《Impulus》Chapter #9


The next day when I got up I decidedd ambushing humans was fun. It wouldnt have been so easy if not for ben. We needed to have a armoury if we really wanted to have military power. I decided to go to the dungeon to get items and wepons. I asked ben if he would come with me he said yes. We entered the dungeon it was full of monsters but wepons too I was tasked with carrying them. I needed to find a new shield. We battled agiant spider and a giant frog and a ogre. We came back succesfully with a bunch of wepons. We kept all the wepons in storage in my room in the longhouse. I gave a spear to my goblin son. He wanted to be a spearmen like me. The next day I decided to ambush another group of humans. We waited besides the road there was a group that came into view. I activated omnipotent view. The leader of the carvan said >Hero I instantly decided to back off we couldnt take a hero they were too strong. We let them pass and didnt attack. That night we partied again we had stolen alot of alchol. ALl the imps had chosen classes having to do with hunting. Although hunters had knife skills so it was a goood thing. Ben was still sad about his son getting eaten by a fish. Most of the village was me and bens kids. We went to the lake and collected fish and clams. I checked all the clams for pearls whenever we ate them. I hadnt found one yet but i was sure I was going to get one eventually. A fish tried to eat ben but he was faster and cut it into pieces. We were growing our village at a steady rate we had military power. We decided to wait next to the road and ambush humans tommorow. We all went to bed bella came into my room and slept with me. The next day when I got up evreyone was waiting outside for me. We made our way to the road and waited in hiding. It wasnt long before a group without a star showed up. I told evreyone to get ready and we waited until they were within range and then evreyone loosed there arrows. There was a knight with them that didnt have any arrows get shot at. Instead evreyine focused on the other gaurds. Five of them fell dead with arrows sticking out of them. There was one gaurd left that wasnt a knight. The imps loaded there bows again and shot the gaurd down dead. Now it was me and bens turn to fight the knight. He rode off snd ran away. It was our complete victory we took the barrels on the wagon back to our camp. They were full of moonshine. I decided that we should have a party to celebrate our victory. Evreyone came to the longhouse and sat down at the tables. I had the female imps bring out the food and drinks and be the servers for the night. It was a great party it took very little moonshine to get a imp drunk and soon evreyone was drunk. I liked living in our village that much. Before the party was over I took bella into my room to have sex after that I fell asleep. The next day when I got up evreyone was hungover. And we had barely drank any moonshine. The next day I wanted to get a horse to ride. SO me and ben went looking in the forest for a unicorn. Eventually we came across a heard of unicorn. Ben flew over and grabbed ones head and while it was being distracted I leaped onto its back. After that ben let go and I was in for a wild ride. it bucked and jumped and tried to throw me off.

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