning with anxiety and does not know how to explain.

However, little Rich, who has been standing by, suddenly answers a few words, ” Regular inspection”.

Jin Weiwei is surprised.

Yes, regular inspection!

We can do regular inspection, can’t we? It is possible to invite doctor without illness. She could say that she intends to do regular inspection for her livestock.

Weiwei thankfully looks at little Rich. Her Rich can always catch the key points at the important moment. She won’t let anyone slander her Rich as a fool!

“Regular inspection?” Feng mocks and says, “If no one is ill, who will pay the doctor only for regular inspection? Do you think we are as innocent as a three-year-old child, and could easily believe you?”

“That you won’t invite a vet doesn’t mean I won’t!” Jin Weiwei stands out and acts like a movie star. She taps her chest and says, “Our Meat Shop has always been a guarantee of quality. In order to provide meat with the best quality, we not only feed our livestock better than others, but also have regular examinations to ensure that each animal is healthy. Different from those profiteers who merely concentrate on earning money, we are intended to provide meat with good quality for everybody!”

Jin Weiwei's declaration is forceful. As soon as she finishes her speaking, people, even the village head, all highly agree with her.

Compared with Jin Weiwei’s words, Feng’s seem to make himself as a money-oriented businessman.

Finding people all turn to agree with Weiwei, Feng angrily shouts out, “Bad girl! Don’t play a trick anymore! Show us your sick sheep!”

“Well, Uncle Feng, don’t be angry when you are at such an age! Look, your neck veins bulging! Do not be too angry or you may die in my house, and I don’t want to compensate for your death!”


“You, you!” Feng never thought Jin Weiwei has such a smart mouth, and is too angry to utter a word.

“I? I care about you!” Jin Weiwei smiles and adds, “As for those sheep, I just answered, I sold them all. So, I can not show them to you now. What, you are jealous of me for selling sheep at such a high price? Don’t worry. If you give me enough money, I will also introduce this customer to you. Agree?”

“That’s……that’s impossible. Your sheep shouldn’t be worth such a high price. You are kidding!” Feng does not know how to debate but definitely denies Weiwei’s words without any reasons.

“Impossible? I have already sold them, otherwise how can I afford the high attendance fee of doctor Jia. It is because I sold all my sheep, and I could finish my payment now.”

Listening to this, people all deeply believe Jin Weiwei’s remarks now.

“How could you talk off hand as an elder? How can you spread the news of plague so casually? You go too far!” Finally, the village head angrily flips his sleeves and concludes, “Feng, you are so misbehaved, and this is the last time to forgive you. Next time, I will seriously punish you!”

Feng opens his mouth, but does not say a word. Though he still wants to argue for himself, he can not find any reason to defend himself. So, he could only angrily stare at Jin Weiwei.

Finding Feng has turned red with anger, Jin Weiwei doesn’t know how to express her happiness. However, is this the end of this battle? Of course not!

“My dear village head, you see, is it because uncle Feng’s sheep suffer from plague, that he comes to defame me? Otherwise, why does he come here and makes a fuss over the plague? Why don’t go and check his sheep?”


Jin Weiwei’s words greatly shock Feng. Though he has already buried that sick sheep, he could not make sure that there is no other sheep sick in his sheepfold.

However, people’s curiosity is aroused.

“Yes! Go and have a look!”

“Yes, what if his sheep have plague?

Soon, without no more discussion, people take Feng back to his sheepfold.

“Well today……” The village head is a little bit embarrassed and promises to Weiwei, “Girl, don’t worry. I will seriously punish him and won’t let him disturb you any more.”

“Thank you, my dear village head.”

Weiwei happily knows that she could live a better life in Xing Tian village with the village head’s promise.”

After seeing off the village head, Jin Weiwei warmly entertains Dr. Jia and accompanies him to examine the remaining piglets.

The piglets in the pigsty are tender, lovely, active and healthy, but Dr. Jia still carefully checks them one by one.

It seems that the professional doctor is really reliable. Just by looking at doctor Jia's clothes and equipment, she can easily guess his high attendance fee. It is still a loss to invite him just for basic examination at a high price. Jin Weiwei is somewhat uncomfortable, so she can't help asking doctor Jia's attendance fee in an indirect way.

However, knowing nothing is better than knowing everything. Though Jin Weiwei knows that the best means the highest, she never thought that the cost of this number one doctor is five Qian.

Oh my God! It’s as much as the cost of one lamb!

Why doesn’t Little Rich know how to save money? Why does he invite the most expensive one?

When Jin Weiwei grudges for the payment, she realizes that the money she gave to Rich, at most two Qian, is not enough to pay for the doctor. How could he afford the attendance fee?

Seeing Little Rich is helping doctor Jia, she secretly pulls him to her side.

“Tell me, how did you pay for the doctor?”

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