《Impulus》Chapter #1


Chapter 1.

The world I knew had always been dark.

I lived in a cave along with the rest of my tribe. I was a imp and I lived in a tribe of imps. The place I lived in was a dungeon.

Evrey morning we all got up together and searched the dungeon for food. The leaders of each village were evolved imps.

The first thing I remember was a light and then a dingy smell that was when I was born It hadnt bena day yet before I could walk and talk.

I accompied the tribe on my first hunt. We were after sycthe mantis. I had to be in the back of the tribe because I was a new born and was smaller then the avreage imp.

I knew how to fight instinctvly. We entered the part of the dungeon where the mantises were. The leader spoke and I heard evreyone get ready.

We split offf into groups of five with a evolved imp leading each gang we were a tribe of roughlly thirty imps. We came upon a mantis and with a warcry we encircled it and attempted to kill it.

It was roughly as large as my imp body wich stood at two feet tall. The mantis was of the same height. Our leader a evolved imp bashed the mantis with his shied all we had to fight with was our claws.While the mantis was distracted we lunged in with our claws. The wounded mantis turned to face us with its scythe like claws before our leader shield bashed it. I managed to cut one of the scythe like claws off with my claws while the mantis was distracted again.It didnt take log before the mantis was taken down by the four of us as we clawed at it from all sides. The leader picked up the mantis and we headed back to our part of the dungeon.

We had been one of the only successfull hunting parties when we returned we cooked the mantis over a firepit. The leader of our group ate his fill and the rest was divided evenly among us. There wasnt enough mantis for us all to eat our fill but there was enough for us to satiate our hunger. I talked with one of the imps from our tribe "its good to have a belly full of food I said to him. That is true what is your name? My name is Impulus with that I heard a voice in my head. New named monster Impulus is born. I didnt know what was going on but having a name was a good thing there were many imps in our group that didnt have a name and all the leaders of the imp squads had names.

With a new name and a belly that had food in it I slept well that night. The next day we went out to hunt mantises again this time wehad a mage as our leader. Our job when we came across a mantis was to distract it long enough for the mage to fire a spell. WIth luck we came upon another single mantis we surrounded it and scampered around it while our mage prepared a spell. we dodged and weaved occasionly runninng on all fours. We managed to stall the mantis for long enough that a flaming fireball came in and hit it. I managed to get the last blow on it and cut its head offf its body with my claws.


We returned to camp with the mantis in tow it was our succcess! WE waited for the leader to eat his fill because of the villages rules. Then we divided up the remaining parts and ate our shares. The next day I was charged with defending the base instad of going out on a hunting party I was strong from eating two days in a row and hadnt got injured in any of my fights so defending the base wouldnt hurt me to bad. Not eating for weeks on end was what made a imp weak.

They came back very successful with all of the groups besides one having prey. Sometimes a group would encounter a group of mantis and get wiped out. The reporduction rate of the village was high we. I got to eat a little bit of the mantises for defending the village although it wasnt nearly as large as the portion I got when I went out on the hunt. I decided I needed a wepon they were rare. I asked the friend I had made were to get wepons from he said he didnt know. I asked him his name and he said ive never really thought about it before my name is olaf. I went to bed that night starving tommorow was going to be a day I got to hunt again. We went out to hunt I was in a group with a warrior imp who carried a broad sword with two hands. Our plan was to encircle a mantis and cut it until it ran out of blood. We found a mantis that was by itself and we encircled it and then we lept out and would take turns attacking it. WE worked well togethor until the mantis attacked one of the imps and he was to slow and he got cut. It was a long horizontal cut and the blood that flowed from it was alot. We managaged to kill the mantis but our comrad had died in the time that we were still fighting. We carried the mantis back to our area and we ate it. With my hunger satiated I went to bed I had been growing really fast it must have beeen because all our hunts had been succesfull. Now I was the siz of a avreage imp and was no longer considered one of the smaller imps.The next day I got up and got ready to hunt again I got paired up woth the shield leader imp.We ventured out imto mantis territory we came across a single mantis after avoidong any groups of two mantises that we saw. With the mantises attetion on the shield bearerer we managed to claw it until it died. I liked the shield bearer he was always a relibale leader. We came back and ate the mantis. It was time I started worrying about breeding I was strong and of avreage size. The women of the tribe were mostly taken by the leaders there was one or two women who werent but they were always being competed for by the unevolved imps. I tried talking to them but I was ignored appperently they wanted the leaders of the tribe becuase of the resources that would bring them. One imp caught my eye a female warrior imp I went to talk to her. Greetings I said, hello she said I decided to talk about hunting as it was something we had in common. How many successfull hunts have you been on? Ive been on two she responded. That was really low I thought to myself. Maybe I had just been lucky. Ill exchange part of my food for sex with you I offered. Okay she said as she turned to look at me you have a deal. After that it was time for the hunt we got the shield bearer again it was going to be a good hunt I could feel it.


When we were looking for a mantis to fight we came across a evolved mantis we could tell because it had a bllue streak running down its claws. Fighting it was death for all of us so we avoided it. We eventually came across another mantis that was alone we encircled it and our shield imp kept its attetion by bashing it. I managed to slash deeply into its neck and it fell dead. We took our spoils back to camp I thought about sharing my food in exchange for sex but I was to hungry so I just ate it all. It was a good day I thought to myself as I laid down to fall asleep. The next day I talked to the female warrioir imp she said her name was bella I had enough food to buy sex with you but I ate it all. Thats what I told her she responded with oh okay. I left her after that and we went out on the hunt we had a youngling with us today to replace the imp that had been killed. We managed to find a mantis by itself and our shieldman kept it distracted while I cut off its head. I had gotten pretty good at hunting and cutting of mantises heads. WHen we got back to camp evreyone got there share I used my share to have sex with bellla I brought it to her she ate it and then we went to where she slept it was a rock cuby with straw laid in it. We had sex it was glorifying it felt so good after that I left where she slept and went back to where I slept I was so hungry and my stomach hurt but I waas satisfied for the day maybe I would even have a son. The next day when I got up we went out for the hunt again we ran into a group of two mantiseswe didnt attack them. The next mantis we ran across was alone the village cheif was with us this time he carried a large shield and a spear. With all of us working togethor it took us no time to kill the mantis the village leader sure was strong I thought to myself. We brought the mantis back to camp and I ate my share after that I laid in bed but I couldnt fall asleep something popped up in my mind. Select a class >Blader Imp-grow blades out of your hands instead of claws >Magic Imp-Gain the ability to cast magic gift from the god of monsters unique class >omnipotent view.

I studied what each class would do and in the end I decided to try and find a wepon so aIa didnt need blader or magic that left me with the only option of omnipotent view. I chose that and went to bed when I woke up I felt strength in my body more strength then I had ever felt before apperntly I got a boost in strength. I wasnt going to let anything get in my way I looked at the leader of my group and information began to pour into my mind. Shieldbearer imp this imp carries a shield and excells at distraacting monsters do you wish to view this imps stats? No i thought to myself and with that my mind was clear again. I wondered how I could check the strength of my own body. When we went on the hunting trip to get mantises I didnt tire like I normally did.We avoided a group of three mantises with a evolved mantis that group was simply death for us. We came across a mantis and I activated my viewer information poured into my mind apperntly it was called ascythe mantis and its weakpoint was the back of its neck. We charged into battle the four of us cutting at the mantis while our leader slammed his shield into it. I cut the point where the mantis weakness was supposedly and it fell over dead with a easy win went back I wasnt even hungry on the way back. With food secured for myself I ate heartily.

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